The Womb - Poems on Mother , Father , Children , Parenthood - volume 2

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The Womb - Poems on Mother , Father , Children , Parenthood - volume 2 Page 12

by Nikhil Parekh

  doesn’t unfurl infront of the whites of my impeccable eyes; for far too long,

  I might perhaps forget even the most perpetually emollient paradise; if it

  doesn’t engulf a diminutive speck of the planet; for far too long,

  I might perhaps forget even the most salubriously robust fruit; if it doesn’t perpetuate into the ghastily emaciated walls of my stomach, for far too long,

  I might perhaps forget even the most resplendently jubilant of star; if it doesn’t celestially twinkle in the aristocratically crystal blue carpet of sky; for far too long,

  I might perhaps forget even the most unassailably unparalleled voice of truth; if it doesn’t transcend the mortuaries of sacrilegiously threadbare lies; for far too long,

  I might perhaps forget even the most effulgently mitigating of sensuousness; if it doesn’t enshroud every conceivable pore of my drearily lambasted skin; for far too long,

  I might perhaps forget even the most quintessentially burgeoning waterfalls;

  if they don’t cascade down the handsome mountains; for far too long,

  I might perhaps forget even the most victoriously unfettered destiny lines;

  if they don’t inhabit the lap of my dreadfully diminishing palms; for far too long,

  I might perhaps forget even the most brilliantly unadulterated winds of honesty; if they don’t wholesomely massacre every trifle of parasitically rancid corruption;

  for far too long,

  I might perhaps forget even the most Omnisciently life-yielding breaths; if they don’t miraculously rejuvenate fresh life into my haplessly amorphous veins; for far too long,

  I might perhaps forget even the most Immortally uniting of heartbeats; if they don’t eviscerate me from the coffins of salaciously pulverizing betrayal; for far too long,

  I might perhaps forget even the most fabulously scintillating of diamonds; if they don’t glitter into charismatically impregnable glory; for far too long,

  I might perhaps forget even the most pricelessly unconquerable anecdotes of innocence; if they don’t unflinchingly tower above the cold-bloodedly rampaging devil; for far too long,

  I might perhaps forget even the most saliently symbiotic rudiments of existence; if they don’t fearlessly tower above deliriously decrepit depression; for far too long,

  But I can never ever forget your Omnipresently Godly womb O! Mother for an

  infinite more lives of mine; can never ever disown its undefeated compassion for an infinite more deaths even after the chapter of my survival had veritably ended; even after I had renounced every speck of my physical form and died



  There was nothing ever born on this fathomlessly majestic Universe; which was as altruistically blissful; as her unconquerably venerated lap,

  There was nothing ever born on this limitlessly inscrutable Universe; which was as peerlessly invincible; as her compassionately infallible embrace,

  There was nothing ever born on this unfathomably reinvigorating Universe; which was as freshening; as her philanthropically Omniscient smile,

  There was nothing ever born on this countlessly endowing Universe; which was as pristinely emphatic; as the whites of her royally twinkling eyes,

  There was nothing ever born on this unbelievably emollient Universe; which was as pricelessly insuperable; as her perpetually caring innocuousness,

  There was nothing ever born on this stupendously endless Universe; which was as magically livening; as her impregnably poignant caress,

  There was nothing ever born on this gloriously undaunted Universe; which was as benevolently burgeoning; as her timelessly blessing fantasy,

  There was nothing ever born on this tirelessly proliferating Universe; which was as unflinchingly divine; as her wonderfully symbiotic friendship,

  There was nothing ever born on this mystically triumphant Universe; which was as vibrantly undefeated; as her Omnipotently inherent charisma,

  There was nothing ever born on this synergistically unceasing Universe; which was as harmoniously fragrant; as her immaculately perennial lap,

  There was nothing ever born on this fantastically inexhaustible Universe; which was as redolently effulgent; as her inimitably bonding swirl,

  There was nothing ever born on this vividly panoramic Universe; which was as exhilaratingly innovative; as her indefinably subliming and magnanimous newness,

  There was nothing ever born on this jubilantly ecstatic Universe; which was as gloriously mitigating; as her unshakably humanitarian and spell bindingly united camaraderie,

  There was nothing ever born on this unlimitedly procreating Universe; which was as bountifully enamoring; as her peerlessly indefatigable spirit to fight the frigidly asphyxiating devil,

  There was nothing ever born on this eclectically fabulous Universe; which was as unstoppably Samaritan; as her eternally blessed footsteps,

  There was nothing ever born on this insurmountably fecund Universe; which was as symbiotically acclimatizing; as her Omnipresently untainted countenance,

  There was nothing ever born on this euphorically serene Universe; which was as mellifluously mollifying; as her regally unmatched and astoundingly fertile voice,

  There was nothing ever born on this holistically unprecedented Universe; which was as perpetually ardent; as her victoriously resplendent spirit of unfettered belonging,

  And irrespective of whatever form and condition that she existed in; whether the disdainfully egregious gutter pipe; or  a castle embellished with the costliest of jewels; whether infinite feet beneath the graveyard or in a land above unshakable paradise; whether as an infinitesimally intangible ant; or in the form of an undauntingly superior human being,

  Every cranny of the earth; cosmos and beyond; including the Greatest of God’s will forever salute her indomitable tenacity to protect her child against each devil of hell; will forever salute her as a heavenly mother


  If being a man; is all about ostentatiously malicious chauvinism; indifferently blowing countless bellows of cigar smoke; into the eyes of those innocent and haplessly deprived,

  If being a man; is all about ruthlessly driving the most swankiest of Mercedes over those poor children fast asleep on the shivering streets; in celebration of the senses wholesomely inebriated with the richest of wine,

  If being a man; is all about sadistically rolling in gigantically fetid mountains of currency note; whilst innumerable other fellow living beings lay gruesomely starving; without the tiniest morsel of food in their stomachs,

  If being a man; is all about spuriously machismo whisky replacing every ingredient of blood in the body; and then deliriously abusing the pricelessly compassionate mother soil,

  If being a man; is all about indefatigably engaging in abhorrent war; inundating fathomless granaries of the inimitable Universe; with irrevocably diseased nuclear bomb,

  If being a man; is all about asserting vindictive superiority upon every other conceivable organism; letting the exposed bulging muscle barbarously trample over every ounce of sensitivity,

  If being a man; is all about egregiously ill-treating your very own children; heartlessly embarking upon the most senseless corporate tours of your life; leaving them inconsolably crying,

  If being a man; is all about philandering with a zillion women at a time; dexterously dodging one’s very own earnest wife; in worthlessly tireless search of spurious vixen and salacious wine,

  If being a man; is all about fecklessly ridiculing every diminutively shriveled personality on the roads; spitting on them whatever foul was left in the compartments of the mouth; of the ghoulish day,

  If being a man; is all about considering every piece of wondrously ameliorating artistry as frigidly babyish; roaring like a baselessly insensitive rhino; on a diabolical high with scotch on the rocks,

  If being a man; is all about cold-bloodedly worshipping the parasitic devil;

ing in the sole concept of demonstrating brute power to snatch happiness from every cranny of the fathomless planet,

  If being a man; is all about deplorably disregarding the most ultimate divinely love of the mother; for a few sleazily decrepit opportunities of quick money and fame,

  If being a man; is all about betraying even the most immortally throbbing hearts for you; shattering them into an infinite pieces of nothingness; with the stone of your insanely satanic commercialism,

  If being a man; is all about uttering the most unbearably sinful of abuse; infront of the most Omnipotent scepter of Godhead; just to demonstrate the nonchalant carefreeness of the slavering tongue,

  If being a man; is all about committing the most venomously horrendous of crime in the name of religion; rendering countless innocuous children disastrously orphaned; staring meaninglessly at the sadistically slit throats of their parents and kin,

  If being a man; is all about ruthlessly kicking every impeccably fructifying bit of vegetation left; right and center; just in order to release that extra iota of lazy energy trapped in the petulant bone,

  If being a man; is all about lividly wastrel high society parties; in which billions were ghastily traded in the name of prostitution; child molestation; drugs and innumerable more offences of the kind,

  If being a man; is all about portraying devilishly unsparing superiority; forever widowing your wife right on your wedding night; as you surrendered your mind; body and soul to someone else’s arms; whilst she hysterically cried,

  Then Thank God. And I really thank the Omnisciently triumphant God. That by

  his grace I was born as depicting the ultimate apogee of sensitivity and sensuality; O! Yes I was born a baby girl who would inevitably turn into a proud Woman !


  How can I thank you for all those bountiful values of goodness that you've so magically inculcated in my child's innocent brain?

  How can I thank you for so compassionately holding my child's hand in an alien premises-when I wasn't the slightest around to hear her inconsolable cries?

  How can I thank you for making the whole process of monotonous studies—such an enchanting playground of richness for my child's eyes?

  How can I thank you for so beautifully taming my child into a symbiotically civilized angel—from an unruly doll only obsessed with her very own toys?

  How can I thank you for so adeptly solving each barricade in the path of my child—as she indulged the first chords of her infinite mind into the whole process called 'learning in school'?

  How can I thank you for so magically triggering a smile on the face of my child—as she nervously fidgeted for her own space amidst several more of her kind?

  How can I thank you for so magnanimously bearing with each bit of my child's peskiness—converting each tear that dribbled from her eyes into the most perfect nursery rhyme of life?

  How can I  thank you for so thoughtfully introducing my child to each new aspect of school—letting her marvelously adjust to even the remotest component in the new atmosphere—at her very own pace?

  How can I thank you for guarding my child like an invincible fortress of friendship—whilst teaching her the quintessential alphabets of knowledge at the same time?

  How can I thank you for untiringly being the eyes of my child as she feebly weaved her way through each bit of unknown territory- amongst the incredibly tall walls of her first school?

  How can I thank you for observing even the most intricate development of my child—and then making constant persevering notes on how to improve her all round performance in the chapter called life?

  How can I thank you for being the most adorable home for my child away from her real home-and being the most perfect mother for her and all her mates as well in mundane schooltime?

  Well let me just start by saying Mrs. Shah -'That you mean the world

  to my child' .


  55. A Woman's World

  If a man was born out of a woman's divinely womb; after tossing; turning and kicking helplessly for 9 agonizingly marathon months; before tasting the first beams of light of the alien world,

  If a man suckled life-yielding milk; comfort; and compassion; from the bosom of a woman; in order to perseveringly fortify each of his bone-to face the ghastly wrath of the parasitic planet outside,

  If a man wailed in a woman's eclectically sensitive palms in his times of duress; felt their latent warmth as the most invincible fortress; even as the worst of hell descended on earth,

  If a man fervently licked his fingers clean time and again; savoring the most succulently ravishing meals on earth even in his dreams; prepared by the artistically virile woman,

  If a man flirted and philandered with a woman in iridescent twilight; in order to grant his veins the most tantalizingly unparalleled exhilaration that ever existed; in order to profoundly realize the glory of his untamed youth,

  If a man kissed a woman with every ounce of passion that existed in each ingredient of his blood; in order to perpetually feel the quintessential reason of existence; as two souls royally blended to become one,

  If a man took inimitably unflinching pride in introducing a woman as his better-half partner for life; thereby demonstrating his perfect symbiosis with nature and winning the unanimous applause of one and all around,

  If a man started to work everyday with reinvigorated vigor to conquer life and its uncanny hardships; thanks to the fearlessly inspiring smile of a woman and the power of faith in her resplendent eyes,

  If a man desperately sought a beautiful woman's face amidst a boundless crowd of other men; to enlighten his otherwise wretchedly remorseful evening with the clouds of effervescent desire,

  If a man resorted to the sensuous caress of a magnetic woman-shrugging millions of the currency coin; only to feel the ultimate magic of exhaling in princely desire and unconquerably alive,

  If a man desperately shouted the name of the woman who brought him to the world even before he remembered God; at the tiniest attack of the salaciously

  crucifying devil,

  If a man squeaked worse than an orphaned rat infront of a woman's door; to forgive him as night fell and he frantically needed a shoulder to cry upon—as the mosquitoes of worldly commercialism chased him down to the last hole,

  If a man considered a woman his most eternally unshakable companion; to uninhibitedly blend with his feminist fears and tears; understand his sensitive soul to the hilt-like no-one else could ever comprehend,

  If a man needed a woman to trigger an infinite colors and spectrums of desire; in his otherwise robotically routine business night; where all that was otherwise visible was plaintive cigarette smoke; tie; whisky; dubious collapse of stocks; and unbearable strife,

  If a man depended on a woman to articulately assemble and sift through his disorganized life; make him feel more responsible in the chapter of existence; as he refreshingly marched forward with a purpose to serve back his own world,

  If a man embraced a woman for  bondings more immortal than an infinite more physical lives and veritable deaths; totally unfettered as the planet viciously abused him; locked in the arms of her ever-pervading love,

  If a man secretly wanted to be fed every morsel of his food by a woman just like in innocuous childhood; in order to forever revel in the love and glory of the very best that life in its most pristinely form; had to ever offer,

  If a man wholesomely leaned upon a woman to continue his race and name  ahead; intransigently feel that the chapter of life had then eventually revolved a complete circle,

  Then why the hell do you call it and rant about it as a 'mans earth'. For whether you agree or don't agree it always has been and always would be a womans world .


  A dynamite of blazing optimism as the steps tread resolutely upon hapless floor ,

  Majestic bristles of grey engulfing a handsomely robu
st jawline ,

  Raw bundle of energy compounded with fearless streaks of adventure to clamber the


  An unparalleled commitment to each project undertaken ; to take it to an honest

  success ,

  A desire to excel in whatever stage life offered ; without the tiniest of enviousness

  towards others who were better off ,

  Thorough professionalism which never got office work to home ; relishing the verdant landscapes of the lawn with a rejuvenating stroll,

  A flamboyant charmer with unmatched talking skills ; that converted the most dogmatic No into a mesmerizing Yes ,


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