Mated for the Holidays: A Holiday Mpreg Romance in the Hemlock Mpreg Universe

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Mated for the Holidays: A Holiday Mpreg Romance in the Hemlock Mpreg Universe Page 11

by Maggie Hemlock

“Then seduce me with your mad tinsel hanging skills. If we don’t get started Yule will have come and gone and the only decoration will be my Santa Claus boxers,” he laughed.

  “Lead the way.”

  Aidan was a natural at decorating for the holidays. He really had an eye for where ribbons, tinsels, and those dancing little Santa men should go. Santa was more an elven tradition, but my carrier loved him. A jolly fat elf that looked as if he had a bear somewhere in his heritage always made him laugh. I didn’t have the heart to throw them out after he went through his door. Clans, packs, and covens all had their own thoughts and other versions of this fat elf. Some dragons believed the founder of their line returned from the Other World and gave out gifts to the hatchlings.

  Monteros didn’t lie to their children. Gifts were abundantly received, but the tags attached always told exactly who gave them to us. It was a time to appreciate family and friends. Why hide your love behind a fat elf or a dragon?

  “Did you have someone like Santa when you were a kid?” I asked Aidan as we worked together to string the lights outside of the manor. As a mage and a witch, we didn’t need a ladder. We stood on the walk waving hands and fingers to put them in place.

  “He wasn’t a fat elf. He wasn’t a he at all. She was a beautiful harpy with a long flowing red gown. She mourned the souls lost to battle and brought gifts to the living from the dead. She also took our offerings to the dead back to them and carried various weapons depending on who was telling the story. Did you believe in the elf Santa?”

  “Nah. My carrier just thought he was an adorable concept.”

  “What do we tell the kids?”

  “I’ve always leaned towards the truth. What was your harpy Santa’s name?” I asked him.

  “Bellanoir. What can I say? We’re warriors through and through. In a lot of older novels written during wars you have parents telling their children not to be afraid because if something bad happens Bellanoir will take them to the Other World where it’s safe. She wasn’t only a Yule visitor but also a comfort. Some pieces of our family history swear up and down that she saved certain members of our family at one time or another.”

  “We can tell the baby about her.” I wrapped an arm around Aidan’s shoulder as we stood back to examine our handy work.

  “What?” He sniffed himself and looked at me. “Do you smell something I’m missing?”

  “No, but sooner or later there will be a baby.”

  “Do you have any of those snowmen? The big ones? We can put them on the roof.”

  “I’ll be right back, mate,” I laughed and kissed him on the cheek.

  Chapter Twenty-Three


  I couldn’t wait until sunset when Luc and I could examine our hard work all lit up. Sure, I had to nudge him to pull out all the bells and whistles, but I didn’t mind. Not everyone kept their holiday spirit as adults. Who knew? Maybe by four hundred and two I wouldn’t want to decorate without a little coaching from someone else.

  A car pulled into the driveway. I spun around and put an instinctual arm over my stomach. I blinked and shook off the instinct. We spent a lot of time talking about our future children. That must have been why my carrier instincts were alive and well that afternoon.

  “Alpha, someone’s here,” I reached out for Luc over our mate link.

  “That’s Barric. He probably forgot something or is coming by to collect his holiday bonus.”


  “You okay?”

  “I forgot he lives here too.”

  “Only while he’s my apprentice. He’s not staying today. Just dropping in,” Luc assured me.

  The car screeched to a halt and slid over the icy snow. Barric cursed and slapped the steering wheel. When the car stopped just short of hitting my favorite group of cedars he got out of the car and slammed the door behind him. He was wearing a black bathrobe and slippers. He jerked open the back door of the car and whispered something I couldn’t hear. He reappeared seconds later with a tiny blue bundle hugged tight to his chest. The distinct powdery scent of a newborn filled the air followed by the tart salty smell of tears.

  “Go! Help him!” My wolf tugged me forward.

  I sprinted across the lawn and met him halfway. He grabbed my shoulder with one hand and locked his crazed gaze to mine. Barric trembled from head to toe. I glanced down at the sleeping baby resting easily.

  “Where’s Magi Montero?” He shook my shoulder.

  “Easy. Don’t shake like that with the baby,” I said as gently as I could. “What’s wrong?”

  “Where’s Magi Montero?” He asked again.

  “Let’s get you inside. We’ll find Luc,” I tried to take his hand.

  Barric jerked away and clutched the baby tighter to his chest.

  “They want to just give him away! They want to give the baby away to strangers!” He said panting for air.

  “Is he your baby? Who wants to give him away?” I looked around ready to fight intruders who weren’t there.

  “Max is my brother. My parents are trying to give him up for adoption. They say they can’t afford another kid, but they can’t just give him away. I told them they could have all my money. I don’t need much. They can’t give him away. He’s family.”

  “Alpha? A little help here, please,” I tugged at Luc over the pack link.

  “Bring them inside. I’ll send the servants to lock up the gates.”

  “Luc said we all need to go inside where we can keep the baby warm,” I said and wrapped a tentative arm around Barric’s shoulders. He nodded and leaned in against me. Anger and confusion warmed my magic. Barric was on edge and smelled as if he was being hunted down.

  Warm not explosive.

  I repeated the mantra in my head hoping to offer the refugees some of my magical warmth as we trod through the snow to the house.

  Luc met us at the door and reached out for the baby. Barric handed him over and we all went inside. Luc shut and locked the door with a wave of his free hand. He looked the baby over. The little boy only stirred in his sleep and grabbed onto Luc’s finger. I smiled despite the dizzying scents filling the manor house.

  “One day he’ll hold our baby,” my wolf whispered.

  “Barric, sit down on the sofa. Take a deep breath. Sweetheart,” he turned to me and I instinctually held my arms out for the baby, “would you mind making Barric some tea.”

  “Of course,” I blushed and tried to shake the feeling of wanting to hold the little bundle of joy.

  I padded into the kitchen feeling a little disheartened. Information flooded in over our mate link as Luc got the truth out of the distraught Barric.

  “Max is my baby brother. My parents told me this morning they’d talked it through and are giving him up for adoption. They said they couldn’t handle three babies at once. I offered to move home for good and they said they’d not allow me to throw my future away. Then I said I could bring the baby to raise here or give them money for a nanny. They said money was the real issue. That the girls were expensive already. They talked me in circles and I never got real answers. Magi Montero, I love my parents. You know that, but they’ve lost their minds. They can’t give up the baby. I won’t let them.”

  “Do they know you have Max, right now?” Luc’s voice carried in the kitchen.

  “No. No. They can’t know where I am. They’ll take him and give him away to strangers. You can’t just cast family aside like that. It’s not the way of the wolf.”

  “Let’s get you settled upstairs with Max and I’ll call your parents to find out what’s really going on. For what it’s worth, you did the right thing coming here. At least, it’s warm and safe for your brother,” Luc said as I carried the tea tray into the living room.

  Chapter Twenty-Four


  “Take those wet slippers off,” I said as Aidan and I followed Barric into his bedroom. “Socks too. Change into something dry. You guys stay here. I’m going to check on the gates and call your par
ents. I’m going to give Baby Max to Aidan, okay? You’re shivering and he needs to stay warm.”

  Barric looked up at me as if he only half understood what I said. I’d known Barric for years and never seen him this shaken up by anything. He was spunky and cocky if a little behind in his magical studies.

  “I got them, Alpha,” Aidan whispered. “We’ll be okay, won’t we, Barric?”

  “You’re Magi Montero’s mate,” Barric said.

  “True-mate,” Aidan nodded. “Let’s find something warmer in your closet to wear, okay?”

  “Max,” Barric turned back to me.

  “Barric, I know you don’t know me, but I’m a Gilmore Witch. I come from a long line of warriors. If someone comes through that door to hurt you or Max, I’ll prove harpy blood runs through my veins,” Aidan said.

  A wave of heat washed over me. Aidan’s expression was fierce and kind. He was a lover, but ready for a fight too. I fell for him all over again every day.

  “We’re okay, Alpha,” Aidan reached out for Baby Max. “No one’s here and if they come, we handle it like the magical wolves we are. We defend the young or die trying.”

  “I’m not a wolf. I didn’t pick it up,” Barric said.

  “The blood still runs through your veins,” Aidan said and patted him on the back.

  Barric nodded and I handed the baby off to Aidan.

  “Now, go and change,” Aidan pointed to the closet and Barric obeyed.

  “I’ll be right back,” I squeezed Aidan’s shoulder.

  “We’re okay,” he grinned down at the baby with a longing love in his eyes.

  “Soon ours will be here. I promise,” I said and kissed him on the cheek.

  “I know. Soon. I love you, Alpha. Be careful. I’ll watch the apprentice and the baby.”

  I checked in with my magical servants. Montero Manor was locked down like a war ready fort. If Barric’s parents came for their child I couldn’t keep him from them.

  “We can too,” my wolf chimed in. “Aidan’s ready to fight. We’re not fighting against our mate.”

  We’re not fighting anyone, and neither is Aidan.

  “You saw the look in his eyes.”

  Ignoring my wolf’s agitation, I called Barric’s parents. I only talked to Scott and Harvey once before when Barric came to interview to be my apprentice. The phone rang twice and went to voicemail. I hung up and tried again. Five minutes later my calls went straight to voicemail.

  “Hey, Harvey, this is Magi Montero. Barric showed up on my doorstep with your youngest. He’s pretty shaken up and I’m not certain what’s going on. He’s okay. They both are. He’s not too keen on going home right now. Give me a call and let me know what’s going on. If you guys need help, I’m here.”

  By the time Aidan fell asleep that night Harvey nor Scott had called me back. I pulled an old bassinet out of the attic for Baby Max to sleep in. With Aidan out cold I went to check on Barric. He hadn’t eaten much for dinner and insisted on putting the baby’s bassinet right next to his bed.

  “Come in,” Barric said before I knocked on his bedroom door.

  He lay curled in bed around Baby Max. He stroked his little brother’s hair as the baby slept soundly.

  “They haven’t called back yet, but I’ll try them again tomorrow. How are you feeling?” I asked and grabbed the desk chair to sit down in.

  “Better than earlier. I’m finally warm. I’ll have to thank Aidan for the gallons of tea he brewed today. I made one helluva first impression, didn’t I? He probably thinks I’m a madman.”

  “He’s firmly on your side.”

  “What about you?” Barric eyed me suspiciously.

  “I’m torn, Barric, to be honest. I can’t see keeping a child from his parents under most circumstances.”

  “They don’t want to be his parents. They want to give him away,” Barric said and wrapped a protective arm around Baby Max.

  “I don’t think that’s a decision your parents arrived at lightly. I can’t imagine what would drive someone to cast aside their children. If they think giving Baby Max up for adoption is the best thing, they can do they probably feel as if he’d have a better life that way.”

  “A better life without his family? What do we tell the girls when they ask where their baby brother is?” Barric asked.

  “Alpha,” Aidan reached out over the mate link for me.

  “I’m talking with Barric. I’ll be back in bed soon, mate.”

  “I love you.”

  “I love you too.”

  “They’re not taking that baby to an orphanage.”

  “Aidan’s poking at you,” Barric grinned. “Tell him I’m sorry for messing up his holiday.”

  “You haven’t messed up anything. Look, if your parents need money, we’ll figure out how to make them take the help. If it’s more hand’s they need we’ll hire them. If it’s something else altogether maybe Baby Max could stay here with me and Aidan. We’re not exactly family, but you live here for now. That way you could still see him and maybe bring the girls over to see him sometimes too. I’d have to discuss it with Aidan, but it might be an option.”

  “I’d never let a baby go to an orphanage. The Gilmores were all outcasts who came together to found a family line. If they don’t want the baby, he’s already one of us,” Aidan yawned over our mate link.

  Some of the tension left Barric’s shoulders. Until now I never realized I considered Barric family. Not quite a son, but something akin to it. The mage and apprentice relationship was complicated at best. Young and old magic often clashed.

  “Thanks,” he managed a smile.

  “Get some sleep. Tomorrow we’ll figure out what to do about your parents.”

  “Goodnight, Magi Montero.”

  “Goodnight, Barric,” I said and shut his bedroom door behind me.

  Aidan was waiting up when I arrived back to the bedroom.

  “I missed you,” he opened his arms to me as I shrugged off my bathrobe and climbed into bed.

  “I missed you too,” I laid down next to him. “You’re okay with Barric and Baby Max staying here for now, aren’t you? I should’ve asked you earlier. Montero Manor is your home too.”

  “It’s our responsibility not to turn away people in need. I don’t want to think about where Barric might have taken his baby brother if he didn’t come here. Before I met him, I imagined him like some incubus of an apprentice wagging his tail at you. Now, even though we’re around the same age, he seems younger.”

  “His magic isn’t as mature as yours. His magical bloodline is a young one and he doesn’t have a tail. He’s just a human,” I explained.

  “I’m happy to have them here. It’s nice to have a baby in the house,” Aidan said and snuggled into my side with his head resting on my chest.

  “Let’s see if you think that when Baby Max wakes up hungry in a few hours,” I laughed and wrapped my arm around him.

  “We have more formula, right?” Aidan started to sit up, but I pulled him closer.

  “My carrier always said, ‘what good is a fortress if we’re not prepared for every possibility?’ We have plenty of baby supplies. Baby Max will be well cared for while he’s here.”

  “Is it bad that now I can’t stop imagining what life would be like if we adopted Baby Max?” Aidan asked.

  “It’s never bad to look towards the future, mate,” I said and kissed him atop the head.

  Chapter Twenty-Five


  I jarred awake and sat straight up. A wail cut through Montero Manor. Luc didn’t budge or stir. I blinked the fog away from my brain and waited to hear Barric’s footsteps to fall down the hallway. The clock read 4:31 AM. By 4:33 neither Luc nor Barric stirred.

  “Guess we’re getting the pup,” my wolf yawned.

  Barric’s just emotionally exhausted. Luc would wake up if it were our baby crying.

  I wasn’t sure I believed what I told my inner beast, but he didn’t argue. Some people just slept more soundly
than others. I slid out of bed and tiptoed down the hall. I pressed my ear against Barric’s door and listened to see if he was up. Baby Max was the only creature stirring in the room. I cracked the door and peeked inside. I wasn’t the sort to just barge into someone else’s bedroom, but Baby Max was clearly hungry or wet or both.

  Barric didn’t budge even when I left the door open a smidge to make sure I didn’t bump into anything. I had pretty good night vision but didn’t want to risk it with a pup involved. Baby Max stopped crying when he realized someone had come to rescue him.

  “It’s okay, little man. I’m here. What seems to be the problem this morning? Does your brother sleep like a hibernating dragon? We’ll train him better, won’t we?” I whispered as I scooped up the baby.

  His diaper was wet. Really wet. Wet enough to require a change of his diaper and onesie. Holding him to my chest with one arm I scooped up the diaper bag from by the door on my way out. Baby Max whimpered and his little arms stirred around as if looking for something or someone to latch onto.

  “You miss your daddies, don’t you?” I cooed to him. “Poor baby. I know. I know. It’s going to be okay. We’ll figure out what’s going on and you’ll be back in your house before you know it. In the meantime, we’ll take good care of you.”

  I carried Baby Max down the spiraling staircase and across the house into the kitchen. I dropped the diaper bag on the table and flipped on the overhead light. Then I pressed the on button on the coffee pot. Luc’s magical minions always had the pot ready by the time we woke up. I paused a second to make sure I hadn’t beaten them into the kitchen. A second later the rich bitter aroma of dark brew coffee filled the kitchen.

  “Let’s get you all cleaned up,” I smiled down at Baby Max.

  “It’s too soon for him to be away from his carrier. He needs his family,” my wolf said tilting his head one way and then the other to get a better look at the pup.

  We might have to be his pack if his parents really want to give him away. Luc will figure out what’s going on. Besides, if he has to stay it wouldn’t be that bad. If his parents really do want to be rid of him, he needs a family and having a baby around isn’t the worst thing in the world. Look at him. He’s adorable. Sweet. Perfect. Smell the top of his head.


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