Chaos: A Paranormal Urban Fasntasy Novel (Goddess Kissed Novel Book 3)

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Chaos: A Paranormal Urban Fasntasy Novel (Goddess Kissed Novel Book 3) Page 1

by Ivy Carter


  A Goddess Kissed Novel

  By: Ivy Carter

  Kindle Edition

  Copyright © 2019 Tasha Gwartney

  All Rights Reserved

  Kindle Edition, License Notes:

  This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away or gifted to another person. If you would like to gift or share this ebook please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you are reading this ebook and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use, please return it and purchase your own copy. Pirating this ebook is indeed a Federal Crime. Thank you for respecting the work of this author.

  This book is a work of fiction. The names, characteristics, places, and incidents are products of the writer’s imagination. Any resemblance of persons, living or dead, actual events, locales, or organizations are entirely coincidental.


  Ivy Carter’s Fan Page:

  For my little man. I am your biggest fan.

  Table of Contents:

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 1.


  I watch as the blade plunges into my best friend’s stomach. I can hear nothing. There is a roaring of rage inside my ears. As Ella falls, the little bitch that stabbed her screams as if she is the one that is dying. Selene falls to the floor, shrieking in pain. But I just stare at Ella; I find that I can’t move a muscle. I am completely numb and deaf in my shock and horror. The little rabbit, the girl that stole Jaxx from Ella with foul magic, the one that we laughed at because she was so fucking timid. SHE has killed my best friend. How can this be possible? How can this even be remotely possible?

  Chaos reigns inside the front room of Gavin’s cabin. The blood rubies tinkle as they fall to the floor. The vile containing the shredded remains of Devon’s soul is still clamped in Ella’s tight grip.

  Then everything comes into screaming clarity. Everyone moves at once. Jaxx and Tristan dive for Ella as Sebastian and Gavin reach for Selene. I fall to my knees, hitting the hard floor, feeling Ella’s life blood soak into my leather pants. It is surprisingly cold on my skin.

  “SOMEONE HELP HER!” I scream. My voice comes out sounding coarse and grating.

  Tristan roars for everyone to move back.

  “I am going to put her in stasis so that Death cannot touch her. But I need room to work. Move that fuck back,” he roars out again while shoving Jaxx out of his way.

  I reach for Ella’s hand. It is already becoming cold and clammy.

  “Please Ella…” I beg, tears streaming down my face. “Don’t leave me. You are my family, my sister. I can’t be in this world without you in it beside me.” I sob out.

  Tristan bows his head and holds his hands over the stab wound in Ella’s stomach. Then he begins to mutter words in a language that I do not understand. Looking around the room through tear-soaked eyes, I see that Selene is convulsing on the floor across the room while being restrained by Gavin and Sebastian.

  Getting to my feet and letting go of Ella’s hand, I feel a rage like no other starting to take over my body. Fire and sparks start to gather in my hands. Why should this cowardly bitch still be breathing when Ella, the best of us, is dying on a cold floor and soaked in her own blood?

  “Why is she still breathing?” I ask as I stalk across the floor toward the convulsing body of that cowardly wench.

  “She is pregnant with innocent life.” Sebastian turns hard eyes towards me. “Would you have me kill a child, dove?”

  The tone of his voice and the hard-glinting look in his eyes makes me second guess what I was about to do. What was I about to do? Kill her when she is heavy with child? The rage within me whispers for me to fry the bitch where she lays. To make her scream as I melt the skin from her bones. I do a double blink, trying to get myself under control before I do something that I cannot take back.

  “Why is she convulsing like that?” I can’t stop myself from asking…

  “When you use a soul blade with the intention of taking another’s life, you give up your life as well.” Gavin tells me, but the look in his eyes is heart breaking.

  “Gavin, Ella is going to be okay. She is strong. I promise.” I walk quickly and kneel beside him, stroking back his ebony hair from his brow.

  He looks over towards Ella and a lone tear escapes from his eyes. But what sucks the breath from my chest is the desolate look he turns toward Selene.

  “She is my True Mate.” He whispers for my ears alone. “I didn’t say anything when she came here already mated to my sister’s intended. I was so angry. So I have kept it to myself. I should have said something… Maybe I could have stopped this from happening,” he rasps out.

  To say that I am shocked would be an understatement. The thrashing is getting worse, so I reach over and try to help hold her down.

  “We must save her to save the baby.” I look at Sebastian and plead. “She might be insane, but you are right…” I take a deep breath before continuing. “The baby doesn’t deserve to pay for what her mother has done.”

  Sebastian gets a calculating look on his too-handsome face.

  “What are you thinking?”

  “There might be a way. It is risky at best, but if we don’t do something the baby will die when the mother slips into the Ether.”

  “Tristan, how is it going over there? Is she stable?” Sebastian yells across the room toward Tristan.

  I look over and see a shimmering blue orb surrounding Ella’s body. The knife is still sticking out of her stomach but she doesn’t look any worse than she did a few minutes ago.

  “She is stable for the moment. I have her suspended in stasis,” Tristan rasps. He looks haggard. Whatever magic he wielded to help Ella must have taken a lot out of him. He is pale and has dark circles under his eyes.

  “Are you okay?” I can’t help but ask. If he dies before Ella gets a chance to wake up she is going to kick all our asses. I don’t know what exactly is brewing between the two of them… All I do know is that whatever it is, it runs soul deep.

  “I will be okay when she opens her eyes and yells at me for being a fool.” He smirks at me. It is a pale shadow of his usual humor but I almost laugh all the same.

  Jaxx has scooted himself away from Ella and Tristan. Holding himself in a corner on the far wall from where Ella lay. He is utterly blank. I want to make sure all my friends are going to survive this, but I can’t find the energy to care about whether or not he is tormenting himself for bringing this bitch into our lives.

  “Gavin, I am going to need you to pull yourself together. I need your help to save the child.” Sebastian has pulled up his big boy panties and is taking charge. It is almost enough to make me want to jump him for a little monkey sex. Okay, maybe a lot of hot, steamy, loud monkey sex.

  Then I blush when I realize where my thoughts have taken me at a time like this. What the hell is wrong with

  I catch Sebastian’s eye and he gives me a knowing look. He doesn’t smile. But the look in his eyes lets me know that he understands and that he doesn’t think that I am a freak for wanting to jump him at a time like this.

  “What can I do?” Gavin whispers as he tries in vain to keep Selene still.

  “We must magically transfer the baby to another living being. I know the spell. I have seen it done before, but I don’t have the magic to do it myself.” Sebastian looks over to Jaxx and notices that blank look on his face, judging him useless for this endeavor that they must undertake.

  “Can I help?” I ask timidly. I don’t want to help Selene but I need to help the baby inside her.

  Sebastian looks at me for a long moment. He seems to be thinking deeply about something. Then he shakes his head as he comes to a decision.

  “Join hands with Gavin and let him pull on the magic that fuels your life force.” I look back to Ella and notice that Tristan is bent over her form again. He’s muttering another spell in the same language that I can’t understand. He seems to be pouring every ounce of himself into whatever he is doing to help her.

  I kneel beside Gavin once more and take his hand. Looking toward Sebastian, I try to catch his attention. He looks deep in thought as if he is searching his memories for the right words of the spell that he and Gavin are going to try and pull off.

  “We have to stop him or he is going to kill himself,” I whisper-shout at Sebastian.

  “He is more powerful than you can fathom. Let him do what he can for the woman that he loves.”

  Selene falls still and it is so sudden that Gavin jumps back a bit. She starts to gasp for breath. She seems almost lucid for the moment.

  “Please, I am sorry. I didn’t mean to do it. They made me. They made me do everything. I had no choice, it was like I didn’t have any control over my body. Don’t let them kill my child as well. Please save my baby. Please!” Selene begs. Blood spittle floats out of her pale-blueish lips as she gasps for air and tries to speak.

  Gavin takes her into his arms and rocks her while whispering sweet nothings, trying to calm her.

  What did she mean that they made her, that she had no control? More questions. More riddles. Or more lies…

  “Okay, I think that I have it. Gavin lay Selene flat and place one hand flat on her stomach. Jessa take his free hand then mine. We must be linked. Gavin, you will draw on the magic that makes us who and what we are, and direct that magic through the spell. Now, once we are linked I need you to repeat after me.” Sebastian looks to Gavin and sees that he isn’t listening, that he seems to be lost in placating Selene.

  “Gavin! Pay attention. Lay her flat and clasp hands with us if you want to have any chance at all at saving her baby.” Sebastian fairly shouts at Gavin.

  Gavin lays Selene carefully onto the floor, a loving and sorrowful look upon his face.

  We clasp hands.

  “Now repeat after me.”

  “Soul of innocence.

  The Goddess weeps.

  Soul of innocence.

  We pray for your guidance this night.

  Aid us in our plight.

  Soul of innocence.

  Save this soul of Light.

  Soul of innocence.

  Let this soul take flight.

  Soul of innocence.

  Plant this seed.

  End this evil deed.

  Soul of innocence.

  Find this light a home.

  Soul of innocence.

  Set this evil to right.

  As I mote it, so will it be.”

  White and blue lights begin to swirl above Selene’s protruding stomach. They increase as we chant the spell repeatedly. Gavin’s voice rises with each word, seeming to draw more and more power from myself and Sebastian with each rhyme.

  Selene starts to scream as the lights increase even more and she once more starts to convulse. Blood spews from her open mouth that is now frozen in a silent scream of pain. Gavin falters slightly but I squeeze his hand and he charges on, tears streaming down his face as he stares at his True Mate’s face.

  I chance a look toward Ella. She is still lying on the floor, as still as death itself. Tristen is rocking back and forth now, his hands passing and swiping over her body as he chants. The glittering sphere surrounding Ella’s body seems to be glowing brighter the longer he works.

  Suddenly I feel as if all the energy is being siphoned out of my body. I turn to look at Sebastian and he is gritting his teeth as well. A white ball of light suddenly explodes right in front of my face and I am thrown back several feet from the blast.

  “What have you done?” Tristan suddenly roars out.

  I pull myself to my knees and look to him, now holding Ella’s body to his chest. But something is wrong. Something I didn’t think I would ever see, especially since she is more than half dead. Tristan has his arms wrapped around Ella with his hands wresting on her now protruding stomach. A stomach that still has a knife buried hilt-deep within it.

  “We had to send the baby into a living person. A Vampire is infertile. Ella must have been the only viable source for the spells completion.” Sebastian breaths out as he pulls himself to his feet.

  Jaxx is now focusing on what is going on in the room around him. His face is utterly astonished when he looks at Ella resting in Tristan’s arms.

  “What you have done is just killed them both. The child his drawing on Ella’s life force, just as the soul blade is.” Tristan grates out, his voice hoarse with soul-deep pain.

  The room is turning into a tomb. All my friends, the people I love most in the world, are dying and I am helpless to stop it.

  “Sebastian,” I look at my mate in despair. “What do we do?”

  “I don’t know, dove. I just don’t know,” Sebastian whispers out to the room at large.

  Chapter 2.


  Ella suddenly screams in agony. Tristan starts to mutter his stasis spell once more while rocking her back and forth. I watch as the vile holding Devon’s soul rolls across the floor. I lunge for it, trying to catch it before it can break. Once I reach it and pick it up, I notice that it is lighter than it should be. How can a vessel containing something as substantial as a soul be so light?

  I look up at Ella as her back bows and blood spews from her mouth. Tristan is still screaming the stasis spell, with tears running down his face. Tristan suddenly lies Ella down before pulling a knife from his wrist.

  “I am so sorry to do this to you Love, to take the choice away from you… But I can’t see another way to save your life.” Tristan makes a horizontal slash across his wrist and places it to Ella’s mouth.

  Jaxx suddenly roars to life, yelling for him to stop, only to be tackled to the ground by Sebastian.

  “This will save her. Still yourself, or by the all the GODS, I will do it for you,” Sebastian seethes.

  “What is going on?” I ask everyone in general… Ella is calming but Tristan looks as if his life is being drained out of him by the moment.

  “He has linked their lives, as if he is her chosen mate.” Jaxx mutters as he answers me.

  “If it saved her life, then I am all for it. Everything else can be worked out later…” I try to placate him. Jaxx looks like he is about to jump out of his skin, grappling with Sebastian’s hold.

  Gavin starts to sing a heart-wrenching lullaby. I turn and walk slowly toward my best friend’s twin. He is rocking Selene’s now-dead body; his voice drops to a soft, keening wail as I kneel beside him on the bloody hardwood floor. Wrapping my arms around him, I pull him as close as I can with him still having ahold of Selene.

  “She is gone and we never even had a chance. Who would use her like this? Why would they turn her into a weapon just to cause problems for my sister?” I rock with him as he sinks his face into Selene’s hair.

  I didn’t like her, or maybe I didn’t like the person that whoever was controlling her made her out to be… But seeing this bon
e-deep pain my friend is suffering through… I can’t stop the tears that start to fall down my face. Gavin is such a kind and good soul and he doesn’t deserve this end. From what Ella explained to me, to find your Fated Mate, it’s like nothing you could ever describe. To lose her before you even had a chance to win her, to love her… Is beyond wrong.

  “She deserves to die! That filthy bitch deserves to burn for what she has done!” Jaxx yells from inside the cage of Sebastian’s hold. Gavin’s face turns from Selene and I can see that his eyes are glowing a bright jade-green, so like his sister’s eyes when she loses her shit.

  “Sebastian, get him out of here now. I don’t care what you do with him. But if he doesn’t want to help, get his selfish, useless ass out of here before I fry him where he sits,” I basically screech at my mate. I have had enough; I can feel the roaring rage that has been banked now crawling back to life. Sparks shoot from my fingertips.

  “Control yourself, my dove. He is family, after all. Even if he isn’t acting quite himself right now.” Sebastian’s voice is like a cooling brook, pouring over the raging inferno living inside me.

  “Good.” He smiles slightly at me. Then Sebastian rips Jaxx off the floor and basically crab-walks his ass out of the room. I hear a door slam from down the hall. Hopefully Sebastian can talk some intelligence back into his ass.

  “It’s not his fault, you know?” I turn to look at Tristan as he lays Ella back onto the floor and rubs his hands over her now protruding stomach. “He thinks that he has lost everything that he has ever wanted, ever lived for. But what he doesn’t understand… What I can’t believe he can’t understand is that Ella will do what she wants. It doesn’t matter who she is bound to. It doesn’t matter what people think she should do, or what they want her to do. She will always follow her heart and protect the people she loves.”

  “I know.” I whisper. It really is quite powerful how well he knows her. Tristan slides her head so that it is resting upon his knees while he strokes her hair. She looks like she could be sleeping, if not for the blood soaking the floor.


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