Wild Fire

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Wild Fire Page 62

by Heather Glidewell


  Sis? I could hear Shawn in my head.

  Shawn? I opened my eyes. I was laying in the back of the Bentley my hands tied behind my back.

  Don’t fight. It’s the Incubus. I looked in the front seat at the two hooded creatures.

  Where’s Marshall? Where’s Wesley? I was panicking again.

  They are in route to the same location. Don’t worry they are both ok. This wasn’t calming me down in the least.

  Who is in my car? I tried to loosen my bands but my wrists were held fast.

  That I don’t know. They were told to take you to the safe location. Aaron is waiting there for you. Ok so that sort of made me feel better. Knowing that someone I knew was going to be where I was headed.

  Do they know that it’s me? I asked.

  Yes and No. Only three of them know. Those that are on the council the others are unaware they just know that you are to be brought there for questioning. Dad and your mother will be there in a few days. How had he managed this so quickly? Seriously it had only been a few hours, if that.

  How did you get this done so fast? I asked him.

  Dad made a few calls and the Incubus intercepted said that they were just a few miles from the boarder of the camp. Miranda wasn’t even there, neither was John. We got all the prisoners and nearly wiped out her forces. He shouldn’t sound so proud of himself. There were innocent people in that place. People that had nothing to do with what was going on.

  What about Marshall’s sister? I demanded.

  We got her. We got the ones that were being held with lies. There was not a lot of blood not many died. They just burnt the camp to the ground. Shawn didn’t sound pleased with himself anymore but he did sound relieved.

  Will I be able to see them when we get there? I was scared now what were those that didn’t know who I was going to do to me?

  It’s going to be hard for a few days. Aaron knows though he will be the one watching over you. Just remember do not break character. Not until we know what we have on our hands. He told me exactly what to do. Though I had grown used to the skin of being Prudence I still longed for the moment when I could be Dawn again.

  “Maybe we should just pull over and end her miserable life now.” I heard one of the guys in front of me say.

  “You heard Master Harold. He said to bring her in alive.” The other retorted and I gave a sigh of relief.

  We better get there soon otherwise these two are going to pull over and make sure that I don’t make it to the designated location. I thought to Shawn as I closed my eyes again.

  They won’t do anything, they are bound to do as instructed. It would mean death to them if anything were to happen to you. Shawn said. It comforted me some but not enough to give me peace.

  “Just a few more hours. Then we will be home.” The driver said to the other man.

  “A few hours is one minute longer than I want to be in a car with this crazy bitch. What if all the things we have heard about her are true?” The passenger said making conversation.

  “Then we better make sure we get her before she can get us.” The driver answered with some excitement in his voice.

  “Do you think she’s as powerful as they said?” Another question from the passenger.

  “She crumbled easy enough.” The driver laughed.

  “Yes but we had her lackey. She would give anything to save his hide for some reason.” The other grumbled.

  “She has passion, nothing wrong with that.” The driver said as the soft waves of classical music hit my ears drowning out the remainder of their conversation.

  Are you coming with Dad? My heart pounding in my ears the music not drowning out the sound as it did the conversation.

  I will be there. Don’t worry about us. Nick knows nothing. We have him secluded he knows zilch. His voice was a welcoming sound even though it had been mere moments.

  Good. Just make sure I get to our destination. These two are plotting my death I fear. I took a deep breath.

  Silently I prayed that I get from point A to point B without finding my death. I was needed. The war had begun, the first drops of blood left on the battlefield. When Miranda returned to find her camp in ruins she would take to the night searching for the ones that had caused harm to her men. When she came it would be as a Demon in the darkness and unless they were ready for it she would kill them all. All of them just to get Wesley and myself back into her grasp. I was the Priestess I was meant to lead an army to victory. I could not be lost in the wild fire that tore through the mountains at this time. I was a part of the mighty plan. She just had no clue how much of a part I was going to play.


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