Hunted (Dauntless MC Book 1)

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Hunted (Dauntless MC Book 1) Page 1

by Suzanne Steele

  Kindle Edition


  ©Dauntless MC Series

  Copyright © 2013 Suzanne Steele

  Published by Suzanne Steele

  All Rights Reserved

  This book is a work of Fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the Author’s imagination and are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental. All rights reserved. This book, or any portion thereof, may not be reproduced. It may not be used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the Author.

  Cover photo © Dollar Photo Club

  Cover Copyright © Suzanne Steele

  Edited by Corey Amador

  Cover Design by Mayhem Cover Creations

  Formatting by Suzanne Steele

  Thank you for downloading this e-book.

  Your support and respect for the property of this author is appreciated.

  All content herein is protected under copyright law.

  This e-book is Rated 17+

  To the Reader

  The men I write about are Alpha males in every sense of the word. They are the men society warns us about. They are dominant males with controlling tendencies. They are the men you know you should stay away from but yet

  you are drawn like a moth to a flame.

  If you are looking for a sweet romance, you won't find it here. What you will find is dark passion. Many times my heroes carry what would be considered an obsession for the women they love. Each and every character I write about has demanded their voice be heard. I have been true to that calling and I have stayed true to their personalities, which at times the reader may not always agree with. They are dark, they are gritty, and many times their love is dysfunctional but, nonetheless, it is real.

  Stalk me…

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  Table of Contents


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty One

  Chapter Twenty Two

  Chapter Twenty Three

  Chapter Twenty Four

  Chapter Twenty Five

  Chapter Twenty Six

  Chapter Twenty Seven

  Chapter Twenty Eight

  Chapter Twenty Nine

  Chapter Thirty

  Chapter Thirty One

  Chapter Thirty Two

  Chapter Thirty Three

  Chapter Thirty Four

  Chapter Thirty Five

  Chapter Thirty Six

  Chapter Thirty Seven

  Chapter Thirty Eight

  Epilogue: One Year Later


  Grace didn’t think she could ever remember a time she hadn’t fought for the underdog. Many times, those she had protected were the ones seemingly forgotten by society, thus beginning the vicious cycle of her conviction to do something, anything, for those that others deemed unworthy of her help.

  Her mother had always said that she named her Grace because she wanted her to always remember that she was blessed. It was only by the grace of God that she hadn’t grown up in a dysfunctional family like so many other kids. Instead, Grace was fortunate enough to grow up with a very strong female figure in her life. She could remember her mother often saying things like, “But by the grace of God…” and then she filled in whatever life lesson she wanted Grace to learn. She drilled in her daughter’s head that she could be part of the world’s problems or part of the world’s solutions. Those were the types of things that her mother taught her. It resonated with her and molded her into the person she is now.

  Those life lessons were ultimately the reason behind why she chose the career path that she did. She became a lawyer and she was damn good at her job. In fact, to date, she hasn’t lost a single case. Granted, she was still fairly new to the game. She had just turned thirty but, in her line of work, that’s young for being so successful because it takes so many years of school and then one must establish a clientele and build a reputation.

  She loved the challenge of going to court against some of the most egotistical bastards who had ever walked the earth. They took their steps in high dollar Italian shoes and suits, always conscious of the image they had to maintain. More often than not, they would even be seen having drinks with the very judge they had stood in front of earlier that day. She worked in a male dominated career and, in her world, it was very much so a good old boys’ club. She had to work twice as hard to achieve the same results that her male counterparts did just because she didn’t have a set of physical balls swinging between her legs. However, what she lacked in anatomy, she more than made up for in attitude.

  To put it simply, she was a pit bull and you would never know it by looking at her. If she couldn’t get through the front door, she would go through the back. If that didn’t work, then she’d find a window. She’d tunnel through the basement if she had to, but giving up was never an option. She didn’t stop pursuing a client’s defense until she had exhausted every possibility. Even then, she would lie in wait like a wild animal on the hunt just waiting for an opening or any sign of weakness. Then, when they least expect it, she’d lunge.

  She had decided to take her life in a different direction when she started a non-profit organization that helped convicts who had been wrongly convicted. In a nutshell, she represented those who had been locked up even though they didn’t do the crime.

  She was nobody’s doormat and she damn sure wasn’t anybody’s fool. It was for those reasons that she never let her clients know about the organization she’d set up or anything about her pro bono work. She found those who she deemed worthy of her services on her own and then she did what she does best; she fought for those forgotten. This is the story of one such client…

  Chapter One

  Grace sat in her car giving herself the same pep talk she had given herself a hundred other times. It took a certain kind of mindset to go into a correctional facility. The inmate she was going to visit was currently being held in the Louisville Metro Department of Corrections—jail. If she didn’t get his ass out of the charges brought against him, he’d be going to prison. She wanted to avoid that or things were going to be a hell of a lot harder on both the inmate and her.

  After she checked her make-up and gave herself another quick pep talk in the mirror, she made her way towards the jail. She could feel her apprehension, not from fear of the inmates, but from the thought of being locked in a room and out of control.

  She wished she had her phone, her purse, or something, anything, to hug or hold. She felt bare and naked for some odd reason, as if she needed a type of security blanket. Until this guy decided he wanted her to work his case, she wouldn’t even be permitted to take her briefcase in.

  She could feel eyes on her before she even entered the correcti
onal facility and knew from previous experience that it was the voyeuristic eyes of a guard watching through a camera. Someone was sitting behind a desk and watching her every move on a monitor. A chill coursed through her at the thought of being watched against her will. It was odd to be affected that way when the people watching were supposed to be the good guys…

  She made her way to the window and was pulled from her daydream by an authoritative female voice.

  “Empty your pockets, ma’am. No cell phones, jewelry, or personal items.”

  “Oh, I left everything in my car.” Grace smiled but the gesture wasn’t reciprocated by the no nonsense guard.

  Once again, a chill went through her as she was directed down a hallway and her nerves made her jump when she heard the screech of the large metal door clang closed behind her. She was led to another window where she was greeted with the same demeanor but on a different female guard. This one had the same lack of smile but was smacking on gum and it was more than evident to Grace that these guards were just going through the motions.

  “Who are you here to see, ma’am?” Grace resisted the urge to become irritated with the guard’s gum smacking. For some reason, the sound seemed to become more magnified and she was getting annoyed. Grace knew it was due to her lack of control and the fact that she was clueless about the client she would be addressing today. She would feel much more comfortable when she knew that she had secured his case and she became more familiar with him as a client. She was walking into this case blind and she didn’t like it.

  “And… I need to see an ID.”

  Grace gave her the name of the gentleman she hoped she would be representing in court and handed her the one thing she had been permitted to enter with: her driver’s license.

  “I’m here to see Tate Williams.”

  She felt like a fish out of water as all eyes scanned her. She was the only one dressed in business work attire and it was obvious she was either someone’s lawyer or social worker.

  Grace made her way to the metal table and eyed the man she hoped would soon be her client. She was immediately taken aback by what she saw when the man sitting at the table rose upon her entrance. He was absolutely massive and she had to strain her neck just to look him in the eyes. He was clearly an American Indian, complete with a braid that went all the way down his back. His black eyes and creamed coffee colored skin immediately drew her in. His wrists were bound in chained manacles and she wondered if the guards cuffed him due to fear. He was huge and all of it was muscle; the man exuded power. He was, in fact, the most beautiful specimen of man she had ever encountered. She shook off the surprise and firmly got her professional persona in place. She was always professional with her clients, no matter the circumstance, and she refused to be shaken.

  She found herself wishing she had her briefcase to open and shift papers and documents around as a way to vent some of her nervous energy. It was taking all she had to keep her demeanor set in professional mode and it would be much easier if she had some sort of shield. Instead, she found herself using the only distraction that she had on her—the glasses she was wearing. She pushed them up on her nose and she began speaking. What he said only threw her more off of her game.


  “My name is Talon.”

  “Excuse me?”

  He leaned in as if he was sharing a secret with her and huskily whispered, “I go by Talon.”

  “Okay… Mr. Talon.”

  “Not Mr. Talon, just Talon.”

  “Okay, Sir.”

  His eyes pierced through her as he chuckled softly. She needed to get control of this meeting. He was making her nervous and she didn’t get nervous when she was working with clients. Talon was anything but the normal client though, and it wasn’t taking her long to discover that fact…

  The cold chain manacled to Talon’s wrists clinked against the metal as he shifted to try and hide the raging hard on this little, blonde Barbie doll sitting in front of him gave him. He just knew, at any second, she was going to notice his tented orange coveralls and he was glad for the table that shielded her view from his hard cock and prevented her from seeing it. This little lady was everything he had a weakness for—the exact opposite of him. She was light to his dark; her hair color, skin tone, and eye color were everything he craved in a woman. They say you’re always drawn to your opposite in coloring. All he knew was that he damn sure was drawn to this long, tall drink of water sitting in front of him.

  He licked his lips and, starting at the top of her pinned up blonde hair, began to size her up. He resisted the urge to tuck a wisp of it that had fallen around her face back behind her ear. He made his way down to her blue eyes and the black-framed glasses she kept toying with out of nervousness. Her skin looked like peaches and cream and he allowed his eyes to move down to her full, pink lips. His cock jumped as he tried in vain to push away thoughts of what those plump, little, pink lips would look like wrapped around him. His eyes scanned down to her chest and the white button up shirt she was wearing under her pinstripe suit that couldn’t conceal the rash of nervousness that had sprung up. He made his way down to her perfectly manicured hand that was nervously flicking the one thing she had been allowed to bring in—her license.

  “Mr. Talon?”

  He allowed his eyes to slowly make their way back up to her face without even trying to conceal the fact that he was checking her out.

  “The name’s Talon. I thought we’d already settled that. Take your glasses off, please.”

  “Excuse me.”

  He leaned in and looked her directly in the eye. “Ma’am, I’m certain as educated as you are that you not only heard, but understood, what I said. Take. Off. The. Glasses.”

  “Excuse me, I don’t understand. I need my glasses to see.”

  “And I need to be able to see your eyes to know you aren’t lying to me. My house, my rules, lawyer lady.”

  He watched her hand tremble as she removed the glasses. Once again, his cock jumped when he observed he had her right where he wanted her—out of control…

  Grace shifted in her chair to gain her bearings. The confidence and power this man exuded was very distracting and it was going to take all of her concentration to gain control over this visit.

  “Mr. Talon, we only have an allotted amount of time for a visit and I would much rather it be spent on your defense. I’m a lawyer; of course I lie. I’ll do whatever it takes to win a case but I can’t do anything until you agree to let me defend you.”

  “I’m nobody’s charity case, sweetie.”

  “And I’m nobody’s sweetie. Now that we have that straightened out, tell me you’ll hire me.”

  “Look, lady, if you need to save the world to be able to sleep at night, that’s got nothin’ to do with me.”

  This time, Grace leaned in and glared. “Don’t flatter yourself, Mr. Talon. This isn’t about you. This is about a dirty cop who is taking money on the side and harassing those who won’t pay. I’ve done my homework and I know the officer in question is on the take. I also know when he confronted your motorcycle club and was denied payoff, he started going after members. Now, either you’re going to hire me pro bono, or I’m going to get up, walk out of here, and find someone else with enough cohones to take this guy down. What is it going to be, Mr. Talon?”

  She ignored the dark shadow that crossed over his face as he confirmed that he would hire her.

  “Guard, I’m ready to go.” She never removed her eyes from the powerful mass of man seated in front of her until she got up and made her way to the cell door. She could feel his eyes glaring at her backside in a mixture of anger and lust. She just kept telling herself in her head, over and over, not to show her real feelings. This guy intimidated the hell out of her but the only thing that was going speak to a man of his nature was guts—guts to do whatever it would take to get him off the hook and keep him out of jail. She looked back over her shoulder and simply stated, “I’ll see you tomorrow in court.” All
she heard in response was a low, sinister chuckle and though her hackles rose, she straightened her back with confidence and made her way out of the room. Her newest client might scare the shit out of her, but she had no intention of revealing that fact to him.

  Chapter Two

  Grace used the short jaunt from the downtown jail to her law office, conveniently located in the same area, to get her head wrapped around what just happened. The intimidating client had almost seemed amused with her confrontation of him.

  Though the outburst had partly been due to the fact that he was being offered help and taking it as a slight, it was only half of the reason she had reacted the way she had. The other half had been an attempt, on her behalf, to gain some kind of control over the enigma of a man she was dealing with. She wasn’t used to being around people who were as intense as Mr. Talon. She would certainly make it a point to be on top of her game the next time they met.

  With her phone at her ear and her briefcase and coffee in tow, she made her way into her office. It felt good to be back in her own familiar territory and a wave of relief washed over her. She looked up when she heard one of the other lawyers with her firm enter her office shortly after her. She was barely seated behind her desk before he started in on her. Unfortunately, she could see what kind of day it was going to be already so she did what she always did on fucked up days like this. She put it on coast and went through the motions. She had learned how to turn off her emotions a long time ago. Sadly, in her line of work, it’s the best recourse because anything else is seen as weakness.

  “Out saving the world again?”

  “Some of us choose to use our monetary gain to help those less fortunate rather than spending it on two thousand dollar suits.” She answered the man standing in the doorway without missing a beat.

  “Now that is funny.”

  She looked up at the handsome, sandy blonde haired lawyer standing in front of her desk. She was certain he must have more than his fair share of female company due to his looks and bank account and, yet, here he was, trying to provoke her. She leaned back in her chair, removed her glasses, and gave him an impatient look. She started toying with a pen as she eyed her fellow lawyer.


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