Impossible Tale of Nolan & Delilah Vol. 1

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Impossible Tale of Nolan & Delilah Vol. 1 Page 11

by Cee, DW

  Her beautiful smile continued. “No, that’s all right, Nolan. Just come with your parents. I’d like to get to know the person who is insisting he’ll be my son-in-law when I believe that spot has already been filled.”

  Damn. Damn. Damn. What an incredible woman Delaney Taylor was. I was about to wax lyrical about her when I heard, “I only have thirty minutes and you’ve used up at least five talking to my family, Nolan. If you don’t hurry, I’ll be gone.”

  “I’ll see you all this weekend.” I waved and sat in front of this gorgeous woman who pretended to be as strict as a drill sergeant.

  “Get straight to the point, Nolan. I have to be in surgery in twenty.”

  I told her everything—about my plans for Delilah, business dealings with Nicky and Delilah, and having asked for help from John, her ex.

  “I don’t understand where I come in,” she said.

  “I hoped you’d be a friend and on Team Nolan. I know you like the idea of Rhys and Delilah, but they are not right for each other. I truly believe she and I are meant to be.”

  Elizabeth thoughtfully considered what I’d asked. “Nolan.” She chewed on her food, as well as her thoughts, a little longer. “I kinda do like you, but I also like Rhys—very much in fact. He’s a good guy and he loves my cousin. Just because you’re trying this hard doesn’t mean you and Lilah were meant to be anything more than friends.”

  Shoot. This wasn’t going the way I expected. A change of tactics was needed. “Don’t you want to spend time with John?” That got her attention. “I just came from meeting with him and when I brought up your name, anyone in the room could tell that he was still very much in love with you.”

  Elizabeth stopped chewing, talking, and practically breathing. “Why did you just say that?”

  “Because it’s true.”

  “Is that what John told you?”

  “Not exactly, but he also didn’t deny loving you.”

  “This is all too much for a twenty-minute lunch meeting, Nolan.”

  “Just consider it, Elizabeth. I’ll find a place for you in our group and it’ll be a time for you and John to reconnect.” I could tell she was contemplating and maybe even reveling in the thought.

  “Since you’re coming over on Sunday, we’ll talk more then.”

  I’d take that! “All right. Talk to you Sunday.”

  With my plan moving in the right direction, I was feeling good about my standing in the Reid family.

  Delilah: “Work, work, work, work, work...” ~Rhianna

  “Hello, my fair lady. You’re up very late.”

  “It’s this or I don’t get to talk to you again, Rhys. How are you? We haven’t spoken in almost a week.”

  “Damn time difference. It’s too difficult for us to connect. How have you been?”

  Since returning from London, life had been crazy busy. If it wasn’t Nicky making me work on both his anti-aging serum and this hair growth formula, I was agonizing over what to do about Nolan’s proposal. In the end, I decided the best thing to do was to ask my fiancé.

  “I’m decent over here. Lots going on. How’s school?”

  “School is bloody hard and I miss you. When can we see each other again?”

  “Next month when Nicky and I are in London, unless you can come here first?” I hoped.

  “Sorry, Love. Remember the back-to-back weddings I need to attend now without you? In my wildest dreams I believed you’d live with me in my flat until we married.”

  I laughed at the thought. “After meeting Dad, you thought I could live with you?”

  “Didn’t your parents live together while they were traveling through Europe?”

  “Yeah, but apparently, it’s a ‘do as I say and not as I do’ philosophy in this household. There’s no damn way Dad would agree to me living with you.”

  “A man can hope.” He did sound wistful. “What else is happening? When exactly are you coming and how long can you stay? Would you and Nicky like to stay here?”

  “I believe we arrive on the 5th, and we’re staying only for three days. As for lodging, we need to technically stay in Belgravia, but I don’t think Nicky would mind if he had the house to himself. Dad can’t possibly do bed checks while he’s in LA.”

  I heard the chuckle. “I like the way you think, my fair lady.”

  “Before we talk any further, I need to tell you a few things and ask you for your opinion.”

  “Anything, Lilah. I’m listening.” So I told him everything about Nolan and the great business opportunity that was before me. Flat out, Rhys said, “No. I don’t want you working with him. In fact, I’m going to forbid you from working with him.”

  That didn’t sit well with me. “But, it’s an incredible way to break into this business, Rhys. Also, if I say no, then Nicky will be set back years.”

  “I don’t care.” Ouch. “Nicky will be fine. He’s brilliant and already a patented superstar. If it wasn’t for this bribery, he’d have to start from the beginning, regardless. As for you, I don’t want you near that guy!” Rhys was back to being angry.

  “But, it’s not like we’re socializing. It’s work. While I don’t want to work with him, I want to dive in with my invention. Nolan has a huge lab and everything is set up for us to start immediately.”

  “Lilah.” His voice was taut with a mixture of vexation and anger. “I’ll give you money to set up your own lab if that’s what you really want. I’ll help add to Nicky’s lab as a wedding present to you. It’s not as if you need to work after we marry. You can do whatever your heart desires as long as Nolan is not a part of the plan.” I heard him loud and clear. It was hard not to hear him.

  “Will you at least sleep on it?” The growl emitted from the other end was kind of cute. “Please? You know I love you. Nolan means nothing to me. I just want this opportunity that’s come my way.”


  “That’s really not fair, Rhys. I don’t tell you what to do.” The complaint I lodged wasn’t fair, either.

  Now he was sighing. “Would you allow me to work with one of my ex-girlfriends on a daily and intimate basis?”

  “Hell no!” The answer quickly jumped out. “And for the record, we would not see each other daily, nor would this be anything intimate. We will be co-workers.”

  “I don’t give a damn what he wants you to be, because you will not be anything with him! Are we clear?”

  Ah, damn! Maybe I should’ve started the project and let him know later. “All right.” Rhys won. I understood his anger. I’d be upset, too, if he asked me if he could work with a woman who wanted to marry him. “I’ll stay away.”

  “Thank you, Lilah. You know I do this because I love you. I’m dreadfully jealous of the fact that Nolan can see you whenever he desires and I can only see you every few months. I’m going to work through every holiday and through the summer so I can be done with school sooner. Then, we can be married sooner.”

  I supposed that was a good thing. “I have to go now, Rhys. We’ll talk again soon.”

  “I love you, Lilah.”

  “I love you, too, Rhys.”

  While I knew it wouldn’t be easy to convince my fiancé about this partnership with Nolan, I didn’t think he’d completely shut down the idea. Shoot! What to do now?

  Nolan: “Trying hard now...won’t be long now...getting strong now...gonna fly now” ~Bill Conti (Theme song from Rocky)

  It was surreal being on Reid Place.

  This was where I belonged! Hell yes! This was where my future began so many years ago and where all my hard work would find its reward.

  “Welcome.” Dr. Delaney Taylor greeted us from her front door. “I don’t suppose you have a bathing suit on you, do you, Nolan?”

  “Was I supposed to bring one?”

  “If I were you, I’d keep one in the car if you’re ever heading this way. No matter, you can borrow DJ’s. You appear to be the same size.”

  My parents greeted their future in-law and we all went t
o the insane pool area where at least fifty people were enjoying the slides leading into the gigantic pool, lounging in the wading area of the pool, playing volleyball, playing basketball—the fun was endless.

  Delilah’s mom went and grabbed a pair of swim trunks and pointed to the bathroom. I changed and came out ready to get to know my bride.

  “What are you doing here?” That would be the future Mrs.

  “Your mom invited us.”

  Instinctively, Delilah greeted my parents with a huge smile and many hellos. Then she turned to me and said, “Why did Mom invite you?”

  “Lilah!” Mrs. Taylor scolded. “The O’Shaughnessys are our guests. Where are your manners?”

  “But Mom,” she tried to complain.

  “But nothing. Take Nolan with you and introduce him to everyone.”

  This was heaven on earth! I took full advantage of my time with Delilah. “Have you thought any more about my proposal?”

  “Yeah...” was all she’d divulge.


  “I can’t accept. Thank you for the offer, but I’ll pass.”

  “But you have to accept.”

  Delilah stopped and stared at me as if I’d grown two heads. “Why do I have to do anything you’ve asked? You’re making life impossible for me, Nolan. This isn’t normal to go stalking a woman. How’d you finagle an invite to this barbecue?”

  “First, I’m not stalking any woman. Second, your mom invited our family since we are family friends with the Benningtons. I did nothing to finagle an invite. Third, you don’t have to do anything I ask, but I was hoping you would want to work on this project with me. It’s become something very important not only to us, but also to the future of Elizabeth and John.”

  That caught her attention. BINGO! This wasn’t part of the original plan, but I had to go with it. I’d found a surefire way to get her to spend more time with me.

  “What are you talking about now, Nolan? What do Elizabeth and John have to do with anything?”

  “Don’t you want to see your cousin happy again? Don’t you want her to be back with the man she loves?”

  Delilah Rose stared at me with her big, beautiful blue eyes. “Um, yes, I do? Of course I do. But I don’t get what they have to do with you and me?”

  “Well, they do and they don’t. May I explain it to you?” I gestured to the empty bench. Docile and curious, she sat. This was where I wanted to kiss her sweet lips but with all her uncles, brothers, and male cousins surveying our every move, I held back. “I talked to John today and asked him to join our team. During our conversation, I asked about him and Elizabeth.”

  “What’d he say?” Those eyes. Those lips. That face. Perfection!

  “He wouldn’t give me any details, but he still loves her.”

  “He told you that?” she asked in amazement.

  “Not in those words, but he said he wanted her back and would work with us because he wants to be with his Els.”

  “That’s so sweet,” she crooned. But she quickly changed her tune and asked, “Then why’d the jerk break my cousin’s heart if he still wants her?”

  I shrugged my shoulders. “He wouldn’t say. What he did explain was that it was complicated. He also looked as heartbroken as your cousin over there.” We both looked at her stunning cousin whose smile never reached her heart.

  “Wait.” Delilah stopped our positive flow and asked, “Why the hell are we even talking, Nolan? Why am I sitting here with you talking about family matters like you’re someone important in my life?” Cranky Delilah was back.

  “You’re being a Delilah Downer.”

  “What?” she asked, astounded. “You take that back!”

  “Nope. We were having a civilized conversation about the welfare of your beloved cousin and here you are, being Delilah Downer.”

  “Don’t call me that,” she pouted. “My brothers used to call me that when I was growing up and I hated it.”

  “Sorry, Delilah. I wasn’t trying to upset you.” I was a sucker for this girl. The worst thing for me was when she was unhappy. “I’ll not call you that anymore, but will you consider working with us so we can give your cousin and her ex another chance?”

  Her head nodded yes. But, she said, “I need to think about it.”

  I’d take that. I’d take anything as long as it wasn’t a no. “How about you show me how those crazy slides work. I bet I can beat you. Last one down is a Delilah Downer!” I yelled as I was halfway to the slide already.

  This was going to be a hell of a good day today.

  Delilah: “Being grown up isn’t half as fun as growing up...” ~The Ataris

  Another day, another predicament. Shit. This Nolan O’Shaughnessy was becoming the bane of my existence. Why’d he have to make life so difficult for me? Why’d my mother invite him to our barbecue? What would possess her to bring more grief into my life?

  “Daughter. You are grumbling aloud again.”

  “Hey Dad.”

  “Why is your second fiancé here?”

  “Ha. Ha. Ha.” There was no haha in my ha, ha, ha. “You tell me. Why’d Mom invite that man?” I pointed, without actually pointing, at the guy who was whopping it up with all the other idiot male cousins of mine. “From the looks of it, he’s practically family.”

  “What’s your feeling on this guy, Lilah?”

  “He’s odd. He’s a stalker. He’s a bugger.”

  My handsome father grinned. “Anything else you want to say?”

  “He’s also brilliant, successful, and has given me a chance of a lifetime. And, he’s figured out a plan to get Elizabeth and John back together.”

  “So odd, stalker, bugger of a boy has some skills that please you?” Donovan Taylor would always be my hero. He made me laugh during situations where I felt like crying.

  “What do you think of him, Dad?”

  “He’s odd looking. I don’t know that he’s a stalker, but he definitely has good taste in women. I’m sure Rhys has every right to consider him a bugger, but Nolan’s trying to offer you a piece of his world—a world that you want to be a part of, I might add.”

  “I thought you hated him!” I accused. “What’s with the change of heart?”

  “No change of heart, Baby. I’m just saying it as I read it.”

  I groaned. “You can’t do this now. You’ve given me your blessing to marry Rhys. I love Rhys. I pledged myself to marry him.”

  “Can you really love someone after knowing him a month?” Dad threw me a curve ball.

  I challenged his theory with, “Isn’t that how everyone in this family ended up married, save you and Mom and the Benningtons?”

  “Perhaps, but we all went through our trials. None of us had a simple one-month romance and married soon after.”

  “But you’ve made it so that Rhys and I can’t get married soon after. Two years, Dad. You’re making us wait two years!”

  “Two years later, you’ll thank me for having made you wait. You’ll be that much older and wiser once this is all done.”


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