Seed of Sin (The House of Creed Book 2)

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Seed of Sin (The House of Creed Book 2) Page 17

by D. M. Burns

  “This place is my secret and I want to share it with you.” He steps onto a cluster of rocks and I follow close behind as he enters a red clay creation touched by the hands of God.

  The cove we’re surrounded by is the likes of which you find on postcards. Brogan carefully moves into the cave and winds deeper into the unknown clutching my hand the whole time. The rock walls open up into a massive art form that has seen centuries of onlookers before us. There have been lights installed in the aqua water below causing it to glisten up, shining a spotlight of crystal ripples against the rusty wall overhead.

  “Oh my God… This is absolutely beautiful.” I whisper out as if I’m scared of getting caught or overheard in here. Brogan lowers himself into the water then turns and holds his arms out to me.

  “Come on, baby. This is nothing.” When I take his hands, he helps me into the warm waters then tugs me into him. “We have to go under the water. On the other side is remarkable beauty.” I nod at him right before he links his fingers through mine and we submerge under the glow then come up on the other side.

  I wasn’t prepared for the sight upon surfacing on the other side, no. You can’t ready yourself for something of this magnitude. It’s unlike anything my eyes have ever imagined possible. The caves above us are nothing less than a cathedral masterpiece orchestrated by God himself. The walls are lit up all around with the manmade lights that have been installed. Various drawings that are seen by several candles sporadically placed that were pre-lit before us arriving. Brogan must have come out here before now but when?

  “I had the staff take care of most of the leg work, baby.” He says.

  “Stay outta my head, Creed,” I mumble and he chuckles. Truth is, I’m used to him invading my thoughts.

  “I promise that was just a lucky hunch. I won’t take your thoughts from you tongiht.”

  There’s a huge spot to the left prepared and blanketed off with oversized pillows turning the hard rock flooring into an inviting cushioned bed. How did he manage to get those in here without them getting wet? There are even glasses with a chilling bottle of champagne banked out to the side. Jesus, this was premediated with love.

  “All the drawings… Oh my…” I whisper out in awe.

  My head swivels as my eyes try to take it all in. The chalk covered murky red cave is one huge work of art. Drawings of many, everywhere. My eyes land on the largest one of all where a man and little boy link hands together in front of the stormy waters on an angry stormy beach. It’s the same as the one in Brogan's house but this one has the added soul of a little aspect in the form of a child, standing beside his dad. Or at least that’s how my mind interprets it.

  “Brogan…” My head whips around to him as he watches me. “Did you do all of this?” He nods. “You’re so… Talented. It’s stunning. You’re an artist. That picture in your house, you did that too.” I say. It’s not a question. I already know the answer.

  “A silent talent that I’ve only shared with you.” He says as he pushes out of the water onto the side of the cave and lifts me out. “Our secret, yeah?” He asks. All I can do is nod.

  “Okay.” My voice sounds distant and far off even though it echoes off the cave surrounding us.

  My eyes move to another wall where he’s drawn a naked woman with just her back silhouetted with a towel bunched around her lower back as she sits peacefully. The detail in design is breathtaking. The woman’s long wavy hair drapes everywhere. Her face is in profile and she’s looking at a beautiful butterfly sitting on her shoulder surrounded by several tiny butterflies.

  The black chalk strokes and lines reveal it’s me. Oh my God… That’s me… It’s the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen and not because it’s of me, no. It’s because this is how this man sees me from his point of view. My heart warms and expands for this man. Christ… Brogan is so much more than anyone can fathom.

  “It’s amazing… When did you have time to do all of this? You’ve been with me all day. How?” I say.

  “Butterfly… I did this years ago. Way before I met you.” He scrubs his hand over his face and stands helping me up in the motion then moves us over to the pillow bed.

  My eyes bounce all over the cave of art that this man created. His level of talent and artistic expression is unparalleled and inspiring. This is what some artists strive to achieve but can never hit this level. I’m trying to take it all in unaware of his position until I look back to find him down on one knee before me.

  Covering my mouth with my hand, the tears start to fall without my permission. Holding them in would only make me explode at this point. His thumb strokes over my hand as those eyes light up with an icy white glow. My free hand automatically reaches out brushing along his beautiful jawline and he turns, placing a soft kiss to the palm of my hand.

  “Jesus Christ, Brea… I had given up on you ever coming along. I thought it was an impossible ambition. But here you are and fuck if I’m not glad that you finally showed up. You make me want to be a better man. A deserving man of you. I want to be who I see staring back at me when you look my way. That guy reflected in your eyes. I want to be that man and I know I can be with you by my side. I want to make you proud. For once, I want to be worthy even though I never truly will be.” He pulls my hand to his lips and brushes a whispered kiss over my skin causing a line of goosebumps to work its way up my arm and cover my body. “But most of all, I want to make you mine. Tell me you want the same thing and marry me, baby.” He pops open a little black velvety square box producing the most beautiful diamond I’ve ever seen. I nod my head as I lower myself down in front of him and cradle his face in my hands then pull this man into my trembling body.

  “Yes.” I stutter out between sobs. “I love you,” I whisper in his ear. He draws back and slides the ring onto my hand then buries his fingers through my wet locks pulling my mouth to his.

  chapter 20


  Her whispered yes was music to this man’s ears. I know she loves me but my life comes with a lot of drawbacks, not just cash comforts. I’m not above cutting my loses where business is concerned to have her. Hell, I’m changing every single day that I get with her by my side anyway but I’m thankful to find that this woman accepts me no matter what form I take on.

  Taking Brea to my cave was the plan all day long but I had to wait until Channing pulled his head out of his ass. Relying on that asshole is like taking a chance on a fully loaded gun in a game of Russian Roulette. Someone is bound to die. The little bastard that he is damn near got his face ripped off earlier for those fucked thoughts when Brea materialized in her white swimsuit. One more of those slipped sexual desires on his part and I’ll tie his ass to my yacht and sink that motherfucker in the deep blue sea, pirate style.

  Showing Brea this piece of awareness and insight for who I am was solidified as soon as she whispered her thoughts out at the house over my painting that I sketched years ago. No one knows my artistic side but her. That’s one of my hidden past times. Only shared with her because I know it’s safe within her mind. She covets our shared secrets like the cash Fort Knox’s protects, ruthlessly.

  Now that my god damn ring is perfectly in place on her hand, I know anyone that comes within twenty feet of her won’t miss the fact that she belongs to me.

  The Boardroom Boss.

  The Wallstreet God.

  Mine – Brogan Creed’s.

  And as I cup her face in my hands, I take the mouth that belongs to me like a pleasurable treasure found in the midst of a sea storm. Carefully. Thoroughly. Greedily.

  This moment goes down in history as the only time that I was uncertain of the outcome. Nerves of steel, no more. The relief I feel over her acceptance in my proposal strummed through my body like a cure for cancer; healed and rebirthed.

  Unlike all my business mergers and corporate conquests, I couldn’t push the doors open and stronghold my way into her heart. No demanding calls could be made to maneuver favors my way. Crippling a company to ben
d to my wants turning the odds to victory was out. My money is not her motivator. I had to rely on her to want me as much as I do her. A fucking intense need. This woman’s love is what I trust. And that she does. She loves me. The man. Not the idea of my bank account.

  When she sighs into my mouth, I take that from her too. Cupping her head in my hand, I slowly take her body down into the soft pillows undermine. My hand finds the ties on her bathing suit and I tug the string freeing the restraint on her top then pull it from her body. Letting the silky wet fabric slip from my fingers, I look down and repeat the motion on the ties at her beautiful hips.

  Letting my ice chambers sweep over her newly sun made porcelain white triangles where the fabric concealed her body under the sun's eye, I stroke my hand lightly over her mound at the base of her body. She shivers and I look back up to her royal blue gems locked on me, I send her a wink.

  Reaching around me, I slide the champagne bottle out of the ice and thank the Greek Gods above that it’s already open. “Open up baby.” Like the good girl she is she does as told, and I reward her with a taste of the pricy purchase. Then I turn the bottle up helping myself to some.

  “That’s good.” She says and my devious smirk breaks out.

  “You wanna know what’s even better?” I quirk my brows at her and she nods. I pour some over her breasts then a trail over her stomach. Brea giggles while running the pads of her hands over her tits to control the spillage. Setting the bottle in a cushy corner amongst the pillows, I dive down and bite her nipples lightly then swirl the sting away with my tongue, noting the tasty flavor of her coupled with the pricy bubbly.

  “Oh, uhmmm… That feels amazing.” She moans. The cave causes her voice to echo out which is nothing short of a pleasing sound.

  “I want to sink inside of you and stay there.” I rasp out while sliding my fingers between her seam. Thumbing her clit while dipping my finger inside of her, I’m pleased to find her hot and wet just for me. She bites down on her bottom lip and that action alone tells me she likes what I’m doing to her. I plan to do so much more. “The bedroom beast will fuck you later but right now I want to make love to you,” I growl. Being the multi-tasking man that I am, I kick my swim shorts off to the side and find my safe escape between her legs, mine.

  “I was yours before the ring, Brogan. Take what you need, however you want it because I simply just want you.” Her breathless plea is all I need to nudge inside but I’m caught off guard when she grips me, sliding her hand up and down my length. I let out a low gutted groan. She positions me at her entrance, and I fill her up with everything me in one swift motion, fully seeded. The sudden intrusion has her gripping my shoulders releasing a rushed breath over my neck.

  “Oh, Jesus.” She moans.

  I grip her chin and take her mouth aggressively then cut a path down her neck that ends with my teeth scraping across her sensitive skin. Tasting the chlorine and hint of coconut suntanning oil from earlier is a turn on too.

  “Uhhh, yes…” Her breath catches as I slide into her tight pussy over and over again. It promotes her to tie her legs around my waist and I brace my elbows on both sides of her head stilling my hips. Nothing but a digging sensation into her depths. Carving out my existence and marking her as mine.

  No matter how many times I take this woman, her pussy clamps around me like a rubber band causing my balls to feel like they want to burst. I grip her leg holding it to my side while I grind in and out of her. I’m focused on leaving my dicks impression deep within her. Spreading out a space that is mine only. A place only I’ve ever been. Her hands slide through my hair bringing me into her lips. When she opens, I tangle myself up in her as we sway into the mouth foreplay.

  “Look at me, Brealyn.” Her eyes snap up to me. “I never knew what love was. Never wanted it. Never needed it. Now, all I can think of is how I never want to live without it, you. My butterfly.” My voice is shaky but breaks when I feel her tighten the hold she has around my dick.

  “I love you too.” She whispers.

  “You feel that?” I pull out a few inches only to slide back inside her and she contracts around me again. Fuck….

  “Yes…” She hisses out.

  “Look at us linked together. Watching my dick slide in and out of you is the hottest sight I’ve ever seen.” She rises up on her elbows to watch the show and I don’t disappoint as I take what’s mine. Giving her pleasure and taking mine, equally.

  “Damn…” She whispers.

  “You know what that does to me when you cuss…. Fuck.” I grit out between clenched teeth.

  “Brogan, fuck me.” She moans and those royal blue eyes spear me. Holy shit…

  Listen, Brea and I have A LOT of hot ass sex, but she’s never said that to me before. Her gentle and caring nature doesn’t allow vulgarity of any kind unless my asshole ways get outed. So, to hear that spill from her lovely lips spikes my blood pressure. In other words, it a god damn turn on, period.

  I’d like to think I have restraint down to a science but not right now. I wanted this moment to be affectionate lovemaking. With all that special shit thrown in that Brea could reference back to one day. But hearing those words leaking off her lips switches me over into bedroom boss mode. It’s something that she must need from me right now. Who the fuck am I to deny my fiancé what she truly wants? Enclosing, I’ll give her the Creed dicking deed with zero restraint.

  Without a second thought, I pull out of her, flip her little body around, and wrap my hand around her hair pulling her back flush to my chest. I grip her chin in my hand turning her head so I know she hears me., sees me My aggravated and excited dick is firmly tucked between our bodies and my lips are teasing the shell of her ear. Brea can feel the mood shift. I can too. Shits about to get interesting.

  “You want me to fuck you, Brea?” My voice is a low shaky warning. “Is that what you really want?”

  “Yes…” She gasps and nods her head.

  “You’re sure about that?” I rub my erection against her ass and she whimpers. She needs to tread lightly. I’m sensitive to everything since she said yes to my proposal. Control was out the window after that. I can feel her gulp down a knot of nerves.

  Those beautiful deep blue stars blink out at me then she whispers out, “More than anything, it’s what I need right now. Please, Brogan.”

  Those words scorch the underside of my balls with the need to do just that, fuck my new fiancé. Her hands run over the outside of my legs as I line my cock up and ram inside of her until there’s nowhere else left for me to go. Brea’s head falls back at the sudden interruption of my dick deep within her walls. My jaw locks up with the feel of her pussy tightening all around me. She knows what she’s doing to me. That much I’m sure of. My hand flattens against her waist securing her to me.

  “Christ…” I grate out into her neck right before I let the pounding strokes begin in and out of her, relentless. “Mine…” I growl.

  “Yes, yes… So, fucking good.” She whimpers. Her claws dig into my ass cheeks and I hiss out in the pleasurable pain.

  “Brea…. God damn it.” It’s a plea for her to sensor that shit.

  If she keeps talking like that, I’m going to lose the last of my composure. Which isn’t much at this moment. I bite down on her shoulder and she whimpers out. It’s more of a shock than a painful approach. It’s payback for the pussy pliers currently wrapped around my dick.

  Pushing her forward on all fours, I keep my tight hold on her hair, kicking her legs out more, then I grip her hip and lose my control inside of her. My strokes are ruthless, and I feel her when she clenches up like a brutal strangulation on my cock.

  “Brogan… I’m… Oh God, YES.” She cries out and I’d like to say that I was gentle but far from it.

  Gripping both of her shoulders, my plunges into her can be heard all around us. The echo of our sexual symphony is the best musical I’ve ever attended. I ride my way to an overwhelming orgasm that produces a medieval growl of her name out of m
y lungs. My balls have a tingling rush with a final push deep inside of her. As I cum with aftershock strokes, I can hear Brea humming my name.

  Flipping her around, I lower us to the pillow bed and take her mouth with a tenderness that was not found ten minutes ago. Jesus Christ, that was epic.

  “Shit, baby…” I rest my forehead to hers as her hands roam up and down my sides.

  “That was hot.” She giggles and I pull back taking her in. The gazed over just thoroughly fucked look playing out on her face is present. I’ve turned my butterfly into a freak. That thought makes me chuckle. “Thank you.” She whispers while running her hand over my cheek and through the white streak over my ear.

  “My pleasure. But let it be known that I was trying for romantic, baby.” I say while shaking my head with a smirk.

  “It was romantic and freaking hot. Both things that gave this a wow factor. I’ll never forget tonight, ever.”

  “Neither will I, butterfly,” I say.

  “Something instead of nothing, huh?” She giggles and damn, this woman… My smile breaks out.

  “Everything… I want everything.” I grate out and she nods.

  “It’s yours.”

  The smile she gives me is nothing short of a miracle. Fuck, I feel that shit in the center of my chest. It’s heady and consuming. It’s her, period. She leans up kissing me and I greedily take it, meeting her stroke for stroke.

  “I love you Brogan Creed.” She whispers across my lips.


  “I still can’t believe you did all of this,” Brea says as she snuggles further into my side.

  “Do you want a big wedding?” I ask. She can have whatever the hell she wants.

  “Not unless that’s what you want, otherwise no. I don’t really care for that. My grandparents can’t travel anyway because my grandmother’s health has been declining and my gramps would never leave her side. Something intimate and shared between us is good enough for me.” God, this woman is made for me, period.


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