Brainy Bear (Justice Squad Book 5)

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Brainy Bear (Justice Squad Book 5) Page 7

by Scarlett Grove

  "It appears that Dark Trove is located at a suburban home in Fate Rock. We will be raiding his house within the next forty-eight hours. Now that we have the identities and locations of every member of the hyena terrorist groups across the country and world, we can send in troops and law enforcement to take them down. There is enough incriminating evidence on each member to convict and imprison the lot of them," Sampson said.

  "Well done, all of you,” General Partridge said. "Your country owes you a debt of gratitude. Keep me informed on the raid. We will be organizing arrests throughout the country and world based on this intel. And we would like to coordinate attacks to give them as little warning as possible." The screen went blank.

  "We should strike tonight," Rider said.

  "We don't have time to prepare for a full-on tactical raid tonight. We will prepare for a raid tomorrow at midnight. I want Zander on patrol and recon at the house. Sampson, you continue parsing the information to see if there's anything else that can help us. The rest of you eat well, get your rest, and we will meet back here at zero hundred hours," Hawk said.

  All the guys agreed and left the war room as Hawk pulled Sampson back.

  "You've done excellent work, Sampson," Hawk said. "I see that you have overcome the distraction of having the child and mate in your home. How have things been going for you?"

  "I took your advice and I was able to prove that she was the one on I confronted her with the information and she finally came clean. It was a bit touchy at first. But then we really connected and took things to the next level.”

  "Have you claimed her yet?"

  "No. I think she’s holding back. This morning she had a nightmare. Her sister killed herself and she's the one who found her. I found her a counselor, but it doesn't seem to be helping."

  "Once you claim her and have established a mate bond, it should make things much easier for both of you. You'll be able to feel her much more intensely, and she'll be able to feel you. It is profoundly helpful to have that connection for anyone suffering from posttraumatic stress. It did wonders for Max. I'm sure that it would help Megan."

  "I hope you're right," Sampson said.

  "But you need to put that aside for now, as difficult as it may be. This raid tomorrow is important. We need to nab this guy and retrieve all his databases for evidence. I need you at your best. Do you think you can do that?"

  "Of course. I won’t let you down."

  Hawk slapped him on the back. “I'm proud of you, Sampson. You’ve overcome a lot. This mission is one of the most important in US history.”

  "It's not over until we have all these cowards behind bars," Sampson said.

  "That's the attitude I'm looking for."

  Sampson and Hawk made their way out of the war room to see that the rest of the guys had gone. Elena had made lunch of turkey sandwiches, French fries, and apple slices, and Hawk asked Sampson if he wanted to join them. He was starving, and he didn't want Megan to feel bad if she didn't have anything prepared for him when he got home.

  Having her around was such a blessing. He had never expected to have a mate that would cook and clean and take care of children. He was perfectly capable of taking care of himself, but having her around during this mission had been a lifesaver with Jimmy now in his life. He wanted to show her how much he appreciated everything that she’d done for him.

  After a pleasant lunch with Hawk and Elena, Sampson was about to head home when he got another idea. He really was so grateful for Megan. He wanted to show her how special she was to him and how much her help meant to him. Instead of turning back to the house, he made his way to downtown Fate Rock and parked in front of the jeweler. He stepped inside and was immediately met by a friendly associate dressed in a conservative gray suit and light blue tie.

  "Can I help you?"

  "I would like to buy an engagement ring," Sampson said, suddenly feeling nervous.

  "Congratulations," the salesman said. "We have a lovely assortment of rings. Let me show you.”

  The salesman led Sampson over to a display case. He pulled out several trays of diamond and gemstone rings. Sampson looked over the rings, wondering which would be the best for his beautiful mate.

  "I have no idea how to decide. They all look so beautiful.”

  "Why don't you tell me a little bit about your bride to be," the salesman said.

  "She's lovely and nurturing, but she has a bit of a mystery about her.”

  "The kind of woman who will always keep you guessing," the salesman said with a chuckle.


  “Let me suggest this." The salesman pulled out a ring with a fat diamond and several clusters of multicolored gemstones. It was a ring fit for a princess.

  "It's beautiful. And I can see Megan wearing that.”

  "Is that her name, Megan? How lovely. Would you like to get an inscription?"

  Sampson had never been a sentimental man, but meeting Megan had made him feel emotions he'd never thought he could feel. He imagined her reading an inscription in the ring and how it would touch her sensitive soul.

  "I would. I wanted to say ‘To my beloved mate. You always keep me guessing’."

  "Wonderful. The ring will be ready to pick up tomorrow afternoon.”

  "Now all I have to do is convince her to be mine," Sampson said with a nervous chuckle.

  "A handsome man like you has nothing to worry about," the salesman said reassuringly as he rang up the ring.

  Sampson wasn’t remotely phased by the hefty price tag. It would be worth every penny to see Megan smile. He wanted to give her some token of appreciation for the love, tenderness, and care she’d brought into his life. And since she was a human, he suspected that it would be appropriate for him to make the offering before he claimed her as his one and only mate for all time.

  He left the jeweler with a sense of elation. Between finally cracking the database, and buying an engagement ring, Sampson felt as if life was really starting to work out for him.

  Chapter 12

  When Sampson arrived at home, he told Megan he needed to concentrate on work and apologized for not spending the evening with her.

  It was alright — she needed time to herself. Since the nightmare about her sister’s attacker, she hadn't been able to get it out of her mind. She wanted so badly to have her life with Sampson, for them to have their family and their home. She wanted that future more than anything, but she knew that she could never have it until she did what she'd come to Fate Rock to do. She needed to get her revenge or her sister's rapist would haunt her for the rest of her life.

  The next day, Sampson was busy in his office. She took care of little Jimmy, but she really wanted to talk to Sampson and tell him what was going on. He was so busy and so secretive that she never got the chance. When he finally came out of his office that evening, he told her that he needed to go out.

  "I had something I wanted to talk to you about," she said, biting her lip.

  He looked at her, his eyes widening. He stepped toward her and took her hand.

  "After tonight, I'll have much more time. This project has taken a lot out of me."

  He hugged her close. The warmth and safety she felt in his embrace seemed to soothe her ragged soul. But the minute he stepped away and walked out the door, she was alone with her haunted mind. She had to stop it; she had to put an end to it tonight. She sat in the living room with Jimmy and played with blocks until something snapped inside her. She never wanted to let that man hurt another innocent person.

  She packed up Jimmy's things and put his extra car seat in her car. She drove him over to Hank and Elena's house, and walked to the door with his diaper bag. Elena answered, surprised to see her.

  "Hi Elena," Megan said, feeling anxious and cold on the doorstep. "I was hoping that you could watch Jimmy for me for a little while."

  "Is everything all right?"

  "I have an emergency. And Sampson isn't going to be back until morning.”

"Of course I'll take him," Elena said, opening her arms for the child.

  Megan felt relief as Jimmy's weight shifted into Elena's arms. She handed her the diaper bag and explained everything that was inside. Megan thanked her again and turned away, suddenly struck by the feeling that she would never see either of them again. It might be the last night of her life. But that was a price she was willing to pay to make the demons go away.

  She got in her car, the darkness of the street consuming her. She thought for a moment about going to the suburban house, but changed her mind. She knew that he spent most of his time in the woods. And that was where he had raped Amber. That was where his life was going to end.

  The tears began to fall, as her emotions seemed to get the better of her. Her gun was still packed safely in the glove compartment, and she was ready to use it.

  She drove the twenty miles to the forest and parked in the parking lot near the trailhead. She'd worn her hiking boots and winter parka. She would be warm enough to hike to the edge of his property.

  She started off in the darkness, with only the stars overhead for light. She turned on her flashlight and carefully walked down the gravel path. Her heart pounded in her ears, and her mind screamed for her stop. But she knew in the depths of her soul that she had to stop the demons. She had to stop the dreams. She had to stop the monster in her head, once and for all, or he would control her for the rest of her life.

  She could see her breath blowing out in front of her as she drew closer to the man's property line. The two sides of her brain were at war. The part of her that wanted to turn back and forget it all tried to convince her the therapist could heal her fractured mind. The part of her that knew she could never put it behind her until he had been brought to justice had no words, only emotion. It didn't need to speak. It didn't need to rationalize. It functioned on the raw power of her broken heart. She would do anything to avenge her sister.

  She was going to end him. Tonight.

  The weight of the gun in her hand felt like a security blanket. It would bring her justice. It would end the torment. And finally, her sister could rest in peace. And even if it meant losing everything, at least she would be able to sleep at night. At least she would know he got what he deserved and could never hurt another innocent girl.

  She came to the edge of the trail, close to his property, and began to move through the forest. Amber had met that monster in these woods. He’d pretended to be kind. He’d pretended to care about hikers. He’d offered her shelter and food.

  Amber had been so close to home, so close to her car, her life, and her freedom, but she had accepted the friendly man's invitation, walked through these woods with him to his house. It was another mile through the craggy new growth to his house.

  Shrubs and low hanging branches slapped Megan’s face as she made her way to the edge of his property. When she finally arrived, she had branches tangled in her hair and a bloodied gash across her cheek from a thorn.

  She crouched at the tree line and pulled out her binoculars in the darkness. She lay on her stomach in the grass and focused on the building. There was a fire from the chimney and she saw movement behind the window blinds. He was home. There was only one car in the parking lot. He was alone.

  She would wait. She would wait for him to turn off his light, go to bed, and then she would confront the monster who'd destroyed her sweet sister. She'd make him get down on his knees and plead for his life. Then she would…

  She didn't know what she would do. Would she kill him, she wondered? She didn't want to commit murder. She didn't want to pay the price. But in her need for vengeance, all she could think was a life for life. His debt would be paid, and justice would be done.

  She waited in the shadows of the trees for what felt like hours. At about midnight the light went out, and she waited for another twenty minutes for him to fall asleep.

  She didn't know how she would get in the house, but there was a sliding glass door, a door to the kitchen, and several windows. There had to be at least one way she could get inside.

  Megan slowly crept forwards, moving quietly over the grassy grounds. Her foot broke a twig, the sound cracking loudly in the still air. Her heart slammed in her chest and her blood ran cold, but nothing happened. Not a dog bark. No lights went on.

  She approached the back door and slipped her hand over the handle. Letting out a long breath, she turned the knob. To her surprise, it opened.

  She slipped through the door into the dark house. A single light glowed in the kitchen, illuminating the rest of the house. She tiptoed into the living room. Several doors lined the hall. She continued on, holding her gun in her hands, mimicking the movements she'd seen in the movies.

  She'd shot the gun at the gun range. She'd learned how to use it. And she would if she had to.

  It was go time. Now was the moment. She was prepared for whatever lay ahead and she was prepared for whatever consequences came.

  There was only one room she couldn’t see into behind a closed door. She gripped the handle and turned the knob. She stepped into the dark room and heard the sound of snoring at the other side. She crept closer, her heart pounding in her ears, her hands numb.

  She crept closer and turned on the bedside lamp, pointing her gun at the monster who'd destroyed her sister. She pressed the metal to his forehead and his eyes fluttered open.

  "Time to wake up and face the reaper," she said.

  He gasped and sat up in bed. Megan trained her gun on him, taking a step back to stay out of range. His eyes went wide with terror. He looked more closely at her as his eyes adjusted to the light.

  "It's you. I saw you in the grocery store."

  "And when else did you see me?” she asked in a mocking tone.

  "You don't want to do this," he said, his voice shaking.

  "Oh, but I do."

  "What we did was consensual. Why are you so upset about it?"

  Megan laughed, the sound of it so hysterical that she didn't even recognize her own voice.

  "Consensual?" she bit out. “Is that what you call beating a girl until she's black and blue and violating her so completely that she bleeds?”

  "You look fine now.”

  "It wasn't me, you bastard," Megan said. “It was my twin sister. And now she's dead. She killed herself. Because of you. And now you're going to hell."

  "This is all a mistake."

  "Shut up get out of bed."

  He got up, wearing nothing but a tank top and a pair of boxers. He was tall and skinny but had a foundation of lean muscle under his pale freckled skin.

  "On your knees," Megan said. He got down on his knees, palms in the air in a gesture of submission.

  "I'll turn myself in. I’ll admit to everything."

  "It's too late for that. It's time for you to go to hell.”

  Chapter 13

  The Justice Squad beat down the door of the hacker's house. They swarmed into the building, taking turns on point as they cleared each room. As Sampson stared through his night vision goggles, it became increasingly clear that the house was completely empty.

  "This location is a cover," Hawk said. "How could you lead us to a dead-end, Sampson?”

  "There's got to be more," Sampson said.

  He pulled out his infrared, heat sensing equipment and began to scan the house. There had to be more here than met the eye.

  He scanned every inch of the house. Going from empty room to empty room. Then he came to the edge of what was probably meant to be the master bedroom and a flash of light showed on his monitor. There was something beneath the floor.

  "Find the basement," Sampson yelled.

  The guys swarmed the house, knocking on walls and tapping on the floors. Finally, Rider found a hollow wall and they busted it down, finding a disguised door.

  A staircase led down into the basement. When they got to the bottom of the stairs, they found a bank of computer servers.

  "We hit the jackpot," Sampson said.

  "But we ha
ven't found Dark Trove," Hawk said.

  "We'll find him. Maybe not tonight, but we will find him.” Sampson began analyzing the data on the servers. It was encrypted and would take time to decode.

  "I'm sorry, Hawk. I know you wanted to take him down tonight.”

  "As long as he's out there, this mission is incomplete.”

  Sampson continued attempting to decrypt the data. He accidentally knocked over a wastepaper basket. The garbage scattered across the floor. There were wrappers from fast food restaurants and soda cans, and mingled between it was what looked like junk mail. Rider knelt down, shining his flashlight on the garbage. He shuffled through it and picked up an envelope with an address on it. It was for an address about twenty miles outside of Fate Rock.

  "What do you think of this," Rider said, handing it to Hawk.

  "I want aerial footage of this location immediately," Hawk said.

  Sampson used his laptop to interface with the government databases to get aerial satellite footage of the location. He showed it to Hawk. His CO stood back and tapped his lips.

  “It’s registered to the same owner as this house,” Sampson said.

  "We go now," Hawk said. "We’re taking the chopper."

  The local law enforcement were called in to secure the house while the Justice Squad took their chopper out to the rural location. Sampson and the rest of the crew would rappel in while Rider found a safe place to land. They were in the air ten minutes later, zooming through the night toward the second location.

  During the brief flight, Sampson's thoughts turned to Megan. He'd been too busy preparing for the raid to listen to her concerns. He told himself that as soon as all this was over, he would focus completely on her.

  Soon they were over the location, and they each rappelled down to the ground in turn. Sampson took his place as Hawk directed the crew. As they skirted around the building, looking for the best opening, they could see evidence that there was an inhabitant inside. Sampson could see furniture, and there were even dirty dishes in the sink.


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