Hunted (Dauntless MC Book 1)

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Hunted (Dauntless MC Book 1) Page 6

by Suzanne Steele

  She was looking forward to the bridal shower she would be attending tonight. Tiny was finally going to make an honest woman of Raven and put a ring on her finger. They were already a married couple in the eyes of the club but a marriage certificate would give Raven privileges that she wouldn’t have as just an old lady. It was a way of securing rights to him if he was ever jailed for any illegal activities. It was insurance and right now, with the way things were going with the ICE agent, everyone in the club was on high alert.

  “Hey girl, I halfway expected you to be wearing leather pants and riding in on the back of a Harley.”

  “It might do you some good to get out of that uptight garb you wear, Luke. Don’t you ever wonder what it would be like to take a walk on the wild side?”

  “I’m saving that side of myself for you, babe.” Luke stood and intently eyed Grace from the doorway, the attraction he had been fighting towards her for a long time evident in his gaze. She didn’t even know he felt the way he did and the shock on her face revealed that fact.

  “Luke, what are you saying?”

  “I think we both know what I’m saying; I’m saying be careful. The people you’re associating with are criminals.”

  “They’re not criminals. They’re people who have chosen to live a lifestyle outside of what society views as normal.”

  “Yeah, you should do more homework on your boyfriend. Illegal arms trade is against the law.”

  “And you should probably consider the source of your information, an ICE agent on the take. At least my boyfriend, as you call him, is straight up about who he is and doesn’t hide behind a badge.”

  “You know the funny thing about it is when it all falls apart, and it will, I’ll be here for you.” Luke turned and made his way out of the office before she had a chance to answer him.

  Whether she wanted to admit it or not, the statement about the illegal sales of guns bothered her. Maybe she did need to do more homework on Talon.

  “Get your fucking ass in the car. We’re going home.” Justine waited until they were seated in the car before she addressed her partner.

  “You’ve got to stop this obsession you have with me.”

  Derrick slowly turned and eyed her with brown eyes that sparked with anger. In that moment, he appeared to be more animal than man before he got control and answered, “It’s far too late for that. This has gone far beyond obsession.”


  She watched his profile as he drove through traffic, never answering her question. His jaw was set in stone as he clenched the steering wheel so tightly his knuckles turned a stark white in the darkened car. Her mind ran amok with thoughts of what he had planned for her when they arrived at his home. A man who was crazy enough to mark her with the blade of his knife was certainly crazy enough to hurt her if she ever attempted to escape him.

  He pulled into the garage and swiftly got out to make his way to her side of the vehicle. He opened the door and fisted a handful of her hair, cocking her head to the side and studying her face for traces of fear she no doubt exhibited. He could already feel his cock hardening as he reveled in the fact that she was terrified of him. It was true; he was a ticking time bomb.

  “It’s imperative that you follow my commands tonight. I’m going to hurt you but how much I do, depends on your level of obedience.” She nodded her head in understanding as much as his tight grip would permit. “Very good,” he drawled as he ran the pad of his thumb over her jawline.

  Derrick led her by the handful of hair he held into the house and up the stairs. He roughly tossed her over towards the bed and sat down on a chair in the corner. “Strip… and do it slowly,” he commanded.

  He watched her trembling hands with interest while she unbuttoned the standard white shirt she wore.

  “The bra, Justine.”

  She reached her hands behind her and unhooked her bra causing her breasts to spill free. “Touch your nipples for me,” he breathed out as he pushed down on his hard cock. She hesitated, overcome with embarrassment, until she looked up and saw the predatory look in his eyes. Her fear escalated when she remembered his warning, how much I hurt you depends on your obedience.

  Her thumbs strummed over her nipples as she watched him make his way around the room, collecting the implements he would need to ensure she was subdued and at his mercy. Though tonight, she doubted there would be much mercy at the hands of the man obsessed with her.

  Her fingers trailed down to the zipper on her skirt and she slowly slid it down to reveal the underclothes he demanded she wear for him now. She stepped out of her panties knowing it would be the last thing she removed. He would require her to remain in the thigh highs, garter, and heels she still wore.

  In one swift move, he turned her towards the posts at the bed’s footboard and bent her at the waist, pressing her upper body down on the bed. He then restrained her arms so they were spread out like angel wings with the long rope he had attached to the headboard posts. Next came the spreader bar that left her open and vulnerable to him. She could already feel her core clenching in anticipation of the danger he would bring.

  He removed his shirt and threw it off to the side before he took off his thick, black, leather belt. He knelt down beside the bed where her face was turned to the side and began the process of antagonizing her with the popping sound he made as he doubled the belt in two and brought his hands together, rapidly snapped them out. He brushed the hair from her eyes as he softly spoke. “You need what I give you—the pain, the pleasure, and the discipline. Relax, kitten, and take what I give you.”

  She heard the sound of the swish before the leather connected to her ass. He was careful to stay away from her kidneys as he persisted with delivering precise strokes of pain that would soon give her the endorphin high he had introduced her to. Tears fell from her eyes onto the crisp sheets as her cries for mercy filled the night air.

  When he knew she had given into the pain and submitted to the strikes he delivered, he made his way between her legs. It wasn’t necessary for him to spread her folds open with his fingers because he did so with his mouth. Laps of his tongue licked at the wetness she provided and he relished in the taste of the juices flowing from her core. His lips wrapped around her pulsing clit and he sucked until her legs shook with an earth shattering orgasm.

  “You’ll need all those juices, my little victim.” He pressed two fingers into her and groaned when he felt her tightness grip him. He added another finger, and then another, as he began to wedge his hand into her opening.

  “I can’t take it. I can’t, you’ll split me open. Don’t hurt me.” Yet, her body was allowing him entrance. His fingers moved, making their way into her deepest depths and allowing his hand entrance into a place no man had ever been. The mixture of pain and pleasure was too much for her and she exploded, an avalanche of wet liquid pouring out of her as she squirted. Her whole body convulsed in an orgasm that felt like nothing she had ever experienced. He gently removed his hand and made his way back up to the head of the bed.

  Her head was tilted to the side as he squatted his nude body over her where her mouth could reach his cock. “Lick my cock, baby, right under the head.” Her tongue darted out and she greedily took him in her mouth. She never saw the smack coming until it connected with her cheek. Tears streamed from her eyes as he growled, “I said lick, not suck.” She lapped at it in obedience as he stroked it watching her with caution. “That’s it. Now suck, use a pulsing action, and then dart that sweet little tongue of yours under the head.” His strokes became more violent as he cried out, “Open your mouth.” She opened her mouth as he filled it with his seed, purposely allowing some of it to hit her face. He rubbed it into her, purposely defiling her as he spoke. “You’re such a good girl, so clean and pure. It pleases me beyond anything you could realize to defile you, to make you do dirty, perverse things for me that you would never do for any other man. You’re mine, Justine, all of you—your heart, your mind, and now your dirtied and sul
lied little soul. It’s all mine. You’re all mine.”

  Lightning struck outside ominously as if nature itself confirmed his words. He made his way around the bed and started to release her limbs and rub any cramping out.

  Neither was aware that a madman—a convict—stood outside the window, hidden by the landscaping, watching them. The villain was horrified by what he had seen. His precious, clean angel was nothing but a whore, a slut, given to base, animalistic urges. His father had been right. Granted, he had been an abusive bastard, but the information he provided while beating him was correct. Women were whores to be used and then cast away when they became tiresome. She had to die. It was the only way to clean her sin-infested soul. Any woman, who would allow a man to do those vile things to her, didn’t deserve to live. The earth had to be cleansed of her type or others would follow in her wayward, immoral footsteps. Yes, her fate had been determined by her behavior. She had to die.

  Chapter Seventeen

  “Woohoo girl, get on over here! It’s party time because I’m gettin’ married to the Prez,” Raven squealed at Grace when she walked in with Talon.

  Raven made her way over to Talon and poked him in the chest. “You’ll have to let her go for tonight, big boy. This party is for the girl’s only. It’s my bachelorette party.”

  “You look like you’re already half drunk, girl.”

  “I’m just getting started, baby.”

  Talon leaned down and growled in Grace’s ear, “Don’t you dare step off this property, girl, or I’ll take my belt to ya.”

  “You’re the one headed to a strip joint.”

  “I don’t give a fuck about any of those dancers. Be ready to get your brains fucked out when I get home, girl.”

  The girls watched as Grace’s face turned red and they all laughed at her, knowing she was embarrassed by Talon’s candidness. “I mean it, Grace. Don’t step off this fucking property.”

  “She won’t, scouts honor. We’ll watch her,” Raven assured.

  It wasn’t common knowledge that a serial killer was on the loose and it wasn’t Talon’s place to notify the women of it. If the Prez wanted them knowing, then he would tell them. He didn’t like the idea of leaving her alone when he felt she was in danger but he really didn’t have a choice. “Give me your phone,” he barked out at Grace.

  She handed him the phone and watched as he put his number on quick dial and as an ICE (in case of emergency) number. As much as he hated to admit it, the thought of something happening to her made him feel as if his chest would cave in. He couldn’t ever remember a time he had felt like this about any woman.

  Talon smacked her ass as he headed over to the men currently mounting bikes and heading over to the strip joint owned and operated by the MC club. He would go with the guys even though his mind would be on only one woman—the woman he had claimed as his property.

  He loved nights like this when the sky was clear, the road was open, and the breeze blowing through his long, braided hair was just right. The roar of motorcycle engines was almost deafening as they pulled up in front of the club.

  The brothers made their way to a private booth and, in no time, were surrounded by drinks and dancers with no limits on either. Talon groaned as he saw the redhead coming his way. Why in the fuck wouldn’t this chick back off? She just wasn’t getting the message.

  She straddled him and as soon as she gyrated her hips, a wave of disgust ran through him. Hell, this was a first. He couldn’t ever remember a time his cock didn’t respond to a topless woman grinding against him.

  He grabbed her arm and twisted it behind her back. “You just don’t fucking get it, do you? I. Don’t. Want. You.” He felt no remorse as he watched her walk away. The only way a chick like that was going to understand that he didn’t want to fuck her was to be straight up honest about it. He knew deep down inside that if he fucked around on Grace, he would lose her and he couldn’t take a chance on that. Though he wouldn’t admit it to anyone else, he already felt like she was out of his league and he damn sure wasn’t going to take a chance on losing her, especially over some bitch he didn’t even want.

  “Damn dude, that’s the first time I’ve ever seen you turn down pussy,” Scooter noted loudly.

  “Yeah, well… I got shit on my mind and it doesn’t include fucking anybody besides lawyer lady.”

  “I wish you would have told me that because I kinda like her. I’ve always had a weakness for redheads and, for some reason, it just goes right through me to see her getting pushed away by you. I think the girl deserves better than that.”

  “Nobody is making her do anything. She went that route of singling me out, thinking she could work her way up to being an old lady. She acts like all she cares about is status.”

  “Well, she isn’t any different than a lot of women. They all want to be old ladies,” Scooter replied, sticking up for her.

  “Well, make a move on her before someone else does, Scooter. I didn’t realize you liked the girl.”

  Scooter changed the subject so he didn’t risk looking too much like a pussy. He did have his reputation to consider. He couldn’t have his brothers thinking he was already pussy whipped when he hadn’t even fucked the girl yet. “You’re really concerned about this dude who broke out of jail, aren’t you?”

  “I’m not convinced he won’t come after Grace.”

  “Why, dude?”

  “She wouldn’t take his case because she knew he was guilty. The son of a bitch was trying to convince her he was innocent so she would take his case pro bono.”

  “Ha, ha, listen to you motherfucker, all educated and shit, talkin’ about pro bono.”

  “You know I grew up going to private school,” Talon answered. Very few people knew Talon had been adopted as a child. He had suffered ruthless bullying due to his American Indian heritage until the Dauntless MC boys had stepped in. Of course, back in the day, they were just a group of kids who had grown up together and dubbed their bicycle club Dauntless. As soon as they had been old enough, the bicycles had been traded in for Harleys. They had stayed true to the club, the club’s name, and each other through the years, and now they were one of the most feared motorcycle clubs in the nation.

  “Yeah, we saved you from getting your ass kicked. I’ll never forget that day we all rode over to the prep school on our bikes and set those little preppy shits straight.”

  “Yeah, I never got bullied again after that.”

  “Been bailing your ass out ever since,” Scooter chided.

  “Yeah, well I’ve done my share of kicking ass and taking names too. I’ve bailed you and the rest of the brothers out of more shit than I can remember. Not only that, but I’m the reason the club has a hot ass lawyer now and not some ugly ass, old, white man.”

  “Ha, ha, this is true. Nobody can swing an aluminum bat like you can, Talon.”

  “I’m gonna be swinging on that convict if he so much as calls my old lady on the phone.”

  “I hear that… and I’ll be right beside you if you do,” Scooter assured him. “Do you know where he is?”

  “No, that’s the problem and I won’t be at peace until I do.”

  Across town, the girls were doing some dancing of their own. “Come on, girl, and let me show you how to make a real margarita.” Raven pulled Grace behind her into the large kitchen compound. Grace didn’t care, and hadn’t even thought about it, but Raven’s acceptance of her sent a message throughout the club—an unwritten code of acceptance. When the president’s old lady accepted you, then you were automatically accepted by all of the other old ladies.

  Raven eyed Grace as she stood on the other side of the kitchen counter making her famous concoction in the blender. “Never thought I would have a highfalutin lawyer for a best friend.”

  For some unknown reason, Grace’s heart swelled with pride as she looked at the sister she never had.

  “So what the fuck does a woman like you, a professional woman such as yourself, see in a bunch of reject mot
herfuckers like us?” Raven asked as she placed the frozen beverage in front of Grace.

  “Family,” she answered with no hesitation.

  “Yeah, you said you were raised by a single mom after your dad took off. On another note, do you think this psycho who escaped will come after you?”

  “I don’t see any reason he would. We have no connections and I think Talon is just being overprotective.”

  “Ha, ha, good luck changing that behavior because these biker types are over the top alpha males.”

  “Kind of sexy though, isn’t it?”

  “Damn straight it is,” Raven agreed.

  “Hey Raven…” Tiffany, one of the girls, yelled out as she poked her head in the doorway, “…we need that magic concoction.”

  “Okay, okay, we’re coming,” Raven said as she grabbed the blender full of the frozen margarita mix.

  Both girls busted out laughing as they viewed one of the women on the table. She was topless and dancing as she twirled her crop top in her hand. When she saw Raven, she screamed out, “Oh yeah,” and threw it at her feet.

  As wild as these girls were, Grace felt completely at ease with them. Though it might seem odd for her to have a relationship with them, she couldn’t help but remember the old adage that opposites attract. These people had made their mark on her and Talon had definitely left a lasting impression. These relationships would be friendships and loves she would carry to her grave.

  Chapter Eighteen

  Red, as the members of the club had dubbed her due to her flaming red hair, made her way out of the club and started walking along the downtown street. She fired up a cigarette and thought of her options. She had counted on being an old lady and Talon had been her ticket to that end. He was one of the few bikers who didn’t have an old lady. It wasn’t that she wanted to be an old lady for just the social status. She wanted to belong and being an old lady in the club was the highest of honors for any woman. There wasn’t a woman who came around the club, for any amount of time, who didn’t want to be an old lady sooner or later.


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