AETERNUS: The Immortalle Series Book One

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AETERNUS: The Immortalle Series Book One Page 17

by D. M. Shane

  “Do you trust me?” he asked.

  “Yes,” I replied without hesitation. Butterflies took flight in my stomach, and I forced out a clipped breath.

  And then he leaned in, brushing his lips ever so lightly across mine. I’d been waiting for this moment. I opened for him, and his tongue slowly dipped into my mouth, tasting me, exploring me. As he pulled his tongue back, I chased it with mine, unsure of what I should do. It wasn’t like I had any experience to rely on.

  I lay back on the pillows as Arkkadian kissed me from above, his hand still cupping my chin, his thumb stroking my cheek ever so gently. I tasted him as he had tasted me, our tongues playing a slow, sensuous game of tag. Then Arkkadian pulled away, leaving me breathless as he smiled down at me. Embarrassed by my inexperience, I tucked my head under his chin. I sucked on my bottom lip, trying to gather any trace left of his taste, wishing he would do that again.

  “Hey,” he said, tilting my chin up, so we were eye to eye again. His sultry smile made my toes curl. “You okay?”

  “I… yes… I…” I stammered, my cheeks aflame with rising heat. Damn. That kiss was amazing. And I was messing this up. I let out a puff of air. “I’m okay. Better than okay, really. That was amazing. I just don’t know what I’m doing.”

  Arkkadian let out a small chuckle. “You could have fooled me, love.”

  “I’ve never done that before. Not like that.”

  “Mm.” And then he leaned in again, kissing me, teasing me. The tantalizing dance of his tongue lit my body on fire and made my toes curl again. His teeth scraped across my lower lip, nipping, and then Arkkadian slowly kissed down my chin and neck, and back up to the base of my ear. Little electric sparks rippled through me when he suckled on my earlobe, and I gasped at the sensation. My panties were instantly soaked, and I flushed at Arkkadian’s slight chuckle. He could probably smell my arousal. Again. But this time, I wasn’t embarrassed.

  Excruciatingly slow, Arkkadian kissed his way back to my mouth and dipped his tongue in again. Instinctively, I sucked on the tip before he slid back out. Too soon, Arkkadian broke the connection between us. Catching my breath, I lay there staring at the ceiling as I basked in the afterglow of my first real kiss.

  Wow. I didn’t know a kiss could feel this incredible. If a kiss could make me feel like that, what would it feel like to make love? I didn’t want to stop kissing him. I ran my hands up under his shirt, feeling the strength of his body above mine, but Arkkadian rolled back onto his side and stopped my hands from wandering.

  I froze. “Did I do something wrong?”

  “No, love. Not at all. You’re perfect. As much as I would love to keep kissing you, I have to slow down or I may not stop. My wolf is bursting at the seams to claim you, but you’re nowhere near ready for that. Not yet,” he explained. “I would love to ravish you. To make love to you all night. But we should take this slow. Okay?”

  “But what if I don’t want to take this slow?” Whoa. Down, girl. Where did that come from?

  “Trust me, love. This is about you. And making sure your needs are taken care of first. Like a lady should be taken care of, the right way. Not rushed. I’m trying to be a gentleman and you’ve had another long emotional day.” A smile played across his face. “You are, however, an excellent kisser.”

  Then he took my chin and planted one last kiss on my lips. “All right, love. Time for bed.”


  He grinned. “Nope. Bed.”

  I could see I was getting nowhere. Fine. Plan B. I rolled over, climbed out of bed, and padded to the bathroom as seductively as I dared, shutting the door behind me. When I finished with what I needed to do, I slipped off the sweatpants he had given me and tossed them on the floor. The t-shirt Arkkadian had given me hung down to mid-thigh, leaving just enough leg showing to slake his thirst.

  When I opened the bathroom door, Arkkadian was standing on the other side, a wicked grin on his face. Desire raced through my body, and my pulse quickened. My heart beat frantically with excitement.

  I looked directly into his eyes and intentionally licked my lips. I wasn’t sure what had gotten into me, but I wasn’t giving up. A woman wants what a woman wants.

  Arkkadian broke the stare and slowly lowered his gaze down my body. At the sight of my bare legs, a low, sexy growl escaped his throat. I bit my lip in anticipation as I gazed over the muscles emphasized by his tight shirt. And the very obvious, very large bulge in his pants.

  He was all Alpha. And I… I wanted to surrender.

  “I know what you’re doing, Aislin.”

  I played coy, trying to keep my expression as innocent as possible. “I’m not doing anything.”

  Arkkadian’s voice was husky. “You have a naughty streak, I see.”

  Moisture pooled between my legs at that smooth whiskey sound, the one that sent delicious shivers rippling down my spine. My knees went weak and almost buckled, and I gripped the doorjamb for support. Oh, God! How could he do that to me with just his voice?

  “Damn.” I hadn’t realized I’d spoken the word aloud until Arkkadian’s eyes zipped back up to mine. The sound of his voice and the view before me had sent my libido through the roof.

  “We should remedy that potty mouth, shouldn’t we?” A sly grin crossed his face.

  “Sorry,” I said unabashedly, letting my eyes roam up and down before meeting his again. “It’s just when you talk like that, and you look like that...”

  “Don’t worry, you can make it up to me. Now’s a good time, I think.”

  “Now?” I squeaked. “But didn’t you say it was bedtime?”

  My little act hadn’t fooled him one bit. Arkkadian knew exactly what I wanted.

  “Come now, love. You tease me like that and think you’ll get away with it? Nah, I think we’ll handle this bit of mischief right now. How many swats do you think should suffice?” Arkkadian grinned, and it made me want to bite his lip. This time, though, I knew it wouldn’t be like the other spanking. I trembled with anticipation. I was horny as fuck, but my inexperience made me nervous.

  I took a deep breath and let it out slowly. “What is it with you and spankings?”

  “Mm. Just you wait.” His eyes flashed a brilliant blue, promising something darker in their depths.

  Arkkadian turned me toward the bed and pointed. When I didn’t move just to push his buttons, he growled and gave me a quick swat on the butt.

  “Go.” A hint of Alpha graced the edge of that one word. I couldn’t help but obey.

  I sashayed over to the bed and sat down on the edge. Like a predator on the hunt, Arkkadian stalked toward me, his eyes locked on mine. They promised a fierce hunger. Beautiful danger. A dark desire waiting to consume me. I craved him as much as he craved me.

  The closer he got, the farther back I had to tilt my head to look up at him. Towering above me, Arkkadian parted his lips and slowly, sensuously slid his tongue from side to side. And then, in the space of but one single heartbeat, he stripped his shirt and tossed it away.

  I gasped, feeling every bit of his dominance race across the link and wrap around me like a soft, supple leather glove. It clung to me like a second skin, and at this moment, Arkkadian was pure, unadulterated Alpha. I reached a hand out to trace the lines defining his perfect abs, but a single shake of his head was enough to make me freeze. He was the predator, and I was his prize.

  He loomed over me for a moment, letting the sexual tension soak into me before he finally sat down beside me. “Stand and face me.”

  I did as Arkkadian demanded, responding without hesitation.

  “Take your shirt off,” he ordered, his voice low and firm, yet smooth as velvet. My knees shook at the sound as I reached for the hem and slowly lifted the shirt. “Panties, too.”

  Holy shit. I was really doing this. Arkkadian never took his eyes off mine, and I couldn’t look away.

  I stood naked, silent under his appraisal, the cool air teasing my nipples. Then his eyes slid from mine to the scar
s marked upon my body, and I instinctively tried to cover them as all my insecurities bubbled up. I cast my eyes to the side, unable to meet his gaze.

  Warm hands tugged at my own, and Arkkadian slowly pulled them away from my body. I tried to pull them back and cover myself again, but he wouldn’t release me.

  “Hey. Aislin. Look at me.”

  “Don’t look at them. Please,” I begged, closing my eyes as if doing so could block out the shame I felt at my disfigurement.

  “Why not?”

  “They’re hideous. They make me ugly.”

  “Aislin, you are beautiful. Scars and all. They may be hard to look at, but every scar tells a story. Every single one of those scars tells us you fought a battle. That you lived. There is no shame in that. Now say it. You are beautiful.”

  “I am beautiful,” I whispered.


  “I am beautiful,” I said, this time with more drive and I opened my eyes. It was empowering, and for the first time in my life, I truly felt beautiful.

  “One more time. Louder,” he commanded.

  “I am beautiful.” I stood tall and proud, feeling every bit of truth in those three simple words. Arkkadian didn’t look at me like I was damaged or ugly. He looked at me like I was the most gorgeous woman he’d ever seen.

  “Good. Don’t you forget it. Now, where were we?”

  Without warning, he grabbed my hand and tugged me down over his lap, my torso angled over the bed with my legs dangling down, my toes barely touching the floor. My center instantly blazed, my scars forgotten. I felt a gentle hand at the small of my back and another come to rest on my backside. The hand on my bottom began to move in slow delicious circles.

  “Teasing me isn’t very nice, now is it?” he asked. “Nor is cursing.”

  “No.” I giggled. I couldn’t help myself. I was giddy with lust.

  “No, what?” he asked, continuing to rub sensuous circles over my skin.

  “No, sir.”

  “I think five will do. Don’t forget to count.”

  “Yes, sir.” I sighed. The anticipation drove me crazy.

  A slap came down across my right cheek. I barely felt the sting as Arkkadian rubbed the spot where he’d swatted me.

  “One, sir.” I giggled more.

  “No giggling. This is a punishment.” The seriousness of his words belied the lust in his tone.

  Another slap, this time on my left cheek, a little harder, followed by his hand massaging the area. Like the first, it stung a little but didn’t hurt.

  “Two, sir.”

  I stifled my smile as best I could, and then another strike landed back on my right cheek. It ignited the sting from the first swat, and exquisite heat spread out across my backside. This time, a moan escaped my lips as he kneaded my soft flesh. I could barely get the words out as arousal spiked through me.

  “Th-three, sir.”

  “Good girl.” Arkkadian rained down another on my left cheek, the sting of the slap making me jump. Even while it stung slightly, liquid pooled between my legs.

  “Four, sir.”

  This time, Arkkadian slid his fingers lower, and my legs parted of their own accord. I felt a finger slide between my folds, and I gasped, excited by the spark that soon followed. This was nothing like the first spanking. This was so much more.

  The feeling disappeared as Arkkadian pulled away, leaving me ravenous, but then I felt a quick tug of my clitoris. I bucked my hips in response and begged for more.

  Instead, Arkkadian pulled away. “Uh uh. Not so fast.”

  He rained one last slap down on my backside, catching both of my cheeks at the same time. The final blow stung the worst, but wasn’t nearly enough to cause any pain. No, it sparked more desire. More heat. More lust.

  “Five, sir!” I moaned, my body jerking upward in response.

  The hand on my lower back pushed me back onto the bed ever so gently, and fingers returned to my wet folds, sliding and teasing, pressing upon my sweet little nub. Snippets of fire danced across my skin, sending the heat in my core racing all the way to my toes. My toes curled into the plush carpet, and I relished in the delicious sensation between my legs. I didn’t know how else to describe it, but it was like tiny little shocks firing milliseconds apart, making all my nerve endings explode.

  I wanted more.

  Arkkadian slid a finger inside, torturously slow, and began working it in and out of my wet sheath. I shivered with wanton lust as he invaded my most private space. A second finger soon followed, gliding smoothly in and out as my juices flowed around them. When he hooked his fingers in a come-hither motion, sliding the tips across that little ridge of hidden magic deep inside, I nearly came undone.

  Then his thumb found my clitoris again, circling in slow, tantalizing circles. Round and round. Back and forth. My hips bucked. Little sighs and moans of pleasure slipped from my throat. I scrunched the sheets in my fists, undulating my hips just enough to match the cosmic rhythm set by Arkkadian as he ground his fingers into me.

  “That’s it. Come for me, love.” The command in Arkkadian’s deep velvety voice set me off like a rocket, shooting straight into the stratosphere.

  I let slip a cry of sinful rapture as every neuron, every synapse, every fiber of my being exploded into brilliant bits of golden light that filled my vision and showered down around me as I came down the other side.

  Mind blank, breathing heavy, I collapsed onto the bed in a state of heady euphoria. I lay with my eyes closed and a grin across my lips as Arkkadian slipped out from underneath me. I was too tired to move or even speak. The orgasm had pulled every last vestige of energy from me. Then Arkkadian picked me up, shifted my limp body up onto the pillow, and pulled the covers over me. He placed a kiss upon my temple.

  “Where are you going?” I asked, unable to stifle a yawn. I watched him stoke the fire beneath half-lidded eyes that threatened to close. “Aren’t you coming to bed?”

  He grinned. “Of course. You think I’d miss sleeping next to you?”

  With that, the darkness pulled me under.



  Standing by the hearth, staring at the flickers of firelight, I listened to Aislin’s even breathing while she slept. She was exhausted, both mentally and physically. I hadn’t planned for that to happen, feeling sex was the last thing she needed after an emotionally draining night like tonight. It wouldn’t have been right to rush straight into something that intimate so soon, but I’d let the urge temporarily get the better of me.

  In the end, though, my mate had needed the release. She’d needed our connection to prove the one thing she’d been seeking since her arrival here, and that was the truth of our bond. Afterward, it had taken every ounce of willpower to stop there, despite my wolf begging for his own release. Thankfully, Aislin had quickly fallen into slumber, giving me the excuse I needed to end it. I tossed a couple more logs onto the coals, climbed into bed, pulled her up against me, and wrapped my arms around her.

  “Sleep, love,” I whispered, even though my mate wouldn’t hear the words.

  I lay there next to her, enjoying the feel of her body against mine while I listened to the crackle of the flames in the fireplace. My wolf, somewhat content for now, finally settled. Sleep would not come for me though, not for a while. There was just too much going on in my head, and I lost track of time. I hadn’t expected her to trust me so quickly. Despite her earlier reservations, the walls surrounding Aislin were crumbling faster than I could have ever imagined.

  Over the next two weeks, a comfortable routine developed between us. Most of my time was spent keeping the compound running smoothly, updating security, and filtering through Pack complaints.

  Aislin spent her afternoons visiting Sara, and the rest of her time reading some of the books in my personal collection. Seeing her smile so brightly when she got herself lost between the pages was a balm to my wolf. So when I discovered how much she loved to read, I reminded myself I’d have to take her t
o the library one day soon.

  We spent all our meals and spare time together, stealing glances or small touches here or there, and occasionally a quick kiss when I’d come home for lunch or dinner. Every night, she slept peacefully beside me, wrapped in my arms, but we hadn’t shared another intimate moment since that night. My wolf champed at the bit constantly, but I was doing my best not to rush Aislin even though she now knew the truth of our connection.

  When the time was right, I would make her mine, but not until I was sure she was ready and not just lust-drunk. I’d spent many mornings and nights in the shower easing the beast or taking runs with Gideon to help curb the need. My wolf wasn’t happy being denied.

  Aislin had been relatively quiet and reserved most of the time. I knew she was spending much of her time reflecting on everything that had happened over previous days, and she was still grieving the loss of her dearest friends. We still hadn’t finished our discussion, and there was so much more she needed to know, but I was determined to let her take the lead and come to me when she was ready to learn more.

  I woke early Sunday morning and let Aislin sleep. Once dressed, I made my way to the kitchen and put on a pot of coffee. When it was ready, I took my mug to the den and turned on the morning news, only to discover the authorities had finally identified the two bodies. It’d taken them long enough. They listed one Edgar Taggert, and Paige, Aislin’s best friend and roommate. There was no mention of Kane West.

  Preoccupied with the news, I hadn’t heard Aislin come down the stairs, and she’d picked that exact moment to walk through the door.


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