Misters & Mochas (High School Clowns & Coffee Grounds Book 2)

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Misters & Mochas (High School Clowns & Coffee Grounds Book 2) Page 20

by A. J. Macey

  Jesse laughed, letting it go as he tucked himself away in his pants.

  “Alright, alright. I’ll continue to read to you,” he agreed with open arms, but once I settled in, he whispered, “But don’t think I won’t take the first chance I get, Em.”



  January 23rd

  I did it once, I can do it again! Go me!

  #PracticeACT #IDidIt #ThanksJesse #ThankfulThursday

  Nerves rattling, my eyes darted around the hall as I made my way to Ms. Rogers’ office, worried I would run into Brad again. Thankfully, he was nowhere to be seen, but much to my surprise, Ms. Rogers was waiting outside the office door for me.

  “I wanted to make sure what happened last time didn’t happen again,” she explained, reading the confusion on my face. “Come on in, Emma, I have your practice ACT results.”

  “And?” I asked as she opened her door, sinking into my usual seat.

  “You got a thirty,” she said.

  Holy crap!

  “Are you serious?” I breathed, my jaw dropping, unable to believe my score. She nodded excitedly. “Now, I just have to do that during the actual test,” I explained.

  “I have you scheduled for this Saturday, January twenty-fifth; is that still good?” she asked, looking through her notes. “That way, we have one, possibly two more chances to make the cutoff date.” My mouth dried up. “Emma? Are you alright?”

  “Uh,” I stuttered, “yeah, that’s just two days before I have to testify for Jesse’s court case.”

  “Do you want to reschedule? I don’t want you to be too overwhelmed. I know you wanted to have a cushion between the official test and the deadline for the universities.”

  “No, I’ll do it, I’ll just do some extra studying that week beforehand to help. Maybe some extra relaxation meditations or something,” I explained softly, taking a deep breath to calm my racing thoughts.

  “Do you want to talk about it? You don’t have to, but you’re more than welcome to have this be a safe place for you,” Ms. Rogers offered with a soft smile.

  I went back and forth, the worries weighing on my mind starting to overwhelm me, and I didn’t have much of anyone to talk to. Well, I had my friends and Kingston’s parents, but no one who was a neutral third-party, not necessarily already involved in everything going on.

  “Uh, Brad tried to force himself on me at a party,” I mumbled, my eyes glued to the fake wood tabletop, “and Jesse saved me, but he ended up beating the heck out of him, so Brad’s family is pressing assault charges. Wanting to have him charged as an adult and send him to jail. Prison. I don’t really get the difference,” I rambled. “But yeah, that’s really it. Kingston’s dad, who’s Jesse’s lawyer, and mine too, I guess, wants to charge Brad with attempted sexual assault.”

  “Oh, Emma, I’m so sorry. I knew the gist since the school has to be informed about anything with the students who are minors and facing legal trouble,” she explained. “I have a question. Do you feel safe here in the school?” she questioned, worried. I shrugged, swallowing the lump in my throat.

  “As long as Brad stays away from me or I’m surrounded by my friends and uh, boyfriends,” I coughed the end, not wanting to see the judgment in her eyes, but all I saw was a small head tilt with a scrunched brow. Sighing, the rest of the explanation came tumbling out, “I’m dating Reid, Jesse, and Kingston, so whenever I’m with them, I feel okay. When I’m not—which isn’t often—I don’t feel safe. It’s like I just know when he’s nearby, and I can feel his creepy gaze on me.” I shuddered, feeling the sliver of ice trail down my spine causing me to shiver.

  “Here, how about we do this. We can look at his schedule and compare it to yours, then figure out ways you can go to class and avoid seeing him. I’ll discuss with the Principal about having him specifically stay away from certain areas at certain times. How does that sound? Try to eliminate the number of times you see him throughout the day,” she stated, pulling out a school map and quickly digging through one of the drawers in her filing cabinet until she had two pieces of paper.

  By the time our meeting was over, I felt better about telling Ms. Rogers what happened. The worried voice in my head was silenced, knowing I had someone on the faculty who would look out for me here at school.

  Now to get through the next couple of weeks.

  I can totally do this.

  I think.

  January 24th

  Just read a few facts about frogs… they were ribbiting lol

  #lol #RibbitRibbit #FunnyFriday

  “Hey, Cali girl,” Reid murmured, nudging me as we went through the line. “What are you doing tonight?”

  “As of right now? Nothing, why?” I glanced at him with a narrowed gaze, knowing he was up to something based on the twitch in his lips. He had just opened his mouth as we walked to the table when Mr. Derosa stepped in front of us.

  “Miss Clark, Mr. Hughes,” he practically sneered, glancing between the two of us with disdain. “I thought you were supposed to be staying at least a certain distance from Mr. Warland?” I felt my face pale, my stomach dropping as he made his statement loud enough for the tables around us to hear him. “Yet here you are, not doing that. Is that because you think only he should be required to stay away from you?”

  “What Ms. Rogers and I discussed was something private,” I ground out, rage burning my throat as I controlled the urge to both yell and throw up at the increasing number of eyes I felt on us.

  “It’s also the only place we’re allowed to eat lunch in the school,” Reid countered loudly. “If you would give us other options, such as the hallway, outside, or go out to eat lunch, maybe Emma wouldn’t have to see her attempted rapist at lunch every fucking day.”

  “That’s enough, Mr. Hughes! To my office, now. As for you, Miss Clark, I suggest you stay out of trouble,” Mr. Derosa bit out before marching Reid, who had dropped his tray on a random table, forcefully to his office. I stood frozen, nearly the entire cafeteria staring at me, whispers floating through the crowd as I started to tremble.

  “Come on, Emma.” Zoey and Aubrey appeared right as Kingston and Jesse showed up in front of us. “Let’s go.” They hooked their arms through mine, propelling me forward until I was seated between Kingston and Jesse at our usual table. With a quick hug and murmured reassurances, Aubs and Zo headed back to their own table.

  “How? How is he able to treat me and Reid like that?” I hissed, absently waving a head in the direction the assistant principal and my boyfriend went. “That’s confidential shit he just decided to yell around the room, and if a teacher or faculty member did that back in Cali, they’d be fired.”

  “That’s how they are here, Em,” Jesse murmured with a shrug. “The school and the ones in charge care more about their rep to the public and government than their students.” Kingston stayed silent, his worried gaze focused on me as he reached across the table, rubbing circles over the back of my hand as we fell into a tense silence. My eyes were glued to the office door, waiting for Reid to come out, but by the time the bell rang, he had yet to appear.

  “He’ll be alright, Babydoll. He’ll text us when he knows what’s going on.” Kingston continued murmuring reassurances as we walked to trig, but for the rest of the day, I couldn’t focus on anything any of my teachers were saying.

  Hopefully, none of what I missed would be on a test any time soon.

  Reid still hadn’t messaged by the time I was home, and the silence had my anxiety flaring at what punishment he was facing for standing up for me. Probably grounded and his phone taken away, I surmised, trying to calm my worry. Rubbing my eyes, a thud of a headache quickly forming after the terrible day I had, I walked into the house and upstairs for something to drink and discovered the headache was the least of my problems.


  “What the heck?” I asked, my gaze darting between my ex-boyfriend, seated on the couch, and my mom, who had just walked from the kitchen. “Why is he here?”

  “I thought it might be good for you to reconnect with someone from California, back before you were surrounded by bad influences and trouble. Someone I actually approve of,” she explained coolly. My jaw dropped, and my brain refused to process the fact my mom had invited my clingy ex to Nebraska.

  “Why don’t you come sit, Emma?” Tyler tried to catch my attention, his hand patting the seat beside him. My mom smiled at his attempt, but I didn’t move.

  “Well, I’ll leave you two to chat,” my mom said happily, seeming quite proud of herself, but all I felt was appalled.

  “No,” I stated, “I don’t want to reconnect with Tyler. Which I told you multitude times,” I directed at him, before glaring at my mom. “He cheated on me, in case you’re wondering why we broke up in the first place. I would rather be surrounded by my so called ‘bad influences’ of boyfriends than be with someone who disregards my worth. And the fact you did this behind my back when you know I’m dealing with getting ready for ACT and colleges, testifying at Jesse’s trial, and building a case against Brad is... insane,” I stumbled over the end of my rant, unable to formulate a decent response.

  “Emma, I didn’t say you had to date him, but I would rather have you be friends with someone I know I can trust,” my mother countered with a thread of ice in her words.

  “You might be able to trust him, but I can’t. I confided in you at Christmas how everything went when I went back! Did you even hear anything I said, or did it just go in one ear and out the other? Because right now, it seems like all you care about is what you see and what you want. But you know what, Mom? This isn’t your life, it’s mine. When he’s back on a plane to Cali, I’ll come home, but I’m not staying here, knowing you’d completely disregard what I need as your daughter.” For the second time in a month, I turned, darting down the stairs and grabbing my duffel.

  “Emma, wait,” Tyler tried to stop me as I stuffed my bag full of clothes and toiletries.

  I really need to start leaving things at Kingston’s at this rate.

  “No, Tyler.” I yanked my arm back, shouldering my stuff and starting toward the garage. Ignoring what he was trying to say, I pulled out and turned onto the street, my mom standing there on the porch, scowling as I saw Tyler run to the rental car parked on the street. Noticing him following me about halfway to my destination, I dug out my phone and dialed Kingston.

  “Hey, Babydoll, what’s up?” he greeted.

  “I’m on my way, I’m staying again. Unfortunately, this time around, I have a guest who won’t leave me the hell alone,” I ground out, watching him tail me.

  “Wait, what?” I heard Reid bite out in the background.

  “I’m almost there,” I stated simply, hanging up and pulling onto the Kingston’s street. By the time I pulled into the drive next to Reid’s Jeep, my boys were on the porch, watching with narrowed eyes and harsh frowns. It didn’t escape my notice that Stella and Kaleb were watching from the entry hall behind the glass storm door.

  At least I’m not alone dealing with him this time.

  “Emma, wait,” Tyler called out, getting out of the rental car.

  “I don’t want to talk to you, and I don’t have to talk to you, regardless of what my mom says, Tyler. I’m tired of having this same conversation over and over again. You blew your chance at being my friend when you didn’t listen to me,” I exclaimed, walking to the porch.

  “You’re being ridiculous, babe,” he huffed, making me stop in my tracks. I spun to face him and dropped my bag on the ground.

  “How dare you tell me what I feel or what I want is ridiculous. What’s ridiculous is your expectation that I should have to talk to you or give you another chance or that you don’t understand the concept of NO!” I shouted, and his eyes widened, darting between me and the guys on the wooden steps.

  “I only cheated because you were such a prude. You wore all those frilly skirts all the time, and I complimented you about them, and still, nothing. No blow jobs, no giving it up like you should have,” he snapped.

  “That’s enough,” Kaleb barked. “I suggest you get off our property and leave Emma be, or she will be filing a restraining order for harassment.”

  “Emma wouldn’t do that,” Tyler scoffed. “She’s too much of a people pleaser. Isn’t that right, babe? That’s why you have three boyfriends. Although last I knew, you were a timid virgin. Kudos to the guys who could bring out the slut in you.”

  I balked at the crude statement, barely stopping Reid in time before he went after Tyler.

  “You have three seconds,” Stella threatened, holding a phone in her hand, her thumb hovering over the call button. “I don’t believe your parents would appreciate you being arrested, but I have no such qualms.”

  “That’s alright, I don’t want someone’s sloppy seconds,” Tyler sneered, “or thirds or fourths.” With that, he turned and strode away, slamming the car door before peeling out down the street.

  “Fucking ass,” Kingston bit out.

  “Language, son, though I have to agree,” Kaleb reprimanded with a glare at the car that turned out of sight. “You alright, Emma?”

  I took a shuddering breath, nodding. Despite the anger that filled me, I couldn’t help being relieved, knowing this was going to be the last time Tyler spoke to me.


  “Yeah, thanks, Mr. Bell,” I murmured with a grin, waiting for his usual response.

  “One more time,” he chimed with a chuckle. “Now, you’re just doing that on purpose.”

  “Of course, she is. She’s a little troublemaker, fitting in perfectly with these three,” Stella teased with a smile. “Inside now, it’s cold, and I don’t want to deal with any hospital visits for frostbite.”

  We had just stepped inside when I noticed another duffel on the side of the entry hall. Glancing around, I noticed Reid’s red-ringed eyes and tear-tracked face.

  “What’s wrong? What happened?”

  “Uh,” he sniffled, my heart racing as he looked at Stella and Kaleb. “My dad kicked me out. Disowned me for dating you while you’re with King and Jesse. Said he wouldn’t let me live in their house while I was living in sin.”

  “Holy crap,” I breathed, stunned. “What’d your mom say?” Surely she wouldn’t let that happen; she seemed to love her son too much for such extreme measures.

  “Didn’t say anything,” Reid mumbled with a dejected shrug. “Mr. Derosa told them when he called to tell them I had been suspended for three days. Which I guess works since I’m going to the trial on Monday. Don’t want you two to have to tackle that on your own.” He directed his statement to Jesse and me, his forced attempt to smile more of a grimace.

  “Welcome to the Bell household, sweetheart,” Stella rubbed his back. “You’re more than welcome to bunk in the spare room in the basement or up with Kingston.”

  “Thanks, Stella.” Reid gave her a watery smile, and she pulled him into for a tight hug, glancing at Kaleb, who patted him on the back in an attempt to comfort him.

  At least one of us has a decent family.

  I wrapped my arms around Reid when Stella stepped back, pulling Kaleb down the hall to leave us alone.

  “I’m sorry, babe, I didn’t know that would happen,” I whispered, my emotions slowly starting to numb. Too much had happened in recent weeks, and my body couldn’t handle any more. Reid inhaled deeply, trying to keep his crying contained, his stubbled cheek pressing into my neck and shoulder.

  “It’s okay, Cali girl. If they can’t accept what I want in life, I’ll live it with people who love me for who I am and who I choose to be,” he murmured, rubbing my back.

  “Got that right,” Kingston stated proudly. “You’re stuck with us.” The adamant statement made us chuckle, bringing us out of the sullen moment.

  “I wouldn’t have it any other way,” Reid said simply, kissing me passionately before wrapping Kingston and Jesse in a hug. “Now, let’s get some food. I never had lunch, and I’m starving.” As soon as h
is statement left his mouth, my stomach growled loud enough for everyone to chuckle.

  I couldn’t agree more.

  At least, my stomach certainly can’t.

  January 25th

  Stress free? Do I even remember what that feels like?

  #INeedABubbleBath #OrAFaceMask #OrANewIdentity #StressFreeSaturday

  Nerves rattled, my body’s capability to handle all the stress lately was growing thinner and thinner each day, but I left the official ACT, feeling more confident than I had about a test in years.

  Positive thoughts.

  Sinking into the driver’s seat, I carefully drove from the school to Coffee Grounds, ready to start my shift in twenty minutes. I was glad Rick had scheduled me a bit later than usual, giving me enough time, not only to take the test but to change into my uniform beforehand without rushing.

  I had just put my bag and outfit from the morning in the locker, shutting the metal door when Rick knocked on the girls’ locker room door.

  “Emma, when you’re done, can you come into the office?” he called out. His tone didn’t give away anything, but my heart galloped as a lead weight formed in my stomach.

  “Yeah, I’ll be there in just a moment,” I hollered back, taking a deep breath and tying my apron around my waist. Though, depending on what he was about to say, it could be completely useless.

  You’re about to get fired.

  Grinding my teeth, I pushed the negative thought away and left the locker room. I knocked on the door frame, not wanting to walk right into Rick’s office, even though the door was open, and his red hair poked up from behind the desk.

  “Ah, Emma! Perfect timing,” he exclaimed. He didn’t seem like he was about to fire me with his wide, toothy smile, but that didn’t stop the rampant anxiety constricting my chest. “Do you know why I’ve called you in here today?” I shook my head, unable to say anything, my tongue fused to the roof of my mouth. “Ah, I’m surprised my cousin didn’t spoil the surprise.”


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