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North: Broken Deeds MC

Page 5

by Esther E. Schmidt

  “Nice, North.” She pats my pecs. “See? Now there’s the reaction I’ve been waiting for. Shit. You don’t want to know what the dude before you said as a reaction to my words. I kicked him right out of her life.”

  I am absolutely stunned by her words. She shoots me another grin and stalks off. I have to shake my head in an effort to process what just happened. Was she jerking my chain or some twisted mind testing shit? Hearing the shower running draws me from my thoughts and I head in there to find Reva enjoying a hot shower.

  Her head is tilted back, eyes closed and steam is billowing up. She has her hair up in a bun because she’s not allowed to get her stitches wet so her whole head is kept from the spray of water. The bruises caused by the rope from when she was tied to a chair are still visible on her arms and legs.

  I know she didn’t hear me come in because of the running water and her good ear is on the other side. Besides, she has a complete look of serenity spread over her face. I bet she’s withdrawn into her own mind and not in a bad way. Peaceful and relaxed, that’s how I would describe her features.

  I lean against the doorjamb and wait for a few seconds to tick by while I admire the woman who blew my mind and body a moment ago. Magnificent. I hate leaving her. I know she’ll be okay with Kray and her sister here, but still. Which reminds me. I turn and stalk out of the bedroom to head for my computer room. I have a drawer where I keep a few new burners in case I need one.

  Grabbing one, I stalk back to the bedroom, put it on the charger and make sure to put the number into my own phone. I type out a message and hit send to double check. This is when Reva stalks back into the room, a towel wrapped around her body. Her gaze hits mine and I can’t help it, my cock hardens and if it was up to more than one of my body parts, I’d take her right here, right now.

  She keeps staring at me so I throw both phones on the bed and when I face her again, I think of a way to communicate a different way. Just so she knows how damn special she is. We talked about a lot of things, even my ability to sign, but I never showed her.

  My right hand makes a C as I move it down the middle of my chest. Her head tips back and again sweet giggles rip from her body. Making her laugh multiple times a day sure is becoming one of my life goals.

  When her eyes find mine again, she says, “You know you can just tell me you’re hungry, right? Though your body tells me without you using sign language. When I glance down, I’d say one head wants sex, the other head...that one might want cheesecake. Seeing you have to go, neither one will get their hunger sated.”

  “No need to be so cheerful about it,” I grumble, making her smile even brighter.

  She steps closer and a flash of vulnerability hits her before it morphs to resolution. “I like how you don’t shy away from things. And how you combine everything but don’t treat me differently.” Confusion hits me and she takes my head in her hands. “My face. You don’t look at me with pity, quite the opposite. My hearing, you keep it in mind, always. Hell, you even used sign language just now. No one around me knew about my hearing. I was able to hide it well or people would just assume I was always engrossed by technology instead of my surroundings.” She lifts herself up and places a quick kiss on my lips. “Thank you.”

  I swallow hard, emotions clogging my fucking throat. “No need to say thanks. Make me a fucking pie and we’ll call it even.”

  “Go handle stuff and I’ll have your pie waiting for you,” she throws back, and I love her sudden fire.

  I draw her close. “You’re giving me orders now? Being on top, riding my cock, doesn’t mean the tables are turned, sweet cheeks. Though I have to say, if I have to take orders from someone...”

  “It would be your Prez or one of your…brothers.” She rolls her eyes after using that sharp tongue I’d love to feel around my cock.

  I reach out, fist her hair and tip her head back. Towering over her, I growl, “I was going to say my Old Lady. And just because I fucked you doesn’t mean I will tolerate the brat in you acting out. Because I have to warn you, Reva, I will put you over my lap and slap your ass a nice shade of red. Then I’ll shove my cock deep down your throat and extinguish the fire of your words with jets of cum.”

  No fear, no confusion. There’s only a dreamy look on her damn face with her pupils all dilated as if she’s already suffering from a wet pussy in need of release. My mouth covers hers in a punishing kiss. Like there is anything punishing about it since she’s trying to fight me head on with her sharp tongue.

  Dammit. How can she go from withdrawn to feisty in the blink of an eye? But I love her turn for the better, to reach out and live instead of hiding and wallowing in fear and hurt of what she went through. It’s as if our connection has unlocked some shit inside her to unleash bratty traits that were hidden underneath the surface. And I fucking relish in it.

  Chapter 06


  You know the whole outer body experience? The looking down at yourself and wondering how you got to this point in life? I’m there. And I’m looking down and wondering why did it take so long for me to just take what I want? I’m pretty sure it all involves the man I’m kissing with every inch of my body.

  Not the kind of kiss I’ve experienced before I met him where I am ashamed to say I’d even thought about other things than getting into a kiss but with this man? I need to be on my toes and give back as well as he’s giving it.

  “Fucking hell, Reva,” he pants roughly as he connects our foreheads together. “I want to be inside you every damn second of the day but I’m pretty sure you’re already feeling sore.” He pulls back and presses my head against his chest, making sure not to hurt the injured side of my face. “I wanted you before I met you. The thought of a twin out there of the woman my comrade claimed. Where we shared nameless women from time to time during all these years since Kray and I met…I was fucking jealous he found his ten plus where I knew she wasn’t mine the second her character showed. She was perfect for Kray…never to be mine. So, the thought of you made me want you to be it for me. But when I saw you, even tied to a chair, fucking mutilated…there was a beauty and pull around you that connected with me. It wasn’t a damn longing to have what I wanted. I now realize you’re my absolute ten plus. The one made for me and the one I have been waiting for, and most definitely the one that made the wait worthwhile. Fuck. If I knew a way to bind you to me so nothing would ever come between us, I’d fucking do it.”

  His chest is heaving due to the intensity and heavy weight of his words. I’m absolutely thrilled it’s not just me who feels this obsessive pull between us. But I also don’t have any words to give him in return and all I can do is stare at him.

  “I’m fucking this up and you’re freaking out on me, aren’t you?” he groans.

  “No,” I croak, emotions hitting me even harder. “I just find it hard to put my thoughts into words. I…I agree to all you said. And you’re right, I am not like my sister, though we do look the same, carbon copy and all. She likes to speak her mind while I…” I search for the right way to put it but North chimes in.

  “You like to process and calculate before throwing your words into the world.”

  “Yes, unless you aggravate me…then I just blurt everything out without thinking,” I grumble to myself.

  His husky chuckle draws my attention straight into the gutter again. Another thing I didn’t encounter with other men.

  “Only I have this effect on you?” he croons. Croons…as in making my toes curl with his voice.

  Loud banging on the door breaks our connection. North curses and stalks to the door, he rips it open and snaps, “What?”

  Kray is standing in front of him and glances over North’s shoulder at me.

  “Eyes off,” North growls, anger vibrating off his words.

  Kray raises one of his eyebrows and is wearing a smug smile as he says, “I could say ‘nothing there I haven’t seen before’ with me having claimed a carbon copy myself, but that would only make you angri
er, right, brother?”

  North leans in and I can’t hear anything. His back is to me so I can’t lip-read either, dammit. Kray suddenly grips North’s shoulders and I’m afraid these two are going to fight but instead Kray pulls him in for a hug and slaps him roughly on the back. I catch a rumble of words being thrown back and forth but it’s too far away for me to make out what they are saying.

  And now they’re both staring at me. “Fruitcakes,” I mutter and grab some clothes out of the bag North gave me and slip into the bathroom without another word.

  When I stroll back into the room fully dressed in black leggings, soft gray shirt, and a ruby red cardigan I notice Kray has left. North is now wearing his cut and is holding onto two phones as if he’s been waiting for me.

  He holds out the phone for me to take. Someone can trace a phone, pinpoint locations and more. Where I never gave it another thought before, it makes me flinch and freeze to touch anything electronic. Well, anything electronic communication wise. They easily found out who I was and took me for my skills. I don’t want to use my skills ever again.

  “Breathe, sweetheart,” North says, his voice a steady beacon I need to grasp. “Slow breath in. Release all that crazy shit flowing through your head as you blow it all out. That’s it.”

  “I hate it,” I grumble. “I hate getting overwhelmed and I hate technology.”

  North’s face softens. “Normal reaction with the shit you went through, don’t you think? Being tied to a chair and forced to use your brilliance for their benefit.”

  “No.” I shake my head vigorously. “It’s more like…it haunts me, knowing they could track me down again if I use a phone or a computer. It’s how they found me the last time, I’m sure. I can’t go near a computer again, North, I won’t.”

  North’s eyes turn furious. “We talked about a lot of things in all the time we have spent together, except for some of the details about the case. And now I realize how wrong it was because you need to know some finer details, Reva. For one, your sister was sure someone was a rat in your team. They didn’t track you down through technology, they took you because someone who knew you, and worked closely with you, spilled information. It’s also the reason your sister was the one who met us as the contact person. She clearly wasn’t but because she had her suspicions and overheard Wyman was meeting us at a bar, she went in ahead of him. Suspicions aside, your sister also didn’t want to be left at the sidelines. But her main concern was getting to us before someone would interfere with us and with it risk you never to be found.”

  “Who was the rat? Did you guys find out?” I ask, my heart beating in my throat.

  “Your sister thinks it was Wyman. And all arrows point his way, they dragged his body out of the river near his house. A neighbor saw him jump from his apartment’s balcony but the coroner said he was shot between the eyes. Dead guys don’t jump from balconies. They’re covering their tracks since they also wiped your computer clean.”

  “They wiped my computer clean?” I squeak. “Holy shit. Oh, no…the stuff I had on there about the cases I kept track of with you guys involved…do you think they made a copy first? Wyman did it, I’m sure. Shit, Mr. Pervy was always behind me. Where is my computer now? Wait, never mind, I don’t want to know. I’m not doing this anymore. I quit. It’s in the past, over and done.” I place my hand on my chest in a silent demand for my heart to slow down.

  North reaches out and wraps his hands around the back of my neck, pulling me flush against his body. “I’m going to head out and you’ll be fine, understood? When I get back, I will know more details about the case and what process they made, and I’ll tell you anything you want to know.”

  “I’m not sure I want to know,” I sigh and take a deep breath to fill my lungs with his comforting scent.

  “You need to know, avoiding shit isn’t going to make it go away, Reva. Facing your demons head on will put it behind you, make sure they’re dead and gone so a fresh new future is twinkling bright.”

  “Such a way with words,” I murmur, making his chest shake from laughter.

  “You’re strong enough to take the phone, you hear? It’s just me who can reach you, the number is in there and it shows up with my name. Kray and Vienna are right here with you, if there’s anything…anything at all no matter how tiny or how foolish you will think of yourself for asking…you fucking ask ‘cause he’ll pull through.” He tightens his hold once more and places a kiss on the top of my head before he steps away.

  He’s holding out the phone for me to take with eyes scorching mine. I snatch the damn thing from his hands and grumble, “Pushy Neanderthal.”

  The corner of his mouth twitches and there’s no sound but his lips move as he lets me know, “You have no idea.”

  Reluctantly I shove the phone in the large pocket of my cardigan.

  “Thank you,” he tells me and yet the way his eyes are filled with gratitude means more than those two words together.

  “You should go, and I have to get into the kitchen and face my sister.” My hand goes to the side of my face, touching the bandages the mutilated tissue hides behind.

  “Don’t,” North growls and wraps his fingers around my wrist to pull my hand away. “There’s no time in this fucked-up world to dwell in insecurities. And especially not underneath my damn roof. Kray won’t treat you any differently and neither will your sister. Some people might be beautiful, skinny and on the front-page cover but are filled with scars on the inside. Not to mention those people have their own insecurities and problems to deal with; no one is carefree. Either way, you should wear it with pride because you survived. Most of this stuff is your brain tricking you and other people’s opinions, fuck them. Chin high and grab your life by the balls to show them off. Even if balls are hairy, shiny, hard, or down to an old man’s knees. Outer appearance doesn’t interfere with the function or name it wears. You find your strength and live the way you want and deserve to live.”

  Even with his comforting words, all I want to do is put it behind me and forget any of this happened. Delusional, I know. Even more with half of my face screwed up. Not to mention this man...this gorgeous man wants me.

  Insecurities should hit me full force but instead worry wraps around my heart. “What are we doing here, North? Except for you protecting me while we’re enjoying each other. Look at you, you’re gorgeous while half of my face will never be the soft smooth skin it was before all this happened. With your whole statement about the outer appearance, you know if we would date women will always wonder why you’d pick a half-scarred, almost deaf freak while you can have anyone. And don’t start with the whole ten plus, weird classification thing. Be honest and think things through.”

  He crosses his thick forearms in front of his chest. “I want it all. And what I want, Reva, I take. And in my life, I want a woman who I know will fit me in every fucking way possible. In my gut, I know it’s you. No. Fucking. Doubt. So, how about you, Reva? Be honest and think things through because if you don’t want a pushy Neanderthal...I’ll ask again tomorrow to see where your head is at, and every day after that, until you agree we belong together.”

  “Until I agree. Why do I feel like I’m selling my soul to the devil without glancing through a freaking contract? We have talked a lot and have been staying in each other’s presence twenty-four seven, hard times and all but that doesn’t mean we know each other.”

  “And others in long relationships do? Some live alongside one another or fall in love at first sight or even at the mere thought,” he says and shoots me a wink. “Or have been friends for years and decide they want more than friendship. Or people who break up, spend time apart and still end up together. Every single situation is different and for each and every situation there’s a day one where it all starts to see where it leads. I’m ready for forever but if you agree to make this day one, it’s a fucking start.”

  “What if I tell you right now that I’m going to quit my job and don’t even know if I want another j
ob? Maybe I want to start saving reptiles or get a couple of cats and never leave the house? Still think this is our day one then?”

  “Fuck, yeah,” he says in a menacing tone.

  I roll my eyes. “Fine. Day one, let’s see how long this lasts.”

  I might as well because he seems to have an answer for everything. With danger still surrounding me and what happened to me, plus what I warned him about…the man doesn’t even seem phased and accepts everything I throw at him. Add the way he makes me feel about myself and can make my body sing? Why am I even fighting this; day one it is.

  His grin is huge and his eyes show clear relief until they start to fill with worry. “I have to go,” he grumbles.

  “I know, you’ve mentioned it a few times.”

  “Smart mouth,” he grumbles before he gives me such a quick kiss it’s over before it even started. “If I don’t go now, I’m sure I’ll never be able to leave and my Prez will be fuckin’ pissed.”

  “I’ll be waiting right here…with pie,” I promise him.

  “Don’t let Kray taste it, I want to be the first and only one. That fuckin’ pie is mine,” he tells me in a fierce voice as if I would be cheating on him if I’d let Kray have a taste before him.

  I nod as he leaves the room, glancing over his shoulder and the look on his face clearly states he’s not happy leaving me. I feel the exact same way but with all the things he mentioned it’s also a good thing for us to have some space between us. Not to mention I need some time to spend with my sister.

  I tentatively leave the room and go in search of the kitchen. My sister playfully smacks Kray on the chest and shoots him a grin. A deep sigh rips from my chest. It’s been a long time since I’ve seen her happy, playful even.

  It’s very clear these two found each other in all ways. And how they shoot longing looks? I quickly clear my throat to make sure they realize there’s another person in the room before they act on their heated glances.


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