Free To Love (The Connor Clan Prequel)

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Free To Love (The Connor Clan Prequel) Page 2

by Maggie Mundy

  Marie wiped a tear away hoping Gloria hadn’t noticed.

  Gloria touched her arm.

  “You all right, dear? I sense you and the boys have had a hard time. You work hard, Robert will take care of you. Mind you, mess with us then the whole Connor Clan will come after you.” Gloria laughed. “The family came out from Ireland after the famine, and they’re a tough bunch.”

  It might have been said in jest, but Marie knew it was a warning. It was fair enough. She would state the truth. If they asked them to go, she would deal with it if it happened.

  “When my aunt died, my uncle became drunk and violent. I put the boys in the car and simply drove. I didn’t know what else to do. I’m sorry. I don’t want to bring any trouble to your doorstep. We can leave in the morning.”

  “No one is leaving anywhere.” Robert’s voice came from the doorway behind her. His mother smiled at her. For the first time in hours, Marie relaxed. “So, you stole the car?” Robert crossed his arms, smirking at her.

  She nodded, praying they wouldn’t change their minds in the morning.

  Peter stood behind Robert and said, “I’ll help change the serial numbers.”

  “No, you won’t. But we will go to the cops tomorrow and explain, in case your uncle puts out an all-points bulletin that the car’s been stolen. I’ll find out how much you know about cars though, young man, apart from removing serial numbers.”

  It took so long to go to sleep. The silence was getting to her. She’d grown accustomed to the yelling and arguing over the years. A part of her expected the peace to fall apart at any moment. When the morning came, she shot out of bed, quickly getting dressed. She wanted to help where she could. On the farm the morning started at sunrise, so she was used to early starts.

  Gloria was already in the kitchen, and so was Lara. The toddler sat at the table trying to put yogurt into her mouth with a spoon but missed. Marie sat next to her. There was a small stuffed teddy bear on the table.

  “Hello. I’m Marie. Is that yummy?”

  “Yum. Polly,” she said as she grabbed the teddy bear and tried to feed it.

  “Can I hold Polly while you eat?”

  The next five minutes were spent getting the rest of breakfast into Lara. Then Marie was dragged off to the toddler’s bedroom to see more of her toys. Gloria smiled, so Marie guessed she was doing okay. She loved this little girl already. To lose her mom when she was so small made Marie’s heart ache. Marie would do what she could to make life happy from now on for Polly.

  Gloria came to the door. “Come say goodbye to Daddy. He’s going to work. Marie needs some breakfast, too.”

  Marie followed them back to the kitchen where Peter was eating again. Her brother had hollow legs. These people might change their mind about having them if they thought her brothers would eat them out of house and home.

  “Peter is coming with me to the workshop. Do you plan on seeing your brother today?”

  “I’d like to check on him if you don’t mind, so I can let him know we’re staying here.”

  “You can go while Lara has her nap,” Gloria said.

  Everything was being organized for her, and for now, Marie was quite happy to hand over the responsibility.

  During the morning, she got used to where everything was, plus the routine expected with Lara. Gloria had already talked to Robert, and he was going to offer her the same pay as he would have paid the mysterious Miss Cooper. She just had to convince them during the rest of the week she was everything they needed for Lara. However, if the boys didn’t help around the workshop enough, things could change. Everything would be reassessed in a couple of months.

  She drove into town after lunch while Lara slept. John was sitting in bed and the nurse said he would be able to go home in a day or two, she also said some money would need to be paid if he was to get more medicines before he went home. Marie would deal with that problem when it happened. Maybe they would let her pay it off in instalments.

  John hugged her when she said they had somewhere to live. The boys never said much. However, she was aware they’d seen everything that happened.

  Three days later she picked up John then went to the hospital reception.

  “My brother John Halliday is going home today. I want to pay before we leave, but I was wondering if you’ll be able to take a partial payment, for now?”

  The girl rifled through the papers in front of her, then glanced at her with a bored expression. “It’s been paid.”

  “That can’t be.”

  The invoice was passed over. Marie saw Robert’s signature on the bottom. She would make sure he took the money back in instalments from her paycheck. She was grateful. However, she had pride. He was not like her uncle, but in thinking that she also didn’t want to be indebted to anyone.

  After a quick trip home, she settled John in the main room on the couch, then gave him some pain relief medication. No doubt he would be up and running around again soon.

  Lara came in. She hugged him when she realized he had boo-boos. If they stayed here, she could see the boys becoming very protective of little Lara.

  Gloria was leaving today, so Marie was cooking dinner for the family. She was a good cook and tonight she would win her way into Robert’s home with food.

  The dinner of pot roast was successful, and everyone went back for more.

  She took Lara for her bath while Robert chatted with the boys. She’d only been there a few days, yet everything seemed so right. Another part of her was scared it could all go terribly wrong.

  Had her uncle really let them off the hook this easily?

  Two months later Gloria came to stay again. Marie had scrubbed every surface and been awake since sun up. The food was cooked, plus everybody was in clean clothes.

  Robert came to stand next to her as she poured some coffee. He whispered in her ear, “I know Mom will be impressed. I certainly am.”

  Marie turned, their faces were so close. Did she see more than gratitude in his eyes? She hoped so. As he picked up his mug their hands touched, and he didn’t move away. She could so kiss him right this minute. But he probably wouldn’t want that. He was a respectable man and she was his employee. She’d probably make a fool of herself. This was a good position, and she didn’t want to mess it up imagining things.

  A dish clanked to the floor behind them, the moment now gone. Lara had grabbed a cookie, from the plateful that had landed on the floor. The toddler took a bite out of one as Robert helped Marie pick up the rest.

  “Five-second rule. I won’t tell Mom if you don’t.”

  “I’ll give these to the boys. They have cast iron stomachs. I have some more in the cake tin anyway. I know I’d never be able to keep myself from saying something when your Mom bit into one.”

  “All I know is… they say that food is the way to man’s heart.”

  Did he actually say that?

  Robert winked at her then answered the front door.

  Gloria was swamped with hugs and kisses from Lara. Then she came over and embraced Marie. As they sat and drank tea and ate cookies, Marie noticed Gloria glance around. She seemed pleased.

  “The place looks fantastic.” She smiled. “You’ve been here for three months. Tell me… how many days has Robert given you off?”

  Robert stared at his feet, sheepishly. Marie hadn’t had a single day off, but she didn’t mind. It was hard work, but with that said she also loved it. For the first time in her life, she belonged and felt needed. No, they all belonged.

  “I can see from the look on his face you haven’t. Well, the boys and I are going to look after Lara. Robert, you’re going to take this young lady out for the day to the coast. I don’t want to see either of you until after dinner.”

  As she settled in the front of Robert’s pick-up, Marie decided she should give him a way out of the situation he was being railroaded into. “You can drop me off in town. I can go shopping if you want, you don’t have to give up your day off.”

We both know my mother would kill me. The truth is I’d be honored if you’ll spend the day with me. There’s a little place I know on the coast where we can walk on the beach, maybe even have lunch. If you want to be on your own though, just say.”

  “I’d like very much to spend the day with you.”

  Did she sound too eager? She didn’t care.

  He drove, and they chatted about the house, the boys, and Lara. She wanted the conversation to turn to the two of them. For Robert to say he had been waiting for this moment alone with her so he could say how much he cared. He didn’t and she was being foolish. For one day, she just wanted to pretend they were a couple even if it was only in her imagination.

  An hour and a half later he pulled into a small seaside town of Canon Beach. A sigh escaped her at the beauty of the rocky coastline in front of them. She instantly wanted to come back with the boys. The two of them took off their shoes so they could walk in the surf. He jumped from a rock they were standing on, holding his hand out to help her down.

  Once on the beach, he put his hand out again.

  She stared at it as if it was some strange object for a moment.

  This was it, she thought. He really wanted to hold her hand. Maybe she was not so foolish after all.

  She’d always considered holding hands to be such a personal thing, and Robert wanted to do it with her. She took his hand in hers and never wanted to let go.

  The water was cold, both of them squeaked when the first wave hit. Marie backed away from the water right up against Robert’s front.

  He didn’t move away. Instead, he wrapped his arms around her. “Ah, now I have you. You know I could scoop you up and throw you in.”

  “You wouldn’t dare.” She wriggled around in his arms, loving the strength of them surrounding her, keeping her safe.

  “Okay, I won’t throw you in. Can I dare to hope for a kiss instead?”

  “That, I can agree to.”

  She’d kissed before, only furtive kisses from boys when she was younger. This she sensed in her soul would be different. Robert touched her lips gently with his. Then he moved back. Was that all there was going to be? A little peck. She leaned into him wanting more. From the grin on his face, he was happy with her reaction. This time his lips came down with more passion, as they fought to get closer to each other. How long they kissed for she didn’t know. She didn’t even notice how cold her feet were becoming until a wave splashed on them. They jumped apart then ran along the beach. The two of them laughing as he picked her up and swung her around.

  “I’ve wanted to kiss you for so many weeks. Now I have, I think I’m going to have trouble stopping.”

  “Who says you have to? I want it too.” She wanted his kisses, plus so much more. Robert stood for a moment staring awkwardly at the sand. Had she said something wrong? He took her hand in his.

  “I don’t want to mess you around, Marie. We’ve both been through a lot. I’m not the romantic kind, but we get along well. I can offer you a good life. I would make it official, though. I will marry you.”

  That was more than she expected, but also what she wanted. It wasn’t a declaration of love, however. But maybe, that would come in time. It would be the perfect solution to both their problems. He would have a nanny for his little girl, and she would have a home for her brothers. She needed to be practical.

  “Yes. I accept. I need to talk to the boys, though.”

  “Of course. I expected that. I’ll make you a good husband and provide for you.”

  “I know you will.”

  Robert took her to lunch where he talked about the house and the garage. He was forever levelheaded whereas she wanted to talk about their wedding. She hoped Gloria would be happy and want a small celebration. She didn’t have any family apart from the boys.

  They made it back to the house late in the day and then informed everyone of their decision to marry. The boys were overjoyed, and Gloria hugged her so tight she could hardly breathe.

  Gloria whispered to her, “I knew the first night I saw you that you’d heal each other.”

  “Tomorrow I will take you out to buy a ring,” Robert said as he stood proudly next to her with his arm around her waist.

  His mother shook her head. “I can’t believe you asked her and didn’t have a ring.”

  “I didn’t think she would say yes and thought it might look presumptuous if I already had one. I’m a very lucky man.”

  One month later it was her wedding day, and it was anything but a small celebration. The Connor Clan had arrived from far and wide, which compensated for the distinct lack of numbers on her side. The boys walked her down the aisle, and Lara was a flower girl. Her life had turned out differently to what she had expected. She was happy. She loved Robert and hoped perhaps one day he might love her too. If not, she believed she would be content anyway.

  They would not have a honeymoon but were to go away for the night. The house would be too full of revelers for any alone time for newlyweds. He drove them to the town where they first kissed. She felt nervous as they settled into their room at the quaint hotel. He knew she was a virgin and had promised to wait. Now she wished they had done the deed so she wouldn’t be so apprehensive.

  She came out of the bathroom in the nightgown Gloria had bought for her. It was silk and felt beautiful against her skin. She hadn’t bothered to wear panties. It felt decidedly wicked and not like her at all. The room was cool, and her nipples peaked, showing through the thin material.

  Robert gazed across, and she could see the adoration in his eyes. She would take that if she couldn’t have his love.

  “You look beautiful, Marie.” He lay in bed, bare-chested and flipped the sheet back as an invitation for her to slide in. He was a handsome man with a strong body she had admired over the months. He was now her husband, but she’d never shared a bed before. Marie lay beside him not knowing what to do next. Should she make the first move? She took a deep breath as she stared at the ceiling.

  He turned her head, so she looked at him. “You look scared of me. I promise I’ll do everything I can to make this good for you.”

  “I know. I love you for that.” There she’d said it!

  “I’ll not betray your love or your trust.” Robert kissed her on the lips.

  Each part of their lovemaking that night was slow, never moving on until she was ready. He removed her nightgown and kissed and caressed her breasts. Marie thought it would feel strange to be naked before him, but found it was all she needed from the way he looked at her. He eased his body on top of her, again waiting to make sure she wanted more. With each nod she gave him, he took her body to another level of pleasure. His mouth touched every part of her, even the most intimate, and she wanted more.

  He kissed her again, and she could feel his erection pressing against her pussy. She tensed for a moment as he entered her, then he stopped, and brushed her bangs back as the pain eased away.

  “I want you.” It was all she needed to say as he slowly moved. He kissed her and slipped his hand between them so he could flick her sensitive nub. The more he moved the more she forgot the pain, wanting him closer. Then the sensations started to build until she yelled out in release.

  When her body calmed, he moved again, only faster as she wrapped her legs around him.

  As they lay together afterward, she couldn’t keep the smile from her face. From this moment on, her life would be filled with happiness with this man.

  He raised himself up on his elbow. “No regrets, Mrs. Connor.”

  “None, Mr. Connor.”

  When the two of them returned home, Lara and the boys were going away for a few days to Gloria’s. They had the place all to themselves. She would be happy if the two of them spent most of the time in bed. She was starting to enjoy her husband’s undivided attention. They drank wine by the fire, then later that evening, Robert carried her to bed. As before, he was tender with her, and with each touch, she fell in love with him a little more. She fell asleep in
his arms, happy to never sleep alone again.

  Her heart jumped as a loud noise woke her. Robert was out of the bed before she was. Glass had been smashed, she could hear the tinkling as it hit the floor. It sounded as if it had come from the kitchen and she was thankful Lara and the boys were not at home. She followed Robert down the hallway. If she could only get to the dining room, then she would call the police. She had found happiness and didn’t want anything to happen to Robert.

  “Where are you? Get out here, you slut.”

  Marie’s heart sank at the sound of her uncle’s voice. She had been a fool to think he would give up so easily. Robert flicked the light on as they entered the kitchen. The back-door window had been smashed, and there was blood on the floor. Her uncle stood on the far side of the counter. He staggered forward, grabbing a knife from the block. There was blood dripping from a wound on his arm, but he didn’t seem to notice.

  “So, you’re the idiot she conned into marrying her. I took her in, plus her pauper brothers. Gave them everything. There I was grieving, and when it came time for her to pay up, she stole my car as thanks.”

  Robert moved in front of her. “Put the knife down. We can sort this out.”

  “Nothing to sort out. She’s coming back with me. Those two brats as well. Can’t run the place on my own.”

  “Marie’s not going anywhere. Now calm down, or we’ll call the police.”

  Her uncle rushed forward, slashing the knife at Robert. It caught him across the chest, and she could see the blood rise on his skin.

  Then everything happened so fast.

  Robert grabbed her uncle’s wrist holding the blade.

  The two of them fought until her uncle had the knife aimed at Robert’s throat.

  She would not have this.

  She would not lose her love.

  Marie grabbed the wooden chopping board and brought it down hard on the side of her uncle’s head. His legs crumpled beneath him as he collapsed to the floor, taking Robert with him.

  Marie couldn’t move. She simply stared at the still form of her uncle on the floor. His head bent at a strange angle. Robert turned around and reached out to touch her uncle’s neck.


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