North: Broken Deeds MC

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North: Broken Deeds MC Page 3

by Esther E. Schmidt

  The kiss she initiated—even if I challenged her—was her breaking down the walls I firmly put in place to give her time to process the havoc taking over her life the last few days. Clearly, as she put it, she doesn’t want me to pussyfoot around her. Well, I have no problem with telling her exactly how shit is and she’s going to find out starting right now.

  I lean in and make sure to raise my voice. “As you fucking well know I always make good on my word. With the fighting words you threw at me? Be prepared to feel my hand heat your lush ass real fucking soon.”

  Her lips part as her breathing picks up and her eyes dilate. Fuck. I’m so screwed because even if half of her face is covered in bandages, I’d still like to drag her head down to slide my cock between those pretty full lips. Bandages or not, it would be the most magnificent sight known to man.

  Reluctantly I step back and clear my throat. Good thing I need to leave. Even if she wants this as badly as I do, there’s no damn need to rush into it. I’ve been waiting over a decade…hell, my whole damn life for a woman who manages to light up every single inch of my body. Seems like my waiting paid off, and now that I’ve found her…I’m willing to wait and grow closer before I get close enough to slide my cock home.

  “Not in the next damn second,” I chuckle huskily but sober up all too quickly with the pressing matters at hand. “First, I need you to answer my question. Kray, Vienna, or both?”

  “I can’t…not yet.” Her eyes glaze over with a haunted look and I fucking hate it can be there in an instant.

  “Don’t you miss her? I know you used to live with her and hey, don’t hold a grudge for her not taking the best care of Kazz.”

  “I don’t,” she starts and then smacks my arm. “And I do and you know it.”

  “So, you don’t miss her and still hold a grudge. Nice. Next to being feisty, you’re vindictive,” I tell her and try to keep my laughter at bay because I damn well know I deliberately switched it around.

  Her tiny fists are now perched on her hips, and I must say…when her twin stood up to me and got in my face…it chipped off some of her high score. Even with the whole identical twin thing? Reva is so damn different from her sister and I can’t get enough of pushing her buttons to make her stand up to me.

  “You’re twisting my words, you…you…” she sputters.

  “Go on now, don’t hold back,” I tell her, mouth twitching, laughter building up in my belly.

  “You…you…ass!” she squeaks, a red flush licking her skin all the way to her magnificent breasts.

  I take a step closer and violate her personal space. “There she is, back to the ass part again, are we? Tell me, sweet little thing, has someone had his cock breach your tight ring yet? Or is it untouched?”

  Her eyes are locked on mine in an enthralling stare as she swallows hard and slowly shakes her head.

  “Mmmmm,” I hum. “I’m going to show you what you’ve been missing. Might need to take a little trip to a store before I get home later today. Some lube, a nice dildo set to play around with to get you ready for my cock.”

  It’s as if she’s fully concentrating on breathing because she doesn’t even blink and has her eyes set on my mouth, hanging onto every damn word I let slide over my lips.

  “Did I give you enough to keep your brain occupied with for the next few hours while I’m gone, sweetheart?” I throw out in a challenge.

  Fuck. I love to call her anything involving something sweet.

  Her eyes narrow and she snaps, “Yes.”

  I give her a tight nod and throw the same question out again, just to push her damn buttons some more. “Kray, Vienna, or both?”

  Her shoulders sag and she sighs. “Kray.”

  I reach inside my jeans pocket, grab my phone, and hold it out to show her. “I know deep down you want to talk to your sister, and you also damn well know you can’t ignore her forever. Want me to act as your personal assistant for this one time? You rattle off a message for your sister and I’ll type it in and hit send. How about it?”

  A slow smile spreads her face. “You would type out everything I’d say and hit send?”

  “Yeah, I will.” I press my thumb on the button to scan my print and then find the message app. “Okay, fire away.”

  “Hey V, heard you’re an Old Lady now, tied down by a biker. Tell me, is he the same as his brother? Because this one wants to stick his dick in my ass.”

  My gaze raises slowly to connect with twinkling of fucking mischief filled green eyes. If she thinks this shit would matter to me, she’s dead wrong.

  I hold up the phone again. “Sent.”

  Her eyes grow wide. “You did not!”

  “Did too,” I tell her with satisfaction and show her the message.

  I also added an extra line that she took over my phone so she could reach out, and that she misses her.

  Reva reads the message and starts to sputter but I shake my head. “You asked if I would type out everything you said. I did. So, don’t get mad at me over your own choice of words.”

  My phone vibrates with a message. Glancing down my eyes widen and fury overtakes my whole body. I hold up the phone so she can read her sister’s reply.

  Vienna: Damn, I missed you, sis. And yes, sounds like he’s the same as his biker brother. These guys like to possess every inch of your body. Are you regretting your obsession with Broken Deeds MC already? I thought you were aware of every pesky detail?

  My hand shakes from anger and even more when a guilty look washes over Reva’s face. What the fuck? My phone gives another ding indicating I received another message and Reva tries to take the phone from me but I wrap my fingers around her throat to keep her in place.

  “Don’t. Move,” I snap, release her, and turn the phone to read the second message.

  Vienna: Can we talk face to face? I feel weird messaging you through North’s phone. Or should I buy you a new phone?

  “Yeah,” I mutter to myself. “Sure you feel weird messaging through me.” I take a few steps toward the door and bellow, “Kray, get your ass in here, now. Your Old Lady too.”

  Reva rushes toward me and grabs my cut and it takes everything in me not to push her off roughly. What the fuck is this shit her sister just said? Reva’s obsessed with Broken Deeds MC? Every option assaults me. From Reva staging her own kidnapping to drawing us out to her spilling crucial details about Broken Deeds MC to whoever the fuck wants to know.

  This shit is fucking dangerous because she’s so damn good, I bet she can find—and probably has found—every single damn detail we haven’t managed to bury when it comes to Broken Deeds MC. Fuck, my club could be in danger without anyone knowing and it’s all because of her.

  “Please, listen to me. It’s not what you think, please,” she begs.

  I can’t help to keep the disgust pouring from my voice as I snap, “Fuckin’ save it for when my brother gets here. Or you know what? I’ll take you with me to the clubhouse so you can tell my Prez you’re not a victim but a fuckin’ rat.”

  A gasp comes from the hallway and I know Vienna caught the last part of the rant I gave Reva.

  Vienna shoves me hard against the chest and seethes, “She’s not a fucking rat, you asshole.”

  Kray grabs her around the waist and holds her tight against him as she struggles to break free.

  “What’s going on?” Kray grunts.

  “I sent your woman a fuckin’ text and she replies with if Reva’s already regretting her obsession with Broken Deeds MC, and how Vienna thought she was aware of every pesky detail.”

  My brother’s face morphs with anger and he spins his Old Lady around in his arms to face her as he snarls, “Explain yourself.”

  Vienna snaps her mouth shut, crosses her arms underneath her tits and only glares at her Old Man.

  “I had a file on my computer at work,” Reva says in a tiny cracking voice.

  And fuck, it almost makes me reach out to pull her close but I can’t. It’s club business and no one di
gs through our fucking shit or compromises us. No. One. Not without consequences anyway. Fuck. If my Prez knew she had intel on us we never would have taken the case to pull her from the claws of these black market fuckers.

  “Be still, Reva. You don’t have to explain yourself to them,” Vianna snaps and glances at her sister for the first time. A gasp rips from her throat and a horror filled, “Nooooo,” rips from her throat before she dashes to her twin.

  I see Reva wince, her face tilting away to hide the wounded side. Her fucking body starts to shake and this is the point where nothing around me matters. Not one fucking bit. Except Reva’s discomfort.

  Acting quickly, I block Vienna from throwing herself at her sister and snap, “No. Step back and keep your distance.”

  I reach my hand back for Reva and she wraps her delicate fingers around my wrist, seeking the comfort I know she needs.

  “Keep my…you asshole,” Vienna seethes. “You were standing here mere moments ago bellowing how she’s a fucking rat and now you’re pushing me away? Her own sister? What the hell is wrong with you?”

  She’s right. I know she’s right but I can’t fucking help myself. I grind my teeth and connect my gaze with Kray. His face is all serious while his eyebrow raises in a silent request to ask how we’re gonna handle this. My mind is still processing all of it when I feel Reva’s other fingers grip me by my belt loop as she places her forehead against my back.

  Her voice fills the room when she says, “I have been secretly shoving cold cases Broken Deeds’ way for quite a while now. There was a time when I read every little detail I could find about you guys but I never saved anything. I only have…had one file on my computer at work where I saved the closed cases. That’s the obsession Vienna mentioned in the text. She doesn’t have anything to do with it, it was all me. I heard about you guys solving a case with the missing boys a long time ago, and that’s when I knew you could get justice for people who lost all faith. I’m sorry. I should have never interfered.”

  I turn around and place a finger underneath her chin. “The file on your computer, what exactly was in it. Any incriminating data in there about us?”

  Her eyes hold the truth, there’s no denying. It’s coming straight from her heart when she says, “It’s only the case files, nothing more. Something like a victory file to make a pile how many wins you took for the team.” Her voice is so fucking small and she croaks again, “I’m so sorry.”

  “Any of our names in it? The club? Anything tying us as persons or linking us to a case?” I question, keeping my voice even.

  She tries to shake her head but my fingers still keep her face pinned with mine. “No,” she finally adds. “I saved everything underneath the name; Mercenaries for Hire. Like I said…I only read every piece of information about you guys, I never saved any of it. I only saved the cases I sneakily shoved your way.”

  I glance over my shoulder at Kray.

  He shrugs and says, “Sounds harmless to me. We should lay it all out to Deeds at Church, let him decide.”

  I give him a nod and aim my attention toward Reva again. “Everything out in the open now? No more bullshit secrets like this? Complete honesty. If you so much as withhold one fucking detail or lie to me I’m going to kick you to the fucking curb, and won’t save you from my club’s verdict, understood?”

  “Didn’t you read my sister’s text where she mentioned I was aware of every pesky detail?” Fuckin’ smart mouth with a snap added to it as a bonus, making my damn dick twitch again.

  Dammit, this fire back and forth is really taking its toll on me. And even through the heat of things with what we just found out, deep down I knew she could be trusted but doubt is a funny thing when you don’t know all the damn details. I sure as fuck hope she’s not holding anything back.

  “Reva!” Vienna gasps. “What the hell?”

  I glance over my shoulder once more and now find Vienna’s gaze. “What?”

  “She…she doesn’t snap or raise her voice, or be rude to anyone,” Vienna states, clearly confused. “Ever.”

  Interesting. I hope to fuck it’s because of me and the whole pushing her buttons. Insane, I know. But I also know it’s not a character trait that was changed because of what she went through, because she was absolutely timid the first day we spent together in the cabin when I got her out safe.

  “Well, clearly, she does now, or that privilege is only reserved for me. She’s been trying to bite my head off multiple times a day,” I easily supply, making sure Reva…

  “I. Do. Not,” Reva snaps, making me fucking chuckle how she just proved my point.

  I want to bring my mouth right next to her good ear and whisper out the words so Kray and Vienna won’t hear them, but I don’t want to risk her missing it.

  So instead I let my fingers slide to the back of her neck and give a little squeeze so all her attention is fixated on me when I move my lips without uttering a single word to let her lip-read; Yeah, you do, sweetness.

  “Dammit,” she grumbles and stomps her foot. “It’s your own damn fault, you’re annoying. Infuriating even.”

  I glance to my side and find both Kray and Vienna staring at us with mushy fuckin’ looks on their faces. So, now I’m the one snapping, “What?”

  “Nothing,” they both state in sync.


  Chapter 04


  My sister is looking at me all funny and so is Kray. I was holding off on seeing her because I didn’t want to see the pity, hurt, all the emotions I couldn’t handle coming from her. Exactly what happened when she saw me a moment ago and yet now? We’re past that point due to the intense discussion.

  And even beyond that point with the weird look she’s…oh, shit. “No, Vienna. Stop it. Whatever is going through your mind, it needs to stop. This isn’t some romance happy ending shit. You don’t know what I’ve…”

  My voice cracks and I barely refrain myself from spilling some of the details of what was done to me. I promised myself not to dwell on the past and if I talk about it, it will keep the memories alive. I don’t want them alive; I want them dead and gone.

  “You guys need to leave,” North says, stepping defensively in front of me.

  This man. How fiercely he turned on me when he suspected I violated his trust and exposed his club. He stands up for what he deems worthy. And though it hurt me how he treated me until he knew all the facts, I respect him even more for it.

  “No,” Kray states in return. “It’s you who needs to leave, remember? Deeds needs you to come in and talk shit through. We’ll stay here with Reva.”

  “She can come with me,” North states, though we both know he’s being unreasonable.

  I grab his wrist and squeeze to drag his attention to me. “I can’t, and you know it. You told me we needed to know for sure they won’t come after me. I’ll stay here so you can...”

  North shakes his head and blocks one side of his face so Vienna and Kray don’t see him talk to me. Letting me know his concerns.

  Well, when I say talk, he’s making me lip-read the words he’s not voicing out loud. It’s personal and they hit me straight in the chest. He probably doesn’t even know how much this tiny gesture means to me and to make sure he understands I wrap my arms around him as tight as I can.

  His arms circle my waist and he pulls me even closer, placing a kiss on the top of my head. I don’t even care if my sister and his friend are in the room. North makes me feel safe. Even if he puts the club above me; as it should be because I’m nothing more than the sister of his brother’s Old Lady.

  “I’ll be okay,” I murmur.

  “I’m not liking it,” he whispers.

  And I know he’s whispering because I can’t hear him but I can read his lips.

  Like before how he made me read his lips so he could tell me how he couldn’t protect me if he left. How he couldn’t keep my sister from making me uncomfortable and he didn’t want to leave me period.

nbsp; Suddenly a thought enters my brain and a smile spreads across my face. “How about I promise to make you a cheesecake? It will keep me busy and give you something to look forward to so you can hurry back once you’re done.”

  The heat is back in his eyes as he shoots me a sly smile. “Bribing me with pie, sweetness?”

  “Among other things.” I shrug.

  Yet again I don’t hear his voice but watch how his mouth moves. A gasp leaves my face when I realize what he just made me lip-read.

  “You weirdo,” I squeak. “My ass isn’t something I’d try to bribe you with.”

  “And that’s a damn shame ‘cause for sure as shit I’d stay here and later face the wrath of my Prez if I could have it right now.”

  “Not happening!” My sister is now the one squeaking, grabbing all of our attention along with it. Her eyes shoot through the room and I can see she’s desperately trying to think of a way to switch topics. “But we could bake. Kray could go and get stuff we don’t have if needed. After everything a few hours in the kitchen with my sister sure sounds heavenly.”

  I have to swallow hard and even with how badly I want to run to her and hug her, I feel some unease sliding through me from pushing her away. She’s always been the one who looks out for me, who takes charge and who makes me follow as she leads. Maybe with knowing she finally found a guy; she can now stop worrying about me and mainly focus on herself for a change.

  If anything, life’s taught me these last few days that no one knows what happens next. Even if you might get help from an unexpected angle, you can never count on anyone other than yourself. Sad, but true. And I guess I’ve been leaning too much on my sister all my life.

  “You okay with that?” North’s voice rumbles next to my good ear.

  I give him a reassuring smile, time to steady my feet and use them to stand on my own for a change. I can’t switch my sister’s safety net for this guy. Though he offers it freely and I want nothing more than to hide behind his strong back while he shields me and protects me.


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