Voodoo (Royal Bastards MC: Ankeny IA)

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Voodoo (Royal Bastards MC: Ankeny IA) Page 10

by Kristine Allen

  The feeling of building pressure caused my breath to hitch. Higher and higher it blossomed and expanded until I exploded in a blast of pulsing energy. My chin dropped to my chest as my body folded into itself and rode the waves of bliss. On and on, he drew it out until I was left reeling in the lingering aftershocks of the most powerful climax I’d ever experienced.

  He stood, wiping the glistening evidence of my orgasm off his face with the back of his hand. His eyes were heated, and I could’ve sworn I actually saw a flicker of a flame within their icy depths.

  “Absolutely stunning view,” he murmured with a wicked twist of his lips.

  Leaving my pants on his kitchen floor, he lifted me off the counter, carried me down a hall, and placed me reverently on the bed. Languidly, I watched him undress. With each inch of his beautiful body he exposed, my heart surged until it was nearly bursting.

  Tattoos were scattered along his tanned skin, and I wanted to trace each and every one of them. He had said I was stunning, but he was a masterpiece.

  Like a beast of prey, he moved onto the bed and up my body. My breath froze. Muscles rippling, he stalked me. Only when he hovered over me could I inhale.

  Nudging into my slick opening, he made two shallow strokes before plunging deep. We both gasped as he pushed in the final inch, and I could feel his shaft stretching me in the most perfect way.

  “Fuck. If I could stay here for the rest of my life, I’d die a happy man,” he groaned into my mouth as he pressed his lips to mine. With each thrust, his body owned mine. The world outside our little bubble ceased to exist. The only thing I was cognizant of was the glide of sweat-slick skin against skin. Sensation was my closest friend.

  Our love song was soft gasps and needy groans.

  “Yes,” I whispered as I clung to him.

  There was nothing rushed, allowing for crystalline focus on every movement. My tongue devoured the salty taste of his skin. My senses were filled with the unique, carnal scent of our coupling. There was no him, nor me. There was only us. One body, one heart, one mind.

  How he maintained that slow, steady assault on my being, I couldn’t fathom. But I sure as hell drank it in and allowed myself to drown in the ecstasy that he summoned.

  I’d never been so amazed and complete in all my life.

  And as he gave his final forceful strokes within me, my back arched and I became whole.

  Crazy as it may sound, it was like realizing I’d been stumbling around in life with half a heart. Barely living. In his arms, with his trembling body cocooning mine and his beautiful lips dotting soft kisses on my skin—I was alive.

  But for how long?

  “Lonely Is The Night”—Billy Squier

  After feeling as if I’d emptied my soul within her, I damn near collapsed on top of her. Not wanting to cause her pain, but barely able to function, I rolled over. She whimpered when I slipped free of her heat, and I pulled her against me, where she curled into my side and laid her head over my pounding heart.

  “What the hell was that?” she asked as her fingers traced the tattoos on my chest. She still sounded slightly winded.

  “That was you being mine,” I replied before kissing her on the head. She was perfectly molded to my side, and I reveled in it.

  She gave a snorting laugh, and I held her tighter for a moment.

  “So what kind of tattoo do I have to get? Can it be cool at least? And where does it have to be?” Her questions hit one after the other, and I debated if I should tell her exactly what she had to get or if I should just get it done and ask for forgiveness.

  Flipping her long blonde hair to the side, I trailed my fingers over the sensitive nape of her neck to the base where it connected to her soft shoulders. “Here.”

  “On my neck? But people will see it!” She raised her head to look at me in wide-eyed disbelief. The curtain of silky hair fell to tickle across my shoulder and arm.

  “That’s the whole point, babe. People will see it and know that you’re protected by the Royal Bastards. They’ll know you’re mine.” My fingers sifted through her hair as I avoided a deeper discussion on the matter.

  “Do I get a say so in what it is?”

  I sighed. “Sort of.”


  “My road name is Voodoo. I was thinking a Mardi Gras mask.” There was more, but I wasn’t sure she’d go for it if I told her.

  “That sounds like it would be pretty,” she said with a shy smile.

  “It will be. I promise.”

  She was silent for a minute.

  “Okay. So when do we do this?” My eyes shot to hers. I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t surprised that she was so readily agreeing.

  “So that’s a yes? You’re in? There’s no backing out.” I clutched the hair at the back of her head, holding her to look me in the eye. I needed to ensure she was paying attention to me. She needed to understand that if she became my ol’ lady, there was nothing I wouldn’t do for her and no going back. Whatever shit came our way, I would do my very best to protect her from it. Whatever ups and downs we had, we took them together.

  She rested her chin on her hand over my heart. “It might make me seem a little off my rocker, but when I’m with you it feels… right. Like this is meant to be. Even though I barely know you.”

  She had no idea.

  “Besides, even if this goes to shit, it’s still a cool tattoo that I could handle having without you,” she reasoned. There wouldn’t be a without me, but I kept quiet.

  “Do you feel safe with me?”

  “Yes.” Her answer was firm. No hesitation.

  “How long have you known me?”

  “Almost a year. Well, about nine months. Since you got Zaka.”

  “Shit. Be right back.” She’d reminded me that I’d left the dogs outside while we’d talked. Well, we had talked first and then I’d poured my emotions out to her in the only way I knew how. I wasn’t always great with words.

  Unashamedly naked, I climbed out of bed, made my way through the house, and opened the inner doggie door. The pups darted in the minute I opened it. Zaka had probably been lying outside the door since he sensed my minor breakdown.

  “Hey, kids. Should we go see if Mom is hungry?” I asked the two dogs as they sat obediently listening to me. Rewarding them, I gave them each a treat. Calling her “Mom” to the fucking dogs had slipped out, but I was again hit with the desire to see her pregnant with my kid.

  “Fuck,” I muttered. I’d never been so twisted up by a chick. Then again, my visions had shown me that she was the one. The problem was, if I didn’t figure out a way to ensure her safety, I was going to lose her.

  The entire way back to the room, the dogs shadowed me, nails clicking on the tiles. Once we hit the room, they took off. There was no time to call them back, because right when they launched, I saw she was sleeping.

  “No!” I whisper-yelled, but they were already licking her. Thankfully, she was giggling at the attention. “Sorry, I didn’t realize you were sleeping until they were already midair.”

  “It’s okay,” she said to me. Then she was done with the overexuberant attention. “Enough, Sasha.”

  “Zaka! Settle!” Though he was relatively young, Zaka was extremely smart and listened well. He quickly dropped to the bed, panting happily. Sasha turned, went to the end of the bed, and curled up next to him.

  “Aww, look! They’re friends.” She grinned and sat up. My mouth suddenly dry, I stared at her bare tits and blinked like a fucking idiot.

  It was almost comical when she realized she was sitting there naked as hell. She flushed bright pink and jerked a pillow over to cover herself. I wanted to pout. Okay, maybe I did a little.

  Clearing my throat, I said, “You don’t have to cover up on my account. I was enjoying the view. And I have a feeling those two are gonna be more than friends one day.” A wry grin curled my lips.

  She bit her lower lip, and her brow furrowed in hesitation. “Maybe?”

  I cou
ldn’t help it. She was so goddamn cute, I laughed as I climbed into the bed. Gently, I pushed her to lie down and settled over her on my elbows. “Mmm-hmm. Okay.”

  Desperately needy, I pressed my hips into her, reveling in the jolt that hit when I slid through her wet core. I didn’t dive inside, despite how badly I wanted to go again. Instead, I simply rested there, enjoying the feel of her heat on my shaft.

  Twirling a strand of her hair, I considered my next words. “I know this must seem extremely sudden. But there’s been something about you that drew me from day one. It’s no secret I’ve been trying to get you to go out with me since then. You have to know, this isn’t only about keeping you safe.”

  Trying to gauge her response, I glanced up at her beautiful face. Uncertainty warred with a softness in her brilliant hazel eyes. She took my breath away, and I wasn’t used to that. I was a hard man in a bold and ruthless club. My past sculpted me into a man that didn’t deserve her, but because of who I was, I was going to take her anyway.

  “I’m scared,” she whispered. “I feel like I’m damned if I do and damned if I don’t.”

  “What are you talking about?”

  “If I tell you I can’t do this, I stand the very real possibility of dying. I’m guessing because of who my father is—yet, if they only knew, he could honestly not give less of a shit about me unless it benefits him. Then again, if I say yes to you, I risk my father losing his shit and going after you and your club.” She reached her hand up and trailed her fingertips along my jaw, then down my neck to my chest. Her palm rested above my heart.

  I dropped my head long enough to kiss the silky skin above her heart, then held her gaze. “Regardless of your choice, I’ll do my best to keep you safe. Even if it means I die doing it.”

  She sucked in a sharp breath. “Ogun,” she whispered, but before she could utter another word, I silenced her with a kiss. When I was sure she’d be quiet, I raised my head.

  “No. I can’t tell you how I know that you’re meant to be mine, because you wouldn’t believe me if I tried. What I can tell you is, this is real for me. I mean, my feelings… and all.” It was so hard to say the words. Especially when they made me sound like some kind of pussy from one of those smut books my mother read. “Yet, I don’t want you to make your decision based on fear. I meant what I said—if you become my ol’ lady, it’s not temporary.”

  “Okay?” It came out as a question, so I knew she wasn’t agreeing with what I wanted. Not yet, anyway.

  “Hey, think about it for a bit. Meanwhile, are you hungry? It’s getting late, and I haven’t eaten. Wasn’t sure if you had.” Unable to resist her allure, I nipped and teased her neck with my tongue. Each gentle bite had her arching further into me and sexy sighs slipping from her, interspersed with needy moans.

  “Is that a yes?” I murmured against the smooth skin of her neck.

  “Umm, what was the question?” she asked drunkenly.

  I grinned triumphantly against her, yet I pulled back and waited for her to open her eyes. “Come on. Let me feed you. You’re going to need your strength tonight.”

  “That sounds fabulous,” she said with a sigh.

  Grabbing a clean T-shirt from my drawer, I slipped it over her head. “You want me to cook something or are you good with sandwiches?”

  “Sandwiches are perfectly fine with me.” The satiated smile on her face brought out my smile. Foregoing underwear, I pulled on my jeans and padded to the kitchen. The dogs remained on the bed, snoring happily.

  We were quiet while I prepared the food and while we ate. When she finished, she stood and came over to grab my plate. Before she could take it, I took her hand in mine and tugged her into my lap.

  Hooking my hand behind her neck, I pulled her in for a kiss. Reluctantly breaking away, I scattered kisses along her cheeks. The last one, I pressed to the pulse I could see on her throat.

  “I want you inked as soon as possible. Both for my own selfish reasons and for your safety,” I said against her skin.

  “Wow. Um, okay? Do we need to make an appointment?” she asked, and I chuckled.

  “No. I have a guy. He’ll get you in immediately.”

  “Like now?” she squeaked and jumped a little, causing her thigh to press harder against my dick.

  Stifling a groan, I tapped on my phone screen to see the time. Then I looked at her. “Yeah. Like now.”

  “Fuck. Ogun. This is so fast. It’s a little scary.”

  “Maybe. But I’m not one to beat around the bush. I tried, but the last several months drove me insane. Every time I saw you, I wanted to bend you over and fuck you until you couldn’t see straight. When I realized I wasn’t thinking of other women, and….” I sighed, because I wanted to tell her about my vision, but I wasn’t sure if it was the time.

  “Ogun, I’ve thought you were hot as Hades since the first time you stepped into the clinic with Zaka. But I’m a new vet, and I didn’t want to jeopardize that by having inappropriate thoughts about, or relations with, a client.” She gave a teasing grin, which faded as she saw the seriousness on my face. My grip on her neck tightened possessively.

  “Something happened that told me you were the one, and I realized I didn’t want to wait. I’m sorry you aren’t getting the flowers, pretty words, dates, and you know—all that sappy shit girls like. But this is me telling you that as long as you’re mine, I’ll protect you with everything in me. I’ll be faithful to you and only you. I’ll worship your body and your mind. I’m a hard man, but I love just as hard.” It was the closest I’d come to admitting the feelings that stirred in the depths of my soul for her.

  “Damn, sometimes you say things that take my breath away and I realize you’re so much more than a pretty face.” With a smirk, she kissed the tip of my nose, and I smacked the part of her ass that reached out past my thigh.

  “You’re goddamn right, I’m more than a pretty face.” I dove into her neck, rubbing my stubble against her tender skin, causing her to giggle and squeal. Then I sent a text to Chains.

  He replied within seconds.

  Chains: I’m at the shop cleaning up but I’ll wait for you if you wanna come over

  Me: Be there ASAP

  Chains: Roger that

  “Let’s go.” I swatted her ass again.

  Biting her lip, she raised a brow and nuzzled me with her nose. “You keep doing that, and we aren’t going anywhere.” The whispered words tickled against my ear and half had me canceling with Chains. Instead, I tapped her shoulder with a finger.

  “Get dressed,” I instructed her. “I’ll take care of the dishes. Wear something comfy.”

  “Yes, sir,” she snarked with a sexy curl of her lips.

  “Woman. Don’t test my limits. You’re going to have me breaking all kinds of speed limits on the way there if you don’t stop that shit.”

  “Why would you have to speed because of that?” she asked with a laugh.

  “Because I’ll lay you on this table and shove my fat dick in that pussy until your eyes roll. That will take a few minutes we don’t have right now.” My hand squeezed the luscious globe of her ass I’d been abusing. The purr that rolled off her tongue told me she’d let me too.

  “You sure we have to go tonight?” Hunger filled her eyes as she leaned back to look at me.

  “Get dressed.”

  “Okay.” With one last smirk, she got up and headed to my room. Blazing heat surging through me, I watched the way my shirt showed the movement of her ass as she walked away.

  Fucking hell, she was going to kill me with that body—but what a way to go.

  Making quick work of the dishes, I returned to the bedroom to find her in the bathroom, brushing her teeth. She had on those sexy legging things and a shirt that fell off one shoulder.

  With images in my head of the ink she’d soon have, I dressed, shoved my gun in the holster, and grabbed my wallet and keys.

  “You ready?” I asked as she came out of the master bath.

inhaled deeply, then blew it out in a huff. “I guess so.”

  When she wrinkled her nose as she slipped on a pair of Vans, I couldn’t help myself. Framing her face, I made her look at me. “You realize this is just a technicality, right? You’re already mine, but I want there to be no question.”

  The pink of her tongue snuck out as she wet her lips and nodded. I swooped in for one last kiss.

  “Zaka. Guard.” His ears perked up, but his head remained on his paws. Sasha was laid out on her side with her back against his. They’d obviously worn each other out while Kira and I had been busy earlier.

  I locked up the house, and we got on my bike. I handed my helmet back to her, making a mental note to get her one of her own. Though I hated them, she wouldn’t be on the back of my bike without one if I could help it.

  As we drove into the night, I teemed with restless energy.

  Something was coming, and I didn’t think I was going to like it.

  I’d read the cards when we got back to see if I was able to get any answers. Maybe throw the bones.

  Until then, I pushed the feeling aside.

  Kira was about to be branded with my mark.

  A huge grin spread across my face.

  “Change (In The House Of Flies)”—Deftones

  “Holy fucking shit!” I said as the tattoo gun seemed to be scraping off my skin. Initially, I thought it wasn’t bad. It wasn’t long before the back of my neck was burning and I was gritting my teeth. “Did it feel like this with all of your tattoos?” I gasped as my eyes found Ogun through the hole of the massage chair I sat on.

  Chains chuckled from behind me, and Ogun gave a wry smile. “Pretty much.”

  “Jesus! What the hell is wrong with you?” I asked with bugging eyes. My hands clutched the edge of the armrests, and I bit down on my lip.


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