No Limits: A Taboo Anthology

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No Limits: A Taboo Anthology Page 14

by Elizabeth Knox

  “I could teach you if you’re interested.”

  “Oh no, I don’t think I’d be very good at any of this. And to be honest, it looks a bit scary.”

  “Your apprehension is normal, all you need is trust.” He came up to me and tilted my head up to meet his dark eyes. “Trust is everything.”

  He held my gaze for a moment and then I stepped back, feeling anxious. The only other man who had touched me was Shawn, and I wasn’t used to that type of attention.

  “I’m okay. Truly.”

  He shrugged. “Well if you ever feel enticed, you know where to find me.”

  Eventually we made our way to the bar where I met Trey. He was a bit kinder than Micah, less domineering and pushy. His tattoos ran across his entire chest and arms, he wore no shirt, black jeans with chains attached, and a black fedora that covered his shoulder length blonde hair. His eyes were kind and his voice soft.

  “Take care of her Trey and teach her properly. Mistress will be around later to assess what she’s learned.”

  At the sound of Alondrea’s title, Trey’s eyes lit up, and I realized he was what was considered to be a submissive. As soon as Micah walked away, he leaned into me.

  “How are you doing, sweetheart? You okay?” He had a smooth English accent, low and seductive.


  “Yeah, I know, love. It’s a lot to take in. Just take it one day at a time.”

  My eyes kept staring out onto the floor, taking in the sights and sounds. There was a woman on the stage moaning from the flogging she was receiving. Another woman off the stage was being wrapped in intricate braids of rope that aligned her body delicately. The man binding her, stepping back to admire his work. Moans and shouts echoed all around me and for a moment, I grew dizzy.

  Trey sat me down for a moment and handed me a shot of brandy. “Drink up.”

  I stared at him as I downed the hot liquor, coughing as it burnt my throat.

  “Good girl.” He stared at me for a moment and smiled. “You ever bartend before?”


  “Well then, I guess you’ll learn from the best.” He winked at me and we got right down to learning basics. By the time the night was over I was able to make several simple drinks and had memorized the names of the different whiskeys. We were to use jiggers, everyone was to be carded, every night I was to learn different signature drink, and there were absolutely no Happy Hours.

  He handed me a book from behind the bar and patted it. “This is your bible, study it, learn it and you’ll be a pro in no time.”

  This was what I’d set out to do, be my own person, find my own path. I needed to do this for myself, and Edge was a good a place as any to start.

  Chapter Three


  Three weeks later…

  It had been easy to find her, a little too easy, and that worried me. She wasn’t very good at covering her tracks, then again, I couldn’t blame her, she’d never done this before. She’d taken the train three towns over and as soon as I arrived I knew this town wasn’t going to be an easy one to sneak around in. It was one of those places where everyone knew everyone else, and if there was a stranger among them, you’d be the talk of the town the next day. This could either work to me advantage, or against it.

  The first week I was there I took to surveilling the place. I tried to make myself a part of them as much as I could. It wasn’t until the third night that I came across an interesting sight. Men and women drifted in and out of a structure located in the outskirts of town. Curious, I made my way towards the back of the building and noticed the club name on the side. A couple went in front of me and I took note of everything asked. The rules, the invitation only that was given to each individual. Hiding in the shadows I noticed everyone had a different password, a different code name.

  There was definitely an appeal to the place. It was hidden among the warehouses at the edge of town. An ordinary façade to the dark delicacies that occurred within the confines of the empty building. I wasn’t afraid, I’d been a part of these playrooms before. I had my own fetishes I dealt with and Edge seemed to entice the dominant side of me to come out and play.

  My gut feeling told me to wait. So, I parked my car in a place where I had full sight of who was coming in and out. Sure enough, at around four in the morning, a group of people came out. In between them, stood my target. She was pretty, even in the dim streetlight. Looking ever so innocent. I followed her home that night and discovered that she was living with a woman named Alondrea, whom I would later find out was the head Mistress at Edge.

  She’d been set up nicely with her own little room in the basement, hidden from eyesight. I made it a point to go in the following night while no one was home, and I went to work on setting up cameras and mics around the small apartment. I needed to know everything. Where she went, what she liked, who she trusted. I needed to know, so that I could find a way to get close.

  Searching the dark net, I found exactly what I was looking for, and it was fairly easily. The invitation that I needed to get in cost three thousand dollars. There were accesses to playrooms or nights with particular masters or mistress’ that I could buy for nearly ten grand, but all I needed was an in. Using Shane’s and putting to good use was only fair.

  The first night I arrived, I immediately spotted her at the bar. She looked so at ease serving drinks and laughing with the patrons. She looked like she belonged. She’d been smart hiding here. I don’t think her husband would think twice to look for her here among the whips, chains, and all that latex.

  Those first few days I kept my distance, but I couldn’t do that anymore. The more I watched her, the more I wanted her. She was a sweet, innocent thing. Right away I knew the girl had been through an excess of pain. It emanated in her sorrow filled eyes. Every now and then she’d bite her lip and duck her head, as if a wave of pain had suddenly risen and she was battling it down deep. In a way, she reminded me of me. Keeping dark things hidden away so that no one could find our demons.

  But there was an ominous threat on her head, and if I didn’t deliver he’d probably hire another man. One less sympathetic to her pain and willing to do anything for money. Somehow, she’d gotten to me, she’d broken through my barriers and here I was, yearning to have her beneath me.

  I wanted her trust.

  I wanted to protect her.

  I wanted her submittal.

  I took a shot of whiskey and stared at her, her long blond hair curled at the ends, encircling her small breasts. Her outfit did nothing to conceal her curves. She’d filled out nicely in the last few weeks, her cheeks were rosy, her laughter genuine, and her light blue eyes, that matched my own, glimmered with happiness. She was untroubled tonight, and I’d bet it was the first time in a long time she had experienced this type of peace. When she smiled the whole damn room lit up. As I watched her, the thought of how much of a damn perv I was for wanting such an innocent thing entered my mind. I knew I didn’t deserve her, yet in a way, I didn’t care. Life had never been fair to me, so why not take this opportunity to defy it and take what I wanted anyway.

  The last few nights she’d been working with another bartender and the fucker had his hands all over her. He was young, a more appropriate age at twenty-three compared to my thirty-four years, but it still boiled my blood. No one had a right to touch her except for me.

  I don’t know when I became so possessive of her. Fuck, probably from the first moment I saw her in that photograph, the one I now kept tucked in my back pocket. I didn’t hide the fact that I wanted her. On the contrary, I blatantly expressed my obsession. Any man that came near her I placed a threat over his head, and it already became known among other Doms that I’d staked my claim. I just needed to make it official.

  She had also become aware of it. I could tell by the way her hands trembled when I was near, and by the hitch in her breath when I ordered a drink. Every now and then her eyes would wander over to me, and she’d blush a bright pink that
illuminated her face. My cock liked that crimson that painted her cheeks, it liked it a lot.

  She was a curious little girl. Her eyes wandering to the stages lining the length of the club. Her eyes would glimmer as Doms paddled their subs and as subs screamed in pleasure while being flogged. She especially liked to watch the knife play. Oh yes, she liked the dark edginess of it all. The way a knife glimmered on the skin, the way it ripped through lace and latex, she’d bite her lip and squeeze her thighs as subs came while being fucked at the handle of a well sharpened knife.

  Fuck, it was the hottest thing to watch as she squirmed in the dark shadows, knowing if I could, I would make her cum with just one sweep of my thumb on her clit as she watched those women quiver up on stage. You can call me a sadistic fuck, but I never said I was going to be the good guy. She clearly needed a bad man in her life, one that was evil enough to put any fucker down that tried to lay a finger on her again.

  That’s why I was here, this is where I was meant to be, where my fate had finally led me. She was my salvation, and she’d soon find out that I was hers.

  Her hips swung left and right, holding me in a mesmerizing stupor, as she sauntered over to me. “Is there anything else I can get you, Sir?”

  That simple word dripped off her tongue so innocently, and I wanted her on her knees before me, her big eyes looking up at me as she begged her Sir for his cock.

  Coming out of my illicit daydreams, I nodded. “Another whiskey, baby girl.”

  She gave me a smile, her cheeks glowing pink as she poured another shot for me.

  “You workin’ late tonight, baby girl?”

  She bit her lip and shook her head. She enjoyed that naughty little term I had for her. “Not tonight. My shift ends in a few minutes.”

  I already knew this, because I had memorized every detail of her schedule, of her daily and nightly routines, right up to the minute, the damn second. I was planning to pull her away tonight. To plunge my tongue deep in her pussy and make her moan my name tonight. But before I could, I needed to get her alone.

  “I’ve been meaning to ask how a pretty thing like yourself got caught up in such a place?”

  “Is that why you keep staring at me?” She smiled, teasingly.

  I swirled the liquid in my glass and took a long sip of it. “I keep staring at you because I want every goddamn person in here to know you’re mine.”

  Her eyes grew wide and her lips parted. I knew no man had ever talked to her in this way and I was perversely honored to be the first.

  “I don’t belong to anyone…”

  “Yet. You don’t belong to anyone, yet,” I whispered huskily. “How would you like a taste of the sin this place has to offer?”

  She bit her lip and stared across the room to where a couple was writhing, and the sounds of sex echoed through the club. She was curious, and I knew all I had to do was play on that curiosity. That, and make sure she knew she was safe with me.

  “You can call me Eric, baby girl, or Sir. Whichever you prefer.”

  “Aracely,” she breathed, and my dick stirred to life.

  “Such a pretty thing. I can tell I’ve peaked your curiosity and I can promise I won’t hurt you. I’ll only go as far as you want me to.”

  She bit down on her lip once again and then her eyes met mine. “How do I know I can trust you?”

  “Because, baby girl, I’m the only one in this world you can trust.”

  Chapter Four


  The man before me was offering something I just simply couldn’t deny myself. I’d been working at Edge for nearly a month, and seeing all those tantalizing acts around me, it was inevitable not to be a little curious… and aroused. I’d been wanting to play from the moment I stepped foot into the club, I just didn’t know how to even start to enter this world.

  Edge wasn’t a place for games, this was a lifestyle. A relationship of give and take, where both partners were willing to participate. The scenes that I’d witnessed had awoken something dormant in me, something so deep and carnal I didn’t think it could be possible to want it so badly. At first, I thought that Shane had done a number on me. That he’d destroyed me for anyone, forever. But slowly, after speaking with Dara and getting a notion of what this life was about, I realized this was who I was and where I belonged.

  Now this man, Eric, he was offering something I wasn’t sure I could handle. Not after everything that had happened in my life. I noticed him a couple weeks ago, he’d been hanging around the bar, not really participating in the scenes. He simply sat here, ordered his drinks, and stared at me. At first, I thought he was a creep, but then I realized there was more to him being here. He seemed to have a purpose as he sat perched night after night at the bar, as if he were looking for someone. I watched as women draped themselves along his side, and one by one they were turned away. He definitely wasn’t discreet, he had a blatant disregard to everyone around him. Everyone, but me.

  I’m not going to lie, I enjoyed his attention. He was electrifying. He was tall, broad shouldered, and held a powerful build. He always wore the same leather jacket, his hair looked disheveled, and he had this stoic look on his face. His expression was harsh, unfriendly, a warning in his glare to back off. But when his eyes met mine, his expression would soften, and his eyes would turn this bright blue, completely disarming me. There were times I couldn’t help but steal glances at him. Everything in my body shouted a warning to stay away, but for some reason I wasn’t listening.

  “I don’t trust easily,” I whispered.

  “I’ll teach you.” He lifted a strand of my hair and curled it around his index finger. The gentle motion made me feel light-headed. “I promise, by the time tonight comes to an end, you’ll trust me completely.”

  The earnest tone in his voice gave me chills, yet somehow, I knew he was telling the truth. There was no way I’d be able to leave. My instincts told me to run, but my body was begging to give in.

  “Come,” his hand hovered in front of me, and I looked back at Trey who had been watching us the entire time.

  “Are you alright, love?” Trey took a step closer and I knew that if I wanted to escape this man, I could just run to Trey. I could ask him for help, for protection. But instead, I nodded.

  “I’ll see you tomorrow,” I breathed.

  His eyes dropped, and his shoulders slumped as he turned away from me. I knew I had just broken his spirit, but he wasn’t the one I wanted. He couldn’t do to me what this man offered, that much I knew.

  Taking his hand, I let him lead me across the large expanse of the club. Cages hung from the ceiling with kittens purring for their masters. We past one stage and then the next, each filled with erotic scenes, a woman screamed as her master ran an electrical current down her back. It seemed the louder she screamed, the harder he became. An array of moans surrounded us, the sounds of leather slapping against skin, floggers whipping in the air, a shout of pain followed by a moan of pleasure. Everything in this place was meant to arouse the senses.

  I focused on the feel of his hand around mine, his warmth and strength. I liked the way it felt, the tingle that he brought forth when he slid his fingers through my own. In a way, his touch eased away my anxiety and gave me a sense of certainty that this is what I wanted, and he was the one I wanted to do it with.

  He looked at me over his shoulder, a look of hunger penetrating his gaze. That look made me shiver with a mixture of need and fear of the unknown. What was he going to do to me? Would he hurt me? Would I moan in pleasure? Would he care for me? God, did I yearn for someone to care for me. Even if it was just for a brief moment. He squeezed my hand in reassurance and although he seemed kind, he garnered secrets, dark secrets, one of which he was about to reveal to me.

  What the hell am I doing?

  This man was a stranger. A man with specific sexual tastes that could break me. Tastes I’d never in the world thought I would ever want to indulge in. I stared at his hand, focused on his touch. It had been s
o long since I was touched so warmly. So long since I’d felt the heat of another against my skin.

  My body could only remember the beatings given to me by Shane. Every now and then, if I was lucky, instead of a beating I’d get violated instead. The act had become so normal to me, that he’d conditioned me to wait for him, like his “good little girl.” As soon as he’d walked through the door I was expected to be bent over the kitchen table. At times he would simply spank me without a word, leaving me bruised and battered on the floor. Other times, he’d come in, raise my skirt, and stick his dick into me without any warning. Three minutes, that’s all he ever lasted. And I’d grit my teeth from the pain of his girth entering me while dry, the friction was brutal as he got his kicks off.

  It was obvious he enjoyed hurting me, my whimpers of pain turning him on. And if I yelled out of shock, he’d cum instantly. After he was done, he’d zip up, slap me on the ass, and leave me there. It was one of the rare moments of peace I had as I’d hear his heavy footsteps head up to the bedroom. Within minutes he was on his back snoring. That’s when I’d lock myself in the bathroom, the painful throb between my legs reminding me of my brutal reality. I had been smart enough to have gotten myself on the pill, I didn’t want to bring a baby into that horrid world. And as I would sink into the hot bath, I’d softly cry as the water would soothe my sore body.

  Since I’d left him, I wanted to feel something more. I wasn’t sure what it was, but I wanted to forget. Being a part of Edge was my first step into healing. I realized that not all men were like Shane. Not all men abused, not all men got their kicks off by harming you. There were ways around it, and they cared for their women. As much as the scenes around me aroused me, what interested me were the relationships. I was curious at how such brutal scenes could be played out with such love. Both women and men fully trusted their Dominants and Mistresses. To feel that trust for someone, to give in like that. They were spanked, flogged, broken, yet they loved one another unconditionally. I watched enviously at how delicate the masters were with their subs, especially after a scene. How they held them, protected them. And I wondered if that could be possible. I wanted to know what it would feel like to be held in that way. To be cherished.


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