Worth Repeating (Worth It All Book 1)

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Worth Repeating (Worth It All Book 1) Page 11

by Elizabeth Perry

  Her eyes flash. Never in the history of us, have I ever talked to her like this. Has she talked shit and scared women away from me in the past? Yes. Most definitely.

  But I didn’t care about those girls the way that I do for Abby. If I had to give up my last breath in order for her to have hers, I’d do it. With zero hesitation.

  “Whatever, Liam. You and I both know that you’ll be back.”

  “Nah, Letty. I won’t. What you and I had, is over. Fuck me. It’s been over. You made your choices, and you chose something that wasn’t me. I moved on, and I fell in love. I’ve given you the benefit of the doubt, too many times. Now I’m asking for the same in return. Abby is off limits for you, because I’m madly fucking in love with her. And whatever happens between us, you and I are done. For good this time.”

  For a split second, I think that she’s going to charge me. She looks angry enough to do so. But then, she stills, and a sinister laugh leaves her lips.

  “Does she know who you are, Liam?” Letty takes steps toward us, but I stand my guard. “Does she know what kind of man that you are? Does she know what you’re capable of? Because I do. I know enough shit about you to have you locked up for life. You should be careful who you’re doing wrong. Disrespecting me in public is not a cool thing to do.”

  “Letty,” I growl. “Enough.”

  Her eyes flash, and then they land on mine.

  “She’ll never stick around with a guy like you. A broke ass chump from the Bricks has no business with a girl from the Hills. It’s cool, though. Have fun while you can with your little whore. This time, when you come crawling back, don’t expect me to be waiting for you.”

  She begins to back up, but as she does, Abby turns around. Their eyes lock, and Letty’s narrow.

  “You win this round, bitch. But fair warning, I’m a sore fucking loser.”

  She spins around and stomps off, to where, honestly, I don’t even care. The second that I see the uncertainty in Abby’s eyes, Letty becomes the furthest thing from my mind.

  “Say something, baby.” I reach out to her, cupping her chin in my hand. “Please, say something.”

  “What do you expect me to say, Liam? I mean,” she hangs her head. “This is all too much. I saw you with her tonight…”

  “What you saw, was me pushing her away. I shut her down, Abby, and regardless of whether or not you would have walked in when you did, I still wouldn’t have gone down that path with her. I’m too fucking crazy about you to even look at another woman the way that I look at you. I’m going out on a limb here, babe. I’ll bare my whole fucking heart to you, but you’ve got to just give me the chance.”

  My entire life hangs in the balance, as I watch her struggle to figure out what to do.

  “One chance, Abby.” I plead, reaching out and taking her hand in mine. That all too familiar feeling erupts between us, and it’s in that instant, that her eyes finally meet mine.

  “One chance, Liam. That’s it. I…”

  I don’t let her finish. I press my mouth firmly against hers, reminding her of just how fucking good our bodies feel together, before she can have any more time to change her mind.



  I can still feel her on my lips. I’ve showered, brushed my teeth, and drank a protein shake. Even still, the taste of Abby remains.

  It’s embedded into my senses, sunk into every pore on my skin, surrounding me, and threatening every bit of my defenses. How I managed to stop her, I’ll never know. The second that her lips pressed against mine, for a brief moment, everything seemed right in the world again, and I almost lost myself to her. The same way that I did all of those years ago.

  But things are different now. Back then, I was a kid looking for something to call mine. Now I’m a man, and I already have that.

  Too bad what I have, isn’t everything that I want. Life, as usual, is fucking complicated, and Abby bursting back into my life has only made a complicated mess, a complete fucking shit show.

  My head is still all screwed up as I drive towards my gym, the sweet scent of her surrounding me, wrapping around me, and threatening to break me. It’s one hell of a combination, that’s for sure.

  She sits quietly next to me, staring out of the window the same as she did yesterday on our ride home from the park, her mouth remaining closed as her eyes focused at the scenery flying by outside.

  “Are you hungry?” I glance at her for just a second, to which, she just shrugs.

  “Not really.”

  I pull into the parking lot of my gym, and once the car is turned off, I finally turn to her.

  “I only need to work a few hours.” She responds with silence. “There’s a full kitchen here, and Luke usually has it pretty well stocked. There’s even baking stuff in the cupboards. If you, ya know.” I shrug. “Felt like baking something.”

  “I’ve already tried that once.” She sighs, shoving the door open and hopping out of my truck. “It didn’t exactly go as planned. The fire department ended up having to come, if that gives you any indication of how shitty of a baker I am these days.”

  She slams the door shut, and then heads towards the door without another look back at me. She looks so cute in her running shoes and workout clothes that, despite myself, I grin.

  When we first started dating, and, I’m using the term dating pretty loosely here, because basically, once we officially started, everything escalated pretty quickly into a can’t breathe, can’t sleep, need you twenty four seven or I’m going to die type of relationship, but back then, Abby used to accompany me to the gym in her cute little workout clothes, pretending to work out when in all reality, she spent the entire time checking me out.

  “What’s that goofy smile for?” Luke smacks me on the back, and I immediately jump. I didn’t even see him coming.

  “Whoa.” He holds up his hands. “Easy there, killer. It’s just me.” As he turns towards the door, and finds Abby still standing there, with her arms crossed, waiting for me, a huge grin explodes on his face.

  “Ah.” He winks at me. “That’s what the goofy smile was about.”

  “Fuck you, Luke.”

  He just chuckles and follows me inside.

  “Wow.” Abby stops just past the front door and scans the gym. “This place is huge!”

  “Us Worth boys hear the word huge a lot.” Luke winks at her. Abby looks confused.

  “Wait, what?”

  “Ignore him.” I shove my brother. “Luke was dropped on his head a lot as a baby.”

  “Luke.” She beams and holds out her hand. “Right. I’ve heard so much about you. We, ah, well, I know that we’ve met. It’s just that I don’t exactly…”

  “Don’t worry about it, sweetheart.” Luke doesn’t take her hand, but instead, pulls her into a hug. “I heard what happened to you, and I’m really sorry. But it’s good to have you back. Everything was always more fun when you were around.”

  “Is that so?” She eyes Luke curiously. “What about me made it fun?”

  Luke and Abby always got along really well. In fact, most of the time, they were thick as thieves, always ganging up on me, and giving me a hard time. Of course, Abby doesn’t remember this, but it’s crazy how she doesn’t need to. She and Luke’s personalities still mesh perfectly. It’s like they’re picking up exactly where they left off, even though, things couldn’t be any more different.

  “Well, in case no one has told you, my big, tough brother here, was absolutely whipped over you, girlfriend. You could sneeze, and this big oaf would think it was the most beautiful sound ever. If you said jump, he’d ask how high. It was fun to watch this hard ass get brought to his knees by little ole you.”

  “That’s enough.” My words are sharp, harsher than I intend, but I really am not in the mood for any more of this memory lane bullshit. Traveling back down that road yesterday was hard enough. Luke senses that it’s time to stop and shuts his mouth. Abby just eyes me curiously.

  “Huh. Interesting.�

  “It’s really not that interesting.” I glare at Luke, before turning my attention back to Abby. I’ll be in my office.” I point towards the row of workout equipment in the corner of the room. “You’re welcome to use any of the machines. If you need me, I’ll be right in here.”

  As I walk towards my office, I hear Luke mutter something under his breath to Abby, who in return, laughs. The sound of it slices through me, cutting me like a knife. Good fucking God, how I love that sound.

  The second that I shut the door behind me, is the moment that it finally hits me.

  I’m hanging on by a thread, here. Any more time with Abby, and this tough front that I’ve been trying to hide behind, is going to crumble at my fucking feet.



  Ancient History

  “So,” Abby eyes me coyly, as she moves her body underneath the ropes. “This is where my sexy as sin boyfriend learns his lady killing moves.”

  A smile explodes on my lips as I watch her move towards me. “Tell me, Liam. How do you manage to be so damn tough, and yet, so devastatingly handsome, all at the same time?”

  It’s been almost a month, and in that time, I’ve had this girl at least a hundred different ways. Every free moment, I find myself buried deep inside of her, reveling in the way that hearing her moaning my name makes me feel. Even still, the excitement that bubbles up inside of me from the idea of claiming her body yet again, makes each time feel like the first.

  It’s not even the sex that has my head spinning, basically, it’s just the entire fucking package. I had no idea that I could ever feel this way about another person, and I sure as hell never imagined myself falling this hard.

  When she gets within my reach, I grab a hold of her waist, and immediately pull her towards me. She laughs, and tries to push me away, but I’m way too strong for her to fight off. She squeals as my sweaty body slides across her delicate skin, but all that I can do is smile. I’m so head over heels for this girl, that I can hardly keep the smile off of my face these days.

  “It’s a true gift.” I wink at her, and then, smack my lips against hers. “Tell me, sweet Abby, how do you manage to twist me up inside the way that you do? That’s the real question here.”

  “Hmm.” She glances up at the ceiling as if in deep thought. “I really don’t have the answer to that one, hot shot. But I do have a few questions of my own.”

  When her eyes land on mine, I already know exactly what she’s going to ask me, and trust me, I’m ready to answer yes to all of the above. The last month has been complete and utter bliss. Words can’t even describe how fucking happy I’ve been, and I have Abby to thank for every ounce of it. She gave me a chance, and in return, I gave her my entire fucking heart.

  Ever since that night at the bar, when shit exploded between us, well, basically, we’ve taken this entire thing between us up about a million notches. I’m with her almost all of the time, keeping her thoroughly loved and satisfied, sleeping next to me almost every night of the week. When I’m not at the gym, I’m home with her, buried inside of her amazing fucking body, spending my free time worshipping every inch of her.

  It’s been perfect. Unbelievably perfect.

  “Ok. Question number one.” She flutters her eyes at me, which only makes me smile wider.

  “Why are you still standing here when you know exactly what I’m after?”

  I pretend to groan as if she’s putting me out. In all honesty, I can’t fucking wait to deliver.

  “I’m beginning to think that you’re just using me, Abby Daron. I’m more than just a walking dick, you know. I have feelings, and I have…”

  “And you have a promise to keep.” She reaches her hand into my boxing shorts, teasing me as she brushes her finger against my now throbbing erection, and then fists the fabric into her hand and begins to pull me forward.

  “You told me that you would dirty every inch of this place with me.” She wiggles her eyebrows at me. “We have a lot of work to do.”

  I pretend to groan, but it’s a weak attempt, and she knows it. She’s hardly even pulling me forward at this point. I’m trailing right behind her like a puppy dog. I wrap my arms around her from behind, stopping her momentarily, and running my nose down the side of her neck.

  “I fucking love you, Abby.” I breathe her in deeply as she leans into me. When her hips brush against my erection, her breath catches.

  “Oh, fuck,” she groans, turning her eyes up to mine as her lips part. “We’ve got to keep moving. We’ve already done it in the ring, Liam. We’ve got to make it to the showers…” Her cheeks are flushed as she pulls out of my embrace. She looks torn, but then she bites hard on her lower lip, before moving quickly out of the ring. I watch her for just a second, before hurrying behind her, towards the locker room.

  As she walks, she pulls each layer of her clothing off, and tosses it over her head. By the time we even make it to the locker room, my dick is so hard that I can hardly move forward. When she glances over her shoulder at me, and gives me a wink, I lose all of my control.

  “Fuck the showers, babe.” I spin her around quickly, pressing her stomach against the wall, and without any warning at all, I take her from behind.

  She practically purrs as I slide inside of her.

  “Yes,” she groans, “fuck the showers. We can cross those off of the list later.”



  “Did I spend a lot of time in this gym with you, you know, back then?”

  Abby’s sitting on the island in the kitchen area, eating an apple and watching me intently.

  “Yeah.” I avoid eye contact with her, as I throw some protein powder and peanut butter into the blender. I blend the shit out of my drink, thankful for the noise that drowns out her voice right now. I’m having a hell of a time even looking at her, sitting there on the island.

  The same damn island that I bent her over countless times.

  “What did I usually do when I was here?”

  She immediately starts questioning me again, the second that my shake is done. I don’t even know how to answer her question. The only thing that she ever did here was make it really fucking hard for me to concentrate on fighting. I mean, for real. I was a horny as fuck nineteen year old boy, who had found the love of his life, who couldn’t stand to keep her hands to herself.

  Not that I’m complaining, by the way. I’m just trying to paint the picture here.

  Since this was the first place that Abby and I had sex, back then, she decided to make it her personal mission to let me bend her over just about every square inch of this place.

  Normally, I can push those memories out of my head, but with her sitting here like this, and staring at me, the visions in my mind of those days are pretty fucking hard to forget.

  “You spent a lot of time in here.” I shrug, ignoring the little voice in my head that wants to add to that statement. “You used this kitchen to create all kinds of shit that none of the guys here could eat.”

  “I ate it.” Luke, luckily, picks this exact moment to make his entrance. “Bianca ate it too. Your baking was the bomb, Abs. I really fucking missed it after you left.”

  Luke helps himself to the leftover shake still in the blender, downing it all in one gulp. “Actually, all your pans and things are still in that pantry.” He nods his head towards it. “If you’re looking to kill some time, sweetheart, you could always whip some shit up for us.”

  I try to ignore the way that her face falls, but it tugs at my heart a bit too much not to mention.

  “I don’t know how to make anything anymore.” I hate the look of sadness in her eyes. “I tried that once, and, nothing turned out.”

  “Right,” Luke steps past her, pulling open one of the drawers and begins to rifle through it. “But did you have your own recipe book?”

  I had no idea that thing was still in the drawer. I guess it just goes to show you how little I use this kitchen. But Luke actually lives here, at the
gym, in one of the upstairs apartments, so it makes sense that he knows exactly what this kitchen holds.

  “That’s mine?” She stares at the black and white checked book now in her hands, as if she’s staring at the most precious thing on the face of the earth. I can totally relate to the look in her eyes. It’s the same way that I stare at her.

  “Yeah.” Luke grins. “I don’t know what we have for baking ingredients, but I’d be happy to have some stuff delivered for you.”

  “I…” Her eyes well up with tears. After hopping off of the island, she wraps Luke in a huge hug. “I don’t even know what to say.”

  “Say that you’re going to make me some of that red velvet cake.” He points to the recipe book. “It’s in there, and that shit is the bomb.”

  “We aren’t going to be here that long today.” I fix my eyes on my brother. “We’re leaving…”

  “No, you’re not.” He interrupts me. “I’ve got some shit to show you, in your office.”

  “The package came.” Luke slides a thin FedEx box across my desk to me. “It’s the entire case file about Abby’s accident. Derek overnighted it for you. It was delivered a few minutes ago.”

  “Tell Derek I owe him one.” I lift my chin at my younger brother, hoping that he’ll get the hint and leave me alone to dig into the police file, but he doesn’t move an inch. He stays seated in the small chair across from me, his eyes fixed on mine.

  “How is she doing, Liam? I mean, how is she really? She seems…”

  “She’s fine.” My voice is snappier than I intend. I’m not trying to be a dick, but today, I just can’t help it. I barely slept at all last night. I tossed and turned until I finally couldn’t take it anymore. I’m short on sleep, and now, having her floating around this gym is just about more than I can handle.


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