Tough Talking Cowboy

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Tough Talking Cowboy Page 29

by Jennifer Ryan

  Adria loved watching him try to win against Roxy.

  Noah told him a dozen times to give up.

  Sonya and Austin simply said, “You can’t win.”

  Drake took the defeat in stride and without any animosity because coming up with the plans, discussing the details, and picking colors and appliances and furniture had brought them all closer together.

  Sonya and Roxy helped more than necessary, but they’d wanted Adria to know they were still a family. They’d always do things together.

  She’d needed that. It helped her grieve and let go and live her life with joy again.

  Almost Homemade doubled profits from opening month, and they were looking to do the same over the next two months.

  McGrath Security took off. Customers liked the idea of a trained soldier assessing their security and setting up protection for their homes and businesses. When the owner sold, two of the workers retired, too, so Drake hired a couple of ex-soldiers Dr. Porter referred to him, who had similar PTSD issues to Drake’s. They now had jobs and the support of their fellow soldiers. Drake even got them to join him on his rides and talks with Jamie. They formed their own support group.

  Drake’s injuries healed. The surgery gave him more mobility. He didn’t need his cane. In fact, he realized the night he came racing to the shop to see her that he’d relied too much on it. His hip ached sometimes, but he wasn’t in constant pain anymore, so long as he was careful.

  The scars on his face faded just like the plastic surgeon promised. Drake didn’t seem to care one way or the other anymore when people stared.

  It did her heart good to see him happy and living a productive life, free of pain and anger. He woke up happy. She liked to think most of that was because they woke up together every day.

  This morning Drake woke her up in the nicest way. Making love to him always made her day better and made the connection they shared even stronger.

  She stood on the brand-new back terrace of the home they bought together. The renovations weren’t quite finished, but they couldn’t wait to move in.

  She put her hands on the railing and stared out at the beautiful trees and bright blue sky overhead while she waited for Drake to finish getting ready.

  Roxy and Sonya couldn’t have asked for a better day to get married.

  They deserved a perfect day.

  And that thought reminded her that Juliana wasn’t here to witness their happy union.

  Drake’s hand settled on her shoulder a second before he kissed her on the head. “You’re absolutely beautiful in that dress.”

  She glanced over her shoulder and smiled up at him. “Thank you. It’s the dress Roxy picked for Juliana. The one Sonya picked for her to wear during her ceremony is hanging by the front door.” Adria would wear both of them to honor their sister.

  “I know today is very special for Roxy and Sonya, so I thought I’d make it special for you, too.”

  “Oh, you did. And I appreciate it.” Reminded of their morning together, she gave him a sexy smile.

  He returned it, but looked a little unsettled. She tried to turn to him, but he pressed his chest to her back, leaned over her, and set his chin on her shoulder.

  “This is your favorite spot.”

  True. She came out here every morning for the view and the quiet. They ate dinner out here and enjoyed the stars. She loved the quiet moments and talks about their day and their future they shared out here.

  Drake kissed her neck. “You and me, we’ve made a few deals.”

  “That first deal we made led us here.”

  He softly kissed her again. “Yes, it did. And at the heart of everything we do and say to each other is honesty.”

  Nervous and unsure about what he was talking about, she gripped the black railing tighter.

  “We needed something from each other to find a way to be whole. You healed me. I healed you.” He swept his fingers over the double heart tattoo above the back of her wrist. “Two joined hearts filled with love. We have that, and we’ve been able to get through the rough times.” Those words were very close to what Juliana said about the tattoo. “We are joined forever, Adria.” She leaned her cheek against his. “Read your hand, then mine.”

  She glanced down at her hand on the railing. “I love you.” He set his hand on the railing next to hers and she read what he’d written on the back. “Marry me.”

  Tears filled her eyes and spilled over, making it difficult to see the diamond ring he held in front of her.

  Instead of taking the ring, she turned to him.

  He cupped her face. The ring on the tip of his finger pressed against her wet cheek. “Say yes. Be my wife and I will spend the rest of my life making you happy and loving you.”

  “You already do. Yes. Yes, I’ll marry you.”

  Drake kissed her and it was like the sun brightened just for them. Fireworks burst in her heart, lighting it up with a rush of love. She didn’t think she’d ever be this happy.

  He broke the kiss, took her hand, slipped on the ring, held her hands in his, then stared down into her eyes. His shone with love and happiness. “I wanted you the moment I set eyes on you. I never thought I’d ever be happy again. I never thought I’d get married and have a family, but you make everything possible.”

  She smiled up at him and narrowed her eyes with suspicion. “You know.”

  He tilted his head and feigned ignorance. “Know what?”

  For a split second she thought maybe her secret prompted the proposal, but she dismissed it immediately. The proposal was inevitable no matter what because they loved each other and wanted to be together forever.

  Drake gave her another silly grin. “Are you talking about the fact you’re pregnant with my baby and have kept it to yourself for weeks?”

  “You’ve known for weeks?”

  “I may not know a lot about women, but I do know how their bodies work.” He gave hers an appreciative sweep with his hot gaze. He put his big hand on her belly. “We didn’t exactly talk about it.” No, they’d silently agreed to accept the possibility the night they made love at the apartment. “Are you happy about it?”

  She put her hand over his and stared at the diamond ring winking up at her. “I am over the moon excited.” She looked up at him. “You may have figured it out, but I still have a secret.”

  He tilted his head. “What’s that?”

  She put her other hand over his. “Twins.”

  Drake gasped. “Really?”

  “I’ll show you the ultrasound when we go back into the house.”

  “Why didn’t you tell me?”

  “I planned to tell you tonight after the weddings. Something special that is just for us.”

  “We think alike.” Drake kissed her softly. “And you needed to hold on to it for a little while and let it settle because of Juliana.”

  She nodded, appreciating that he understood she wasn’t keeping it from him, but needed time to reconcile losing something dear and being given something so precious at the same time. Something that brought back all the wonderful memories she shared with her twin.

  Her children would have that.

  “I miss her. She would have loved this. Twins. Two souls forever connected from the moment we created them.”

  Drake didn’t drop to one knee when he proposed, but he did so now and planted one, then two kisses on her belly. “You guys are so lucky.” He looked up at her. “I am, too.”

  She leaned down and kissed him. “I’m pretty sure I’m the lucky one to have found you.”

  He wrapped his arm around her thighs, stood, and lifted her in his arms. “When do you want to get married?”

  “As soon as possible. Here, at our home, in our backyard.” That made him smile. “But for today, let’s keep this between us and let my sisters have their day.”

  “Deal.” He let her body slide down his until she was face-to-face with him. “I love you.”

  “I love you, too.”

  This time,
the kiss was soft and sweet to seal the deal. She’d be his wife. He’d be her husband. Soon, they’d be Mom and Dad to twins.

  Life had a way of giving and taking. Today, it gave her everything she’d ever wanted.

  Chapter Forty

  Adria turned her face up to the sky and let the sun warm her skin and fill her heart.

  Today had been a long time coming. For all of them.

  Roxy stood arm in arm with Noah watching Sonya marry the man she loved more than anything. Roxy was already Noah’s wife.

  “I now pronounce you husband and wife.” And now Sonya was Austin’s wife.

  “You may kiss your bride.”

  Austin didn’t hesitate to pull Sonya close and kiss her like his life depended on it.

  Everyone cheered for the happily married couple.

  They belonged together.

  So did Roxy and Noah.

  And her and Drake.

  As happy as she was for her sisters today, it was hard to stand up for each of them without Juliana beside her.

  Roxy and Sonya didn’t forget that. So they gave her a wedding present inspired by Juliana’s joined hearts. She touched her finger to the twin sapphire heart pendants made from stones mined on Austin and Sonya’s land. Perfectly matched sapphires. One for her and Juliana on separate chains. Because Adria and Juliana were the same but separate, too.

  One day, they’d be together again. She believed that.

  But for now, she had to live her life. And it looked brilliantly bright.

  She caught Drake’s eye. It seemed everyone else disappeared when she looked at him. He looked back and made her feel like she was his whole world, too. She pressed her hand flat against her melting heart, showing him the I Love You and double heart tattoos.

  He mouthed, I love you, back.

  The joy that brought washed out her grief and her hand dropped to her belly and their two little secrets. She’d taken off her engagement ring so as not to overshadow the brides. Drake promised to put it back on her finger tonight.

  Today was about her sisters. So she smiled for all the pictures. She was nice to her mom, who flew in from Vegas with Big Mama and Roxy’s mom, Candy. June, Sonya’s mom, sat with all of them.

  After dinner, Adria, with Trinity beside her, graciously accepted the round of applause for catering the event from Almost Homemade.

  And then it was Adria’s turn to give the toast. All day she dreaded and anticipated this moment.

  “You can do it.” Drake sat beside her at the wedding party’s table, encouraging her, then clinked his butter knife against his champagne glass to get everyone’s attention.

  She stood and held her glass in her hand. Everyone stared back. All but one face that matched her own. Her heart pinched again with the pain of Juliana’s absence.

  “Hi, everyone. I’m Adria.” She took a deep breath and spoke from the heart. “Roxy, Sonya, and I are sisters. Not by blood, but something much deeper.” Most of the guests, if not all, knew that. “Our souls are connected. When we found each other, we knew we were better together.” Tears gathered in her eyes. “Roxy was our fearless leader. Tough. Strong. Independent. Noah had his work cut out for him winning her heart. She protected it well. But Noah saw Roxy’s true beauty and captured her heart.” Roxy wiped away a tear. Noah raised his glass and gave her a nod. “Sonya likes her numbers. She didn’t think she and Austin added up at first, but it soon became clear she and he equaled a perfect couple. Austin liked her spitfire, get-it-done attitude. It matched his own. Her compassion made him want to hold on to her when he thought he had nothing. She turned out to be the most precious jewel in his life.” Austin, sitting next to Adria, took her hand and kissed the back of it. Sonya smiled up at Adria, tears streaming down her cheeks.

  Adria barely held it together.

  “When Roxy and Sonya moved to Montana, I was jealous of the life they’d found and the men they loved. I wanted what they had. And when I came here, I found it for myself.” She glanced down at Drake and smiled because he always made her smile. “Roxy, Sonya, and I brought our sister Juliana here to heal. And she did. Because, like I said, we have always been better together.” She looked from Roxy to Sonya. “She dreamed of the life and love we found here. But she was taken from us before she found it.” Adria let the tears fall and spoke through her clogged throat. “I know with everything I am that she is here with us. Today. Tomorrow. Always. We are together. We will always be together. We are a family. And I wish you”—she pointed her glass toward Roxy and Noah—“and you”—she pointed her glass to Sonya and Austin—“a long and happy life. Together.” She held her glass high and everyone gathered stood. “To love and family.”

  “Love and family,” the small, intimate crowd said in unison, then sipped champagne.

  Drake stood and wrapped his arm around her, pulling her back into his chest and kissing her on the head. “You amaze me. That was perfect. I love you.”

  She turned in Drake’s arms and hugged him close, needing his support and comfort to get her through this moment. Roxy, Noah, Sonya, and Austin closed in and swamped her in love in one big group hug that made her tears dry up with her laughter. “You guys are squishing me.”

  They stepped back, but all of them stood close.

  Roxy spoke for the group. “I know you’re supposed to cry at weddings, but, Adria, that was beautiful.”

  “I meant it. We all deserve to be happy. We are a family. All of us.”

  Sonya glanced up at Austin, who nodded down at her. “Austin and I brought a plus-one to our wedding,” she whispered, not letting the rest of the guests overhear.

  Her sister, pregnant, too.

  She glanced at Drake, who nodded at her. “I’m surprised you held out this long.”

  Adria laughed and turned to her sisters. “I hate to show you up on your wedding day, but Drake and I are expecting two.”

  Her sisters gasped.

  Drake pulled the ultrasound photo from his jacket pocket and held it up.

  “And I do mean two.” She pointed to the two little beans in the picture. “Twins.”

  That set off another round of tears for her and Sonya along with back slaps and bear hugs between the guys. Noah and Austin had no trouble including Drake. They’d all gotten quite close.

  When the congratulations faded, Drake took her hand and slipped the diamond engagement ring on her finger for all of them to see. “He asked me this morning.” She looked up at the man she loved more than anything in this world. “I said yes.”

  Yes to love.

  Yes to happiness.

  Yes to a beautiful life.

  She accepted all the congratulations, then took both of her sisters’ hands. “Juliana would have loved this. She would have been a great aunt.”

  Roxy smiled. “She’d be the one sneaking them candy and letting them stay up all night by the time they’re two.”

  Adria laughed. “They’d be tattooed by the time they’re twelve.”

  “Hey, I still haven’t been allowed to get mine,” Annabelle, who’d become Roxy’s “little sister,” grumbled. When Roxy’s father passed away he made Roxy Annabelle’s guardian.

  Sonya tried to appease Annabelle. “We’ll all go together when you get yours so we can have a fifth rose added to ours.”

  “Just promise us you’ll finish high school and college before you get married and have little ones of your own.” Adria hugged Annabelle to her side, understanding all too well the need to connect with others and be included.

  She looked around at their group, felt the close bond between all of them, and knew none of them would ever be alone. They were what family should be.

  The celebration went on into the night long after the cakes were cut and the happy couples left for their honeymoons.

  Drake took her home and showed her just how much he loved her and how much he wanted to make her his wife.

  Which he did a month later in front of much the same crowd of friends and family who atte
nded Roxy’s and Sonya’s weddings. They held the ceremony at their completed home in their backyard just like she wanted. And though she missed Juliana even more that day, she celebrated what she did have in her life.

  A month after that, Adria, Roxy, and Sonya did what Juliana would have wanted. They spread her ashes and let her fly. They went up in a helicopter and spread her ashes over Roxy and Noah’s ranch, Sonya and Austin’s ranch, and Adria and Drake’s place. Now she would always be with them.

  That night she and Drake hosted their first of many family dinners.

  Roxy and Noah hosted dinner a month after that and announced that they were expecting.

  Soon enough they found out Sonya was expecting a boy, Roxy a little girl.

  Adria and Drake wanted to be surprised.

  On the morning Adria went into labor, Adria woke up from the recurring dream she’d had of Juliana for months. Her sister standing in the sunlight with a blue flower in one hand and a pink one in the other.

  Hours of labor later, Adria and Drake held their twins in their arms. Their son, James. And their daughter, Juliana.

  Author’s Note

  Dear Readers and Friends,

  I’m excited to bring you a brand-new Wild Rose Ranch book and a story fans of His Cowboy Heart have asked for ever since I introduced Drake McGrath in the Montana Men series.

  My husband was an Army Ranger. He earned a Purple Heart while serving. He came home a better and different man in many ways, but suffered PTSD symptoms for years. He still looks for snipers on roofs and has nightmares sometimes, even though he’s turned into an engineering geek (I say with love and pride).

  Brody McBride (The Return of Brody McBride), Jamie Keller (His Cowboy Heart), and Drake McGrath are loosely based on my husband’s experience and my research into soldiers who suffer from PTSD.

  Drake’s story is a raw and difficult look into a man suffering and trying to escape his past and find a way to live with his new reality. Though Drake makes it (of course he does, it’s a romance), other soldiers/veterans suffer in silence or lose their battle with PTSD. If you or someone you love needs help and support, contact the Military Crisis Line at 1 (888) 362-4217 or the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1 (800) 273-8255.


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