A Phoenix Is Forever

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A Phoenix Is Forever Page 22

by Ashlyn Chase

  She approached a dingy window. A neon sign flashed: DORC T MOTEL.

  “Dorcet! Good girl, Mandy. Good girl.”

  * * *

  Mandy looked around at her new place. At least it was warm and there was a bed for her to sleep on.

  “Here, kid, drink your juice.”

  Finally, the woman was awake. “Are you gonna take me home, lady?”

  She didn’t look like any lady that Mandy had ever known, like Mommy or Grandma or any of the ladies at Sunshine Day Care. This lady had a mean look on her face and dots up and down her arms.

  “Why do you have purple dots?”

  The mean lady smiled, but it didn’t make her look nicer.

  “Cuz I like how they make me feel. Don’t you have anything that makes you feel good?”

  Mandy took a sip from her juice. “My mommy and daddy. And my friend Elizabeth and my toys.”

  “Yeah, well, I don’t have a mommy and daddy or an Elizabeth.”

  The lady poked a needle into her arm, but she didn’t start crying like Mandy did when she got a needle. The mean lady closed her eyes and went to sleep.

  Mandy took another sip of her juice and looked around, wondering if the door was unlocked. Maybe she could try. Maybe she could find her own way home. It felt like so long ago since she was home. Was Mommy back home? Or was Mommy in heaven like the lady told her at the store? The lady who brought her ice cream on a stick.

  She wondered what would happen if she tried to turn the doorknob. It was probably locked. Every time she tried to get away, she was always stuck.

  After being in the room with lots of boxes and food on shelves, the nasty man took her to a zoo. It wasn’t a good zoo. There were no animals or ice cream anywhere, just a big empty cage. She didn’t stay there long. He ran off with her, just telling her to shut up. Then he put her in his car and drove her to this place. He had a fight with the mean woman until she finally threw her hands in the air and said, “Fine. But I don’t babysit for free.” The man handed her a plastic bag and left.

  Mandy finished her juice and stood up. She walked to the door and reached for the handle, glancing over her shoulder to make sure the mean lady was still sleeping. This time, when she turned the knob, the door opened! And then she walked right into someone with big boots.

  Glancing up, she saw a big gun, then a face that she knew. She gulped.

  Chapter 15

  “I never thought I’d be spending my Friday night on a stakeout.” Dawn was sitting beside Luca in his car. Empty burger wrappers littered the dashboard. They were parked across the street from the Dorcet, a seedy motel generally used by prostitutes and drug addicts. “Why can’t we just go in there and get her ourselves?”

  “Babe, we can’t just waltz in there. It’s dangerous, and we have no warrant. We could be prosecuted for breaking and entering. We need to plan this out with people we trust.”

  Luca was back to his old self, much to Dawn and Gabriella’s relief. He’d gotten the okay from his doctor to go back to work on Monday. He had never been so miserable as when he had to spend a whole week hiding out at home to look like he was healing as a human.

  “What about Mary Beth and Joe?”

  “I can’t put them in that kind of situation. They’re veteran cops, and what we’re doing could get me reprimanded or worse.”

  “Can’t we tell the detectives on the case?”

  “The last time I did that, they showed up and Mandy was gone. It’s really odd. It feels like this gang is one step ahead of us.”

  “Maybe they have a psychic working for them,” Dawn joked.

  Luca smiled, and then his eyes widened. “Or maybe they have someone on the inside working against us.”

  “Are you serious? There’s a dirty cop on your force?”

  “Look at what happened at the convenience store.”

  “Yeah, but that may have been because I showed up a few hours before.”

  “True, and you were lucky. I think they were willing to give you the benefit of the doubt because of your history with Ice and Carla. And then it was as if they were tipped off about the abandoned zoo, but I wasn’t so lucky. If they think you’re working with the police, pretty soon the gang will stop cutting you breaks.”

  “You know your dad said something the other day that made me wonder.”

  “What did he say?”

  “Remember we were in your kitchen and your dad mentioned Sergeant Butts. He said he found out you got tased—”

  “I think Mary Beth must have told Mom or Dad when I was in the ER.”

  “Yeah, but what if there’s something to that? Butts wrote you up when he saw you talking to the detectives about Mandy.”

  Luca shook his head as though not willing to believe it.

  “Luca, I didn’t tell you at the time, because I didn’t want to hurt you, but I had a vision of Lisa driving a Corvette—with a blond guy in the passenger seat. I didn’t think of it then, but have you ever known a cop to be able to afford a car like that?”

  Luca turned to Dawn. “I don’t know that he bought it for her.”

  “Is there any other way she could have afforded it?”

  “Not that I know of. She doesn’t have a job yet, and it doesn’t sound like she even wants one.” He took a deep breath. “Do you think Butts is working with the Keene Street Gang? That he’s involved in Patricia Richardson’s death and Mandy’s kidnapping?”

  “What else could explain why they keep moving her?”

  “He’s Mandy’s uncle, Dawn.”

  “What? I had no idea!”

  “His wife is—was—Patricia Richardson’s sister. Well, half sister.”

  “How do you know this?”

  “Mary Beth told me. So if Butts is behind all this, that would be so effing twisted. His own family.”

  “Do you think Ice knows that too?”

  “I don’t know.” Luca blew out a breath. “But if he does, that could explain a lot.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Keeping Mandy alive is an insurance policy for Ice. He could use her against Butts if it came down to an arrest.”

  “So Ice is the one keeping Mandy alive, and Butts is the one who wants her killed?”


  “That’s psychopathic.”

  “That’s a scary thought, but you could be right.”

  “Do you think he also found out about you and Lisa?”

  “If he had, I probably wouldn’t be alive right now. She was adamant he shouldn’t know about us, back when she cared what happened to me.”

  “We have to stop him, Luca, and we need to save Mandy.”

  “I have an idea. But I need to do it now, or it might be too late. You’ve never seen me transform before. Do you think you can handle it?”

  * * *

  “This deal is going down tonight.”

  “No go. We’ve dealt with the Bronx guys before. We want some assurance that their guns can’t be traced.”

  “You have my assurance. Where’s the coke?”

  “Carla has it secure. It’s pure. She brought it back from Florida. Smuggled in by boat.”

  Butts paced back and forth in the alley behind Keene Street Convenience. He looked agitated, nervous. “I want the kid here.”

  “She’s with a friend.” Ice leaned against the brick wall, his arms crossed over his chest.

  “Call your friend and tell him or her to bring Mandy back here,” Butts growled.

  “Why the fuck would I do that? Rocco and his crew are gonna be here soon. The kid would only distract us.”

  “I want her here.”

  “You don’t run the show, Sergeant Butts.” Ice smirked and gave him a police salute.

  “Oh, yeah? One phone call and I could have this place swimming in blue unifo

  “Really? Then what would happen to the kid? You forget I know she’s your niece. I know you ordered Mick to run down her mom.”

  “I told him to pick them up—not run her off the road and get her killed.”

  “Doesn’t matter. She’s dead and Mandy is now in my custody. Safe and sound. One wrong move from you, and you’re the one who’s going down.”

  From his perch on the roof, Luca could see everything. He had all the proof he needed—for himself. Nothing to prove a case against Butts though. He was working with the Keene Street Gang—probably had been for a long time, and he was responsible for Patricia’s death. His own sister-in-law. And what did he want his niece for?

  “You get that kid here.” Butts pushed Ice against the brick wall in the alley.

  Ice shoved him back. “Drop dead.”

  “You text whatever whore you have taking care of her to bring the kid here. Now!”

  “I’m not handing over that kid. She’s fine where she is.”

  “You better make sure she gets lost permanently, or the Tyler Street Dogs might find out you cut the cocaine with baking soda.”

  “Man, you are one cold son of a bitch.” Ice crossed his arms over his chest. “You’re not even human. You’re some kind of freak of nature.”

  Luca was keeping a close watch on the two men from his perch on the rooftop. He’d missed the meeting with the Tyler Street Dogs…another gang. Shit, all we need is a gang war in the streets.

  Butts stopped pacing. “You have no idea what I’m capable of. You think you have the upper hand? Think again. You had your meeting with the Tyler Street Dogs. You got your shipment of guns. Now, it’s time to pay up. I want the money and the kid.”

  “You can get your money today. The kid will have to wait until tomorrow.”

  “You better get that kid to me today, or your entire operation here, including Carla, is going down.”

  Ice glared at him. “You can’t threaten me, Butts. I know all your dirty little secrets.”

  “Your bravado won’t be worth shit in court. Who are they gonna believe? A veteran cop without a single blemish on his record, or a lowlife gangbanger? And when your bunkmate is a 350-pound guy named Bubba, you’ll wish you had done things differently.”

  Butts turned and rushed Ice, pushing him against the wall. They grappled for a few minutes, and then something strange happened. Luca saw a flash of gold emanating from Butts’s eyes. A fierce growl came from his throat, his hands grew claws, and then his whole body transformed. The wolf cornered Ice, who screamed in fear. He snapped his jaws at the frozen man and then shifted back into his human form. His uniform was a little uneven, but it hadn’t fallen off.

  Fuck. The bastard is a werewolf!

  “Did the big bad gangbanger just poop his pants?” Butts laughed. “Don’t try me, or I’ll turn you into a midnight snack.”

  “Fine. I’ll go get her, but it may take a while. If you follow me, it’s off.”

  “Just remember, I know where to find you.”

  Screw protocol. Luca had to get back to Dawn. They had to rescue Mandy while Butts was waiting for Ice.

  The motel room where Mandy was being held wasn’t far, just a few streets over. He would fly back, switch to his human form, get dressed quickly, and get Mandy and Dawn out of danger. Fast.

  * * *

  “I’m coming to get you, Mandy.”

  Dawn couldn’t wait any longer. An hour had passed since Luca had flown away in his phoenix form. When she had watched him transform into a phoenix, her eyes had nearly popped out of her skull. But seeing him fly was unbelievable. He was majestic and powerful at the same time. She was in awe of him and his whole kind. He was beautiful.

  She and Luca had watched Ice leave the motel more than an hour ago, which was why Luca had transformed, to follow him. He’d told her to wait for him to get back, but she was worried about Mandy.

  Then her chance came. A woman shuffled out of the same room Ice had left. Dawn recognized her from her vision. Suzie, Mick’s drug-addict girlfriend, must be who’d been watching Mandy. She seemed fidgety, nervous as she peered around and then started walking down the street.

  Is Mandy alone? Dawn wondered. She held the unicorn and closed her eyes once more. Looking out of the little girl’s eyes, she scanned the room and saw no one else.

  Dawn remembered what Minerva had told her the last time she stopped by for a visit. “You’re a light warrior, and that can be a burden. But it is also a gift. You have within you the power to save lives. Trust your instincts. You know what you have to do.”

  “I do,” Dawn whispered to herself.

  She got out of Luca’s car. The street was eerily silent. It was almost midnight. She ran across the street to the row of rooms facing out.

  A few moments later, Dawn was standing just outside the door to Room 5. There was a row of about ten rooms on the street side where she was and another twenty on the other side. Windows facing the street all had curtains drawn. Of course, Dawn thought, in order to keep prying eyes away from drug deals and prostitution.

  Even from outside, it reeked of urine and other stale odors Dawn didn’t even want to think about. From the looks of it, Suzie did a terrible job cleaning.

  She tried the door. Shit! It was locked. She knocked softly on the door, hoping Mandy wasn’t afraid to open it.

  Dawn glanced toward the street, worried that Suzie was on her way back. Even if she were, Dawn was prepared to fight her. Do whatever it took. “Mandy, are you there, honey? Your dad sent me,” she whispered through the door. “My name is Dawn. He misses you. He wants you home. I’m gonna take you home.”

  A few moments later, the door creaked open, and standing there was the sweetest sight Dawn had ever seen.

  “Where’s my daddy?”

  Big blue eyes stared at her, bright and hopeful. Wearing a dingy purple polka-dot dress and stained purple tights that no doubt she’d been wearing for weeks. Her hair was in knots, and a few braids were coming undone.

  “I’m going to take you to your daddy right now.”

  “What about my mommy?”

  “Your daddy will tell you everything.”

  Mandy nodded. “I know who you are.”

  “You do?” Dawn leaned down and picked up the little girl.

  “I saw you in my dream. You were an angel princess, and you told me you were going to save me.”

  “Well, I kept my promise, didn’t I?” Dawn grinned.

  “Yeah, but where’s your pretty sparkly dress?”

  “I left it at home. It needed washing.”

  “Okay.” Mandy yawned and laid her head on Dawn’s shoulder. “I’ve been wishing and wishing, and now my wish has come true.”

  “Yes, it has, honey.” Dawn hugged her close, tears in her eyes. I hope.

  “Hey, what are you doing?”

  Dawn turned around with Mandy in her arms.

  Suzie was walking toward them, a paper bag in her hand.

  “That’s the mean lady,” Mandy whispered, holding tighter to Dawn’s neck.

  “I’m taking this little girl back home to her dad,” Dawn said firmly. She wasn’t scared. She didn’t know if Suzie had a gun or a knife, but she was ready to fight.

  “Fuck you.” Suzie pulled out a gun and pointed it at them. “Get back in there, both of you.”

  Mandy started trembling and crying into her shoulder. “Please don’t make me go back in there.”

  “You don’t want to do this, Suzie.”

  “Do what? Shoot your Goody Two-shoes ass? I know who you really are. You used to work at Carla’s store. Now you think you’re too good for us. Ice told me about you. Said you had some psychic powers. That you might come by and try to steal the kid.”

  “I’m not stealing the kid. I’m taking her back home where she bel

  Dawn could sense Suzie’s fear. She was holding the gun, but she was shaking. Or maybe she just needed a fix.

  “I can help you, Suzie. Let me help. You can turn your life around.”

  Suzie snorted. “Yeah, Ice told me you’d try that bullshit on me too. What he saw in you, I’ll never know. I guess you’re a good lay or something.”

  Dawn was about to reply when out of the corner of her eye, she saw a bird swoop down from the sky.

  Luca! He was moving so fast, Suzie didn’t even have time to react. His talons grabbed her by the shoulders and hauled her away. She screamed and dropped the gun. He deposited her in the dumpster across the street.

  “That big bird just grabbed the mean lady,” Mandy said, her eyes wide. “It’s like he knew she was mean.”

  “Let’s go.” Dawn tightened her hold on Mandy and rushed to pick up the gun. She ran across the street to the car. Luca had transformed back to his human form and pulled on his T-shirt and jeans. Sounds of yelling and cursing were coming from inside the dumpster.

  Dawn could tell Luca was pissed.

  “What the heck were you doing?”

  Yup. He was definitely pissed. “I was rescuing Mandy,” she replied calmly.

  “I told you to wait.”

  “Yes, but then Suzie left, and I couldn’t let another chance slip by.”

  “Yes, but then she came back with a weapon.”

  “Yes, but then you showed up and saved us.” Dawn grinned.

  Luca sighed. “It’s hard to stay mad at you.” He opened the back door for Dawn to strap Mandy into the back seat.

  “Get me the hell out of here!” Suzie yelled from inside the dumpster. “Help!”

  “The mean lady is yelling,” Mandy said.

  “She’ll be fine.” Dawn gave Mandy a kiss on her cheek.

  “Is he your boyfriend?”

  “Yes, he’s my boyfriend,” Dawn replied. “His name is Luca.”

  “Is he nice?” Mandy said.

  “Yeah, he is.” Dawn nodded.


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