AETERNUS: The Immortalle Series Book One

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AETERNUS: The Immortalle Series Book One Page 22

by D. M. Shane

  Did I hear that right? She loved me? My heart skipped a beat inside my chest and swelled with happiness. I took her face in my hands and tilted her up to look at me. Vulnerability shown in her eyes, and it made the moment that much more intimate.

  Aislin wrapped her arms around my neck and leaned up to kiss me back. I let her set the pace. This was her moment, and I wouldn’t deny her the chance to open herself up to me if she was willing. Her lips were soft and pliable against mine, slow and tender in their ministrations, but as I parted my lips and let our tongues tangle, the passion between us ignited, and her kisses quickly became urgent. Her pert breasts grazed against my flannel shirt, her nipples peaking in response. The scent of her arousal filled the room. My wolf went on instant alert, awakened by the fervent desire pulsing through Aislin’s body.

  My erection sprang to life, but as much as I wanted to continue kissing her, now was not the time or place. Anyone could enter the room unexpectedly, and my inner beast bristled at the thought of someone other than myself seeing my mate naked.

  When I broke the kiss, a look of confusion crossed her face, and she moved to cover herself. “Did I do something wrong?”

  “No. You did nothing wrong. Trust me, you did everything right,” I said, pulling her to me again. “This just isn’t the place, love. Anyone could walk in, and you’re still naked.” I lifted my eyebrows, emphasizing that last word with a chuckle.

  She bit her lip. “Oh. I thought maybe….”

  When she didn’t finish the thought, I gently placed a kiss upon her forehead, comforting her. “I love you, too, Aislin. I’ve loved you for a while now.”

  “You have?”

  “I have. I’ve just been patiently waiting for you to come to the same realization.” I grinned, trying to put her at ease.

  She wrapped her arms around me once more and buried her face in my chest. I held her to me, the admission of her love filling me with immense joy. We stood there for another moment, just basking in each other’s embrace until Aislin shivered and goosebumps peppered her skin.

  “All right, love. As much as I’m enjoying this, it’s time to go home.”

  “Yes… please.”

  Just as I finished helping her dress, the door opened, and a nurse entered with a wheelchair. Aislin frowned at the chair, instantly on the defensive. “I can walk.”

  “It’s just to the car, love. That’s all.”

  “No.” A look of dread, mixed with a little anxiety, crossed her face as she stared at the chair, rubbing at her wrists. She took a step backward, away from the chair, and faltered. I caught her before she tripped and steadied her against me. When she looked up at me, her eyes were glossy, and she shook her head side to side.

  I looked at the nurse and shook my head. “I’ve got this,” I mouthed silently.

  She took the chair and left, leaving us alone.

  “Come on, I’ve got you,” I assured. I picked up the bag and tossed it over my shoulder, and then I took Aislin’s hand and put an arm around her. Together, we made our way to the black SUV waiting out front and then we were on our way home. Together.



  On the short drive home from the infirmary, the guilt over what I’d done parked center spotlight right in my gut. As Arkkadian came around to my side of the SUV, I stared out the window at the cabin and wondered what would happen once I walked through that door again. Would he punish me for leaving? For wrecking the SUV in my haste to escape?

  Honorable as my intentions were, I’d knowingly put myself in danger in my attempt to save Arkkadian’s people from the threat of my existence. I knew he was still upset with me, despite our affirmations of love for one another just this morning. That neither of us had spoken on the way home was telling. Best get it over with. I would accept whatever punishment Arkkadian decided with my chin held high.

  Arkkadian opened my door, and I stepped out onto the gravel drive, sighing with apprehension. He took my hand and led me up the steps and into the cabin. Inside, he dropped the duffle by the door, and then led me to the sofa in the den. I sunk down onto the cushions, fatigue quickly taking hold. I hadn’t realized how much this morning’s activities had worn me out.


  “Much,” I said, unable to stifle a yawn.

  At my admission, Arkkadian propped up some pillows, and I laid down. Then he took the afghan from the back of the couch and tucked it around me. He knelt in front of me and tucked a stray lock of hair behind my ear. Our eyes locked, and guilt once again consumed me.

  “I’m sorry.” I blanched, waiting for the lecture that never came.

  “It’s all right, love.”

  “Are you mad?”

  “No, I’m not mad.”

  “Are you going to punish me?” I asked.

  “We’ll talk about that later. I want you to rest.” He smiled as he cupped my chin before pulling away.

  Within seconds, my eyes drifted shut as sleep claimed me, and down I tumbled into the dark abyss of sleep once again.



  There was something about watching Aislin and listening to the light sounds of her easy breathing that brought me peace and steadied my wolf. She was here, and she was safe. After four hundred years on this earth, I’d finally found my Aeternus, then almost lost her. I paled at the thought, remembering when my brother and I found her unconscious and bloody in the wreckage mere days ago. Seeing her there had nearly destroyed me. I’d temporarily lost control of the wolf, and if it hadn’t been for Gideon knocking some sense into me, I’m not sure what would have happened. I needed to complete the bond. And soon because my control of the wolf was waning.

  I slipped into the kitchen, needing to make a call while she slept. Aislin had begged to attend the memorial service, and I’d told her I’d think about it. So, my team and I needed to work something out. A security detail wasn’t optional. On that, I wouldn’t compromise.

  With coffee brewing, I dialed Gideon’s cell first, but the call went straight to voicemail. He and Sara must be at the infirmary. She had mentioned she had an appointment for an ultrasound today. Instead, I called the security building, and James answered.

  “Good morning, Alpha.”

  “Good morning, James. Dr. Gray released Aislin this morning. I wanted to let you know I’ll be home for the rest of the day and see if there are any updates.”

  “We finished the new gate installation yesterday afternoon. Madigan and Corbin are on their way back. They’ve finished installing the last of the new cameras up on the north ridge, so we should be all set.”

  “Good. Thank you.”

  “How is she?” James asked.

  “She’s tough, but she’s got a lot of emotional trauma. Listen, she’ll probably be asleep for a while. If you’re available in the next hour, I’d like you to come to my place. I’ve got some things I still want to discuss.”

  “I can be there in thirty.”

  “Good. Bring the team.”

  “See you soon.”

  I stuffed the phone back in my pocket, then poured a mug of coffee and sat down at the table. As I sat there sipping the hot drink, watching the steam swirl up and disappear, my thoughts turned to my mate. Much to my wolf’s chagrin, I’d already decided I wouldn’t punish her. The more I thought about it, the more I knew I’d made the right decision. Aislin hadn’t run to defy me. She ran out of fear. Out of guilt. She thought it would protect a community of people she didn’t even know. And in her haste to sacrifice her own safety for theirs, she’d gotten hurt. Was it stupid? Of course. But she hadn’t done it with ill intent.

  No, Sara was right. Aislin was already suffering the consequences of her actions. Exacting punishment at this point might ruin any progress I’d made in convincing her she was my mate. I may wield the Alpha position of the Pack and Lycan Nine with an iron fist, but I wasn’t a tyrant, and my mate didn’t deserve punishment. It didn’t matter what the wolf inside of me wanted.
/>   Finally, James pulled up the drive, and all four members of my team climbed out. Gideon’s face was beaming as he walked in the door. I closed the door to the den before leading them into the kitchen where we would have less of a chance of disturbing my mate. Gideon wrapped me in a bear hug, his excitement clear as I slapped him on the back.

  “How did it go?” I asked.

  “Twins! We’re having twins!” His excitement was palpable, and I couldn’t help but hug him again.

  I grinned. “Two? Do you know what you’re having?”

  “They’re both boys!” Gideon was beside himself with excitement.

  “That’s amazing, brother. Congratulations!” I was genuinely happy for my brother and his mate. They would make excellent parents.

  “Thanks. Sara is over the moon. When I dropped her at home, she went straight to the nursery. I’m sure she’s nesting already.” He laughed.

  I smiled as an image of a pregnant Aislin popped into my head. I hoped that would one day be a reality.

  I looked around the room at my men, the energy turning from elation to serious as I explained why they were all gathered there. Gideon knew everything already, but the others still had more to learn about my mate. I’d only told them enough to get them out the door as quickly as possible in my haste to find my mate when she’d taken off the other day.

  I worried about Corbin, particularly, and how he’d take this information. He’d lost an older sister when he was a teenager. She had been sexually assaulted and stabbed, her body dumped in the woods. She was only twenty. They never found her killer. It happened long ago, but some wounds never healed. I warned them that what they were about to hear might be difficult to process and urged them to keep themselves in check. I eyed each of my men, lingering on Corbin last, trying to convey my meaning. He nodded in clear understanding.

  I recounted everything in vivid detail, about how I’d first stumbled upon her scent at the Black Horse Saloon, and how I’d returned over and over until I’d finally found her. I told them more about the incident with Kane in the bar, her subsequent rescue, and the murders of her friends. I filled them in on her childhood, passing around the files confirming her true identity I’d collected in my research. I told them of the nightmares and anxiety that continued to plague her. I told them about the previous assault and how I thought Kane had tried to force the bond. And lastly, I told them about the dream I’d been witness to, of the savage horrors Ryker Slade had committed upon her when she was just a child.

  That last bit had their faces lighting up in a storm of pure fury. Every pair of eyes but mine sparked even as I tried to rein in my anger. James paced back and forth across the floor. Madigan stood quietly, seething as he stared out the window, arms crossed defensively in front of him. Corbin pushed up from his seat at the table and stomped outside. I caught the door before it slammed shut behind him.

  I followed him out to the front porch. Standing just behind him, I reached up, placed a hand on his shoulder, and waited for him to speak. He stood there, hands on his hips, taking deep angry breaths as he glared up at a cloudless blue sky. Then, shrugging my hand off, Corbin stepped away and ripped his shirt off.

  “Corbin, wait.”

  He turned to face me, his normally brown eyes glowing orange. “Please don’t, Alpha. Not now.”

  “I’m not done. I know this is difficult, but please come back inside.” Honestly, I didn’t have the heart to enforce my authority, though. He was hurting, and rightly so. The death of his sister had never stopped plaguing him. Her death was one reason he’d done his best to avoid finding a mate. Losing one loved one had been difficult enough, and he didn’t want to risk losing another.

  “Fill me in later.” And with that, a gray wolf ripped out of his skin, jeans flying in shreds around him. He bounded down the drive, rounded the corner, and was gone. This morning’s discussion had ripped the scab off that wound once again.

  I let him go for now, picked up the shreds of fabric, and walked back into the house with a heavy heart.

  “Is he okay?” my brother asked.

  “He will be,” I answered, gripping my brother’s shoulder for a moment before crossing my arms. “He’ll come back when he’s blown off some steam.”

  “How is she?” Madigan asked, turning back from the window with a grimace. His eyes were red as if he’d been crying. I couldn’t blame him for being upset, nor could I blame the others. We cherished our women, and the things my mate had suffered at the hands of others were difficult to process with our naturally protective nature.

  “She’ll be back up to speed in no time. She just needs some rest.”

  “I’m glad to hear it, Alpha.” Madigan’s voice was slightly hoarse.

  “Listen. The memorial service for her friends is on Monday evening, and she’s been asking to go. I told her I wouldn’t make any promises, but considering all she’s been through, it might be good for her to have some closure.”

  James spoke up. “Are you sure that’s wise? Kane is still unaccounted for.”

  I inclined my head. “I’m aware. She also needs clothing and some other things. So, I thought we’d travel down in the morning, get what she needs, and then take her to the service.”

  James stepped away from the wall he was leaning against and crossed his arms. His movements were stiff and wary. “What does she need that she can’t borrow from someone here?”

  “Nothing, but that’s not the point. She’s lost virtually everything. If your life was turned on its head and you were stuck with people you didn’t know, would you want to rely on strangers to provide for you?” I replied, leaning on the back of the kitchen chair in front of me and tapping my fingers on the chair back.

  “True,” James answered. He ran a hand through his hair, letting his unease show. “It’s still not wise, though, Alpha.”

  “I’m just as wary. That’s why I intend to take all of you with us. I refuse to compromise on security, so I’d like to brainstorm,” I replied, crossing the room to stand next to him.

  It was Madigan’s turn to speak. He turned away from the window and faced the room. “James is right. If Kane is alive, he’ll seek retribution. He’s already gone after her three times. He won’t stop.”

  “Then we end him. For good,” I spoke, my voice deadly calm. I wouldn’t hesitate to tear the bastard’s head off.

  “Alpha.” I turned my head toward James as he spoke. “It didn’t take you that long to determine Aislin’s true identity. Surely, he’s figured it out by now. What’s stopping him from going straight to the Vanes? It’s no secret he wants you dead.”

  I nodded. “It’s a possibility, but I think he wants her for himself. If he turns her over, they’ll kill her. Kane knows that. At some point, we must notify the rest of the Pack. We’ll need the added support and security.”

  Gideon cleared his throat when Aislin shuffled through in the doorway. Her hair hung limply around her shoulders, and purple bags still circled under her eyes. There was a pained look upon her face, and she cradled her broken wrist in her good hand.

  “I’m sorry, love, we didn’t mean to wake you.” I crossed over to her and hugged her to me, cradling the back of her head in my hand.

  “You didn’t. My arm hurts.”

  “I’ll get you something for that and then you can go lie back down. It’s quieter upstairs. You won’t be disturbed up there.” I attempted to lead her toward the stairs, but she stopped me.

  “I’m not really that tired. I’m actually kind of hungry.”

  I looked at the clock on the wall. It was nearly two in the afternoon. My men and I had talked long past lunch, and she hadn’t eaten since breakfast. Those two eclairs wouldn’t have tided her over for long.

  “Right. Well, let’s go. I’m sure the two of you could use some privacy,” Gideon announced.

  Aislin pulled away from me and turned toward my men. “Wait. Please?” They all looked at her in question. “Are you the ones who helped me?”

p; “Aye,” Madigan answered.

  She took a tentative step toward my men. “Thank you for saving me. I want to apologize for scaring everyone.”

  As one, Madigan, James, and Gideon knelt down on one knee before her, palms flat on the hardwood, their heads bowed. Aislin looked at me with confusion. She was still unaware of many of our customs.

  I came up beside her and wrapped my arm around her waist. “They’re recognizing you as my mate, love. They’re pledging their allegiance. They’ll protect you.”

  “But I—” She faltered, looking back and forth between me and my men. She was uncomfortable. “Why me? I’m no one special.”

  “But you are special. You’re my Aeternus. That makes you an Alpha female. You will rule by my side once the bond is complete,” I told her.

  A look of shock crossed her face as she processed this new bit of information. I introduced James and Madigan, each nodding at their name. She would meet Corbin later.

  “Oh.” Then her eyes widened in recognition of what I’d just said a moment ago. “Oh!” It was finally sinking in that she was well and truly something special.

  I exchanged a few more words with my men and then they were on their way. Gideon held back a moment.

  “I’m glad you’re okay,” he told my mate before giving her a brotherly hug. For once, my wolf didn’t get upset. “Sara will be delighted to know you’re okay. She’s got some exciting things to share with you. I won’t spoil the surprise.”

  He smiled down at her and then hugged her one more time before taking his leave.

  “All right. Food, medicine, and rest. No arguments. Go sit down at the table and I’ll bring it to you.”

  She did as she was told, and I busied myself with warming up some chicken soup. Sara had once again come to the rescue and brought over another pot last night. Aislin smiled as I set a steaming bowl in front of her.

  I sat across from her, happily watching her eat, glad to see she had a decent appetite. I was elated to know my men accepted her as my mate. Their submission was proof enough. When she finished, I handed her a glass of water and the pain pills Emmaline had sent home. She took them without question. Hopefully, the pain in her wrist would be short-lived as her healing abilities worked their magic.


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