China (Tails Book Six)

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China (Tails Book Six) Page 7

by R. E. Butler

  Concrete floor. Closed door. No one else in the room.

  At least she was alone—that was something. She’d rather not know that someone had been watching her while she was unconscious.

  And what an asshole Justin was for punching her out like that!

  Tugging experimentally on the rope that tied her wrists to the back of the chair was useless. She couldn’t wiggle free no matter how she pulled.

  With a dejected sigh, she listened intently, hoping to hear something on the other side of the door. Was anyone out there? What was going to happen to her?

  What the hell was happening with Oz right now?

  Fury stole through her. The assholes were plotting to kill him because they didn’t like that he didn’t want to be alpha. She still didn’t understand why he was unable to simply walk away and leave them to fight it out for the job.

  Must have to do with good old fashioned male ego.

  Their lions wanted a real fight with the interim alpha and Oz wasn’t planning to do that.

  Well, she bet once he found out she’d been abducted, he’d be willing to fight for real.

  She heard nothing except the pounding of her heart and the subtle growl of her lioness who wanted free to stalk the males who harmed her and help Oz.

  Touching the feral part of herself, she felt her lioness’s strength seep into her body Claws eased from her fingertips and her gums tingled as her fangs descended.

  Working her sharp claws against the rough rope, she shredded it bit by bit until it loosened enough she could free herself.

  The rope dropped to the floor with a dull thud. She rose to her feet and patted her pockets, hoping her phone was still on her so she could call Oz.

  Nope, damn it.

  Trying the handle on the door, she let out a frustrated grunt to find it locked. It appeared to be a standard wood door, and she thought she could use her lioness’s strength to break it down if she rammed it a few times.

  It was worth a try, though. She wasn’t about to sit around and wait to be rescued.

  She backed up a few steps and rolled her neck, touching her lioness to gain more speed and strength.

  The door rattled as if someone was unlocking it, and she froze. Who the hell was on the other side?

  * * *

  Teresa was shaking with rage. “What do you mean you’re not going to stop the battle? Those males kidnapped the interim alpha’s female to force him to fight! They’re planning to take him out, like really take him out!”

  Tiberius gave her a long, exasperated look. “Did anyone else see this alleged abduction?”

  “I saw it.”

  “Besides you? I’m unable to stop the battle based on one witness. You need a corroborator.”


  “Mind yourself, female,” Vince said. “You may stay to watch the fight, or you may leave, but we will not be stopping things simply because you believe someone took Oz’s female. The battle rules are simple: last male standing is alpha. Everything else is irrelevant.”

  Teresa was speechless. “Are you serious? Her life is in danger. Oz’s life is in danger.”

  She looked at the cleared area where the battle was getting ready to start. Seven males, including Oz, stood shirtless and shoeless, watching each other. Some of them seemed excited at the prospect of fighting; some seemed determined. Only Oz seemed distracted as he looked from the males to the woods, as if he could figure out where China was being kept.

  “He’s going to get himself killed if he doesn’t concentrate,” she said under her breath.

  The three elders moved to the center of the dirt circle and raised their hands for quiet. The pride settled quickly.

  “Tonight, a battle is held to choose our new alpha. When a male is unconscious—or dead—he is out of the running. Partial shifting of claws and fangs is acceptable, but a full shift is not. Interference from pride members outside of the circle is forbidden and will result in the offender being imprisoned and punished,” Mark said as he stared right at Teresa.

  As if she’d run full tilt into a circle of males trying to kill each other to be alpha. Well, she wanted to save Oz, but she knew she was no match for them. He had to save himself.

  She couldn’t believe the elders wouldn’t stop the battle and force them to produce China. It wouldn’t surprise her if one or more of the elders were in on the abduction to force Oz to fight for real.

  She just hoped that Angel, Craig, and his two sons were able to locate China, and that Oz would be able to hold his own in the battle. He might not want to be alpha, but he had to fight for it now. China’s life depended on it.

  * * *

  Oz rolled his neck and squared his stance, letting his beast out enough to produce claws and fangs. He saw Teresa in the crowd. She looked so worried it turned his stomach to lead, because he knew he appeared just as concerned. He had to focus on the battle. Angel, Craig, and Craig’s two sons, Jeffrey and Ben, were hunting for his mate. He hoped to fuck they found her before anything happened to her.

  His nerves were singing with anxiety for her safety.

  We have to fight to keep her safe, he told his lion. The beast roared in agreement.

  He didn’t want to be alpha, but he’d lay waste to the six males to see her safe.

  * * *

  China took a step back, her claws at the ready, as the doorknob rattled.

  She’d make a break for it the moment the door was open.

  The lock clicked and a familiar voice said, “Fucking finally,” as the door opened slowly.

  “I’m not a wizard, I’m just a male who learned how to pick locks,” another voice said.

  “Angel?” China asked, not relaxing her aggressive stance.

  The door swung open fully and Oz’s best friend stood between two males, one holding a set of lock picking tools. “Hey girl. Shit, you look terrible.”

  The sudden rush of adrenaline had made her forget her face hurt, but she winced at the reminder. “Thanks.”

  “Sorry,” Angel said.

  One of the males cuffed him on the back of the head. “Idiot. I’m Ben and this is my brother Jeff. Teresa told our dad what happened and he sent us to help Angel find you. He’s on his way to the battle and we need to get you there.”

  “It started?” she asked.

  “Just now,” Angel said, looking at his phone. “We need to hurry. They’re going to kill Oz.”

  “Not if I can help it,” China said.

  She followed the three males out of the room which turned out to be built into a corner of a dark basement. They climbed the wooden steps and entered a kitchen, where a young male was unconscious and tied up on the floor.

  “Was he the only one watching me?” she asked.

  “Yep,” Ben said as he bent and slung the young male over his shoulder.

  “How did you find me?” she asked.

  Angel grabbed the back door and held it open. “My mom told us where she’d seen you and I went to the woods and found your scent and the plate of cookies you had. I followed your scent and Jeff and Ben caught up to me and we came here. Are you hurt other than your face?”

  “I don’t think so. Just pissed.”

  “We are too, trust me,” Jeff said. “Let’s get you to your mate.”

  Her heart in her throat, she followed Angel as he took off at a run into the woods. Jeff and Ben were behind her, crashing through the underbrush. Everyone was growling in urgency, including her, and her beast really wanted to come out and fight. She hadn’t really fought with anyone in ages, and that was only play fighting as a youngster to learn how to handle herself in case the need arose, but she’d go claws and fangs against anyone who wanted to take out her mate.

  He was hers to keep and she was planning to see that happen.

  * * *

  Oz leaped over Tolis’s body and barreled into Voll. They hit the ground and Oz bounced back up onto the balls of his feet, swinging out a leg and catching Voll in the knee. The bone crack
ed and the male went down with a howl of pain.

  Oz was a male possessed, relentless. He was not going to stop until every single male who’d had a hand in abducting China had been put down. They had no right to take her to force his hand, but now that they had—they’d be sorry.

  A claw caught his side, tearing his flesh and blasting searing agony through him. Roaring, he spun away from Drager and his bloody claws, and ignored the wound, charging forward and meeting the male head on. Claws slashed, fangs were bared, and growls mixed with pained grunts. For every strike at him, Oz gave two.

  “You didn’t have to take her,” Oz said as he ducked a punch and came up under the male, nailing him in the chin.

  “Easier to take her out when you’re dead if we know where she is,” Drager said, lobbing the words at Oz like grenades.

  Oz lifted his head and let out a furious roar, red hazing his vision and his lion pressing against his skin to be let free. To hell with the rules. To hell with everything. He just wanted China safe. He wanted them both safe.

  His hands were wrenched behind his back, and he kicked out, trying to take out whoever had grabbed him, but he missed and kicked air. Drager came at him, striking him. Oz’s ears rang as he was punched again and again, his vision blurring and his fangs cutting his lips. He struggled, but the hold only grew tighter.

  No! This was not how he was going out.

  Chapter Eleven

  China could smell Oz’s blood as they neared the battle. Her lioness couldn’t handle knowing that Oz was injured, and although she tried to stay in her human form, her skin split and her bones cracked, her beast coming out faster than she’d ever shifted before.

  She hit the ground running, her paws eating up the distance to the clearing. Oz was being pummeled by two males, with one holding his arms behind his back. Oz was struggling valiantly, but the fight was unfair, and he was outnumbered.

  She’d fix that.

  “Get him girl!” Angel yelled.

  China leaped into the fray, sinking her claws into the back of the male holding her beloved mate. She bit his shoulder, her fangs embedding deeply and tearing through muscle as she dragged him, screaming, away from Oz.

  There was another, deeper roar and she lifted her head and watched her amazing mate change forms into a huge lion. He wasted no time in going after the males.

  The one below her wasn’t moving, but she didn’t think he was dead.

  Her head snapped to the side as she saw something out of the corner of her eye. One of the males was slinking away.

  Hell no!

  Charging forward, she wove through the pride members like her tail was on fire, until she chased down the male. He didn’t get very far on his human legs. She bit his leg and pulled, taking him to the ground and dragging him back into the clearing. He screamed and clutched at the legs of the pride members, but no one tried to help him.

  She deposited the male at Oz’s feet, and when he tried to crawl away, Oz lifted into the air and slammed his paws down on his back. The male grunted and then went still.

  Looking around, China saw six bodies, bloody and broken. She didn’t know if they were all still alive, but she didn’t care. The pride cheered, clapping and whistling, and China bumped her shoulder against Oz’s, who licked her cheek.

  The elders stormed into the clearing. “No!” Tiberius said. “No! Quiet!”

  The pride quieted and Oz looked at China warily.

  “This is not right. You cheated! You both cheated and therefore you’re going to be imprisoned for crimes against the pride,” Mark said.

  Angel, Jeffrey, Ben, Craig and Teresa raced into the clearing and stood next to them.

  “You’ll do no such thing,” Craig said. “You’re the ones who cheated. You knew these males had broken our laws by laying hands on the alpha female and you did nothing. That makes you as culpable as them.”

  “That’s not true. Don’t quote law to me,” Mark sputtered.

  Craig held a leather-bound book. He opened it to a bookmarked page and read, “‘The alpha female is to be protected at all costs, whether she be in the full or interim position. Any pride members who cause her harm will be imprisoned for a minimum of five years per injury. Knowledge of intent to harm, or failure to assist the alpha female, will result in imprisonment for a minimum of five years.’”

  Teresa crossed her arms defiantly. “Tell us again how you know the law better? Craig is quoting direct from the law book. You knew she was abducted and you did nothing. All six of those males were responsible for her abduction and should’ve been imprisoned and not allowed to battle for the position of alpha. You’re corrupt! It’s why you did nothing.”

  Tiberius took a menacing step toward Teresa, and China snarled. He backed down quickly.

  “Now,” Craig said, flipping to another bookmarked page. “There’s a little problem with Oz being interim alpha.”

  Vince frowned. “What problem is that?”

  “It’s against our laws to kill on behalf of a non-member.”

  * * *

  Oz blinked in surprise as Craig read from the book. “If a male kills the alpha to protect a member of the pride, he will be interim alpha until such time as an Alpha Battle is arranged.”

  “We already know that!” Mark whined.

  “Shut up, you degenerate asshole,” Angel said, his voice low and angry.

  Mark clicked his teeth together and lowered his gaze.

  “As I was saying,” Craig said, reading on, “if a male kills the alpha to protect a non-member of the pride, he will be exiled from the pride, not considered interim alpha, and not allowed to fight for the position.”

  “She’s his mate,” Vince said.

  Craig shook his head. “They aren’t mated officially in the eyes of the pride, therefore, China is a non-member and Oz broke our laws by killing Benecio to save her life. He should never have been part of the alpha battle.”

  Oz made a surprised sound. Seriously? He could have had what he wanted in the first place—leaving Elk Hills with China and joining up with Kedrick—if only someone had known about the law.

  Craig slammed the book shut with a loud clap. “You three know the laws better than anyone. I’ve been reading all week trying to find a way to get Oz out of the alpha battle. It didn’t make sense to me why you were pushing so hard for him to fight when he clearly doesn’t want to be alpha. There should’ve been a law that allowed him to step down, and it wasn’t until I went searching in Tiberius’s house that I found this law book stashed in a desk drawer. You took the book from the pride library in the alpha’s home and hid it to force Oz’s hand to battle. Why the hell would you want a male who doesn’t want to be alpha battling for the job?”

  Mark sniffed derisively. “It’s our way. Oz killed Benecio so quickly that there was no way he wouldn’t be considered a male worthy of the position of alpha by the pride. We needed him to die so that the male who won the contest would be viewed by the pride as the rightful alpha.”

  “You colluded with the battle participants to kill Oz and China for no good reason. You knew that the laws would allow Oz to leave the pride, and then a rightful battle could’ve taken place without him. Instead of following the laws, you made your own and nearly killed two innocent people. As such, I’m calling for the guards to take the elders into custody to await our tribunal. And take the battle participants into custody as well. Those who are alive, anyway.”

  “You have no right!” Vince said. “You’re not alpha.”

  “I am according to our laws,” Craig said triumphantly, his voice growing louder. “According to our laws, if the alpha is killed and there is no interim alpha named, the position of alpha goes to the next male in line. I’m the closest member of Benecio’s family. He’s a third cousin of mine. No alpha battle will be fought for the position, I’m stepping in.”

  “You can’t do that!” Tiberius shouted as he was put into cuffs by one of the pride guards.

  “I can and I just did.”

  Two of the alpha battle participants were dead. Oz didn’t care. He’d have rather taken them all out. But at least the three elders and the four remaining males were going to stand trial before the tribunal.

  When the males were gone, Craig spoke to the pride. “Things will be different going forward. I’m not a male like Benecio and I won’t be an alpha as he was. My first order of business is to hold the tribunal to punish the males who sought to destroy one of our own and harm an innocent female to further their cause. Then I’ll exile Oz for killing the alpha. And then, we’re going to party like we’ve never partied before. It’s a whole new pride!”

  The pride erupted into cheers.

  Craig turned to face Oz and China. “You did well, Oz. When you two are able to shift, I’ll perform the exile and you can be on your way. I’ll call your alpha and speak to him on your behalf as well.”

  Craig left, following after the guards. Oz had never sat in on a tribunal before. Normally the elders were part of it, along with the alpha, but Craig would have to choose new elders in order to hold one officially. Or maybe he’d do away with the elders entirely. It certainly seemed like a job position that allowed males to be corrupted.

  Teresa said, “Let’s go back to my place. I’ve got steaks thawing in the fridge.”

  “Great, I’m starving,” Angel said.

  “You know I wasn’t talking to you,” she chided. “It’s for my second son, Oz, and his beautiful heart-match, China. If there are leftovers, then you can have some.”

  “Damn it.”

  Oz let out a laugh.

  “I’m glad you’re both safe,” Angel said.

  “Do you need to see our pride doctor?” Teresa asked.

  Oz shook his head and so did China.

  “Good,” she said. “I’d hoped that shifting would heal your wounds. Now let’s get you two fed.”


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