Nuclear Physics

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Nuclear Physics Page 18

by W Heisenberg


  Artificial radioactive substances are also destined to render valuable service at a later date in medicine. In contrast to the experiments described above, where the important thing is the investigation of the normal unimpaired organism, by the aid of small quantities of radioactive materials, it is also possible to test the effect of larger quantities on the organism by virtue of their radiation. A comprehensive investigation was carried out along these lines by Scott and Cook, who introduced radioactive phosphorus, produced in the Berkeley cyclotron, into the food of young hens, and then studied the haematological changes produced by the radiation. They discovered a number of interesting changes and compared them with others produced by x-rays. It is well known that blood contains two kinds of corpuscles—red and white ones. The latter are again divided into several groups, the most important of which are the polymorphonuclear leucocytes, the eosinophilic leucocytes and the basophilic leucocytes. They differ from each other in size, internal structure and staining by various substances. x-rays first make the number of lymphocytes decrease and the number of polymorphonuclear leucocytes increase, but after a short while, this multiplication of the leucocytes falls off. On the other hand, the radiation of the radioactive phosphorus introduced into the body does not affect the lymphocytes to any significant extent, but produces, instead, an appreciable permanent decrease in the number of the polymorphonuclear leucocytes. Furthermore, the corpuscles known as monocytes and the eosinophilic leucocytes are affected a little, but not strongly. The eosinophilic leucocytes and the red blood corpuscles show a slight increase in number.

  This specific effect encouraged the American scientists to try to treat certain forms of leucaemia—in which the diagnosis of the disease showed considerable haematological changes—by doses of radioactive phosphorus. The phosphorus settles predominantly in the bones, and as it is well known, the red corpuscles are formed in the bone marrow, so that radioactive phosphorus is evidently capable of affecting their formation. We see how different is the effect of the radioactive phosphorus from that of x-rays, which penetrate all tissues to the same extent. The first experiments in this field are said to have been promising. In consequence of the war, however, no further information could be obtained about them. Similar experiments designed to study haematological changes have been carried out in Germany too.

  Furthermore, experiments have been made with injections of radioactive lead, partly in view of the cases of lead poisoning occasionally occurring among workers, and partly with the hope of achieving therapeutic results. It was discovered that when lead is introduced into an organism, most of it is excreted very rapidly, and only a small residue remains in the liver and in the kidneys. Lead does not settle in cancerous tissue either, so that all attempts to use it for the treatment of cancer are doomed to failure. On the other hand, bismuth settles very rapidly in diseased tissue. An attempt to treat cancerous tissue by radioactive bismuth may possibly prove successful.

  But all these attempts are still in their initial stages, and many years are bound to elapse before the experimental investigation emerges from the domain of pure abstract research into that of practical therapy. It would of course be foolhardy to attempt to apply these methods to the human body before they have been tested sufficiently.

  Another possible application of artificially produced radioactive substances is in the investigation of functional disturbances of organs. Many of the organs, both of human and animal bodies, have not just one but sometimes several functions. If such an organ is injured, it is often difficult to ascertain which of its functions is impaired and which is still carried out normally. Since every function is associated with a different type of metabolism, it is possible, for instance, to introduce into the organism certain radioactive substances, which are specific for certain functions, and to observe whether or not the organism does with them what it is supposed to do. It is possible by means of this technique to distinguish the impaired functions from the unimpaired ones. A new method of medical diagnosis may develop along these lines.


  Among the rare isotopes of the various elements, a special part is played by deuterium, the hydrogen isotope of mass number 2, since the ratio of its mass to the mass of the common hydrogen isotope of mass number 1 is far greater than usually found among isotopes of other elements. For this reason, there are noticeable differences in the chemical properties of these two isotopes, which make it easy for us to detect them when they are together. Consequently heavy hydrogen can also be used as a tracer. For instance, fatty acids have been built up with heavy hydrogen, instead of the common hydrogen isotope, and these fatty acids have been introduced into an organism, and the problem studied as to how the organism makes use of them. This experiment revealed that the long-chained fatty acids settle in the liver and in the fatty tissues, whereas the short-chained ones are consumed immediately. The experiment would not have been possible with ordinary hydrogen, because such fatty acids are always present in the organism, and therefore it would have been impossible to distinguish the fatty acids deliberately inserted into the food from those previously present in the organism. Similar experiments have been performed with nitrogen of mass number 15 and oxygen of mass number 18.

  In conclusion, let us mention one more application of a nuclear reaction to a branch of physics itself—to optics. With the cyclotron, the opposite of the old dream of the alchemists—not a conversion of mercury into gold, but one of gold into mercury—has been achieved. Gold is monoisotopic, in other words, it has only one stable isotope, 79Au197. If a nuclear reaction is produced in gold, as expressed by the formula:

  79Au197 + 0n1 → 79Au198 → 80Hg198 + -1e0

  which indicates the emission of an electron, it will produce only one of seven stable mercury isotopes, six of which occur in ordinary mercury in practically equal proportions. This mercury isotope is very suitable for certain optical researches. Namely, when ordinary mercury vapour—in other words, the natural mixture of mercury isotopes—is caused to glow by an electric charge, the spectra of the individual isotopes vary but very slightly, and their spectral lines become superimposed, in what we call a fine structure. This fine structure is absent in the mercury produced from gold, and therefore this particular mercury isotope is most suitable for standard spectroscopic measurements (as was proposed some years ago by W. E. Williams), where the essential aim is to obtain lines as sharply defined as possible. If we recall the purpose mentioned at the beginning of this chapter, the production of more valuable substances out of those of lesser value, we shall appreciate that it is an interesting indication of the transmutability of all things that in this particular instance mercury is more valuable than gold, instead of vice versa.

  This concludes our survey of the applications of nuclear physics. All that we have discussed represents merely the beginnings of a development, the future progress of which cannot even be estimated. But practical applications are not the most important aspect of nuclear physics, and that is why they have not been discussed in greater detail in these lectures; the practical benefits of a knowledge of natural phenomena constitute a later problem. For the time being, the main thing is to understand the structure of the nucleus of the atom. The purpose of these lectures has been to present a summary of what has been accomplished in this field and what still remains to be done. All that has been described here was intended to impart both to listeners and readers something of the magical effect on all of us of those natural phenomena which are so difficult of access, and in particular of those whose internal laws we have not yet fathomed.



  Even ten years ago, physicists were well aware that the utilization of atomic energy could not be realized without a fundamental extension of scientific knowledge. In spite of the remarkable progress in experimental nuclear physics which followed the intro
duction of high-voltage equipment and the invention of the cyclotron, no physical phenomenon was known, even as late as 1937, which offered the remotest possibility of exploiting the enormous quantities of energy lying latent in atomic nuclei.

  It was the discovery of the fission of uranium by Hahn and Strassmann1 in December 1938-in other words, the fact that the uranium nucleus can be split into two fragments of comparable mass when bombarded by neutrons—which brought the actual utilization of atomic energy within reach. Following this discovery, Joliot and his co-workers2 succeeded in proving, in the spring of 1939, that in the act of fission the uranium nucleus itself emits several neutrons, thus making a chain reaction fundamentally possible. Thereafter the possibility of nuclear chain reactions was eagerly debated among physicists, particularly in the United States; in Germany it was discussed by Flügge3 in Die Naturwissenschaften in the summer of 1939. Meitner and Frisch4 had already directed attention to the enormous quantities of energy set free in the fission process.

  Public interest in the problems of atomic physics was negligibly small in Germany between the years 1933 and 1939, in comparison with that shown in other countries, notably the United States, Britain and France. Thus, while in America, previous to 1939, a whole series of modern research laboratories equipped with high-voltage plants and cyclotrons was springing up, in Germany there were only two adequately equipped laboratories; and these were not supported by the State, but sponsored by a private body, the Kaiser Wilhelm Gesellschaft. These two institutes were the Kaiser Wilhelm Institutes at Heidelberg and Berlin-Dahlem; each possessed a small high-voltage set suitable for nuclear research. A cyclotron for such work was altogether lacking—the Heidelberg cyclotron, again built entirely by private funds, and mainly designed for medical investigations, was started as late as 1938, and could not be tested out before 1944. Only with the outbreak of war did the awakened interest of the authorities allow of more extended facilities for nuclear research.

  The following report deals wih those particular investigations which had for their purpose the technical utilization of atomic energy. The many purely scientific problems which arose in more or less close connection with the technical problem will not be discussed here; they will be dealt with in a forthcoming FIATf Review by Fliigge and Bothe. I may, however, mention the extensive chemical investigations of Hahn and his coworkers on the fission products of uranium, carried out throughout the War in the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for Chemistry, the great majority of which have been published.

  Almost simultaneously with the outbreak of war, news reached Germany that funds were being allocated by the American military authorities for research on atomic energyg. In view of the possibility that England and the United States might undertake the development of atomic weapons, the Heereswaffenamt created a special research group, under Schumann, whose task it was to examine the possibilities of the technical exploitation of atomic energy. As early as September 1939 a number of nuclear physicists and experts in related fields were assigned to this problem, under the administrative responsibility of Diebner. I should mention the names of Bothe, Clusius, Döpel, Geiger, Hahn, Harteck, Joos and v. Weizsäcker among those so employed. At Schumann’s behest, the Kaiser Wilhelm Institut fur Physik in Berlin-Dahlem was nominated as the scientific centre of the new research project. The Institute came accordingly under the administration of the Heereswaffenamt; a step which disregarded the rights of the Kaiser Wilhelm Gesellschaft, and so led to the departure of its director, Debye, who as a Dutch citizen could not continue to serve under the aegis of a German war department.

  As a result of the first conferences in the autumn of 1939, it was clear that there were two lines of attack possible in the exploitation of nuclear energy. One could attempt the separation of the rare isotope U(235) from ordinary uranium. This isotope, following theoretical arguments due to Bohr, must be immediately applicable either to the controlled production of energy, using primarily the slow-neutron reaction, or directly as an explosive in bombs, using the fast-neutron reaction; the separation of U(235) was, however, a problem which made the greatest possible demands on engineering technique. Secondly, one could mix ordinary uranium with a substance which would slow down the neutrons produced in the nuclear fisson without absorbing them. These slow neutrons give rise preferentially to the fission of U(235) and thus maintain the chain reaction. A rapid deceleration of the neutrons is required, in order that the region of resonance absorption by U(238) should be rapidly traversed; for if absorbed they are lost to the chain reaction. The advantage of this arrangement is that the chain reaction can be controlled through the heat developed thereby, so that energy can be abstracted in amounts sufficient for technical applications.

  Thus two lines of purely scientific investigation were marked out: first, to develop refined methods for the separation of isotopes; secondly, by measurement of the effective cross-sections of a range of possible substances, to determine whether the alternative line of attack was at all practicable. Harteck pointed out, as early as the autumn of 1939, that it might be advantageous, in regard to the second scheme, to have the so-called moderator physically segregated from the uranium. This suggestion gave rise to theoretical investigations as to whether, with the effective cross-sections of such moderator substances as were known at the time, an arrangement having a homogeneous mixture of uranium and moderator, or one with a local separation (for example, in layers), led to the more favourable production of energy. A tentative theoretical investigation made by Heisenberg, in December 1939, led to the result that while ordinary water was unsuitable as a moderator, it should be possible with heavy water (D2O) or very pure carbon to produce energy in positive amount, provided the moderator and uranium were arranged in layers. This arrangement, however, demanded the highest degree of purity of the substances involved. At the same time, it was evident that a certain minimum size of apparatus was necessary for the production of energy. Nevertheless, with a small set it is still possible to determine whether there would be a production of energy if the apparatus were suitably enlarged. Thus if we feed such a small plant with neutrons from an internal source, more neutrons must escape from the surface than are supplied by the source, if the layer arrangement is favourable to energy production; if unfavourable, then fewer neutrons escape than are supplied by the source. These small model plants, which are continuously fed from a neutron source, are called ‘neutron-injected piles’. The ratio k of the number of neutrons escaping from the pile to that fed in by the source can be used to characterize the pile. If k < 1, the arrangement is unsuitable for the production of energy; if k > 1, energy will be produced on enlarging the pile.

  In 1940, measurements of the most important effective cross-sections were carried out, especially by Bothe and his collaborators, and by Döpel and Heisenberg. At the same time, investigations on the masses and energies of the fission products were being pursued by Jentschke and Prankl5 and by Flammersfeld, P. Jensen and Gentner6, and on the spectrum of the neutrons produced by Kirchner and v. Droste and by Bothe and Gentner7, 8, 9. The theory of neutron absorption in the U(238) resonance line was laid down by Flügge and Heisenberg. On the technical side the following results were the most important: the absorption cross-section of heavy water proved to be so low that this substance was certainly usable in the construction of a uranium pile (Döpel and Heisenberg). The work of v. Droste on large quantities of sodium uranate, and of Harteck and the Hamburg group—Groth, H. Jensen, Knauer and Suss—on U3O8 in solid carbon dioxide, furnished the first criteria for the distribution of neutron density in certain arrangements of uranium and moderator. In the autumn of 1940, the first pile, constructed of layers of U3O8 and light paraffin, was built at Berlin-Dahlem and its characteristics measured (Wirtz, Fischer, Bopp). This model pile gave, as expected, k < 1, that is, the arrangement was not suitable for the production of energy. Nevertheless, it yielded valuable data for further piles using alternate layers of U3O8 and heavy water.

  In the summer of 1940,
v. Weizsäcker pointed out that a uranium pile, besides generating the fission products of uranium, will constantly preduce the uranium isotope U(239) and its transformation series; and that theoretically these transformation products should show the same properties as U(235) in regard to neutron fission. It remained thereby an open question whether β-decay ended at element No. 93 or 94 or even later; for, since no cyclotron was available in Germany, these elements could not be prepared in sufficient quantity for the examination either of their nuclear properties or chemical characteristics. Nevertheless, it appeared likely, from v. Weizsäcker’s work, that an energy-producing pile might be used for the production of an atomic explosive, even though the practical details involved remained uncertain. In fact, this method had been employed on the grand scale in America. The American piles deliver as a transformation product of U(239) the element plutonium 94Pu239, which is used in the manufacture of atomic bombs.

  Important technical problems immediately arose out of these scientific investigations. The production of U3O8 of the highest purity was assigned to the Auer-Gesellschaft by the Heereswaffenamt. The casting of the corresponding metal powder was afterwards allotted to Degussa in Frankfurt. The production of heavy water, which was obviously of the greatest importance for the construction of a uranium pile, was planned at the Norsk Hydro factory at Rjukan in Norway. Harteck, in conjunction with Suss, H. Jensen and Wirtz, developed a number of projects which resulted in an increase of heavy water production at Rjukan far beyond the former output of 10–20 litres a month. Moreover, Harteck and Clusius put forward detailed plans for the production of heavy water in Germany. The improvements in the Norsk Hydro factory finally increased production in the summer of 1942 to about 200 litres per month. Further, steps were taken by order of the Heereswaffenamt for the production of very pure carbon. The attempts to exceed the degree of purity afforded by the best technical electrographite failed, however, for the time being.


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