Educating the Professor

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Educating the Professor Page 13

by Sean Michael

  “Dave!” Dave had not said that. Out loud.

  “What?” Dave looked totally at ease with their conversation. “It’s not like there’s anyone else here. You, me, and the plug in your ass. That’s it.”

  He’d never once talked about sex with Bram. Never. Dave was so easy.

  “Is there dessert?” Dave asked. “I mean, other than you, of course.”

  “I bought a chocolate cake and some doughnuts for the weekend.”

  “Oh, that sounds really good. Are you ready for dessert? We could have tea with it.” Dave gave him a small laugh. “I want to watch you move with that plug inside you.”

  “I….” He tightened around the plug, making it shift in his channel. “T-tea?”

  “Please. Something to go with the chocolate cake. And maybe we can enjoy both tea and cake in bed.”

  “Sure. You like milk, not lemon.”

  “See? All the little details that you’ve discovered in passing you remember. It’s a wonderful quality.” Dave took his arm and tugged him close, taking a soft kiss. “Thank you.”

  He leaned a bit and kissed Dave back, humming softly. Dave’s hand slid along his spine, all the way down to his ass. Then Dave touched the base of the plug, pushing it in several times.

  Kenn gasped, arching up. He wasn’t sure if he was trying to get closer or get away.

  Dave kissed him again, short and quick. “Okay, go ahead, let me watch you move.”

  His cheeks were on fire as he headed across the tiny kitchenette. He tried not to freeze up, mince.

  “I love watching you walk with the plug in,” Dave said again.

  “Be good.” Don’t make it worse.

  “I thought I was being very good.”

  “I’m making tea.” He didn’t need to get hard.

  “And you’re looking good—no, amazing—doing it.”

  Oh. Oh, that made him blush, but he nodded his thanks. “How much cake do you want?”

  “Why don’t you cut a little bit more than you want, and we’ll feed each other from the same slice.”

  “Oh, that’s a good idea.” Sensual.

  Dave smiled and continued to watch him. That gaze was almost a touch, it felt so heavy on him.

  Kenn cut a large piece of cake, brought it to Dave, then went back to the kettle to pour the water for tea.

  Dave didn’t touch the plate of cake. He was still watching every move Kenn made. Every now and then he would hum, the sound making Kenn feel on display, but also lovely.

  He carefully brought the tea; then he grabbed the milk. Dave poured the milk into his cup. He picked up both his tea and the cake and carried them over to the bedside table. Climbing into bed, Dave arranged the pillows so they were supporting him, then patted his legs. “Come sit with me.”

  Kenn headed over, taking Dave’s hand when he reached out. Dave tugged him down onto his warm lap. It was a softer place to land with the plug in his ass than the chair had been.

  He gasped softly, wiggling instinctively. Oh, that was sweet.

  “Feels good, eh?” Dave slid warm fingers along his spine.

  “Yes.” He closed his eyes for a second. “Yes, it does.”

  It felt like he was flying a little bit.

  “I’m glad. It’s supposed to.” Dave’s tongue slid across his lips, then Dave kissed his eyelids, touches like feathers. He leaned toward his lover, hands sliding over his shoulders.

  “Need to feed you cake,” Dave murmured, dropping more kisses over his face.

  “Uh-huh….” He wasn’t really listening as he savored the kisses.

  So it was a shock when Dave suddenly smeared chocolate over his lips. Less surprising was Dave licking at his lips afterward, feasting on the chocolate. He chuckled and pushed closer, rocking gently on Dave’s lap.

  Dave smeared chocolate on his own lips next. “There you go, babe. For you.”

  He leaned close, humming as he gathered the rich, dark sweetness. The flavor was intense on his tongue, but even better was the hint of salt, of Dave, beneath the chocolate. He pressed closer, searching for more, for Dave.

  Groaning, Dave cupped his face and deepened their kiss, tongue pushing into his mouth. This was better than any dessert could ever be. He straddled Dave’s thighs, rubbing and rocking as they devoured each other.

  “So sweet.” Dave muttered the words between nips to his lips. Then Dave tugged on his lower lip, teeth sinking into it.

  He arched in a slow wave, his eyes crossing. The ache made him want more. Dave gave it to him, too, nibbling and biting as he encouraged Kenn to move. He sighed softly as the plug stirred inside him, rubbing him.

  “The plug is amazing, isn’t it?” Dave slid a hand between his thigh and Kenn’s ass, finger pushing at the base of the plug.

  He couldn’t argue, not with the way he gasped.

  “I love seeing you like this. Turned-on and wild and free. So sensual and sexy.”

  “I’m not used to hearing that about me.”

  “You’re going to hear it a lot from now on, I promise. I won’t be stingy with my praise, with letting you know that how you look turns me on.”

  “Oh….” God, that made him shiver, just the idea. Did that make him vain? Proud?

  “You deserve to know and to hear it.” Dave rubbed his arms and kissed his nose.

  He shook his head. “I—I don’t know.”

  “Why wouldn’t you?” Dave asked, hands slowing, stilling.

  “I don’t know. I don’t want to be vain.”

  “I don’t think you need to worry about that. Because you do deserve it.”

  His cheeks lit afire, and he ducked his chin. “Thank you.”

  Dave kissed the top of his head, then tilted his chin, looking into his eyes. “You deserve as many good things as you can take.”

  He couldn’t handle this. It made him feel dizzy, important, uncomfortable. Then Dave’s mouth closed over his, tongue pushing into his mouth, and it didn’t help the dizziness, but it did settle his stomach and light him up.

  He melted, relaxing with a moan. Dave gathered him close, again sliding his hand to Kenn’s ass to play with the plug.

  He began to stiffen, but the urge to stay relaxed was too strong to deny.

  “We don’t have to do anything,” Dave whispered. “We’ll kiss and touch and feel good.”

  “Kiss and touch….” He could get into that. He flattened his hands over one of Dave’s nipples.

  “Mmm. I do love your touch. It makes me feel special.”

  Kenn smiled, moving to pluck the little hard nub, keeping his touch light, gentle. Dave took a deep breath, nipple pushing into his hand. He kept kissing, nuzzling as he caressed that sweet bud. He knew how good this felt, how intense.

  Low, drawn-out moans filled the air, Dave clearly lost in the sensations.

  Kenn loved those sounds, loved that he was bringing them out. He loved that Dave was willing to simply touch and feel. Sex was… expansive.

  Sex was delicious and luscious now, something to linger over.

  Dave found his nipples, fingers running back and forth across them, gentle and easy. The pressure made his toes curl. It built slowly, and soon he was shivering with each touch. He tried to answer the touches, but he was getting clumsy, his fingers jerking over Dave’s skin.

  Dave made happy noises, though, pushing into his touches as they continued to kiss, so he must not be so bad at it, right?

  “Love your touch. So much.”

  He must not be bad at it at all.

  “Thank you. You’re making me dizzy.”

  “I’m glad I’m not the only one. I guess it’s good we’re in bed, eh?” Dave laughed softly, looking so happy.

  “Yes.” He had to chuckle. If they collapsed, they’d bounce.

  Dave rubbed their noses together, fingers sliding over Kenn’s body in random waves, but they kept returning to his nipples.

  “You ever thought about rings for these?” Dave asked, stroking again and again.

  “Shh.” Of course not. Only in the darkest hours of night.

  “You shushing me makes me think the answer is yes.”

  “I wouldn’t.” Never.

  “You wouldn’t ever even think about it? There’s nothing shameful in thinking about things like that.” Dave took his right nipple between two fingers and tugged gently.

  His lips popped open, the tug so good, so lovely. It came again, and again, then Dave moved to do it to his left nipple too.

  “Can you imagine it? A gold ring that I can grab anytime I want and tug, give you this sensation and more.”

  He shook his head, but he moaned too. He couldn’t help it.

  “No? You can’t imagine it? I can. I can totally imagine the glint of metal shining and bisecting your nipples.”

  His head fell back, the image behind his eyes.

  He felt Dave’s breath on his right nipple, then soft lips closed over them, making him moan.

  “If you had rings, I could play with them with my tongue when I do this.” Dave closed his lips over Kenn’s nipple again.

  “Oh God.” The pressure was sharp—not sharp enough, but enough to make him dizzy.

  “Can you imagine it now?” Dave asked.

  “Y-yes.” He could.

  “Good. Can you imagine going to get the piercings done? You sitting in the chair. I’ll be holding your hand.”

  “What?” Oh God…. Oh, that was….

  “Play with me, baby. I’d be right there with you.”

  He grabbed for Dave’s free hand, the other still stroking his nipple.

  Dave squeezed his hand and pinched his nipple. “It would only be a little pinch as the needle pierced your skin. Then an ache as the metal runs through it.”

  He shook his head, swallowing convulsively. Oh fuck.

  “It would make you so hard, and the piercer would leave us alone after we got it done. Let me bring you off in privacy.”

  “They… they would?” He squeezed Dave’s hand, then brought their joined hands to his cock.

  “That’s right, babe. They would.” Dave wrapped their hands together around his cock and stroked. It was weird, but super neat at the same time.


  He let himself imagine, let himself revel in the grip of Dave’s hand and the fingers around his nipple.

  “I know you can feel it now. You can imagine being there with me.”

  “I….” He could. He so could.

  Dave breathed on his nipple, then flicked it with his tongue. He arched up, moaning deep in his chest. Dave continued to flick his nipple, working it, and that touch resonated all the way to his balls.

  “M-more. More. Please.”

  Dave hummed around his nipple, then added suction, pulling steadily. Kenn’s cock leaked, dripping as they stroked it together. Dave moved to his other nipple, sucking on it too.

  He let himself fantasize, let himself rock and moan, begging softly. Dave sent him higher and higher, bringing him to the edge.

  “Soon…,” he whispered, caught in his own dreams. Soon.

  “Do it. I want to smell you. I want to taste you.” The words were muttered against his nipple, then Dave began sucking again, teeth and tongue working the hard nub of flesh.

  “More,” he begged. “Please. So close.”

  “If your nipples were pierced, I could tug and play with both at the same time. Twist the metal and make you ache and burn.”

  “Fuck….” He reached down, pinched his nipple firmly, and came so hard his bones rattled. His ass closed around the plug, squeezing it tight inside him as the come poured out of him.

  Moaning, Dave held on to him, arms like bands keeping him close. He needed this. God, he needed Dave.

  Dave gave each of his nipples a lick, then brought their mouths together. He slid his fingers through the come on their bellies and brought his hand up. Licking at his fingers, Dave watched him, making it seem so sexy and hot.

  Kenn gasped, his world spinning like mad. Oh God.

  Dave’s smile was like that of the cat who’d gotten the cream. Well, he supposed Dave had, after all.

  “You want a taste?” Dave asked, holding his index finger out, a bit of Kenn’s own come making it glisten.

  He shook his head but wrapped his lips around Dave’s finger and sucked. The flavor was familiar, salty, but it was Dave’s moan that he felt inside.

  “Making me need, babe. Like, I can feel what you’re doing in my balls. I love the way you suck. I love how you love it.”

  He did. It was a comfort, a joy, arousing and lovely.

  Dave worked with Kenn, pushing his finger deeper, fingerfucking Kenn’s mouth. He could feel Dave’s eyes, too, gazing at him as he sucked.

  He let himself go with it, rock with it. Moan like the needy man he was.

  “You make me need.” Dave’s voice was thick, and Kenn could literally hear that need in it. “And leak. I’m so hard for you.”

  He nodded and slid down, lips parted, needing Dave’s cock in him.

  “Oh please, Kenn. Yes.” Dave shifted slightly, giving him better access to the thick erection.

  “Need you.” He groaned, tongue sliding over the tip of Dave’s cock.

  “Uh-huh. Need you too. Please.” Dave grabbed hold of his hair, then let go again, hands opening and closing.

  He reached up, put Dave’s hand on his head.

  Groaning, Dave curled his fingers in Kenn’s hair. “So good, Kenn. You’re magic.”

  Magic? Was he? He opened up and took Dave in, sucking steadily, giving Dave what he needed. More groans and moans rained down on him, Dave’s pleasure clear. Oh, this was… the best sort of pleasure, of gratitude for his orgasm.

  Dave’s hips began to move, small thrusts at first, sliding the thick cock along his tongue. He opened wide, accepting Dave in, encouraging him. More low moans sounded, Dave pushing deeper.

  Kenn hummed and licked, tongue sliding on Dave’s shaft.

  “Don’t stop. Oh God, please don’t stop, Kenn. You’re amazing. Feels so good.”

  No. No, he wouldn’t. He swallowed gently, keeping Dave floating.

  “I could let you do this forever.” Dave petted his head.

  He moaned softly, tongue swiping slowly, steadily. Dave’s sounds grew increasingly needy, filling the air, and he encouraged each and every one.

  Dave began to move faster, pumping into his mouth, the hand on his head holding him in place now.

  He trembled, that casual power arousing, wonderful.

  “Kenn. Soon.” Dave pushed into his throat again and again, and he could feel the thick cock throbbing.

  He swallowed hard, over and over, gulping around the swollen tip.

  Dave moaned and thrust up, came down his throat. When the pulses ended, Dave collapsed back against the pillows with another groan.

  He leaned down against Dave’s stomach, resting. Dave ran his fingers through Kenn’s hair, stroking and petting.

  “Thank you, Kenn. That was wonderful.”

  “It was. God. What a lovely Friday.”

  “It’s been the best, hasn’t it?” Dave grinned, hand sliding along Kenn’s spine all the way to his ass. It made him hyperaware of the plug inside him.


  Dave chuckled lazily. “I like that I’ve made you incoherent.”

  “Shh.” Butthead.

  That had Dave’s chuckles increasing before he asked, “You want to sleep with the plug in?”

  “I can’t, can I?” Was that possible?

  “You totally can if you want to. Or we can take it out. It’s not going anywhere. We can play with it a lot. I like how it makes you feel.”

  “I do too.” He liked the pressure, the weight.

  “So let’s leave it in while we nap. Then you’ll be ready for me if we wake up feeling needy in the middle of the night.”

  “I…. Okay? I can do that.” He snuggled in with a happy sigh.

  “Mmm. It’ll be a wonderful night.”r />
  “A wonderful weekend,” he whispered.

  “Oh yeah.” Dave slid down so he was lying with Kenn, arms wrapped around him. “A fantastic weekend.”

  “Our weekend.” He sighed and melted into his lover. “Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome. Thank you too. This is a two way street, eh?”

  He nodded, eyelids heavy. Nap. Rest. Dream.

  Chapter Twelve

  MIMOSAS AND a brunch buffet that included made-to-order omelets, hand-carved roast beef, and fresh pancakes and waffles. It was pure decadence.

  Dave sat across from Kenn, feeling lazy and good deep into his skin. His body felt loose and easy, the last few days of lovemaking having left him happy, aching slightly in all the right ways.

  “Thanks for introducing me to your favorite Sunday brunch place.”

  “You’re welcome. I love it here. It’s a luxury, but I do enjoy it.” Kenn licked maple syrup off his fork.

  Dave found himself caught in that act, eyes glued to Kenn’s mouth. “Uh-huh.”

  “What do you like best?”

  “The waffles with fresh fruit. Although the mimosas are pretty damn good too. What about you?”

  “The eggs Benedict is lovely, but mostly it’s the ritual of the whole thing. It’s just the perfect way to start your week.”

  “I think any time with you is the perfect way to start the week. The day. Anything.”

  “Thank—” Kenn’s words stopped like a faucet abruptly turned off. He looked like he’d seen a ghost.

  “Babe? What’s wrong?”

  “Kenneth.” A tall older man in an impeccable suit stood before them, staring down his nose at them. “I wouldn’t have expected to see you here.”

  Dave didn’t like way the guy was looking at Kenn. He stood up, putting himself on an even keel with him. “Can I help you?”

  “I most seriously doubt it, Mr. Burgundy.”

  “Bram, please,” Kenn said. “We’re simply trying to enjoy our brunch, if you don’t mind.”

  Oh, this was the evil ex. “I’m sure there are plenty of tables,” Dave said. “You’ll be able to choose one on the other side of the restaurant.”

  “You’re not going to invite me to join you, Kenneth?”

  “Seriously?” Kenn actually looked shocked.


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