Bloodlust: House of Vampires

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Bloodlust: House of Vampires Page 16

by Tabitha Barret

  I burst out laughing. “Ahh, so you’re the one who is giving directions to Dean Aero and telling him which vampires he needs to kill during the culling. That’s really good to know. I’m sure the students would really like to make your acquaintance.” I stood up, allowing the wooden spikes on the harness to dig into my sides.

  Fear flashed across the faces of the coven leaders. They looked to each other in surprise since vampires weren’t able to stand if the harnesses were properly locked in place. Thankfully, mine wasn’t fully engaged.

  Silvijn and Ceyla stood as well, causing the guards to put their hands on their swords and wooden stakes, readying themselves for a fight.

  “Don’t take another step or all of you will fall this night!” Dakari yelled as he looked to the guards separating him from us.

  I shrugged. “You don’t speak for the coven. Marcario does.” I took another step closer, my eyes locked on Dakari’s daring him to make a move against me.

  Dakari’s face turned bright red, just as it did whenever Silvijn challenged him as a boy.

  “Marcario is a fool! I am the power behind this coven! He does what I say! I will have order! Guards, kill them!” He flailed his arms around, issuing his command to the guards.

  The guards hesitated and looked at each other.

  I glanced at Ceyla. “Oops. So much for having all the power. I guess whoever sits in the high seat really does rule the coven.”

  She nodded, acknowledging my observation. “That is interesting. I always wondered about that.”

  The three of us took another step towards the platform as we pulled at the bindings holding our hands behind our backs. Dropping our harnesses on the ground and stepping out of them, we slowly approached in case the guards decided to take matters into their own hands.

  Dakari yelled for the guards to engage us, but they didn’t comply. They were waiting for Marcario’s orders. He glared at Marcario, who remained stone faced and silent.

  Comprehending the situation and realizing they were in real danger, Faustus and Sergio stepped back towards the edge of the platform in case they needed to escape quickly.

  Dakari whipped around and laughed at Marcario. “You are a fool to let her advance, Marcario. She will kill you first and the coven will fall to me. Once I’m in command, I will burn this school to the ground!” He laughed to himself and shook his head at Marcario. “I should have killed you the second Marianela was imprisoned here, you dullard.”

  Reaching the guards, I looked into their eyes. I could see their fear, though I wasn’t sure if they were afraid I would attack them or that Marcario would issue the order, forcing them to fight me. Some of the guards had once been loyal to me; others had fought against my army and seen what I was capable of doing on the battlefield. I doubted that many of them liked the idea of fighting me for one reason or another.

  I stared up at Dakari. “The vampires here are aware of how you have been manipulating Marcario for your own selfish gain and just heard you admit to it personally. They are tired of leaders who plunder the covens and wage war with each other to gain more power for themselves while breaking the backs of their people and holding them down. We all demand better leaders than you and men like my father. I’m aware that my plans to bring about a period of enlightenment within all the covens scared you so badly that you planned to kill me in my sleep. If not for my brother’s last minute rescue, you would have assassinated the rightful heir to the Mielcarek Coven all so you could keep hurting your people. We are going to put an end to your rule.” I pointed to Ceyla and Silvijn next to me, implying that he wasn’t just fighting me, but he was standing against all of us.

  Dakari’s stunned face made the pain in my now-healing sides from the wood spikes worth it. He slowly realized that this wasn’t just a rebellion. It was a revolution.

  Sensing that the end of life as she knew it was near, Lucinda dashed across the platform and took matters into her own hands. She grabbed Marcario by the throat and drove a dagger into the upper layers of his skin over his heart.

  “Yield or I will kill your brother, Marianela.” She laughed cruelly at me, as if she pitied me.

  Dakari smiled brightly. “Order the guards to attack, Marcario, or die.”

  Eyes wide, Marcario looked at me.

  Hissing out a breath, I nodded to him, instructing him to comply.

  The glee in Dakari’s eyes was enough for me to decide right then and there that he would not survive this battle.

  Cracking my neck from side to side, I listened as Marcario gave the order to attack.

  The thuds on either side of me pushed me into action as Talen, positioned on top of the school’s roof, flew up at my signal and dropped my swords into the ground. I let the enchanted knife inside my sleeve drop into my hand and I threw it at Lucinda’s head, killing her instantly.

  I kicked the knee of the closest guard, breaking it and I grabbed my swords to dive into a fight with two more guards.

  Silvijn’s enchanted daggers dropped out of his sleeves and he lunged at the closest guard.

  Ceyla smiled and extended her fangs and claws. She tore into the neck of the closest guard before pulling her enchanted daggers from the back of her shirt and swung them at another guard.

  Declan and Landon came out from behind the House of the Witches to engage the guards standing at the back of the platform.

  Snarling, I killed two more guards and slashed through another as I spun.

  “You couldn’t have brought fewer men, Marcario?” I grumbled to myself as I cut through the guards.

  On the platform, Marcario went for the knife in Lucinda’s head, but Dakari was already lunging for it. The two of them rolled around for control of the fight, while Sergio and Faustus drew their swords and leapt off the platform to fight their way out of Wicked Reform.

  Thankfully, Declan stepped in their paths, eager to keep them from escaping.

  With Silvijn at my side, we coordinated our attacks just as we used to. Fighting back to back, we danced, knowing the other’s move before we made it. I leaned forward to slash the side of a guard, while he leaned back to dodge a stake aimed at his heart. Falling onto my back, I held him up so he could kick his attacker. Pushing my back up, I propelled him forward so he could stab his enemy.

  I swept the legs out from under the guard to my left, but didn’t see the guard to my right jump at me until it was too late. I heard Ceyla yelling before I saw her leap between us, taking the guard to the ground. She tore into his neck and punched a hole into his chest, removing his heart.

  Getting to her feet, we nodded to each other, acknowledging she had saved me.

  I returned the favor by beheading the guard behind her.

  I glanced over to find Marcario holding his bloody stomach while Dakari went for the enchanted knife.

  Of course Dakari would fight dirty and attempt to disembowel Marcario.

  Driving my sword into the stomach of the guard next to me, I turned to make my way back to the platform, but I was further away than I realized.

  I looked around, looking for someone who was close enough to help my brother.

  Spotting Talen overhead, I motioned for him to get help and pointed to Marcario.

  Dakari plucked the knife out of Lucinda and turned to face Marcario.

  “You were a disappointment to your father, your sister and now to me. You deserve a painful death, but this will have to do.” Dakari raised the knife over my brother, who was fighting off the pain of his wound.

  Marcario, dazed, stared up at Dakari in shock.

  “Marcario!” I yelled, pushing people out of my way to reach him.

  Seeing movement behind the platform, I watched Haines run up the platform steps and grab Dakari’s wrist as the knife came down through the air towards Marcario.

  Dakari, surprised by Haines’ sudden appearance, struggled for control of the knife. Though Haines was strong for a witch, he was no match for a vampire.

  Reaching the far end of the p
latform, I jumped up and ran for Dakari. I watched as Haines reared his head back and head-butted Dakari right between the eyes, causing Dakari to momentarily falter. Sliding across the platform on my knees, I ducked under Haines’ arm that was struggling for the knife and stabbed Dakari in the stomach.

  Dakari winced from the pain and fell forward as his last breath left his body. The enchanted knife was still coming down and would have hit me in the shoulder, killing me, if Haines hadn’t pulled it from Dakari’s hand.

  Haines shoved the knife in his sleeve and helped me to my feet. “Are you okay, Marianela?”

  Hefting out a breath, I quickly hugged Haines. “I’m fine. That was amazing. You are getting some serious thank you sex later.”

  Chuckling, he smiled brightly. “I will gladly accept that.”

  I left Haines to check on Marcario, who was sitting upright and holding his stomach.

  Seeing that I was still alive, he hugged me with his bloody arm. “This really hurts. How can you stand it? I’ve seen you fight with holes in you. How can you do that?” He looked at me with a mix of awe and anger, jealous of my terrible ability.

  “I have father to thank for that. After months of his fighting lessons, pain was my only friend.” Looking at his wound, I was grateful that Dakari had only used his fangs and claws on him and not a wooden stake. “It will heal soon enough. Can you stand?”

  The look on his face told me that he didn’t want to attempt such a feat, but I pulled him up anyway. “Careful, Marianela.”

  I laughed at him and patted his back. “You’ll live. Now, call off the guards. I’d like to get the hell out of here.”

  He looked around, realizing that the fighting was still going on, though there were far fewer guards.

  “Enough! The fighting is over!” Marcario did his best to project his voice, but coughed a at little at the end.

  Holding him upright, I quickly looked around to do a head count, making sure everyone was still alive.

  Silvijn was skidding to a stop in front of a guard who had raised his hands in defeat, while Ceyla was slowly releasing a guard, who was yielding, from a headlock. Landon was wiping his dagger on his pants and ran towards Ceyla to check on her. Declan was smiling a shit-eating grin at the captured former leaders of the lesser covens.

  Seeing Talen land and shift next to Haines, I let out a sigh of relief. We had made it.

  I helped Marcario down off the platform and walked him over to Faustus and Sergio.

  “Your rule is over. New leaders will be chosen from your covens.” They opened their mouths to argue, but Declan punched them both in the stomachs to silence them.

  Marcario looked up at the windows to the vamps inside and addressed them. “This is a new beginning for all of us. Each of you will have your cases reviewed. We will no longer punish those who offended the coven, though we will continue to punish the wicked. Now is the time to search your hearts and make amends, not to the Mielcarek Coven, but your own covens. It’s time to bring the covens into the future. The Sabourin Coven will be reinstated with Ceyla as its leader. The Luzader Coven will be ruled by Silvijn. Together, my sister Marianela and I will work to improve the Mielcarek Coven and help push us into the next century.”

  Hearing the vamps cheering through the glass, I looked up at Marcario. “You’ve gotten better with your speeches. I really liked your opening speech. It had a nice double meaning to it that Dakari was too stupid to understand.” I winked at him and carefully hugged him.

  Chuckling, he shook his head. “Let’s go home, dear sister.”


  “I look stupid in this outfit.” Haines tugged at his new, modern two-button suit and tie.

  “I’m sorry, but leather for official ceremonies is outdated. If we are to be sophisticated, we can’t dress like marauders anymore.” I slapped his hand when he tried to fuss with his tie.

  He frowned in the mirror and tried parting his hair on the opposite side.

  “I don’t know. I think he looked dashing.” Asha winked at my reflection while zipping up my blue silk dress, something I would have never dreamed of wearing before.

  I shrugged at Haines. “See. Dashing.”

  He huffed and looked to Talen, who looked exceedingly dashing in his suit. Now that was a man who knew how to wear a suit.

  Talen came further into the room and patted Haines on the back. “Wait until you see Declan in a suit. You’ll feel much better about yourself. He’s acting like he’s in a straitjacket.”

  I laughed at the thought of Ceyla forcing Declan into a suit as if she was pushing a cat shifter into the bath.

  Silvijn tossed me a pair of his cufflinks to put on Haines’ shirt. I would never admit it aloud, but my general looked even deadlier in a suit than in armor. If I wasn’t careful, I would be protecting him from the single, and not so single, women in the covens.

  “What are those?” Haines eyed the cufflinks as if I planned to stab him with them.

  “They hold your sleeves together. They’re fancy, so stop fussing.” I rolled my eyes at him.

  He sighed deeply. “Can’t I just go back to the forge? I have to finish a few projects and oversee the other blacksmiths. Or, I could just wait here naked in your bed for when you’re done making your speeches.”

  I thought about his statement for half a second before swatting him on the ass. “I want you out there mingling, so no. Once we’re done though, you are welcome to join me in bed.”

  Talen snapped his head around to stare at Silvijn, who frowned. “I thought we were allowed to watch you and Asha tonight. It’s my favorite day of the week.”

  Asha wiggled her ass at Silvijn and quickly ducked out of the room before I could smack it.

  Shaking my head, I bit my lip. “I’m sure we can figure something out later. It’s time to go.”

  I quickly kissed Silvijn and Talen before grabbing Haines and pulling him out of the room.

  Walking down the hall from my bedroom to the great hall, we crossed paths with Ceyla and her men. She was wearing a pale yellow dress that complimented her blonde hair.

  Ceyla looked at me from head to toe. “You know, at first, I thought you were crazy or lying when you told me you wanted me at the table, leading my coven. I really didn’t think you were serious. I’m glad that you made good on your offer to reinstate the Sabourin Coven. I’m kind of glad I didn’t kill you.”

  Chuckling at her Ceyla-like comment, I reached out to shake her hand. “I’m glad I didn’t kill you either.”

  I glanced over at Declan, who really did look like he was stuck in a straitjacket. I winked at him, acknowledging his part in helping me convince Ceyla to join me in my insane crusade to reinvent the covens.

  Pulling at his tie, he grinned back at me.

  Together, we all walked out into the great hall to greet our guests. The newly appointed leaders from the other covens joined us at the new table, where each seat held equal power. Everyone who took a seat at this table agreed to work in unison to improve their covens and govern in conjunction with the others.

  Marcario greeted everyone and took a seat next to me. He raised his glass in a toast.

  “No one said that the transition would be easy, but I know with patience, understanding and a hope for a better future, it will get easier day by day. We thank you for trusting us, your leaders, to guide us to a better tomorrow.” He sipped from his glass and looked to the other leaders.

  We all spoke in turn about the kinds of improvements we wanted to make and looked to each other to ask for assistance in making it happen.

  Looking out over the crowds, I knew there would be resistance by those who clung to the old ways, but I believed in what we were doing. For every dissenter, I saw at least ten looks of eagerness and hopefulness.

  I grabbed Silvijn’s hand under the table as I looked to Haines and Talen, who were raising their glasses to us. With my men by my side and the support of my brother and my advisor, I finally felt worthy of leading the coven.
I was no longer the woman my father forced me to become. I was finally the woman I was destined to be.

  Interesting in reading the other books in the Wicked Reform School Series?

  Untamed: House of Berserkers by Lacey Carter Andersen

  Narcotized: House of Mermaids by TB Mann

  Avarice: House of Mustelid by Emma Cole

  Reborn: House of Phoenix by Lia Davis

  Bloodlust: House of Vampires by Tabitha Barret

  Revenge: House of Nephilim by May Dawson

  Rebel: House of Fae by Rosemary A Johns

  Read Ceyla’s story Blood Cursed for FREE in the Hexes and Handcuffs Supernatural Prison Anthology!

  Blood Cursed

  Steamy Vampire RH - Paranormal Romance - Reform School

  Alone, Ceyla, heir to the fallen Sabourin Coven, has no family, no allies and no way of escaping Dark Forest Academy. Broken and beaten by the Mielcarek Coven, Ceyla has no choice but to embrace her anger and her madness to fight for her freedom.

  Surrounded by enemies, Ceyla must win the support of powerful vampires, who will help her reclaim what was taken from her. Can she look past her biases to see the inner beauty of a betrayer, trust the loyalties of an enemy and entice a warrior who has given up the fight?

  Can Ceyla bring the leaders of the school to their knees, while striking a blow at the Mielcarek Coven before they finally crush her spirit and destroy the men she loves?

  Download for Free!

  Map of Wicked Reform School

  About the Author

  Tabitha Barret is a Multi-Genre Romance author who graduated from Rutgers University with a BA in English. She married the interesting guy from her Creative Writing class and together had two amazing children. They live together in a quiet town in New Jersey with their four rambunctious dogs. To learn more about her other books and to sign up for her newsletter, please visit her website at


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