The Four Tales

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The Four Tales Page 88

by Rebecca Reddell

  Before them, all the elves were on their knees, including her father. The light shimmered and began to fade. Its power wasn’t lessened, and Maezy spotted the Seekers falling to the ground too. Confused, she tensed and leaned toward Brandalfr.

  What’s going on?

  Right in the center there appeared a beautiful man. He was dark-skinned. His black hair and beard sparkled in the sunlight. He stepped from the wood’s shadow and towered over them all.

  He was large, bigger than an elf, in size and stature. Muscles rippled everywhere. It was very easy to notice because he wasn’t wearing a shirt. His waist was wrapped in a long tunic.

  “Ahh, you must be Maezy.” His smile was bright and flirtatious.

  “Yes, who are you?” Maezy gripped Brandalfr’s hand and took a step back.

  Who was he, and what did he want?

  “You look like your mother,” he laughed.

  “How do you know my mother?” she asked.

  “We’re old friends,” he winked. “This must be Brandalfr.”

  Weary, Maezy positioned her body in front of his. She could see the stupor covering Brandalfr’s features as he shifted to stay upright and blinked consecutively. He pulled her hand back toward him and shook his head.

  She knew he was endeavoring to tell her not to defend him. The boy would never stop telling her what to do. After they’d spent all this time fighting side by side, he should know her by now. As if she wouldn’t guard him until her last breath.

  Eyes narrowing, the man’s expression popped back into a smile. “If he wasn’t your lover, I’d offer to be.” He wiggled his brows.

  “Zeus, stop kidding the poor girl. Besides, I told you he’s more of a beau. Certainly, not the other.” Maleficent appeared at his side, eyes glaring, and waved her hand over the two of them.


  Maezy felt overjoyed. She knew they were secure. Observing Brandalfr’s nod, she let go of his hand and jumped over a few elves.

  Picking up a sword, she darted to her prey and didn’t hesitate. She ran the blade through Rincavronon where he kneeled. The elf gurgled and fell to the ground, dead. Yanking the weapon out, she kicked him to make sure he was dead.

  “If I could, I would have sliced you to pieces before killing you,” she whispered to him.

  Throwing the sword on the ground, she turned back to where she’d left Brandaflr. He leaned against a tree and smiled at her. Knowing he was all right, Maezy moved forward.

  With satisfaction, she walked a few more feet and shoved her father out of the way before throwing herself into her mother’s arms.

  “Maezy, what have I told you about public displays of affection?” Despite her admonishment, Maleficent didn’t seem to mind too much. She hugged Maezy until all the breath was strangled out of her daughter.


  “Father?” Brandalfr spotted his father behind the Greek god and Maleficent. “Father?” he called again.

  “Brandalfr!” The older warlock walked down between the deity and Maezy’s mother, meeting him in the middle of the elf circle. Pulling him into a hug, he squeezed Brandalfr until there was no more air left in his lungs. “My boy!”

  “Father, you smell awful.”

  “I know,” the bearded, older version of himself chuckled.

  “What happened to you?”

  “I’ll explain later. Right now, I just want to look at you. Have you grown? You seem taller.”

  “Father!” Red-faced, Brandalfr peeked at Maezy, relieved to find her still embraced by her mother and oblivious to him.

  “Oh, I see,” his father’s somber tone brought his eyes back.

  “What do you see, father?”

  “Only that my son isn’t the boy I left behind.” He ruffled the top of Brandalfr’s hair as he said it.

  “I don’t know what you mean.” Brandalfr ignored what his father was implying.

  “Falling in love is a good thing, my boy. Believe me. It’s a very good thing.”

  “It is?” Brandalfr wanted to know.

  His father nodded, before pulling him close for another pounding hug. A few minutes later, he released Brandalfr and snapped his fingers. The chains enclosing his wrists fell to the ground.

  Brandalfr brought his arms up and looked at the cuts and blood covering them. His father grunted. Gazing up at Osvaldr, he blinked.

  “Son? Did Ingvar do this?”

  “His follower did, and Maezy killed him.”

  Osvaldr looked over to where Maleficent spoke with her daughter. He smiled. “I already like her.”

  He healed Brandalfr’s arms.

  “Did you pick up on a new trick?” Brandalfr asked. Searching his arms for any sign of the flayed skin, he found it smooth as cream. “Thanks,” he stated, smiling.

  Nodding, his father clapped him on the shoulder. “I’ve learned a lot in my time away. I’m sorry I’ve been gone for so long. We’ll speak of that later, though.”

  “What now?” Brandalfr indicated King Ingvar and the others.

  “Well, Zeus has a say in that, and Maleficent, when she’s done greeting her daughter. By the way, good choice.”

  “Good choice?” Brandalfr questioned, looking at his father’s toothy grin.

  “Yes. If you’re going to fall in love, Maleficent’s daughter is a very good choice. She’s beautiful like her mother.” His eyes were watching the two women.

  “Father? You didn’t ever consider –”

  “No, son,” Osvaldr interrupted him. “We are only friends.”

  Brandalfr nodded, not liking the secret tone his father had to his words. Instead, he focused on the relief he felt seeing his father back and alive.

  “I’m so glad you’re back, father! It’s been hard without you.”

  “It looks to me as if you were managing just fine, son.”

  Raising his brows and indicating his arms, Brandalfr wondered if his father had forgotten the mess he’d been in second’s earlier.

  “You did your best,” his father stated.

  “Still,” Brandalfr flushed at the praise. “I’m very happy you’re back.”

  “Me too,” Osvaldr said, pulling him in for another hug.

  Not being huggers on a regular basis, Brandalfr was a bit worried by the extra affection. His father must have been through a lot to show this much fondness. Finally, pulling back, they both cleared their throats, squared their shoulders, and slapped each other’s backs.

  “Mother, what happened? Are you okay? How did you escape the Lagoon? Why is Zeus here?”

  “Calm down, Maezy. I’ll be happy to explain in a few minutes. First, are you all right?”

  “Yes. Yes, I’m fine.” Maezy shrugged the question off and wondered why her mother asked. She couldn’t know what had happened? Could she?

  “Good,” Maleficent looked around before spearing Maezy with a very bright glower. “Because we have a lot to discuss. What made you think going to your father for help was a good idea? Have you lost all sense?”

  “Mother, keep your voice down!” Maezy hissed and was aware of her cheeks turning red, but she refused to turn and see if Brandalfr had heard.

  “I know. I know. Your soulmate is busy talking to his father. Which, I must at least congratulate you on.”

  “What do you mean?” Confused by the turn of topic, Maezy frowned.

  “If you had to be stuck with a soulmate of all things, a True Love, I’m glad it’s Osvaldr’s son.”

  Seeing her mother’s calmed irises and softening mouth, Maezy couldn’t help but ask, “Mother, are you sure there’s nothing between you and Osvaldr?”

  “Of course not,” her mother huffed. “Of all the ideas! He’s just a very good person, and his son seems to be as well.”

  Shocked, Maezy went silent. Her mother had called someone ‘good’ and hadn’t puked or turned anything into a chair. Okay, she wasn’t really that bad, but it left Maezy surprised and speechless. Maleficent was not the generous type at all. If she liked som
eone, it was a compliment and carried a great deal of weight.

  Pleased, she smiled at her mother. “Do you think so? You know, he almost died protecting me.”

  “What? Protecting you?” Her mother’s gaze went past her and landed on her father. They were narrow and glittered with intent.

  “It’s alright, mother. I’m fine. Calm down. Now tell me. What happened?”

  “I’ll tell you soon. Right now, Zeus has work to finish.”

  “What?” Her mother didn’t answer her.

  “Zeus, this is my daughter. I think you two have already met. Maezy, this is Zeus. An old friend,” Maleficent introduced her.

  Eyebrows raised, Maezy wanted to know where all these ‘old friends’ were coming from since she’d never heard of them before.

  “You are radiant, Maezy. You take after your mother.” Zeus bowed at the waist and unleashed a deadly smile. Dazed, she could only give a half-wave and stare with a silly grin on her face.

  Maleficent’s voice called her out of it. “Osvaldr, this is my daughter, Maezy.”

  “Pleasure, my dear.” He came forward and kissed her hand.

  Blushing, she shrugged and thanked him.

  “Now that we’re all acquainted, Zeus, I think it’s time for you to deal with all of this.” Maleficent waved Maezy forward.

  The deity lost his smile and nodded. “Goodbye, Maleficent. Please visit me again. It was lovely to catch up on old times.”

  “It was,” the witch smiled.

  Maezy watched one and then the other. This is weird.

  “Goodbye, Maezy. It was a pleasure to meet you, and I am sorry you found your True Love.”

  Swallowing, she allowed the god to take her hand and kiss the back of it. She cleared her throat and murmured, “Nice to meet you.” Uncertain how to answer the rest of his comment.

  Clearly it wasn’t needed. He waved to Osvaldr, pointed a finger at Brandalfr with a raised brow, and twisted to face her father.

  Her mother took her by the arm and pulled her over a step before climbing the small hill on her own. Knowing she was supposed to follow, she located Brandalfr as he approached with his father. Raised his brows at her, she knew he was wondering what Zeus meant by pointing at him. Maezy shrugged as they walked forward, and she peered over her shoulder.

  “Ingvar, I’m very disappointed,” Zeus shook his head, and thunder crackled in the distance causing Maezy to jump.

  Instinctively, she took a step closer to Brandalfr and brought her hand up to rest on her sword. Which wasn’t there. Shaking her head, she glanced over at Brandalfr. He held up his arms and smiled. Relieved, she almost wanted to cry at seeing them healed. Swallowing back the emotion, she grinned.

  Maleficent waved at her again, and this time, Maezy grabbed Brandalfr’s hand and followed. Osvaldr brought up the rear as they left the hulking deity and started up the hill. No other guards attempted to stop or subdue them on their way. Maezy could hear Zeus’s voice rumble behind her, and her father’s coax, as she walked beside Brandalfr.

  “Zeus!” Her father smiled. “It’s been a long time.”

  “It seems it’s been too long. I think we had this talk back in the 1800s. You can’t go trying to take over the world, and using your gorgeous daughter? Ingvar, not a good decision.”

  “I can explain everything,” her father whined.

  “Please do,” Zeus barked. “You’re starting to give elves a bad name.”

  “What’s going to happen to him? I didn’t think gods liked getting involved in realm wars,” Maezy wondered.

  “They don’t. This was a special case though. Don’t worry. He won’t go too hard on your father. Unfortunately,” Maleficent grumbled.

  “I see that. Now, can you tell me what happened?”

  “Only, Maezy, if you tell me what happened here,” her mother demanded.

  “Right, well,” she began the story. Brandalfr interjected, making sure to mention how much he’d disproved of the plan, argued against it, and tried to stop her.

  “You should have locked her in her room!” Maleficent told him.

  Maezy gasped. Osvaldr laughed. Brandalfr nodded.

  “I would have, but I was afraid she’d still find a way out. I figured she was safer with me than without.”

  “Mother, tell us about your adventure!” Maezy implored, skipping over what Brandalfr had said.

  “It was quite simple once the idea came to me, really.” They were walking through the woods on their way to an elf door. “When we started talking about Atropos and how angry Zeus would be to hear of her meddling, I got the idea to go speak to him. It was brilliant, to be honest.”

  Her time to brag had come. “I knew I could persuade him to step in and do something.”

  “How?” Maezy demanded.

  “I simply told him True Love and the fate of the world was at stake. Zeus is a sucker for love stories. Don’t tell him I told you, however. He doesn’t like people knowing.”

  Thunder and a clap of lightning echoed through the wood, and Maezy gave a slight jump before marching on.

  “So he agreed? Just based on that?”

  “Yes, dear. He isn’t as selfish as everyone paints him to be. He enjoys a bit of romance, even when it’s not his own. When I told him that Brandalfr wouldn’t marry you until he could get his father back –”

  “What? Wait! Excuse me?” Maezy wasn’t sure what to say.

  Brandalfr exchanged a glance with her, and they both were wide-eyed. Osvaldr snorted, and it was obvious he was trying not to burst into laughter. His son sent him a glare.

  “Well, yes, of course, Maezy. I had to spice things up a bit. Besides, he’s your True Love. That’s a soulmate. You know how often that happens? Like, everyone in a billion.”

  “Wait! You put me under a spell that I could have never woke up from. That isn’t fate. That’s meddling!”

  “I knew you would,” Maleficent countered.

  “No. No, you didn’t. You just said the spell would only work in every billionth of a chance!”

  “Technically, I didn’t say that.”


  “It all worked out for the best. I don’t see why you’re so upset. Brandalfr, please make note of this. She has a temper. I hope you’re ready for it.”



  Osvaldr was holding his side and snorting hysterically now. Brandalfr, while red, was beginning to crack a smile.

  “Mother, how did you free Osvaldr?”

  “Easy, Zeus did. He’s a dear. We should invite him over for supper one day. In fact,” Maleficent leaned around her to look at Brandalfr. “I should warn you, Maezy doesn’t cook. I spent so much time making sure she could fight and defend herself, I neglected it altogether.”

  Maezy didn’t even bother to interrupt her mother in protest but just shook her head. Brandalfr’s hand was applying a light, reassuring pressure to her own. His wink when she looked his way made her smile. Almost.

  “Apparently, I didn’t do that well enough either.” Her mother scowled. “I suppose I’ll have to go over the basics with you again. Maezy, you really need to learn how to handle people with magic.”

  “Why didn’t you tell us you were going to ask him? I worried for nothing!” Maezy protested, disregarding her mother’s reprimand.

  “Maezy, I can’t just announce going to Zeus as if it’s an everyday occurrence. He might have said no, and if he did, it would have done no good to get your hopes up. I had to track him down first as well. I won’t begin to tell you where he was sleeping –”

  “Stop right there,” Maezy cried out, holding up a hand.

  “Well, you asked. However, once I found him it all worked out rather well, if I do say so myself. Although, you’re grounded for the rest of your life.”

  “What? Why?”

  “You left without telling me. You went to your psychotic father for help. You got yourself recaptured. The both of you could have died. Need I go on?”
Her mother stopped ticking off fingers and glared at her.

  “But I never would have gone to father if I’d known you had a solid plan!”

  “Well, that was just an idiotic idea to begin with, Maezy,” her mother sighed. “I’m so glad we came along when we did. What happened to the two of you?”

  “Well, the Seekers--” Maezy started to tell her but was interrupted.

  “Come to think about it, I’m going to have to teach you a little magic. There’s just no way around it. Your swords won’t be able to stop every force. I suppose I always assumed I’d be there, or now Brandalfr, I gather. However, I don’t know how I neglected this.”

  She rubbed a finger over her lips and said, “Oh, yes! It was because you wanted to play with that sword instead of study.” Maleficent sent her a caustic look over her shoulder before waving her hand over a tree and moving forward.

  “Now that I think about it, we may want to have a July wedding…” she continued to talk, and Osvaldr joined her.

  “I don’t know about July,” he argued. “Brandalfr’s mother isn’t found of that month.”

  As Maleficent and Osvaldr passed through the elf door, Maezy almost reached out to strangle her mother, but Brandalfr held her back. His arms coming around her, he set his chin on her shoulder. Maezy sighed.

  “I’m going to kill her. I take it back. Let’s go tell Zeus to take her back to Gorgóna Limnothalássa.”

  Laughing, he shook his head. “You love her.”

  “Only when she isn’t talking.”

  “Even then,” he refuted and smiled at her.

  Letting her go, he took one of her hands and squeezed it tight. They stood outside the doorway as it swirled and waited to pull them inside. Watching the colors twirl, Maezy delayed entering it.

  “Thank you,” she whispered.

  “For what?” he asked.

  The corner of his mouth slid upward, and he reached over to tuck a piece of hair behind her ear. She lost her train of thought and had to shake her head. Every time he touched her, she felt it go all the way through her.

  “For following me and keeping me safe.”

  “As if I’d have ever let you go alone.”

  “The point is you didn’t, and I’m very thankful.”


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