Keeping Katy: A Steamy Alpha Male Curvy Woman Romance: Reynolds Family Book 2

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Keeping Katy: A Steamy Alpha Male Curvy Woman Romance: Reynolds Family Book 2 Page 1

by Kali Hart

  Keeping Katy

  Reynolds Family

  Kali Hart

  Keeping Katy is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

  Copyright © 2019 by Kali Hart

  ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. This book contains material protected under International and Federal Copyright Laws and Treaties. Any unauthorized reprint or use of this material is prohibited. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval systems, without express written permission from the author/publisher, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  Created with Vellum


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8




  “We need more ornaments.” My oldest brother, Drew, claps me on the shoulder.

  My eyes travel across the crowded room and land on the eight-foot Christmas tree that is indeed looking a little scarce. My heart swells at the generosity of Drew’s employees. Each ornament includes a dollar amount to donate. Anyone can select any ornament they want and donate that money. My kids desperately want to go on this field trip, and the fundraiser is the only way it’s going to happen with all the budget cuts as of late. “Good problem to have, huh?”

  “You’re doing a good thing, Katy. A really good thing.”

  I give him a quick side hug in appreciation. He’s allowed me to crash his company holiday party with a fundraiser for the school I work at, and no one even groaned when I gave my spiel earlier in the night. “I have more upstairs in your office.”

  “Better grab ‘em, then.”

  Drew is summoned to the other end of the room, and leaves me with a pat on the back. It’s not surprisingly that his presence is in such high demand. It’s his company, and his employees love him.

  I slip away from the party on the second floor, to the elevator. I’m not a fan of confined spaces, but I’d rather ride the little metal and glass box for a minute than travel up eight flights of stairs. Plus, the spectacular view from his office is enough for me to push through the claustrophobic torment I’ll suffer on the ride up.

  I try to stare out at the glow of city lights from the elevator’s glass wall, but it only reminds me I’m in an enclosed space. I spin around instead, faced with the mirrored walls. “Whoops!” My little red dress needs to be pulled up around the bust area. My curves fill it out in all the rights ways, but my boobs are a tad heavy. There’s not a strapless bra in the world that’ll help me, so they’re left to the mercy of this tight dress.

  “There.” Dress successfully adjusted, I fluff out my sandy blonde hair. I managed to curl it to fall a few inches past my shoulders. All I’m missing is my Santa hat. I either left it at home or up in my car. Oh well. It’s not like I brought a hot date to impress anyway.

  The elevator dings open a moment later, and I spring out of it.

  I’m proud of my brother for building this company into what it is. Yes, there’s some extravagance, like his office that consumes half of the ninth and top floor. But to be fair, he designed it that way so he can sleep here if needed. Like me, he’s unattached and a bit of a workaholic.

  A holiday tune plays softly through the speakers, and I can’t help but sing along as my heels clack against the marble floor. At first, I’m hardly humming. But with each step, I grow braver and start to really belt out the song. I’ve always enjoyed singing, and since I’m all alone up here—you need an access badge for the elevator to even open on this floor—there’s no harm in letting loose.

  I dance right into Drew’s office, still singing—now with my arms fully animated.

  It’s not often I’m in my brother’s office, but every time I am, I fantasize that it’s mine. Not that I want to work in the cooperate world—I definitely don’t. Teaching has always been my dream. But the views, the space to twirl around in… It’s almost enough for me to pretend teachers make a very generous salary.

  At the conclusion of the song, I hear clapping.

  My chest clutches in the embarrassment of being caught as my eyes scan the room for the intruder. They land on a tall, built man in dark wash jeans and a blazer I’m certain costs more than my monthly salary. “Who—” But before I can even get the question out, I know the answer.

  Wyatt James. In the freaking flesh.

  “Don’t believe I know you,” he says, his clap slowly fading until it stops completely.

  Of course he doesn’t remember me. Why would he? He’s Drew’s best friend from college, and the last time I saw him I was sixteen and a lot less curvy. I had the worst crush on him then. He spent a Christmas break with our family, and I constantly fantasized about him sneaking into my room and having his way with me.

  “What are you doing up here?” I ask. I’m not about to remind him who I am. I’m not sure why he’s in town this time, but it’s doubtful he plans to stick around long. Whenever Drew mentions his friend, it’s to tell me what country or resort he’s headed off to next. Wyatt has always been a bit of a thrill seeker, and he’s always had the money to do it in style.

  “Drew said I could crash here, in the penthouse.”

  “But this is the office.” I don’t know why I’m being so snobby all of a sudden. Maybe it’s indignation that he doesn’t recognize me. But it’s probably irritation that his mere presence can still cause heat to sizzle between my legs.

  “Ran out of water.” Wyatt combs a hand through his dark hair. The motion reveals that the white shirt beneath the blazer is unbuttoned.

  The jealous part of me wonders if he’s entertaining a woman up here. “There’s some in the fridge.” I point, but I also make my way to get him a bottle. I don’t know what’s come over me, but I feel more out of control now than ever.

  The box of extra ornaments I made is on the counter, next to the fridge, reminding me I have somewhere to be.

  “You look familiar.”

  “Here’s your water.” I shove the cold bottle at his chest, the backs of my fingers pressing against that rock-hard chest. My nipples harden beneath my dress. “I have to get back to the party.”

  With the box of paper ornaments, I rush out of the room and practically jog to the elevator. The seconds tick by painfully slow as I wait for it to return to the ninth floor so I can make my escape. At the ding, I hear footsteps behind me.

  I’m in the elevator, repeatedly tapping the close door button when Wyatt’s hand covers the door, holding it open. “You’re Katy. Drew’s little sister.”


  I can’t believe I didn’t recognize Katy. It’s been a few years since I’ve seen her. Hell, I think she was a teenager back then. Off limits with the near ten years difference between us.

  “Why didn’t you tell me who you were?” I’m still standing in the doorway of the elevator, my hand preventing it from closing. I'm intoxicated by her beauty. The last time I saw Katy, she was a kid. But she is definitely all woman now. Those curves practically have me panting. My cock twitches in my pants.

  “I have to get back to the party.” She holds up a box lid filled with paper ornaments a
s if that explains everything. She’s trying to dismiss me.

  “I’ll come with you.” I step into the elevator, and it’s impossible to miss her gasp. Her chest rises with it. That silky red dress already has me playing fantasies in my head her older brother would not appreciate. Correction. He’d kill me.

  Drew will be surprised to see me. He tried to convince me earlier to come down to the party, but I adamantly declined. It’s been a long week, and all I wanted to do tonight was relax with some mindless TV. I’d already started to undress when I heard that silky sweet voice from his office singing.

  Now that I’m in the elevator with Katy, all I can think is mine. The word whispers over and over in my head. I try to shake it away, but it’s not working.

  “How long are you in town for?” Katy backs into a corner. I fear I make her uncomfortable, but I remember how she always was a little shy around me. Blushed a lot too if my memory holds true. “Sorry, I don’t like elevators.”

  I press the button to take us to the party on the second floor and let the door finally slide closed. “We’ll be down before you know it.” The words don’t bring the reassurance I’d hoped. Her eyes are still a little wild. I want to gather her in my arms until it’s over. But I’d have a little trouble explaining that to Drew.

  She inhales deeply, which lift those magnificent tits. I want to cup them with my hands. Massage them until she’s moaning my name. Rub my dick between them while she’s lying naked on her back. I should look away, but I don’t.

  “You want me to hold that for you?” I nod at the box.

  Her fingers curl around the edges tighter. “I got it.”

  I lift my hands in surrender. I think it’s the elevator that’s got her wound up tight. Her eyes keep dropping to her feet, missing the nighttime skyline of the city. “How have you been, Katy?” It’s a lame question, but now I’m just hopeful to distract her until the ride’s over.

  “Fine.” Her head lifts, quickly scanning the elevator. “Why did it slow down?”

  Before I can reassure her that’s not the case, the elevator jerks to a halt. The overhead light flips off and the emergency light flickers on. The illuminated number above the door is stuck between five and six.



  Holy crap on a cracker we’re stuck in an elevator. We’re really stuck. I feel a panic attack coming on. How completely embarrassing. Why couldn’t Wyatt just stay upstairs so I could have a meltdown in private?

  My thoughts are completely irrational right now as Drew makes a call, but there’s nothing I can do to stop them. “We’re fucking stuck?” I don’t curse much. Part of the whole elementary teacher thing. But when I’m feeling panic creep in, I can’t help. “We can’t be stuck.”

  “Katy.” Wyatt steps closer to me. Close enough that I can smell his delightful cologne. It’s a new scent since his college days. I can’t quite identify it, but it intoxicates me. For a solitary moment I forget we’re trapped in a death box. He runs his hands up and down my arms.

  “I don’t like elevators,” I whisper again. My breathing is still out of control, but now I’m no longer sure if it’s the oncoming panic attack or if it’s Wyatt’s touch.

  “They’re working on it,” he says.

  “They need to hurry up.”

  “Hey, do you know this song?”

  The music that had been playing upstairs is also playing in the elevator. Another popular Christmas song. I’ve been so focused on simply catching my breath that I hadn’t even noticed until now. “Yeah.”

  “Will you sing it to me?”

  I sputter a laugh, feeling the tension ease ever so slightly. “No.”

  “Why not?” I lift my eyes all the way up to his own. He’s so tall. His muscles even bigger this close up. I feel so tiny. So safe. But the confused expression lingering in those chocolatey brown eyes is genuine. “You have a lovely voice, Katy.”

  “I don’t sing in front of people.” When his eyebrow raises on one side, I add, “On purpose.”

  “Make an exception,” he pleads. His hands have stopped moving, but they’re still cupped around my arms. I want to close the gap between us, if only there wasn’t a small box in the way. I want him to wrap me in his arms so I can feel our bodies pressed up against each other.

  “No can do.” I can’t stop staring at his lips. It makes me lick my own. Who am I kidding? I don’t just want to curl up in his arms. The heat between my legs forces me to admit the truth to myself. If I weren’t so afraid of confined spaces, maybe I’d be brave enough to let my inner vixen loose.

  He shrugs. “I tried.”

  “How long are you in town, Wyatt?” Maintaining eye contact is keeping me calm. It’s also causing slickness between my thighs. I lick my lips again; I swear I hear him growl.


  If she doesn’t stop licking those fucking lips, I’m going to lose any self-control I have left. She’s Drew’s little sister. But the constant reminder that’s been on repeat in my head since the moment I recognized her is quickly losing ground. “Not sure how long I’m staying,” I answer to her question.

  I didn’t plan to be in town for more than a couple days. Just long enough to finalize some business things with Drew. We’re working on a charity project together. I only came to sign some paperwork in person. I was planning to be back on the other side of the country by Monday.

  But now, I’m thinking I should extend my stay.

  “I see.” Her eyes drop from mine, glancing around me toward the city view. I want to push her up against the glass, slide that red dress up those wonderfully curvy hips, and take her right there with the view of the city behind us. I’ve always imagined the shy Katy Reynolds had a naughty side to her.

  “What are the ornaments for?” I ask, finally taking a step back. My dick is half hard, already pressing into my zipper. If I’m not careful, it’ll be too embarrassing to exit the elevator when it finally starts to move again.

  “A fundraiser.”


  “The school I work at.” Her shy side has returned, and now she’s not saying much. Or maybe it’s her panic returning that we’re stuck in an elevator. My proximity earlier had either been comforting her or distracting her. Those eyes darkened with desire suggest both.

  I should stay on the other side of the elevator. Maybe call down to see what’s taking so long, because the quick fix we were promised doesn’t seem to be so quick at all. Instead, I reach inside the box for an ornament. Holding it from the string, I let the round paper decorated with paint and glitter spin in a circle. $25 is written on the back in green paint. “Clever idea.”

  “There’s a tree. Downstairs. It’s almost empty.” Her sentences are shorter, breathier.

  “Look at me,” I say when it looks like she might panic again. “Keep your eyes on me.”


  I reach for the box and set it down at her feet, resisting the urge to lick her inner thigh on my way back up. My hands are aching to feel what’s beneath that dress. What kind of panties is she wearing? Red silk ones that match the dress? Black lace? None at all?

  I pop back to my feet, because it’s more important to keep her distracted than anything right now. Sliding my hand up her dress might distract her. My dick agrees. “What do you do at the school?” I assume she’s a teacher, but I’ve been wrong with assumptions before.

  “I teach third grade.” A sparkle lights up her eyes at that.

  “You love it.”

  She nods. “Yeah.”

  Something’s coming over me about this woman, even though in some ways we just met. Because the last time I saw Katy Reynolds, she was a kid. Now, I’m meeting her as a woman. Yeah, I stayed with her family for a week seven or more years ago. But she’s different now. A woman. All woman. It’s sexy as hell. “What’s your favorite part?”

  “Seeing a student light up when something finally clicks.”

  She’s thought about this answer. She’s passionat
e about what she does. My heart is racing. I’ve met a lot of women. But none of them had any drive or passion for anything expect spending my money. “You’re kind of amazing, you know that?”

  I can’t keep my distance anymore. My hands cup her cheeks and draw her lips to mine. She doesn’t hesitate to move her own against mine, and even invites my tongue in for a dance. If my cock wasn’t completely hard before, it is when she moans into my mouth.

  My hands slide up the silky fabric of her dress, from her hips to the sides of those amazing tits. I give her a few seconds to tell me to stop. Instead she pushes her chest out toward me in invitation.

  They feel great in my large hands, like they were made just for me. But what I really want is to free them from their prison—aka the red dress—and feel the soft, silky skin in my fingers. To taste those nipples and tease them between my teeth.

  “Do it,” Katy says, her head tossed back against the mirrored wall of the elevator, her eyes half shut in a pleasureful haze. It’s like she can read my mind.

  My moment of debate as to whether to unzip her dress or dive in with my hands and free them from the top is interrupted by a loud ding. The lights flash back on, and a robotic voice announces that the elevator is now back in service. We start descending.

  Katy’s barely able to right her dress before the doors open, and her brother greets us.



  Shoot, my ornament box is on the floor, and Drew is staring at me with that telling tilt of his head. He’s suspicious. Dang. But Wyatt and I haven’t done anything. Not really. Just a little hot and heavy make-out session in the elevator. Oh, the memory of it. Am I blushing?


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