Claiming Mine (Unforgiven Riders MC Book 1)

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Claiming Mine (Unforgiven Riders MC Book 1) Page 13

by Amy Davies

  “Fuck me. What the hell are you doing with this ugly fucker? You are way too hot to be with him,” Sketch jokes. Ana blushes to high heaven and buries her head in my chest to hide her embarrassment.

  “Says the guy who wanted to suck my dick at the tender age for fourteen,” I jest back, smirking at him. Ana’s head snaps up, and she looks between both of us, wondering if she heard me right.

  “In my defence, I was a very horny teenage boy then.” He winks at Ana.

  “Then? Dude, you’re always horny.”

  “True.” He turns to look at Ana and lifts his arms out. “It’s nice to finally meet you, Ana.” He pulls her into a hug before releasing her back to me. “Okay, so now the pleasantries are done, why don't we get down to why I’m actually here,” Sketch says, and Ana tenses next to me.

  “I told Sketch you’re scared of needles, so he’s going to walk you through everything.” She looks up at me with fear in her eyes. I cup her cheeks with my hand and make her look at me. “Baby, I’ll be with you all the way. Sketch is the best. He’ll make it as painless as possible. I promise.”

  “I’m not gonna lie to you, Ana, it will hurt, but it depends where you will be having the tat.”

  “My wrist,” Ana whispers. She clears her throat and speaks again, but in a stronger tone this time. “My wrist, please.”

  “Okay, that will cause you some pain, but again it will depend on your pain threshold. Do you have the design?” He looks at me, and I nod.

  “Yeah, Ana is having something pretty but linked to the club. You know how Suede is with the club ink.”

  He nods. “Tell me.”

  “I want the ace of spades, for obvious reasons, but the main body of the shape to be Ace’s thumb print. And ‘property of Ace’ written around it please.” Her voice shakes a little. Clearly she’s still shit-scared to get this done. But if she wants to be my old lady, she has to wear my patch.

  “Wicked. I can do that.”

  “Round up, lads. We have some shit coming our way,” Suede bellows across the garden. My eyes find his and he shakes his head. The look on his face tells me it’s bad. Sketch stands stock still, because even he can tell it’s something bad.

  I turn to Ana, and I can see the fear is back on her face. I cup her cheek and lean in for a kiss. She sighs against me and I deepen the kiss. Fuck knows when I will see her again. These ‘suit’ fuckers need to be put down. My tongue plays with hers, tasting the cupcake she ate earlier.

  “ACE!” Fuck. I pull back and rest my forehead against hers, breathing her in.

  “I have to go, baby. I’ll come back to you as soon as I can. I’ll text later tonight, okay?” She nods.

  “Please, be safe.”

  “Always, baby.” I kiss her again. The boys walk past us, each giving Ana a kiss on the cheek once they’ve kissed Lola. I growl, and each of the soon-to-be-dead brothers winks or smirks at her. Sketch full out laughs at us. Court is the last to make a move, but he goes for her lips and not her cheek. Ana is too stunned to stop it.

  I lunge for him and slam my fist into his jaw.

  “Mine, you dumb fuck.” He smirks at me, rubbing his jaw.

  “Just making sure.” He winks at Ana, and she scowls at him.

  I lean in and hiss her cheek, then her lips. “Always—”

  “Last,” she finishes for me.

  “Yeah, babe.” With one last look at her, I follow my brothers out of the garden and to our bikes.

  We’re all sitting around the table in church, waiting for Prez to fill us in. His hand’s running through his long beard, proving to me he’s nervous and pissed.

  “The suits turned up at Silk. Click managed to do her thing and track down some info on these fuckers, but she’s still digging for a location.”

  “We went over some shit when she popped in the other day. But we still couldn’t get an ID on the pricks.”

  “What did they want?” Maze asks.

  “He wants the girls and the business. He says he works in skin and he wants our girls. He knows Silk is doing well. He also said something about getting back what's his. That he needs to cleanse it since we tainted it.”

  “What the fuck is that supposed to mean?” Court grunts.

  “No fucking clue, brother.”

  “EC, you stick your dick in a married woman again?” Batch jests from across the table.

  “Haha, funny fucker. No. And that happened once, man, come on.”

  “So what are we going to do about this guy?”

  “We keep the fucker away from Silk. He’s not taking the girls or the club. That is Unforgiven Riders property. Get Click to work her magic, double time. We need to find them and run them out of our territory.”

  “And run them into the ground,” Court grinds out.

  “Hell yeah,” Maze adds.

  “I’ll get in touch with Click again and see what she can dig up.”

  “How are the girls, Batch?”

  “Recovering. Sienna is talking about visiting family up north. I’ll give her some money if she wants to go.” Suede nods in agreement. We always take care of our girls.

  “Maze, how are the numbers looking?” Suede asks. Maze is the club’s treasurer and makes sure we stay in the black where money is concerned.

  “Great, actually. The club, bar and cafe are taking in good money. Everything is looking stable at the moment.”

  “Batch, how’s the business going?”

  “Awesome as always. We have a few big contracts coming up.” He runs his hands through his hair. I smile to myself, thinking how Ana always says that his hair doesn’t suit him.

  “Nice. Anything else, lads?” Suede asks around the table. Everyone shakes their head, and he bangs the gavel down, ending church for today.

  We all stand and make our way out to the bar for a drink—well, I need a fucking drink. I tap the bar and a prospect brings be a bottle. I down half in one gulp. The cold liquid feels good running down my throat. I feel a hand on my back, and turn my head to see Clover standing there smiling at me. Her eyes are running up and down my body like she’s a starving woman.

  “Can I help you with something?”

  “I haven’t seen you in ages. I was wondering if you wanted to catch up? You know, the way we used to.”

  I lean away from her and give her a serious look. “And why the hell would you think I want to hang out like we used to? I have an old lady now.”

  “Where is she, Ace?” She looks around the room for Ana.

  “She’s working. You know, keeping the cafe running.”

  “Come to my room, babe. She won’t know.” She runs her fingers down my arm, tracing my tattoos like Ana does. I move my arm and go to tell her where she can go, but my phone dings in my pocket. I pull it out and see a text from Click.

  Click: Found them. Map and address are attached.

  Me: Got it. Thanks, sweetheart.

  “Church,” I bellow, making sure every fucking brother hears me. Suede comes storming out of the kitchen.

  “What the fuck, boy?”

  “Click did her magic,” is all I say, and make my way back into church.

  Three hours later, we’re sitting in the mud and grass, watching a bunch of fuckheads come and go into an old warehouse just outside of town. The guys in suits arrived about an hour ago. Two girls were being dragged in behind them by four scruffy-looking lads.

  “We need to make a move,” Court whisper-yells at me. I shake my head.

  “Not yet. We need more intel, for fucks sake. Calm your tits, will you.”

  “They hurt our girls, Ace.”

  “You think I don’t fucking know that, man. Fuck.” I know all the boys are out for blood—fuck, so am I—but we need to be smart about this.

  He punches the ground beneath him out of anger and frustration. Court is the one you don’t want to piss off. He has a foul temper when he gets going. One time a sister chapter came to visit and one of the brother’s got up in Court’s face. He laid the ba
stard out, It took six of us to pull him off the man, otherwise he would have killed him.

  “I know, brother. I know.”

  “That’s it for tonight, boys. We’ve seen all I think we will see. Let’s get some sleep and meet in church at ten tomorrow. We’ll make a plan then.”

  We all agree and make our way over to our bikes. We parked them down the road, so they wouldn’t be heard. I pull out my phone to check the time. Fuck, it’s gone one a.m. Ana will be sleeping already. Fucking hell.

  I follow my brothers to the clubhouse. We all park up and go our separate ways. I ignore the look Clover is giving me and go straight to my room. I need sleep. I think about sending my girl a text but worry it might wake her up, so I don’t bother. I’ll call her tomorrow.

  Sleep comes easy as I am tired as fuck. Running around for the club has tired me the fuck out. I just hope I get to see my girl tomorrow.


  I spoon the rest of the chilli into the storage box and seal the lid on top. I place that in the bag with the rest of the food and snacks I’ve made for the boys. I haven’t seen Ace in three days. I’ve had a total of four texts, and that pisses me off, but I know the club is dealing with some nasty stuff. But still, it takes ten seconds to send me a quick text. Ditch doesn’t give away any information when I ask him.

  I load up the two bags into my car and drive to the clubhouse. I stop by the gate and Bull opens it for me, giving me a silent nod. I park my car and turn the engine off, before climbing out and getting the bags out of the boot. I smile and wave to some of the boys who are working in the garage.

  Pushing the door to the clubhouse open with my hands full seems a struggle, but I manage.

  I see Bear behind the bar and give him a smile.

  “Hey, Bear, do you know where Ace is?” He won't meet my eyes, and my heart starts to race. “Bear?” I ask again when he doesn't answer me.

  “He’s busy with club business at the moment, Mouse,” he explains, while rubbing the back of his neck. Don’t men realise they do that when they’re nervous?

  “He’s in his office, right?”

  “Mouse.” He says my nickname but doesn’t tell me where Ace is. With each passing second, my heart sinks more.

  “Tell me.” He must take pity on me, and he knows his brother is about to get caught doing God-knows-what. He takes a deep breath and nods. I can only imagine that he doesn’t want me to see whatever Ace is up to. My heart is racing a mile a minute. My palms become sweaty and I adjust the bags I’m holding. I stop at the office door and hear a giggle behind the wood. My heart drops into my shoes.

  Placing the bags on the floor, I wipe the sweat off my hands, into my dress I wore especially for him. I slowly turn the handle and push the door open. The scene before me has my heart breaking and my eyes filling with tears.

  Ace is sat at his desk chair, and Clover’s bending over him in just a pair of knickers. Her knee is resting on the chair between Ace’s thighs. He’s looking up at her, not actually touching her, while talking with a smirk on his face. The smirk he gives me when he wants something from me. But I guess… not anymore.

  “I guess I’m not needed anymore,” I declare. Ace’s body snaps to attention and looks around the skank in front of him. His eyes narrow, and he forces her aside, but I don’t wait around to see what he has to say. He just broke us.

  I storm out of the clubhouse, leaving the bags of food behind. I hope he fucking chokes on every bite. My palms slam against the door and I burst out into the sunlight. I can hear him screaming my name, but I don’t stop. I need to get away from him. I need to fucking leave this place. Leave the cafe. A sob breaks free when I feel myself being pulled to a stop.

  “When I call your name, you fucking stop,” he yells at me.

  “I don’t, Ace. Go back to your little whore. I’m going home.” I step towards my car, but he roars my name.

  “ANA!” I spin around to face him, yelling back at him.

  “WHAT?” My breathing is coming in heavy pants. I fear I will pass out if I don’t get control of it.

  “Careful what you say, woman, and remember who you’re talking to,” he growls at me. I let out a laugh and lock gazes with him, ignoring the boys from the garage who are now watching the show.

  “Oh, I know who you are. You’re the man who swore up and down that he would never fucking hurt me. The man who I kept at arm's length for fear of him hurting me. And you did it anyway. I told you. I fucking told you, and you cheated on me!” My anger is overtaking my hurt at this moment. I can only imagine how much this will hurt when I get home and make plans to leave. I swipe the tears away angrily. This man—no man—should ever make the woman he is with, cry.

  “I didn't fucking cheat on you.”

  “But you would have if I hadn't interrupted you both in there.” I point at the clubhouse. I step back towards my car.

  “That is fucking bullshit and you know it. I was pushing her away.” I shake my head in disbelief at his explanation. His fists are clenching and unclenching, but that doesn’t scare me because I know that no matter how angry Ace is, he would never lay a hand on me.

  “Do you actually expect me to believe that? I stood there for a few seconds before I spoke up. You were trying real hard to push her away, Ace,” I say sarcastically.

  We’re both panting in anger; our faces are red. The sun beating down on my back is making my body burn even more. Our eyes are still locked, both of us pushing pure hate through our gazes at the moment. Love is completely forgotten, and rage and pain are in its place.

  “I suggest you leave before I say something I regret,” Ace vows.

  I bite my bottom lip to stop the sob that is fighting tooth and nail to break out. My heart is shattering into a million pieces, because I took a risk on this man and he didn't care, love or respect me enough to end things with me first before he moved on to the next woman.

  I step up to the car, giving Ace my back. I pull the door open and take one last look at the man who held my heart and then squeezed the life out of it.

  “I already regret it,” I mutter, knowing he heard me because he sucks in a harsh breath. I climb into my car and close the door before starting the engine and pulling away from the clubhouse.

  I have no idea how I drove home. I was supposed to go back to the café, but I couldn’t go back there. I can never step foot inside there again. It holds too many good memories for me. Staying as far away from the cafe and anything thing to do with Ace and the club is the best thing for me to do.

  I walk straight to my bedroom and close the door behind me. I climb into my bed, not bothering to undress. I feel completely numb. My phone rings, and I squeeze my eyes shut, hoping it stops. I pull the covers over my head, shutting out the world. I’ll start planning tomorrow. Right now, I want to sleep.

  My phone dings with a text message. I reach for it, in the small pocket of my dress. I see Zarah’s name and my lungs push out the breath I was holding, but my heart hurts at the same time. I’m glad it’s her and not him, but I’m sad because it reminds me that I’m leaving her or forcing her to come with me.

  Zarah: You coming back to the cafe, or has your man got you tied to his bed, doing wicked things to you? ;)

  Me: I’m home. Not feeling very well. I’ll see you tonight. I’m going to get some sleep.

  Zarah: You okay? Do I need to come to you?

  Me: No! Stay there. I’m going to sleep.

  Zarah: Okay, Smallie. I’ll catch you later. Love you.

  Me: Love you too.

  I turn my phone off and slide it under the pillow. I catch a whiff of Ace’s scent, and my chest caves as I let out a violent sob. My chest feels like it’s being crushed. I fling the pillow across the room.

  I cry for hours, running through our moments together, but then the scene I walked in on ruins all the happy times. We haven’t been together long, but we knew it was coming. I don’t understand how he can put so much effort into chasing me, just to throw it all away.
But I saw what I saw. He was going to have sex with her, wasn’t he? I mean she was naked and had her boobs in his face. And he was not pushing her away.

  I shake my head and grip the blanket around me tighter. I want to melt into my bed, so no one can find me. I just need me time. Time to sort through all the images flashing through my brain.

  I wake with start when I hear the front door slam shut.

  “Smallie, where are you?” Zarah’s voice comes through the house.

  “Bedroom,” I say, but the words get caught in my throat. I cough and try again. “Bedroom, Z,” I say louder, hoping she hears me. I hear her running up the stairs and my bedroom door opening.

  “Oh, Smallie.” The emotion in her voice makes me crack again. I cry into my pillow. The blanket lifts and the bed dips as my sister climbs into the bed with me. I get wrapped up in her arms and held as I cry. Zarah tightens her grip on me and I hear her sniff. She is crying for me. That is why we are so close: we always have each other’s back, and we hurt together.

  “How did you know?”

  “EC called and told me to check on you. I forced it out of him—what happened. He said Ace teared the bar apart after you left and kicked Clover out of the club.”

  “Too late,” I mutter against her chest.

  “I know, Smallie.” We stay silent for some time, just lying under the covers. My crying has stopped. My face feels puffy and sore from crying so hard.

  “I need to leave.” Zarah jerks her body away from mine and glares at me with a fierce look in her eyes.

  “Hell fucking no. You are stronger than this. I will not have another man run you out of your home.” The blankets are thrown off us and she sits up and stares down at me. “This is your home. The cafe is yours. Ace can take a long jump off a short cliff if he thinks he will run you out of town.” She takes a deep breath and climbs from the bed, before walking out of my bedroom. I frown at her leaving, but she’s back within seconds with a cold wash cloth and lays it over my face.

  The coolness sinks into my skin, feeling bloody amazing. “Oh, that feels nice,” I mutter under the cloth.


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