The Wizard Book

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The Wizard Book Page 30

by Radu Aldea

  “So three top-rank senators are here. Reyna, Sarah and who is the third? Christian, I guess. Yes, that makes sense,” Aidan mused. “Or maybe this is some elaborate trick and they’re playing some kind of game. Why would Sarah and Reyna tell their names? I made a mistake. I thought that girl who beat my soldiers was with the priest. I should’ve known better. That level of skill and confidence could only belong to a master swordsman. And the only women masters are senators. That was Sarah. You’ve made a mistake too. They saw you at the market.”

  “I wasn’t seen. I got out of there too quickly. And it’s impossible for them to have found us. The two soldiers weren’t followed. And why would they send the servant to warn us?”

  “Not impossible, Matthew, inevitable and I don’t know how, but they are out there.”

  Aidan was more right than she knew. Aleyna waited until Matthew left and Aidan slept. She was surprised he did while thinking he was in danger, but perhaps he considered the guards would warn him if something happened. She entered the room, stuck the note that said leave Hilderfort or die on his chest and, just to be more convincing, she planted a kiss that left an imprint of her lips on his cheek. Then climbed down on her rope and rejoined her friends.

  “It’s Aidan,” she told them. “The message was delivered.”

  “Are you sure we should let him go? I wouldn’t mind having a chat with the Valerian prince,” Christian asked and Aleyna shook her head.

  “You were incredible,” Thea told her. “I haven’t seen anything like this.”

  Aleyna smiled at the young diviner. “Let’s all go and get some sleep. It has been a very long day.”

  Chapter twenty-five

  Kara walked alone in the garden. Dawn was hours away and everybody in the house was still sleeping. Compared to the bustling of the day, the quiet of the night was refreshing and it helped her think. The garden was beautiful at night, maybe more so than in the day. Its creator designed it perhaps with exactly that intention in mind. Perhaps he was like her and wanted a quiet place to meditate. She was finding it very useful now.

  Maya troubled her. There was something about the girl she couldn’t grasp, a mystery she had not yet solved. And Kara didn’t understand her own reaction. Twice she had been ready to use her new talent and twice she had changed her mind. The second time, really, the girl had been asking for it and she stopped. It was as if her subconscious knew something important, something she had failed to see and now was screaming at her. Kara didn’t remember the last time she had so many problems choosing a course of action.

  “You can’t sleep either?”

  Maya startled her, but Kara had the presence of mind to hide it. Not one of her muscles twitched. The girl actually managed to sneak up on her, which she had thought impossible. She hadn’t been so lost in thoughts she had failed to hear. Maya hadn’t made a sound because noise carried in the night. That spoke of training, exceptional training.

  “I never sleep in strange houses when I don’t have my guards with me.”

  “Me neither! At least I try not to. Truthfully, I prefer to sleep under the stars. I feel safer there. And if I could find a hole where nobody could find me, I would be there in a heartbeat.”

  “Robert’s house can’t be that bad?” Kara was curious to see if the Cuttland senator knew what he had. He must’ve know, otherwise he wouldn’t have kept Maya, but in a way, she had the clear impression he didn’t.

  “There are advantages and disadvantages, just like with everything else in life. In this particular instance, the negatives outweigh the positives. Have you met Philip?”

  “No!” Kara had met him when she was thirteen, but she didn’t think Olivia knew him. He had left quite an impression and Kara didn’t want to relive the experience. She remembered that slimy pig putting his hands on her. She wanted to vomit and kill him. The guest law stopped her from doing the latter. Even at thirteen she was Circle and more powerful than Philip, who was older. There hadn’t been a second encounter, but she understood what Maya was saying. The girl was pretty and she shouldn’t be in the same house with that degenerate.

  “Well, let’s just say he is not the most pleasant person. I know how to keep him at distance but it requires effort and dedication on my part. That’s why I don’t stay there long and try to leave as often as possible. Besides, I only have a small room and I’m not allowed servants. I think their rooms are bigger than mine,” Maya laughed, but Kara didn’t think it was funny.

  “It sounds like you should get away from that place.”

  “What do you think I am doing now? Where would I go, anyway?”

  “You are smart and a battle-senator. Many families would have you.”

  “You really think I’m smart?”

  Yes, she did. During her calming walk through the garden Kara had come to a decision. Maya was clever, had skills and was most definitely playing games. Yet she liked the girl.

  “Yes, I do and you know you are. Just like you know a lot of families would have you. You managed to sneak up on me, congratulations on that, and that skill alone could gain you entry into almost any family. The knowledge you possess, however, it’s far more valuable than that. I, for one, would pay a substantial amount of gold for it.”

  “I hunt. I am not wealthy so when I’m on the road it’s one way to get food in my belly. The animals have sharp senses, superior to ours, that’s how I learned to be quiet. I didn’t want to sneak up on you and I apologize if you took it as an offense.”

  Maya was lying and she really thought she could do that to her. It was really difficult to lie to a senator with Kara’s abilities. The girl was a very good storyteller and blended truth and untruth with such expertise even Kara couldn’t tell which was which. The hunting part sounded true, but it was unusual for a senator. One thing they had to worry about was wild animals. They posed more danger to them, especially when alone in a forest, than humans. Senators can’t control animals! Why one of her kind thought it was a better idea to go hunting than to have people give you food and money, Kara couldn’t say. Maya didn’t look wealthy and people equated wealth and power. Although a strong indicator, it was also deceptive. Kara could give up her entire fortune and still be a power. And she was still struggling with Michael’s assessment of the girl’s talents. The sneaking up was a lie, that was easy to guess, you didn’t walk without making a sound if you didn’t mean to, but Kara thought Maya’s words were crafted to hide something else, under the surface. There was an undercurrent she sensed in their conversation that pointed to something she couldn’t figure out.

  “As for my knowledge, truly,” Maya continued, “very little of it would be of any use to you, but I can be bought.”

  “No, you can’t. If you wanted the money you could take as much as you want. Nobody would challenge you as long as they believe you are Philip’s or Robert’s mistress.”

  “What makes you think I am not?”

  “Instinct! But you can’t keep Philip away forever, you must know that.”

  “I thought you didn’t know Philip.”

  Kara had said that. She also made a mistake Maya had been quick to point out. “I don’t, but the way you talked about him sounded like you have trouble controlling him.”

  The best she could do. Kara could lie just as well as Maya, probably even better. She didn’t think she had been believed this time. Her worrying for the girl was surprising. There was good reason for it, the outcome was not in doubt, but she shouldn’t have cared. And she did care that Maya couldn’t control Philip, it would take a member of the Circle of Five for that, or at least someone powerful who had the backing of a family. Maya was neither and someday she wouldn’t be able to resist his advances. If she did she’d be dead, and if she tried to run she’d learn she wasn’t free. The fact Maya had managed to walk this fine line so far spoke of her abilities. Philip was not a thinker and didn’t have vision. He wouldn’t see beyond his immediate desires. The only explanation was that his father stopped him because
Maya was valuable to him. “One day you’ll lose your value to Robert. The day before that is the day you should’ve run. Make sure you know exactly when that day comes.”

  Maya gave a chilling smile. “I know what I’m doing. The rest of the world I’m not so sure about. Sometimes I think everyone has gone insane. You’ve heard of Cyprian’s guests?”

  Kara nodded. She knew they left Orenburg before she arrived, which was lucky for them because, most likely, she would’ve killed them.

  “After they ate Cyprian’s food and drank his wine, they thought it was a good idea to have Megan entertain them. And by entertain I mean bed.”

  “Are you serious? That’s a violation of the guest law.” Kara was appalled.

  “That’s what I said. Unsurprisingly, they did not agree with me, but when they saw I was ready to uphold it they decided it was a good idea to leave the city.”

  “You bluffed?” Kara was really impressed. She wasn’t sure how Maya managed it.

  “I don’t bluff. I had every intention to enforce the law. I killed one of their soldiers to prove it. Is that a fair exchange? The life of a human to prevent a senator from being raped?”

  Kara understood Maya was waiting for validation, for someone to tell her she had done the right thing. No, she was waiting for Kara to tell her that. And, of course, she had done the right thing. That wasn’t the real exchange. It was the life of a human for the lives of four or five senators. Cyprian and Teresa wouldn’t have allowed their daughter to be raped. They would’ve fought and they would’ve died. The children too and probably even Maya if their inebriated minds realized she was a witness. “He was under the control of senators, so he was no longer innocent. He was just an instrument. Intentions don’t matter, only actions do. You know that and I shouldn’t have to remind you. You saved the lives of everyone in the house.”

  Maya smiled. It looked like she really appreciated Kara’s support.

  “You were the one who convinced Cyprian to meet me?” Kara asked her.

  “Yes. I was curious why a senator would knock on his door at night. Besides, you might be dangerous and then it wouldn’t be a good idea to refuse you.”

  “You think I’m dangerous?” Kara wondered what Maya thought about her.

  “I think you are the most dangerous person I have ever seen.” Damn, Kara didn’t expect that answer. “Do you know why? Last evening you were ready to kill me. I think you might’ve succeeded. I did notice the knives in your sleeves and your willingness to use them. I think that’s the closest anyone has come to killing me. The three idiots from earlier can talk and threaten, but they don’t have the drive. Philip thinks he can make me submit to him. He is wrong, but he doesn’t realize it. I am still useful to Robert. The day you spoke of has not yet come. That’s why you are the most dangerous person I’ve ever met.”

  “I didn’t think you noticed that. I’ve overreacted and I’m sorry. I promise I won’t kill you. I like you too much. Aren’t you curious why I came to see Cyprian anymore?”

  “No! I know why you came. There is some dangerous knowledge in those old books you don’t want getting out. I wish I could help you with that, but I don’t know anything useful.”

  “You know about them and their content. How did you learn that?”

  “For now it’s not the best idea to answer that question. I know of two books, those of the Levilli and Metteli. As I said, my knowledge is not of much use to you.”

  There were maybe ten people alive who knew those books existed and fewer still what was in them. And none of these people were in the habit of sharing secrets. The fact Maya came upon that knowledge was almost incredible. As for how she did it, Kara had no answer. Yet there was something even more dangerous in what Maya had said, something Kara chose to ignore for now. She spoke the truth when she said she wouldn’t kill the girl.

  “And, to answer one of your unspoken questions,” Maya told Kara, “I don’t think the Casti have a book. I’m almost certain Robert doesn’t have one. I can’t be sure of Roger.”

  That was something Kara wanted to know, but she wasn’t as easily persuaded. “It’s not likely he would tell you about it. He can’t possibly trust you that much.”

  “He doesn’t! Let’s just say I have the nasty habit of listening to people when they really don’t want to be listened to. You learn a lot of interesting things that way.”

  Kara laughed. “You’re going to get caught one day.”

  “I don’t think so. I’m pretty crafty. Besides, I can’t help it. I like secrets.”

  Kara could believe that. Maya looked like the inquisitive sort and she was smart. But they always got caught, especially the smart ones, who didn’t think they would be.

  “You know Teresa thinks you are some sort of spy?” Maya told her.

  That didn’t bother Kara. Of all the things Teresa could think about her, this was one of the most benign. It was also what she wanted them to believe. “What do you think?”

  “I think you are very complex and not something as mundane as a spy.”

  She wanted to know what Maya thought and she had got her answer. “No, actually I’m not complicated at all.” That was the truth. What really motivated her was the desire to protect her friends and family. Her failing Aleyna was still an open wound. And she hated that those responsible were still breathing and the political status-quo, which forced her to be cautious.

  “Are you all right?”

  She wasn’t. Not really, but she didn’t want to talk about it. Maya sounded concerned. Kara didn’t think the girl cared, but obviously she did. “Why are you here?”

  “I’m just passing through. I was supposed to be gone by now, but events conspired against me, as you well know. I was heading for Riffland because I heard a rumor about a nut, who calls himself priest of the Sun God and claims he is immune to senatorial power. I wanted to get out of there and investigating this seemed like a pretty good excuse.”

  That got her attention. “And you think there is something to that claim?”

  “Probably not! As I said, it was a good excuse to leave. He is not the first to brag he is immune to us and it always turns out to be a sham,” Maya told her.

  “You’re right! It is a coincidence, though, and I’ve never liked coincidences.” Maya gave her a confused look. “Cyprian’s stela speaks of someone immune to a power and now we have someone who claims he can resist our power. Maybe there’s something there to investigate.”

  “The power on Cyprian’s stone was not our power.” Then Maya saw Kara’s look. “You think Cyprian is wrong and the one power is our power. He is the famous historian, you know.”

  He was the famous historian, but he was also wrong. Kara didn’t know in what way he was wrong; she just knew he was. She didn’t say anything, just smiled mysteriously.

  “You’re going to arrive too late. The priest will be long dead by then.”

  “One can hope. If they will show even a little foresight, I won’t be too late.”

  Maya would be too late, they both knew it, but Kara admired her dedication. “They’re from Riffland, you might be asking too much from them.”

  The girl laughed and it, as well as the eye contact, was like a flash of awareness coursing through her body. Suddenly, she realized what her subconscious tried to tell her and why she had been so reluctant to do anything to Maya. Everything made sense now, and all the questions Kara had about her young conversation partner were answered. It all fit perfectly.

  “You know who I am,” Kara asked although she already knew the answer.

  Maya didn’t deny it. “Of course! I recognized you, but I’m not your enemy, Kara.”

  “So I won’t have half the armies of Cuttland hunting for me?”

  “Not because I’ve told them. They are pretty confident you are dead, but if they thought you were here, it wouldn’t be half the armies of Cuttland looking for you, it’d be all of them.”

  All true! Maya had dropped all pretense. “It’s nice
to be so wanted! I didn’t think Cuttland senators were so concerned about me.”

  “They’re scared, rightly so! Everyone knows this is only the beginning of a senatorial war. I’m sorry about your father. He is dead, isn’t he?”

  Kara nodded. She saw no reason for hiding this from Maya. What happened to her father was still a mystery. She was no closer to finding out and didn’t think the answers were in Essland. But she would find everyone responsible, Essland was only the beginning.

  “They are looking for three hundred soldiers.” Maya understood Kara’s look. “Since they’ve been looking and found nothing and you are alive, I assume there is nothing left to find. You are heading for Essland so I guess the answers are there. Or not! Perhaps you have some ulterior motives to go there. I’m not judging, but you should be careful.”

  Kara didn’t think she told them she was going to Essland. She had trumpeted it to a lot of people in the city, which meant Maya had been aware of her arrival or had done some investigating meanwhile. Suspecting what she did about Maya, Kara was sure it was the former.

  “I think you have the wrong idea about me and Lucian.”

  “I don’t think I do. Regardless, you should know Lena Casta is there and she is Circle. You should modify your plan accordingly.”

  Kara didn’t have to change her plan. In fact, she could take advantage of Lena’s presence and improve it. They always believed Lena was Circle, she couldn’t call it Circle of Five anymore since there were at least six of them, but now they had the confirmation. Maya didn’t sound like she was lying. “I’ll be fine. You, however, should come with me or go to Suttland. The Casti will figure you out and you’ll be in trouble. It’s a very dangerous game you are playing.”

  “I’m exactly where I’m supposed to be at the moment. I’ll be fine.”

  “Promise me you can handle Robert, Philip and the rest of the family…”


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