Flynn's Assassin (Marks Mercenaries Book 5)

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Flynn's Assassin (Marks Mercenaries Book 5) Page 10

by N. J. Walters

  Reader’s lips tightened. Flynn gripped the arm of his chair, worried she might be pushing him too hard.

  “You’ve gotten harder, Cerena.”

  “Life made me what I am,” she shot back. “Helped along by you.” She aimed the blaster at Flynn’s head. “Now I have a hostage and so do you. You’re so hot to see this guy dead, here he is. I don’t care what your problem with him is. I just want my son back.”

  “Our son,” Reader corrected.

  “My son. You’re nothing but a sperm donor.”

  “Nix can easily die. I can be gone before you manage to land.”

  Flynn kept an eye on Cerena out of the corner of his good eye. She was so tense he feared she might snap any second.

  “You do that, Ian, and I’ll release Flynn and let him have at you. And while you’re running from him, I’ll be right behind him. If he doesn’t kill you, I will.”

  Flynn believed her and knew Reader did, too. He frowned, obviously displeased at not having his orders followed.

  “I just want my son and my life back. I don’t care what you do with yours. Honestly, I’d be happy never to set eyes on you again.”

  “Land at these coordinates.” Reader rattled them off. “If this is a trick, your son will die.”

  “I want to see Nix.”


  “If he’s not there when I arrive with the prisoner, I’ll kill you,” she promised.

  Reader smiled. “You’re a lot feistier than you were. I like it. But remember, any kind of double-cross and Nix is dead.” The communication ended.

  Flynn made sure Reader wasn’t listening in before he spoke. “You’re going to have to kill him.”

  She holstered her weapon and rubbed her hand over her face. “I know.”

  “Do you think he bought it?” It seemed far too easy to Flynn.

  “Doubtful. He’d double-cross, so he’ll expect me to do the same.”

  Flynn fed the coordinates to the computer and brought up the viewing screen. The area was open and not far from some abandoned houses. The vegetation was lush. “This is where we’re going.”

  It took little time to set the ship down in the area. As soon as the engines were powered down, Flynn rose from his seat.

  “No matter what happens, I want to thank you,” she began.

  “Save it.” Turning on his heel, he left the control room with her right behind him.


  Her thanks only pissed Flynn off, but Cerena wanted him to know how much she appreciated everything he was doing. If the day went as it was supposed to, Nix would be free and she’d have killed Ian. But life rarely went as planned. There was a good chance she could die. She didn’t want to have any regrets. Well, any more than she already did.

  She’d explored the ship from one end to the other and spent some time with Flynn’s brother Amos making repairs to the room damaged by the explosives she’s used. He’d been aloof, but not threatening. Rory had joined them several times. It was obvious the two were used to working together, sometimes speaking in shorthand that came from time and proximity. She’d definitely been the odd man—or woman in this case—out. What was worse, she could tell they hadn’t meant to make her feel that way. If anything, it was worse when they’d tried to include her.

  Garth had watched her constantly, his weapon always at hand. Abby frowned at her a lot when they were in the same room together, which hadn’t been often. The big Gravasian has always been by her side. Kal had been cool but courteous.

  She had no idea how to act around any of them. And now they were all putting their lives on the line for her son. No matter what happened, she would not allow Flynn to be harmed. It was the least she could do.

  Decision made, she stood beside him on the docking bay. She pulled the blaster and took a deep breath. “Let’s do this.”

  He snaked his arm around her waist, dragged her up against him, and kissed her. “Did I ever tell you that you look hot with a weapon?”

  “You look like a space pirate with your eyepatch and robotic hand,” she told him. “Although much better looking.” Most of the space pirates she’d encountered on Noir tended toward bad dental health and lacked in the basic hygiene department. Flynn always smelled masculine and hot.

  “We can always play space pirate and captive later,” he teased, his voice low and husky. “I’ll even let you be the pirate if you’d like.”

  “Flynn.” She couldn’t do this now. She needed her legs steady, not weak from his kisses.

  “I know. I know. But I couldn’t resist.”

  “You’re enjoying yourself.”

  He grinned, totally unrepentant. “What can I say? Nothing like some action to get the blood pumping.”

  “Well, stop it. You’re supposed to be subdued.”

  “Baby, you can subdue me later, if you’d like.” He dropped the smile and, in a blink, went from playful lover to surly captive. “Computer, open door.” The ramp lowered, and they walked down to the ground.

  Ian stepped out from behind the door of a land vehicle. He was a handsome man, but where she’d been infatuated as a teenager, now she saw the weakness in his character reflected in the coldness of his eyes.

  He also held a blaster in his hand and shook his head. “I can’t believe it. Flynn Marks captured by a woman. Considering your reputation, it’s downright unbelievable.”

  “Fuck you,” Flynn shot back. He crossed his arms over his chest and glared, like he didn’t have a care in the world.

  “Now that’s about what I’d expect you to say. I have met a couple of your brothers, after all. Too bad I hadn’t killed them at the time.” He shrugged. “I’ll get to them eventually.”

  “They’ll find and gut you before you even know what’s happening,” Flynn told them.

  She was supposed to be in charge of negotiations, but both men ignored her.

  It was fascinating to watch. Even though Flynn was supposed to be the captive and had two blasters pointed at him—although only one counted—he was the one in charge. There was an unmistakable strength of will about Flynn that was undeniable.

  Ian was intimidated and pretending not to be.

  “You know what I think?” Ian said.

  “No, why don’t you tell us.” Her voice was even, with no trace of fear even though she was screaming inside.

  “I think it’s a trap. I think you’re in league with Marks here, figuring he’ll help you get the kid back.”

  “I tried to kill him.” There was a basic honesty in those words that was undeniable. “I couldn’t trust him.” It hurt her to say those words. She trusted Flynn more than she ever had any other person.

  “She really did try to kill you?” Ian directed his question at Flynn.

  Flynn slowly smiled. “Knives. When that didn’t work, she tried explosives.”

  “And yet you’re not dead.”

  Flynn shrugged. “What can I say? I’m fucking hard to kill. You should know that. Your leader tried to kill me years ago. Now he’s gone. Soon you will be, too.”

  “You keep on telling yourself that,” Ian told him. It was all bravado. She’d seen the flash of fear in his eyes.

  “And I only let Freeman think he was my leader,” Ian continued. “The stupid bastard believed his own press release, thought he was better than the rest of us. I’d drained his money for years, hired men loyal to me, not him. I was getting ready for a takeover when you and your family meddled. That sent the Alliance authorities after all of us. I had to abandon much of what should have been mine, but I’m smart. I had much of my money tucked away where the Alliance couldn’t get their greedy hands on it. I earned that money.”

  Now she knew why Ian hated Flynn and his family so much. She’d known he’d been involved in some back-to-the-earth cult, which didn’t fit him at all. Now she knew why—money and power. That’s what had always driven him.

  “Can we get on with the exchange?” The waiting was fraying her nerves.

  Ian sh
ook his head, making her blood run cold. “I’m still not convinced. How did you manage to get on his ship?”

  “I seduced him.” Sticking with the truth was best. That way she didn’t have to remember any lies that might trip her up.

  Ian laughed. “Are you joking?”


  “No man in his right mind would sleep with you. I only did it as a bet. Made some good money off it, too.”

  Cerena let the insult roll right off her. It wasn’t the first time she’d heard it. She knew all about the bets Ian had made with other men. They’d taken great pleasure in repeating the stories again and again. Once she’d had Nix and gotten back on her feet, she’d had to bust a few heads to get them to shut their mouths.

  She’d also had to break some balls when a few bastards had decided she was easy pickings now that she was a teenaged single mom. It had taken time, but she’d built her reputation as a hard-ass, a woman not to be messed with.

  “You’re just not man enough to handle her,” Flynn shot back. She blinked, surprised he’d come to her defense. That wasn’t in the plan.

  “You can’t expect me to believe you were so smitten with Cerena you dropped your guard. You, the great Flynn Marks. She’s built more like a man than a woman. Then again, maybe that is more to your taste.”

  Flynn flashed a quick grin. “You keep on telling yourself that if it makes you feel better.”

  “I’d kill you now, but I’ve decided to torture you for information. I need to know where the rest of your family is so I can deal with them next.”

  Cerena’s heart thumped against her chest. Ian was out of his mind. “See, I did you a favor by not killing him. Now take him and give me Nix.”

  Ian shook his head and gave a whistle. Several men with blasters jumped out of the back of the land vehicle and took up defensive positions. Not totally unexpected, but still daunting. She had no idea if the others were close. All she could do was hope and pray.

  “What’s all this?” she demanded.

  “You didn’t think I’d come alone, did you?”

  She shrugged, acting like it was no big deal. “Figured you’d be too much of a coward to face a woman and captive on your own.”

  “I only have your word he’s a captive, that you somehow—with your lack of womanly charms—managed to seduce him. Maybe I’ll just shoot him and be done.”

  Cerena jumped behind Flynn’s broad back and stuck her blaster around his side. “You shoot him and I drop you. I might die, but you’ll still be dead.”


  “Now that just hurts my feelings.” Her aim steadied. “Give me my son.”

  “No. I think I’ll keep him. You need a lesson in respecting your betters.”

  “You honestly don’t think you’re my better, do you?” It was dangerous to goad him, but the more she kept him talking, the more time the others had to get into position. One thing that hadn’t changed about Ian was his need to brag about himself.

  “Shut your mouth. Or would you rather I just shoot your whelp?”

  Cerena swallowed, her mouth going dry. She couldn’t push him too hard. Not without knowing where her son was and who was with him. One order from Ian and it would be all over. “All I want is Nix back.”

  “Which is why you’ll do as you’re told.” Ian smiled, but there was nothing pleasant about it.

  “Where’s Nix?”

  “He’s safe.”

  “I don’t believe you.”

  “I don’t care what you believe. You think you’re running things.” Ian laughed. “You’re just as stupid as you always were. You’ve put yourself in my hands. I could have you both killed with a snap of my fingers. There are more men than just the two beside me. You’re actually surrounded.”

  Beside her, Flynn tensed. She knew he was going to do something stupid if he felt she was in danger. Taking a page from Ian’s book, she smiled. That put an end to his grin. “Why, Ian, you didn’t think I came alone, did you?”


  Flynn had never been prouder of Cerena than he was in this moment. Both their lives and that of her son were in the balance. Yet somehow, she managed to stay calm and cool. Much more in control than he was. He wanted to grab the scrawny bastard and twist his head from his neck.

  He was glad she was behind him, using his body as a protective barrier. He didn’t trust Reader not to order his men to start shooting. Reader didn’t know Flynn was wearing body armor. It had been stupid for him to challenge the bastard, but he hadn’t been able to stand there in silence and let Reader talk about her like that.

  And everyone had been worried about Cerena keeping her cool. His composure in the face of adversity was legendary. Hell, he’d faced down a Gravasian warship without blinking. It had been how he’d met Vaden.

  Apparently, he did have a switch that could be flipped—Cerena.

  The standoff surprised him. If he’d been Reader, he would have stunned both himself and Cerena, taken them into custody, and then decided what to do. Apparently, Reader believed himself in control of the situation, so much so that he wanted to talk about it.

  Some men were like that. They needed others to acknowledge their perceived greatness. Flynn almost snorted. Reader was an idiot, but a smart and dangerous one.

  And he had the kid. That put him in a position of power.

  Flynn hoped the others had found Nix and taken him aboard Vaden’s ship, but he couldn’t count on that. Until they had confirmation to the contrary, they had to go on the assumption the boy was vulnerable.

  “You’re lying,” Reader shouted. He lifted his communicator. “Report.” There was nothing but dead silence on the other end. “Emmet? Clayton? Report?”

  Reader’s face turned red when he understood his men were no longer there. The ones beside him began to glance nervously toward the wooded area around them.

  “This is your fault.” He pointed his blaster at Flynn. “You and your family ruined everything.” He raised the blaster at the last second, aiming not at Flynn’s heart, but at his head.

  Then he pressed the trigger.

  Chapter Eleven

  Flynn ducked, ready to launch himself at Reader, but he was shoved off balance, landing on his ass on the ground. “No,” he roared. Cerena’s body was tossed back as she took the blast meant for him. Her body slammed to the ground and lay there, unmoving.

  He didn’t think, all reason beyond him. He attacked. Reader fired at him. Flynn dogged. The blast hit his arm, but it was absorbed by his battlesuit. “I’m going to fucking kill you.” Reader must have seen the promise of death in his eyes because he turned to run.

  Around them people were yelling and weapons were firing. His family had arrived but too late to save Cerena. No, he couldn’t think about that. He’d promised her he’d save her son and kill Reader. He hadn’t been able to stop the bastard from shooting her, but he’d damn well fulfill the rest of his promise.

  Reader plunged into the woods with Flynn right on his tail. He didn’t have a blaster, but that didn’t mean he was unarmed. His robotic hand could easily crush the other man’s neck. He would die, but not until Flynn made him pay for what he’d done.


  Her name echoed in his head. He’d only just found her.

  Legs pumping, feet pounding, he jumped over a fallen tree, getting closer and closer to his prey. The guy was fast. Flynn would give him that.

  Reader veered left and jumped out of the foliage onto a path. He was heading to a group of buildings not too far ahead. That had to be where Nix was. The boy was Reader’s only hope of getting out of here alive.

  Not going to happen.

  Flynn gauged the distance, took two huge strides, and jumped. His outstretched hand brushed the back of Reader’s shirt. Fisting it, he yanked. Both of them landed hard on the ground. Ignoring his screaming lungs, Flynn forced himself to move. He’d had years of practice at fighting, of working through pain. All the years in the mines, the decade of searching for
Abigail, had primed him for this one event.

  But Reader wasn’t going down without a fight. He rolled to his side, raised his weapon, and fired. Flynn took the shot right in the chest. It hurt like a son of a bitch, but it didn’t stop him.

  “Why won’t you die?” Reader yelled.

  Flynn threw himself at Reader’s outstretched arm. He caught the barrel of the blaster with his metal hand. It was hot and would have burned the flesh from his normal hand. He twisted and yanked the weapon from his opponent, tossing it aside.

  “You should have just skulked off into the shadows and lived your life.” Flynn brought back his fist and rammed it into Reader’s face. Or tried to. The bastard managed to dodge at the last second.

  Both of them were heaving for breath, making talking difficult.

  “You owed me.” Reader shoved Flynn back and scrambled to his feet. “You’re nothing but a two-bit space mercenary. You’re nothing.”

  Flynn stared at the man who’d taken his life from him. “Then what does that make you?” He was between Reader and the building.

  “All this should have been mine. I worked for years for Freeman.”

  “You planned to kill him, didn’t you?” Reader was even more ambitious than he’d thought.

  “When the time was right.” His gaze turned thoughtful. “You look like a man who could use some money. Help me get out of here and I’ll give you a million Alliance credits.”

  The audacity was incredible. “I only want one thing from you.”

  “What? Whatever you want, I can get it for you.” Flynn could see the calculation in Reader’s eyes and knew the other man thought he could be bought.

  “The only thing I want from you is your death.”

  “I can give you money and power.” Reader honestly seemed bewildered. “I’ll stay away from your family from now on.”

  “What about Cerena?” Flynn took a step forward, and Reader took a step back.

  “What about her? She tried to kill you. You honestly can’t expect me to believe you were attracted to her? She’s not exactly the most beautiful woman. Sure, her body is okay if you can get past her size. She has no money or social standing.”


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