AETERNUS: The Immortalle Series Book One

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AETERNUS: The Immortalle Series Book One Page 28

by D. M. Shane

  Gideon cleared his throat, ready to begin.

  “Friends. Family. Welcome! We are gathered here today to witness the joining of Aislin, daughter of Alaric and Wren, and Arkkadian, son of Bastien and Seraphine. Today is a celebration of commitment, friendship, family, and, most of all, love. We are here to rejoice with them at the beginning of their new life together. Aislin and Arkkadian, may your bond be anchored in the strength of your love and faith in each other. Trust each other. Learn and grow together. Laugh with each other. May you always remember that love is patient, and it is kind. Love does not envy, nor does it boast. Love does not dishonor but rejoices in the truth. Love will protect you and guide you all of your days. And… like all the stars in the sky, love will always persevere.”

  Gideon stepped forward with a braided cord. He wrapped it around our joined hands as he spoke. “As this knot is bound, your lives are so bound. You are bound to your best friend, your confidant, your soul mate as you promise to love each other today, tomorrow, and for eternity. With these hands, you will cherish one another and comfort each other in times of fear and sadness. These are the hands that will wipe away tears of sorrow and joy. These are the hands that will not only give you strength but tenderness when you need it. Aislin and Arkkadian, please turn toward each other and recite your vows.”

  Aislin’s face lit up with joy at my brother’s words, her smile as bright as the sun above us. “Arkkadian, I promise to love you and cherish you. I promise to trust you and respect you, honor you and be honest with you in good times and bad. I give you all that I am, from this day forward.” As she made her promises, a single tear slid down her cheek.

  Aislin’s words wrapped around my heart like sweet sunshine, filling me with immense happiness. It was like ambrosia for the soul. She was the nectar that gave me life, and in that moment, I wanted to forget everything and just kiss her, but I had to reign in my desire just a little longer.

  “Aislin, I promise to love you and cherish you. I promise to be yours in times of want and times of plenty. I promise to be yours in times of sickness and in health, in times of joy and in times of sorrow. I promise to respect you, care for you, and protect you. I promise to comfort you and encourage you, and I give you all that I am, from this day forward.”

  Gideon grinned before speaking the words we were anxiously waiting for. “Arkkadian, you may kiss your mate.”

  I took Aislin’s face in my hands and leaned in close as she tilted her face up to mine, our foreheads touching. “I love you, Aislin. With all my heart,” I whispered so only she could hear.

  Her eyes sparkled as she whispered the same. Then, cupping her chin, I kissed her. Her soft lips parted, and our tongues entangled in a slow dance of passion, fire consuming us from within as we shared our love. Aislin gripped my waist with both hands. I slowly slid mine from her face, down her shoulders and arms, to her backside and pulled her closer against me.

  I was so distracted by the kiss, I’d nearly forgotten we were still standing in front of gathered witnesses until Gideon cleared his throat and the guests all cheered. When I pulled away from my mate, her cheeks were flushed with heat and my skin itched as the wolf begged for release.

  “We’ll save that for later,” I whispered into her ear, letting the warmth of my breath heat the soft, delicate skin just below it. She shivered, and I loved the effect I had.

  “By the power vested in me, Gideon Rime, as Beta of the Glacier Mountain Pack, it is my honor to present to all of you the Alpha and his Aeternus, Arkkadian and Aislin Rime!”



  I touched my fingers to my lips, my tongue darting out to taste them as I thought about the kiss this morning that had nearly knocked me off my feet. My knees had gone weak, and my libido had shot through the roof like a rocket. I’d practically begged Arkkadian to seal the deal, only to find myself sent on my merry way with lust as the only reward for my efforts. The past month had been nothing short of sexual torture, with the two of us teasing each other and my mate refusing to give in. No, after I’d confided in him about my virginity, Arkkadian had decided he would do things the traditional way and wait until we were hand-fasted, proving even a hard-ass Alpha could still be a chivalrous gentleman.

  I loved him all the more for it, but damn if it wasn’t pure agony on my sex drive. The more we were together, the more the bond pushed and pulled in its appetite for completion. I don’t know where Arkkadian got the willpower to hold off his wolf for so long, but somehow, he’d managed. If he could do it, so could I.

  The time had finally arrived, though, and tonight, Arkkadian and I would complete the bond. I was nervous, especially being so inexperienced. Kane’s attacks still haunted me, but Arkkadian had assured me everything would be okay, and if I wanted him to stop, he would. The power belonged to me. Throughout everything that had happened over the past few months, he had proven to be an amazing man, and I knew he would follow through on his word.

  Spending the day in wedding preparations with Sara had given me plenty of time to think back on the past few months. I’d gone from human woman to immortal mate literally overnight, and now here I was about to marry that tall, dark, handsome, and mysterious man who had come to my rescue all those weeks ago. Little did I know then, a maelstrom would follow, uprooting my life and turning it upside down. I shuddered to think what could have happened had he not been there that night in the bar, the night of the fire, or saved me from my uncle. Because of Arkkadian, I was alive and safe. Because of him, I was reunited with the family I never knew I had. And because of him, I knew I was strong enough to take on the devils that wanted me dead.

  The hand-fasting ceremony went off without a hitch. I’d never felt more beautiful than I did in that dress, and Arkkadian, he was handsome in his traditional Prince Charles jacket and tartan kilt, with the matching fly plaid and gleaming pewter brooch on his shoulder. Throughout the entire ceremony, his eyes gleamed with more love than I ever thought could exist.

  He never took his eyes off me even once. And that kiss… That kiss had spiked my libido, curled my toes, and nearly melted my insides. Though I’d wanted to run off with him right then and there, we’d still had the reception to attend, so we’d had to put our lust-filled desires temporarily on the back burner.

  The reception was filled with love, light, and laughter. Friends and family showered us with well-wishes, and Arkkadian’s Pack once again pledged their loyalty to me. Actually, they were no longer his Pack, but our Pack. I found it overwhelming, but with time, I knew I would get used to it. Arkkadian even led me around the dance floor a few times, something we hadn’t been able to do since that night in the Black Horse Saloon, and I loved every single minute of it.

  I also spent some of that time getting to know my grandfather, Mathias, and my uncle, aunt, and both of my cousins. For so long, I’d believed myself alone in the world until Paige and Carter had come along. Losing them had nearly destroyed me, but with Arkkadian and my newfound family, my heart was mending quickly.

  My grandfather couldn’t stop looking at me or hugging me. It was like he was afraid I’d disappear. It was the same with my Uncle Gryphon. A few times I caught them both wiping a tear from their eye when they thought no one was looking, and I knew they still missed my father dearly.

  “Are you okay?” I asked them.

  My grandfather smiled, his teeth showing through. “I’m more than okay, my darling girl. I have you.” He took my chin between his thumb and finger, and let out a large sigh before pulling me into a hug. “I just never thought I’d see the day when a piece of my son came back into my life. I miss your father so. And you, my precious girl, are a miracle.”

  When I pulled away, there was sadness in his eyes. And pain. But it was sadness and pain I understood. Though a part of us was forever lost, a part of us had also been found in each other. A part that would lead to new beginnings, new memories, and new traditions. That part was infinite love.

  I turned toward my uncle
and reached out a hand. Instead of taking it, he pulled me into a hug. “I’m so glad you came,” I told him. Before I could continue, a painful lump formed in my throat at the thought of how much time with each other we had all missed out on. My uncle shared a knowing look with me, one that told me he understood.

  “Wouldn’t have missed it for the world, kiddo. Your father—,” Gryphon paused, and I could see he was struggling with words. “Your father would be so proud of you.”

  I let out a rough sigh as I hugged him once again and bid them all goodnight. I looked forward to spending more time with them, but as the evening grew late, my loving mate whisked me away, leaving the partygoers to continue in their celebrations long into the night without us.

  With the stars beginning to pop out from wherever they’d been hiding, the last of the evening’s warmth was waning. Arkkadian led me up the trail toward the lake, and I was grateful we’d already changed into more comfortable clothes. The hike through the woods would have ruined my gown. We hadn’t returned since the night Kane and Rafe had taken me, but tonight, I put those thoughts entirely out of mind. Tonight was about Arkkadian and me. Tonight was for love. Tonight was our night.

  Already set up on the sandy beach when we arrived were two large blankets, a few pillows, a lantern, a bottle of white wine chilling in a bucket of ice, two wine glasses, and a small platter of fresh grapes and cheese. A small campfire crackled next to the set-up, keeping the late evening chill away. We tossed our shoes aside and sat down on a blanket together, Arkkadian behind me with legs on either side, me leaning back against his chest as we sipped wine together. I rested my head on his shoulder, trying to quell the anticipation that had been building for weeks. We watched the night sky fill up with twinkling lights a million miles away. The moon was full, giving off its own pale light.

  “Thank you for bringing my family here. It means everything.” I tipped my head up and kissed him on the edge of his jaw just as a shooting star shot across the horizon. As I watched it, I secretly wished for tonight to be extra special.

  “You’re welcome, love. It’s important you get to know them. I may be your mate, but there are some voids I can’t fill on my own. You need your family. And with everything that’s going on, we’ll have the additional support of another Pack.” He plucked a grape off the platter and held it to my lips.

  I took it from him, letting my teeth graze his fingertips. Arkkadian’s eyes lit up with that familiar blue fire, and his nostrils flared. Suddenly, all the pent-up sexual frustration I’d been holding in for days burst free. Like a moth to a flame, I pushed him down onto the blanket and straddled him, planting my lips on his. I sucked his bottom lip into my mouth and gave it a light nibble as I ran my fingers through his hair. Arkkadian let slip a light growl, and my insides dissolved into liquid desire.

  Moving away from his mouth, I placed light, feathery kisses along his jawline, working my way up to that small sensitive spot just behind his ear, lingering there before tracing my way down along his neck. Cinnamon and cloves—Arkkadian’s personal brand of pheromones—permeated the air between us, growing more potent with every kiss I sowed across his skin. With every intake of breath, the intoxicating scent worked its way into my system, winding me up while also soothing the nervous energy I felt about my first time.

  I skimmed my hands down the front of Arkkadian’s shirt, releasing one button at a time. I gazed at his broad, muscular chest, taking in the tight, washboard abs and those delectable little muscles just above his waistband that pointed toward the obvious bulge in his pants. Just as I was about to lean in and kiss his stomach, I was suddenly flipped onto my back. Arkkadian towered above me. His eyes were still bright with blue fire, and a devilish grin crossed his face.

  “That’s enough topping the Alpha,” he growled, his voice laced with that smooth, deep whiskey tone I loved.

  Heat pooled down low in my core, and I felt wetness slip from my center. My mate closed his eyes and inhaled deeply as the scent of my arousal drifted up between us. When he opened them again, the hunger I saw there suffused my body with lust. I wanted him to do wicked things to me.

  A moan slipped from my lips as Arkkadian laved the sensitive spot just below my ear, sending electric tingles racing through my body. His hot breath teased across my skin, and I arched below him, shameless and wanton in my desire, but left wanting when he pulled away. He removed his shirt and tossed it to the ground before standing up. I took his hand when he reached for me, and then he pulled me up to stand in front of him.

  He reached for the hem of my shirt, and I lifted my arms so he could pull it over my head. Then he knelt in front of me and deftly unbuttoned my jeans before sensuously peeling them down my bare legs. When I stepped out of them, Arkkadian traced his way back up my body, his fingers gently gliding along my skin on their path upward until they came to rest on my hips. He stood there a moment, drinking me in, eyes devouring me.

  Feeling vulnerable, I attempted to cover the scars on my side, but he pulled my hands away and slowly shook his head from side to side.

  “Do you know how beautiful you are?” he asked, cupping my chin. I tilted my head down, feeling self-conscious again, but he tipped my face back up to meet his and then gently touched the scars on my body. “Don’t turn away, love. I mean it. You are gorgeous. Scars and all. I want to look at you.”

  I sighed as I looked him in the eye and dropped my hands back to my sides, reveling in the love and warmth I felt there.

  Arkkadian pulled me into his arms, nuzzling my neck, placing soft kisses upon my shoulder. His hands inched their way around my body, finding the clasp of my bra and undoing it. Then he slid the straps off my shoulders and gazed tenderly at my breasts bared before him. Goosebumps prickled my flesh and made me shiver.

  After he stepped back and removed his pants and boxers in one swift motion, he carefully laid me back down on the blanket. By now, my panties were soaked, my breathing heavy with lust. Arkkadian climbed over me, settling between my thighs as I spread for him, the thin fabric of my panties the only barrier left between us. The full length of his hardness pressed into me, and I blushed when he swiveled his hips. I shivered at the thought of his hard length filling me, finally sating long-awaited desires.

  I slid my hands up his torso, surprised when Arkkadian sent a pulsing wave of energy through his skin and into mine. With it came the sheer sense of Alpha power, his wolf telling me I belonged to him. My body answered by arching up into his with a slow moan. My nipples peaked as they rubbed against his chest, sending explosive little sparks all the way to my clit.

  “Love me, please?” I whined.

  I’d never been so turned on in my life. If Arkkadian wound me any tighter, I wasn’t sure how long I could last. Moisture collected on my skin as lust warmed me from the inside. Every kiss, every touch, every whisper—they were a tease. A prelude to what came next as I writhed impatiently beneath him.

  “Relax,” he growled. The richness in his deep voice taunted my libido. “All in good time, love. All in good time.”

  Arkkadian trailed kisses down my neck, across my shoulder, and then down to my breasts. He lingered on one nipple, nibbling lightly with his teeth before teasing with his tongue. I gasped when he sucked it into his hot mouth, every touch and every taste of my body a pure calculation of sinful delight.

  I gasped again as he drove a hand under the hem of my panties, his fingers finding my silky folds and dipping inside while he continued to suckle at my breast. I writhed with hungry desire as his fingers expertly and skillfully brought wave after wave of pleasure. I greedily bucked my hips, urging Arkkadian to drive deeper, my body yearning to be filled. The sensation began with a small tickle, quickly turning to a heart-stopping tingle, and I rode the crescendo into exquisite ecstasy as he worked his fingers in and out of me.

  Panting, I grabbed Arkkadian’s body, holding on for dear life, a lustful moan ripping from my throat as the orgasm tore through me. I collapsed back down onto the blanket,
consumed by bliss. Only then did Arkkadian slip his thumbs under the waistband of my panties and pull, shredding the fabric like it was nothing. He tossed them to the side and settled between my legs once more.

  I watched him through half-lidded eyes, the fire inside me still scorching hot. His erection pressed into me, and I tilted my hips instinctively, relishing the friction. He slid back and forth between my moist folds, teasing, but never slipping inside.

  “Arkkadian, please,” I begged. “Please! I need you!”

  Our mouths met in a gentle kiss and I parted my lips as he slid his tongue out to meet mine. My tongue curled around his, tasting, dipping in and out before he once again trailed kisses down my body and back up again. I felt him reach down between us, taking himself in hand, and rub the tip of his cock between my folds. I held my breath as he teased in, inch by aching inch.

  When he was fully seated, he stopped, allowing me to get used to the feeling of being so full. Arkkadian fed me a slow, sultry kiss, and I forgot the odd sensation as my body surrendered to his completely, and soon, our movements melded in perfect synchrony.

  Every masterful thrust, every swirl of his hips, every ounce of friction between our bodies conjured a vortex of delicious pleasure. The harder he thrust, the higher I rose. As I neared the peak, about to crest over the top for a second time, Arkkadian slowed his rhythm and tipped my face up to meet his.

  “Aislin, love,” he paused, “it’s time.”

  I nodded my okay, and we locked eyes as he had previously explained last night when we’d discussed the bond and what would happen. The intensity of his glowing eyes increased, brighter than I’d ever seen. Continuing to move above me, Arkkadian projected energy, wildly potent and stronger than ever, from his body into mine.

  “Focus on it. Gather every tendril of electric current. Let it fill you. Let it ignite your very soul with its raw, magnetic power,” he’d said to me last night. His voice had been hypnotic. Seductive. Bewitching in all its deep, velvety splendor. And now I took his words and did that very thing.


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