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Starbeam Page 24

by Adrienne Woods

  Issy laughed. “Because the Lord made us extra special.”

  “What is bothering you, Katie?” Maggy said. “Is it what I told you last night?”

  “No,” I sang. “It’s what he told me this morning.”

  “What did he say?”

  I shook my head. “It’s nothing, forget it.”

  Silence lingered as we kept doing the dishes.

  Connie ran into the kitchen. “You come with me.” She grabbed my arm.

  “I’m busy, Connie.” I laughed at her excitement.

  “They can handle it.”

  “You sure?”

  “Go,” Maggy pushed me out of the kitchen. “You better call us Connie.” Maggy yelled after me.

  “I promise.” She sang.

  “Call them for what?”

  “Just come, you’ll see.”

  She led me to her room and I gasped as I saw a beautiful long white dress on the bed.

  “Isn’t it beautiful? I know it’s not your regular wedding dress, but you look beautiful in anything.”

  “It’s perfect Connie, thank you.”

  “It’s the least I could do. I haven’t seen him this happy in like forever.” Tears welled up in her eyes.

  “I’m sorry.”

  “Don’t be. He deserves all the happiness in the world, and you are it Katherine Squires. Just fight for him and with him otherwise he will drive you up the walls.”

  I laughed and she laughed too.

  “Go on. Go try it on.”

  She closed the doors and helped me with my clothes.

  I put on the dress and it was really something beautiful.

  “We can pull up your hair and let a few of your natural curls loose. You are going to be so pretty, Katie.”

  My lower lip started to quiver and Connie hugged me.

  “Hey what is it?”

  “It’s stupid. I’m being silly, that is all.”

  “No, tell me.”

  I sighed and looked at her. “It’s amazing Constance. You are so not what I thought you were.”

  “Stop it. We hardly knew each other, of course assumptions are going to be made.”

  “It’s not that. I always imagined my dad walking me down the aisle. He can’t. Or my mom to be here at least, she isn’t. It’s so not what I expected.”

  She looked at me with soft eyes. She was really so beautiful. “It’s going to be okay, I promise.”

  I nodded. She let me go from her hug and wiped my tears softly.

  “Everything is going to be perfect.”

  I smiled at her as the door opened.

  “Oh Katie,” Maggy said and hugged me tight. “You are going to take their breath away tomorrow.”

  “Oh shush.”

  She laughed and gave me a hug. “Tomorrow you are going to be a princess.”

  I laughed in her shoulder. “Who would have thought, hey.”

  “You deserve every bit of it, Katie.” She touched my face.

  “You do too. The two queens that came from Eikenborough.”

  Everyone laughed.

  “That is Albert for you.” Connie said and we laughed harder.

  I sure was the luckiest woman in Paegeia.

  * * *


  Helmut found me that night under the tree. I hadn’t left the spot since Goran told me that he couldn’t be here.

  “Hey, everyone has been looking for you.” Helmut said and froze when he saw my face. My emotions.

  “What happened Al? Is it Katie?”

  “No,” I put his heart at ease. “It’s your twin.” I spoke softly.

  He sighed. “He’ll be fine.”

  “No, he won’t. He left. He can’t be here for tomorrow’s wedding.”


  “He made it clear Helmut. He’s not going to be here. Me marrying her is breaking his heart.”

  “You not marrying her will break yours. He knows that, Al.”

  “I’m going to lose his friendship.”

  “You won’t. Goran will get over it.”

  “She called him special, Helmut. She found out about what he can do and she called it special. She wasn’t repelled, she accepted him like we accepted him. He’s not going to get over that.”

  Helmut closed his eyes. “You can’t give her up to him, Albert. You love her too much.”

  “She loves him too.” I sighed.

  “Not like that.”

  “You don’t know that. What if I pushed her into this. What if she wakes up the day after tomorrow and the spark is gone. What then. If I’m not the one for her, I will never forgive myself for this.”

  Helmut closed his eyes again. “She loves you, Al. I’ve seen the two of you together. Don’t do this. She chose you.”

  “She chose me because he didn’t ask her.”

  “Then what do you want to do. Hunt my brother down, make him ask her to choose and what, Al, what then?”

  “I don’t know. It’s not just my choice, Helmut.”

  “And if she chooses Goran, what then.”

  “I don’t know.” I felt like breaking. “I’ll deal with it.”

  “No, you always deal, you always give him his way, Al.”

  “He has had a bad life, he deserves to be happy.”

  “It’s not just your choice. She chose you.”

  “You don’t know that.” I walked past him. I needed to ask her for Goran’s sake and if she hesitates and tells me that is who she wants then I will get Zeba to find him and tell him the truth. I would let her go because I love her that damn much.

  “Have you seen Katie?” I asked Emanual.

  “She was here a minute ago. Have you tried her treehouse?”

  “Thank you.” I walked to her treehouse and climbed up the steps.

  Maggy’s face appeared in the doorway.

  “Go away, you can’t see her.”

  “I need to speak to her. It’s urgent, please.”

  Maggy’s smile disappeared and looked into the treehouse

  “It’s fine. I don’t believe in that anyway,” Katherine’s voice came and I climbed back down.

  I waited for her at the bottom.

  “Where were you today?” She asked and when I looked at her, she too saw something was wrong.

  “We need to talk in private.”

  She nodded and followed me.

  When her hand touched mine and she lay with her head on my shoulder as we walked side by side to the lake, my heart stopped beating so frantically.

  “You are scaring me, why do we need to talk?”

  “It’s important Katie.”

  “Okay,” she sounded sullen.

  I took her not too far from the campsite.

  “What is it Albert?” she asked me.

  I kept quiet not knowing how to ask this question.

  “You don’t want to marry me?” She asked and my gaze snapped at her.

  Her eyes glistened with tears.

  I pulled her into my chest. “Don’t think that. I told you that I have wanted to marry you since the first day I saw you.”

  “Then what is it, you are scaring me.”

  “I was a coward Katherine.” I spoke against her head.

  “In what way.”

  “I pretended not to see certain things and I need you to be honest with me.”

  She nodded.

  “Do you want to marry me?”

  She pulled out of my grasp and looked at me confused. “Why are you asking me that.”

  “Just answer my question. Do you want to marry me or do you want to be with Goran?”

  She grunted. “He told you didn’t he.”

  I squinted. “Told me what?”

  “About what happened at the lake. I would’ve told you but I couldn’t find you.”

  “What happened at the lake?” I asked.

  “So he didn’t tell you.”

  “No, we had words but I need to know. Do you feel that I pressured you into this? Do you want to ma
rry me or do you want to be with Goran?”

  “No, I don't want to be with Goran. I love him but not like that, Albert. Why are you asking me this?”

  “Because he didn’t ask you. I don’t want you to regret marrying me tomorrow.”

  “He did ask me.”


  “At the lake this morning. He asked, and I said ‘no’.”

  “You did?”

  “I want to marry you.” She yelled at me.

  I just grabbed and hugged her. “You want to marry me.”

  “You are such an idiot, yes.” She spoke against my chest. “Stop scaring me like this.”

  “I’m sorry. Now what happened at the lake this morning?” I pulled her away to look at her and she looked at the ground. “Katherine, what happened.”

  “He kissed me. It meant nothing. I swear. I told him to never do that again.”

  “He kissed you.”

  She nodded.

  I grunted.

  “I’m sorry. It feels wrong of me to mess up whatever you guys had.”

  “No, I was wrong. Connie is right.”

  “About what.”

  “He always wants what I have and he always gets it too.”

  “Albert, I want to be with you. He will learn the hard way that he is not always going to get what he wants.”

  I looked at her.

  “Just for the sake of argument, what would you have done if I chose Goran?”

  “Let you go.” It barely came out.

  She grabbed and kissed me fiercely. I kissed her back and our kiss broke. Our heads resting softly against one another, breathing hard.

  “Sorry,” she said.

  “I’m not complaining.”

  “You would’ve set me free.”

  “I love you that much Katherine.”

  She smiled. “Don’t ever ask me that again.”

  “Okay, I won’t.” I said and our lips touched each other softly.

  I couldn’t wait for tomorrow.

  Chapter 26


  * * *

  The next morning Issy and Maggy helped me to get ready.

  It was a beautiful day. I was nervous as hell as they put the dress on me.

  Connie was nowhere to be found and I was really worried about that.

  “Where is Constance?”

  “She is just running an errand. She will be here soon, now relax.”

  I was afraid that maybe she wasn't going to be here.

  Albert told me that Goran wouldn’t be here. I knew he liked me but I never thought it was like that.

  But I had made my choice and I wasn’t regretting it one bit.

  I wanted Albert.

  The dress was stunning. It covered my arms and neck and it was made of a beautiful soft fabric with lace.

  I don’t know where Constance got it from, but it was perfect.

  Maggy helped with my hair just the way Constance said she would do.

  She put a small flower crown on my head, weaved just like the bouquet of wildflowers were.

  “It’s stunning Maggy, thank you.”

  “For you anything, Katie. I can’t believe you are marrying a prince.”

  I smiled.

  The door opened and Maggy’s eyes rose. It was probably Albert.

  “I told you I don’t believe…” I turned around and was staring straight at my mother.

  “Katie,” my mother said and came hugging me tight.

  “What are you doing here?”

  “You are alive.” She kissed me all over my face.

  “Mom!” I made her stop. “Constance didn’t tell you.”

  “She told me that she needed my assistance. I thought it was to help with a sick patient of hers. She didn’t tell me any of this.”

  “I’m alive.”

  She hugged me again as tears rolled down her face.

  “Oh you look so beautiful. What is the occasion?”

  “You didn’t tell her.” Maggy yelled.

  “I didn’t have time.” Connie yelled back.

  I closed my eyes.

  “What is going on here.”

  “I’m getting married, Mom.”

  She gasped and smiled. “You are, to whom?”

  I smiled. It was my mother’s biggest dream for me to find someone that would marry me. She was so worried that I wouldn’t.

  “I think you need to sit down for this one.” I led her to the bed.

  I looked at Connie. “She knows that she can’t leave right.”

  “Oh that part I did tell her. I made arrangements for your brother and sisters.”

  I closed my eyes.

  “I’m so sorry sweetheart.”

  “It’s okay, Mom. I’m sorry.”

  “No Katie if you were there, I might have lost you too.” She touched my face. “You are so beautiful sweetheart.”

  “Mom,” I smiled. “You need to tell him what is going on because it might take longer than we expected.”

  “Fine, I’ll go tell him.” Connie said and left.

  “She is a remarkable dragon.”

  “I know she is. She was going to heal daddy. How did he die?”

  “The flem got too much. He worried about you all the time.”

  “I didn’t want him too. I had to do it mother. He wasn’t fit to fight another war.”

  “He wasn’t fit to do anything, Katie.” She smiled. “It’s not your fault that he died, sweetheart.”

  I nodded.

  “So, who are you marrying,” my mother dabbed a stray tear strolling down my cheek.

  “A ghost.”

  My mother frowned and Maggy started to laugh.

  “A ghost.”

  “Please don’t freak out.” I said.

  “Why would I panic?”

  “Okay, I started off by fighting for King Louis’ army, but I’m not anymore.”

  “Suits you right, war isn’t for ladies Katie.”

  “Mama, we both know I’m far from one.” I made my voice stern.

  “You are going to be one pretty soon. You can’t go fighting with swords and what knots.”

  “A bow and arrow and I’m pretty good at it.”

  “I’m blaming your father. Let his soul rest in peace but it’s all his damn fault.”

  I bit my tongue not to laugh.

  “I’m fighting in this war, I’ll be okay.”

  “Katie, please.”

  “Mom, I have a role to play. I know you don’t like it but I’m no damsel in distress.”

  “Oh no, she is just going to be a princess.”

  I gasped. “Maggy.”

  “A princess.”

  Maggy laughed. “It’s your mother, Katherine, there is no easing into things with her.”

  “A princess.” My mother asked again more stern this time. “Katherine what is going on?”

  “They didn’t die, okay.”

  “Who didn’t die.”

  “The Princes of Paegeia didn’t die.”

  “Then where the hell are they.”


  She frowned.

  “In the rebellion.”

  Her eyes rose. “What.”

  “Mom, calm down. It’s not what you think. The rebellion isn’t the Chromatic dragons and the rebellion didn’t attack Eikenborough. I promise. It was the Chromatics did. They want all people gone. This war is complicated and was bound to happen. I’ll explain it to you later and you will understand, but you are safe here, you have my word.

  “Do the kings know about their children?”

  “Mom, they are fighting against their fathers. What don’t you understand about the rebellion?”

  “Oh those, those…”

  “Be careful what you say. One of them is about to become my husband.”

  My mother froze as her gaze snapped at me.

  I smiled.


  I nodded. “It was real for both of us that night Mama.” Tears welled up in m
y eyes.

  “Oh Katie.” She hugged me tight. “And he doesn’t care that you are from Eikenborough.”

  “No, he doesn’t care.”

  A knock came at the door.

  “Is that him? He can’t see you.”

  “Calm down. I don’t believe in that superstition.”

  Maggy opened the door and peeked outside. “You are not allowed to see her.”

  “Marguerite, that is the crown prince.” Mama scolded softly.

  Al laughed.

  “He’s an idiot.” Maggy looked at my mother and back at Albert. “Go back.”

  “Manners.” My mother almost had a heart attack and pushed Maggy out of the way.

  “Oh my,” she said. “You are handsome.” She looked at me. “You really look so beautiful sweetheart.” She stepped out and both Maggy and I laughed as the door closed.

  “Now I see where you get everything from Katie.” Issy said. She hadn’t said a single word since my mother came into the room.

  “I hope she is okay.”

  “She’ll be fine. I think you are ready and it’s time.”

  I smiled.

  Constance came back in and I hugged her tightly.

  “Oh,” Connie said from shocked.

  “Thank you, Connie.”

  “I told you it would be perfect, didn’t I.”

  “You did.”

  She pushed me away. “Now dry those tears and go marry the prince of every girl’s heart.”

  I laughed and nodded.

  The door opened and Connie led the way.

  My mother waited for me by the door.

  She touched my hair and smiled at me. “I was so wrong about that night. I should’ve never told you that sweetheart.”

  “It’s okay, Mama.” I said as the time came for her to walk me to where Albert stood.

  There was flute music but that was about it. Nothing fancy as it was a forest wedding.

  Albert didn’t even look like a prince but he was one through and through. Like Connie said, the prince of everyone’s heart. My heart.

  He took my hand and smiled softly at my mother after she kissed me.

  The priest carried on with a small ceremony and then we exchanged our vows.

  My mom gave me my dad’s ring and he gave me a ring that I did not know where he had gotten it from.

  “It’s a loaner, but I promise to give you your own when all this mess is over.”

  I smiled as tears filled my eyes. “It’s perfect.”

  We exchanged rings and then the priest finally said that we were husband and wife and that Albert should kiss his bride.


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