The Womb - Poems on Mother , Father , Children , Parenthood - volume 2

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The Womb - Poems on Mother , Father , Children , Parenthood - volume 2 Page 8

by Nikhil Parekh

Every poignant expression of his; made me feel rejoicingly human; as I fulminated even the innermost parts of my soul; to beautifully blend with the river of; unassailably glorious honesty,

  Every innocuous maneuver of his; made me supremely drift into an entrenchment of Omnipotently shimmering belief; as I pioneered a sparkling Sun of patriotism;

  on every step that I harmoniously tread,

  Every droplet of his vivacious blood; made me flamingly rise to kiss the fireballs of unbelievably euphoric compassion; tirelessly disseminate the unconquerable mantras of eternal friendship; to the most fathomless parts of this earth,

  Every spontaneously ingratiating frown of his; made me deeply realize that even the most greatest of humans are sporadically fallible; infact just an infinitesimally minuscule fraction of the Almighty divine,

  Every freshly protruding teeth of his; made me intransigently salute God for so handsomely evolving freshness; for so aristocratically creating and molding each element of; wonderfully mesmerizing mankind,

  Every piquantly tiny fist of his; made me intractably believe in my integrally inborn spirit of never dying enthusiasm; as I tirelessly diffused the rainbow of vivacious hope; in every dwelling brutally asphyxiated with murderous gloom and despair,

  Every resplendently enamoring breath of his; made me forever feel that I was radiantly dancing on the carpet of blissfully unending survival; leading each

  instant of my existence; in holistic symbiosis with the united rays of all; living kind,

  And every beat of his passionately throbbing heart; made me alive even from the corridors of despicably gory hell; more importantly love my first son; as much

  as the Creator loved this ravishing planet


  You were the ones who cared for me; sacrificed the most minutest of your belongings to see me blossom till times beyond eternity,

  You were the ones who incessantly showered gifts upon me; slept many a times without inevitable morsels in your famished stomachs,

  You were the ones who safeguarded me like a formidable fortress; taking the brunt of the murderously acrimonious world; directly on your shivering chests,

  You were the ones who ensured that I always smiled; weeping inexplicable tears in solitude; as the deviltried to lambaste you from all sides,

  You were the ones who unrelentingly encouraged me towards my goal; when the extraneous world outside fretted and turned an uncouthly deaf ear,

  You were the ones who sequestered me from every ray of sweltering heat; bathing in whirlwinds of perspiration every instant; as the fireball of Sun; blazed to its most unsurpassably vicious radiance,

  You were the ones who responded to even the most faintest of my cries; lived a countless sleepless nights; while I snored to blend with realms of absolute heaven,

  You were the ones who instilled in me the essence of life; ensured that my impoverished soul transcended over the boundaries of paradise; even at the cost

  of your precious extinction,

  You were the ones who taught me how to crawl; walk; conquer every obstacle that confronted me in my way; even when the blood flowing in your veins was rapidly

  evaporating over the threshold of obsolete oblivion,

  You were the ones who magnanimously nurtured my every desire; saw to it that I diffused the philanthropic fragrance of mankind; even when you were besieged from

  all quarters with the most devastating of disease,

  You were the ones who passionately discerned the artist fulminating in my beats; even as the planet outside savagely massacred it with swords of macabre manipulation; even before it was born,

  You were the ones who shared each unfurling second of my agony; listening to the innermost voices of my heart; even as the society around; was devouring you

  in its horrifically greedy belly,

  You were the ones who bestowed upon me a roof to live till the times I wanted; even as you coalesced with infinitesimal bits of threadbare dust outside; to pacify my list of ever augmenting demands,

  You were the ones who defended me against the most diabolical of foes; selflessly beheading your scalps; to witness me sprout into an unfathomable fountain of


  You were the ones who stood with me for the love of my life; spending your entire existence in dilapidated dungeons of penance; for the plethora of misdeeds I might have unwittingly committed in my quest for the ultimate summit,

  You were the ones who laughed when I laughed; cried when I cried; relinquishing your fathomless list of personal ambitions; to make me eat the fruits that I wanted,

  You were the ones who followed me like an incorrigible shadow; in good times as well as bad; even though I snubbed you sometimes with cloudbursts of irascible


  You were the ones who perpetually remained my friends for centuries incomprehensible; even as those closest to me stabbed me insidiously with

  dagger heads of prejudice,

  You were the ones who were immortal angels; having not only given me birth and your name; but harnessing each part my persona till date; with your breath; your

  heart; your very own blood,

  And even if I assimilated the entire wealth on this earth; it would still prove a fraction too frugal in front of your divinely countenance; instead I proudly proclaim to the entire Universe; that you would always remain; my Godly parents.


  I felt the most wonderfully ameliorated woman on this fathomless Universe; when you poignantly sketched even the most infinitesimal contour of my sensuously

  impoverished form,

  I felt the most unbelievably liberated woman on this boundless Universe; when you flirtatiously chased me till times beyond infinite infinity; behind those voluptuously rain soaked hills,

  I felt the most unassailably virile woman on this indefatigable Universe; when you passionately interlocked every pore of your naked flesh with mine; tantalizingly stroking your masculine fingers through every crevice of my nubile spine,

  I felt the most fearlessly intrepid woman on this endless Universe; when you timelessly stared into the whites of my eye; exploring and magically deciphering

  its never-ending mysteries and astounding depth,

  I felt the most eclectically endowed woman on this resplendent Universe; when you whispered a tale of inscrutable desire into my ears; gently nibbling at their lobes as the Sun slowly sunk behind the enchantingly evanescent horizons,

  I felt the most impregnably honored woman on this inexhaustible Universe; when you unceasingly called my name infront of the entire planet; without the tiniest of embarrassment or uncanny fear in your profoundly muscled chest,

  I felt the most jubilantly fructifying woman on this boundless Universe; when you sowed the seed of your friendship; deep into the most innermost crannies of my crimson blood and veins,

  I felt the most inimitably undefeated woman on this triumphant Universe; when you unflinchingly stood by my diminutive side; in my times of inexplicably asphyxiating duress and celestial felicity; alike,

  I felt the most pricelessly perennial woman on this ever-pervading Universe; when you compassionately coalesced even the most mercurial line on your palms; with the innumerable permutations and combinations of destiny on my laconic hands,

  I felt the most euphorically learned woman on this everlasting Universe; when you unabashedly embossed your signature of humanitarian goodness upon both my

  breasts; unafraid of even the most diabolical of consequence to unfurl,

  I felt the most incredulously serenaded woman on this bountiful Universe; when you timelessly conserved even the most infinitesimal droplet of my sweat; in the center of your reflection even in the most hedonistic of mayhem and maelstroms,

  I felt the most victoriously accomplished woman on this limitless Universe; when you blessed me with your unconquerably divinely child; fertilizing me with your undying manhood for times and centuries immemo

  I felt the most ubiquitously worshipped woman on this unsurpassable Universe; when you discovered the most replenishing sleep of your life on the soles of my

  Spartan feet; wholesomely oblivious to even the most lucratively magnetizing vagaries of this treacherously robotic planet,

  I felt the most astoundingly fragrant woman on this gargantuan Universe; when you tirelessly blended every of your fierily unbridled breath with mine; at the most ethereal insinuation of Sunrise and seductive nightfall,

  I felt the most unlimitedly possessed woman on this spell-binding Universe; when you placed me as the most supreme throne in even the most obfuscated of your

  fantasy; overruling even the most uncontrollably obsessive desire of your body,

  I felt the most ecstatically imaginative woman on this panoramic Universe; when you inundated even the most transient portions of my mind; body and soul; with the

  unconquerably optimistic kisses of tomorrow,

  I felt the most opulently inebriated woman on this proliferating Universe; when you unstoppably traced the hapless barrenness of my skin; with your magically

  velvety tongue,

  I felt the most inevitably surrendered woman on this spell-binding Universe; when you impregnably clasped me in your fervent arms; the very first time we proposed each other; to be insuperably bonded for an infinite more lifetimes,

  And I felt the most blessedly immortal woman on this miraculous Universe; when you loved me more than you could love any other woman on this interminable earth;

  granting me not only the status of your beloved wife; but every breath that you undefeatedly inhaled in the tenure of your truncated life


  Don’t try to purchase him with the unfathomable armory of your spurious wealth; dictating to him the spurious norms of your monotonously conventional lifestyle,

  Just sit by his side sharing his joy and pain; and then witness him cling perpetually close to your heart; instead.

  Don’t try to intimidate him with your treacherous set of rules and bombastic regulations; tyrannizing him to stand first in his class,

  Just play with him uninhibitedly in your lap; and witness him make you feel the richest man alive; showering his celestial smile; instead.

  Don’t try and teach him textbooks of manipulative corporate management indefatigably throughout the blazing day; stringently whipping him as he made

  the tiniest of mistake,

  Just wholeheartedly share with him the experiences of your life; and then witness him scrap the most inconspicuous iota of agony from your anguished blood; instead.

  Don’t try and dress him up according to your pompous tastes and desires; brutally ordering him to shake hands with your sanctimoniously attired mates in the baseless party hall,

  Just stand for what he was; wherever he wanted; and then witness him bestow upon you an infinite lives; be only yours for centuries immemorial; instead.

  Don’t try and slave him to your every command; taking undue advantage of his boisterous youth and inherent charm,

  Just philander and gallivant with him rhapsodically through the mystical hills; genuinely admiring the most diminutive of his attribute; and then witness him

  bloom into your every philanthropic dream; instead.

  Don’t try and challenge his immaculate persona with your inevitably acquired knowledge; ruthlessly assassinating his innocent suggestions,

  Just let him pursue the dreams that he wanted; inspiring him to be the very best in the mission of his heart; and then witness him become the unfathomable pride of your impoverished soul; instead.

  Don’t scare the winds out of his Godly countenance; making him retreat in his shivering cocoon; the minute you stepped like a white collared tycoon from

  the office,

  Just embrace him ardently with both arms; talk to him like the best friend of his life; and then witness him enlighten the tunnels of frantic desperation in your eyes; instead.

  Don’t penalize him for his inadvertently committed misdeeds;   belting your fanatic frustrations of the day upon his intricately tender visage,

  Just free him from the chains of your parasitically congenial society; making him feel the strongest entity alive in the warmth of your chest; and thenwitness him become the jewel of your blind eyes; as well as of the entire Nation; instead.

  And don’t make him feel as if you were only his guardian; feeding him whenever he desired; providing him cloth and shelter only because his veins carried rudiments of your own blood,

  Just treat him as your immortal son; a friend to him when he was mischievous; a philosopher when he indispensably needed your vast experiences of life; and then witness him tirelessly call you; love you; as father; instead


  Neither could I relinquish your impeccable memories from the whites of my eye; forgetting you for times immemorial,

  Nor could I allow anyone else to be the perpetual queen of my eyelashes; except for her majestically mesmerizing countenance.

  Neither could I pulverize my rubicund lips; given to me by you after countless hours of enduring turmoil,

  Nor could I allow anyone else to be their ravishing smile; except for her

  impeccably floating gorgeous shadow.

  Neither could I char all those enchanting fantasies; which you had wonderfully nourished me to witness,

  Nor could I allow anyone else to be the divinely mediator of mind; except for

  her tantalizingly alluring voice.

  Neither could I brutally abdicate your innocuously heavenly caress; that transited me every night into realms of invincible sleep,

  Nor could I allow anyone else to touch me even the slightest; except for the profuse enigma that circumvented her intriguing soul.

  Neither could I disobey your unfathomable battalion of benevolent commands; disgruntling the slightest before your revered grace,

  Nor could I allow anyone else to enslave me; except for her magnanimously romantic aura; that blended royally with the stars in blue sky.

  Neither could I change the color you’d imparted to my skin; harnessing me with scarlet streams of your very own poignant blood,

  Nor could I allow anyone else to be the rhapsodic excitement of my flesh; except for her unbelievably voluptuous body; which ignite fireballs of passion in the heart of the dead night.

  Neither could I savagely exonerate the mystical language; which you’d unrelentingly taught me since nascent years of immaculate childhood,

  Nor could I allow anyone else to be the words of my tongue; except for her philanthropic persona; which insatiably craved to embrace all humanity.

  Neither could I lead my life without your irrefutably sacred charm; propelling me each instant to be handsomely alive,

  Nor could I allow anyone else to be the breath in my lungs; the passionately throbbing beats of my heart; except for her immortally augmenting flame of love.

  For on one hand you were the Godly mother who gave me birth in the first place; nourishing me with your mind; body and blood; while on the other; she was the

  wife who ensured that I was today; blissfully breathing each of my dreams and unconquerably alive




  It seemed you were just a pound of flesh; in the sacrosanct womb of your revered mother; only fractions of seconds ago,

  While today you stood more towering than the skies; with your eyes glistening more flamboyantly than the midday Sun; as you hoisted me on your fearless shoulders.

  It seemed you were just a pound of bones; in the immaculate belly of your vivacious mother; only fractions of seconds ago,

  While today you matched me step for step as I raced towards the finishing line; entwining your fingers impregnably with mine.

  It seemed you were just a pound of water; in the divine pouch of your stupendous mother; only fractions of seconds ago,

p; While today you literally blew the air from my lungs; as you euphorically punched me in waves of insurmountable triumph; on heart of my chest.

  It seemed you were just a pound of hair; in the Omnipotent sac of your impeccable mother; only fractions of seconds ago,

  While today you proudly intimidated me in every aspect of life; soaring above the crimson cocoon of clouds; even before you alight a single footstep.

  It seemed you were just a pound of wails; in the divine cradle of your ingratiatingly alluring mother; only fractions of seconds ago,

  While today you confronted me eye to eye across the table with passionate fire blazing in your eyes; drowned in astounding fantasy; that triggered thunderbolts of lightening in clear sky.


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