Red: A Dystopian World Alien Romance

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Red: A Dystopian World Alien Romance Page 6

by S. J. Sanders

  Where was the damned entrance?

  He leaned against the rocks beside him, his breath coming out in exhausted pants. He wasn’t going to be able to go much farther. He was cold and wet, and his bones and muscles felt weak and stiff with exhaustion. He yelped when what he thought were rocks gave way, and he nearly fell inside a crevice. The only thing that stopped his fall was the thick leather hide lashed to hooks that they’d painstakingly planted in the rocks.

  Kyx regained his balance as the lashes were untied and the hide pushed aside. Warol glared at him from the opening, more disgruntled than usual. Kyx attempted to smile cheerfully at him, but his entire face felt frozen. His brother grunted and pulled him inside.

  “You are a damned fool,” his brother lectured as he hastily brushed the snow off him. “One of these days you are going to wander too far and end up in the belly of a giant pitcher plant where none of us will be able to come in time to help you. Rager was ready to go and search for you, and then you never would have heard the end of it.”

  “How is Arie?” he asked through his chattering teeth.

  Warol growled in disgust. “She is perfectly fine. She is by the fire wearing Rager like a fur.”

  Kyx chuckled at the obvious jealousy in his brother’s voice but refrained from pointing out that Warol would be happy to be worn by their little human. He didn’t think the other male would appreciate it, and Kyx didn’t look forward to being bruised as well as freezing. The human was clearly a sensitive topic.

  Taking the dried meat his brother shoved at him, Kyx found a comfortable spot on the furs piled around the fire. He could barely see the top of Arie’s red mane from where it peeked out from beneath the large white fur and Rager’s bulk. Pale eyes tracked him as he settled beside the pair and stretched his stiffened limbs. The wind howled angrily outside, and the leather flap rattled from the force of it, letting in cold drafts. Kyx shivered when a particularly icy blast found him.

  The eyes watching him narrowed, then Rager grunted and motioned for him to come closer to share body heat, as was their norm.

  “Keep Arie between us so she doesn’t become chilled,” his brother advised gruffly, but it was unnecessary. Kyx was already moving into position on the other side of her, leaving just enough room for Warol as he joined them.

  It took some finesse working themselves around the sleeping female without waking her, but before long they were settled comfortably. Warol grumbled about sharing a bed with a soaking wet male, which prompted Kyx to snuggle even closer to his grouchy brother and wrap two of his arms around him until the male wiggled free. Rager gifted them with a rare laugh as he playfully scruffed Kyx.

  Arie’s delicate hand that had come free of the fur twitched ever so slightly at the commotion and her lips twisted with silent laughter in her sleep. Kyx smiled, wishing he knew what she was dreaming of at that moment. He nuzzled her hand before tucking it back beneath the covering.

  The storm howled outside and Kyx’s smile widened. Despite the resolve of his brothers to part ways with the female as soon as possible, Kyx was in no such hurry. He liked Arie. She was sweet, and warm, and she smelled good. She smelled like home to him. His brothers had the idea in their heads that they had to go hunt down an elusive Ragoru female, as if that was all it would take to make their triad complete. After seeing what females of their species were like over the summer, with how they dismissed Rager and their entire triad so easily over superstitions, Kyx wasn’t in a hurry to bring one of them into their fold.

  Bias against the color of a male’s fur was ridiculous and had brought them nothing but embarrassment and disappointment. He wasn’t even sure he wanted a Ragoru female if they were going to pick over his triad as if they were only good for one thing and hold them up to ridiculous standards. His own lead father had been almost as dark as Rager and was a fine male.

  Ironically, the same superstitions would have worked in his own favor had he chosen to utilize them. He knew his red fur counted him as being blessed, and Warol seemed to view his presence in their triad as a blessing, even though he often provoked his brother’s ill temper. He knew very well that he could have been more selective of which triad he joined and chosen one with better chances for attracting a female. His fathers had not endorsed such a thing, but had advised him that it was a legitimate option that no one would fault him for. All three of his fathers had been older males when they’d finally found and joined with his mother, and none of them wanted him to experience the same loneliness.

  A number of males had approached him as soon as he came of age and began roaming the territories looking to join a forming triad, but when he met Rager and Warol he knew that was where he was meant to be. Both males lacked family and were often shunned by other Ragoru, Rager for his coloring and Warol for the biting temper born from his own tragedy. Their lot was so much the opposite of his own situation, and yet they were the finest pair of males he’d met.

  It had been clear that neither male expected him to accept their offer when they’d encountered him passing through their territory, so they were understandably surprised when he agreed. Kyx had quickly become comfortable with his new brothers in a territory so far from his birthplace, but the need to find a mate became something all three of them yearned for to complete their family. He still felt the pressing weight of it, the need to find the last piece that would fit into their unit and harmonize them.

  Rager and Warol could protest and plan all they liked, but Kyx had his own plan. He wanted to keep Arie. He didn’t need a Ragoru mate to be happy; he would be happy with his soft, sweet human. He yawned as he considered the obstacles ahead of him. He just needed to convince his brothers and make them see as he did—that Arie was the best choice for them.


  Something was tickling her face, but Arie ignored it. Seafoam sprayed around her as the ship crested a wave, and the muscular arms of pirate Captain Reynolds held her firmly against his broad chest. This was her favorite part of the book. He nuzzled her neck, making her pussy dampen with desire.

  Oh, yes, she always loved this part.

  His fingers would skate down her belly, preparing to stroke her to newfound levels of pleasure. The heat of the tropical sun warmed her, and the scent of the sea surrounded her and blended in with his musk. She wanted him to claim her in all the ways she’d only been able to imagine.

  A low, lusty growl sounded in her ear. She didn’t recall the good captain as the growly sort, but it was a definite improvement. The scent of his musk deepened, and she felt something thick prod against her hip. She pushed back against him, relishing the feel of his desire. Suddenly, she felt other arms brush her and she froze. Were they not alone? Two other bodies pressed against her, nuzzling her much as the captain was, and to her shock she felt her thighs slickened. Growls surrounded her from all sides and fur brushed against her again.

  Wait, fur?

  Arie jerked awake, her eyes snapping open. Fur pressed like a warm cocoon around her as the Ragoru shifted against her. Behind, she felt the massive bulge pressing into her as the large black one nestled against her. His eyes were closed with slumber, but he instinctively ground against her. Heat of embarrassment flamed her cheeks.

  To her side, Warol shifted, and she felt the thick brush of a hard length against her thigh as he also pressed against her. Kyx made an eerie moaning sound that made the fine hairs on her arms stand on end. He rolled over as he panted, displaying two large, thick members.

  Her mouth dried and her eyes widened at the sight of them.

  Although blue in color, they seemed to resemble a human penis from what she had seen the few times she had to place some stitches in a man’s hip or near the groin. Yet it was larger and thicker, with ropes of veins and a bumpy surface as if someone had threaded beads beneath the skin, and possessed a strangely flat ruffled head that sloped at an angle. The upper cock standing at attention also had a rounded bulge at the base. She assumed that must be his primary member.

secondary member was just as long and thick, but ridged and beaded more than the primary one. Unlike the flat head of his other cock, this one had a bulbous tapered head with three small rounded protrusions rising from the top of it.

  She watched as a blue fluid seeped out of their tips. Kyx tilted his hips up as he snarled, and her eyes darted to his face. She did not want to be caught staring at his dick. His red fur raised, and he thrashed his head a couple times before all four of his amber eyes sleepily opened and peered at her. He breathed in and his eyes narrowed on her with a new look burning in their depths. They gleamed, and the sides of his mouth quirked up in a smile as he ran a claw over her cheek, dragging down to her lips before pulling away again. He arched his back and then thrust his hips forward again, as if proudly displaying himself to her, and Arie felt her blush deepen.

  That wasn’t the only thing that had picked up. Rager was grinding more enthusiastically against her as he inhaled time and time again from where his muzzle was still buried against her neck. His breaths became more ragged, and Arie gasped as the tip of one of his impressive cocks slid between her thighs and nudged against her sensitive flesh. Even through her clothes, it hit her like a spark and her back instinctively arched. Rager’s arms gripped her tighter as he groaned and rocked his hips against hers, his cock sliding insistently against her crotch now that he’d found the spot.

  A low moan drew her attention back to Kyx, who was pleasuring himself with his lower hands. He rubbed the length of his cocks and bore down on the heads with each pass over the tip. His eyes, glassy with desire, never tore away from them. Whatever embarrassment Arie should have felt at the male stroking himself off to watching Rager with her disappeared under the inception of her own desire burning like a wildfire through her veins.

  She risked a glance at Warol and was surprised to find him also awake. He had one arm raised to his mouth, on which he had clamped down, his sharp teeth pressing into the fur of his forearm as he swiped over his own members that seemed slightly wider in girth, although she was certain that Rager’s massive length rubbing between her legs put both the other males to shame. She shuddered and Warol let out a muffled moan, his hands slipping in rough jerks. His raised his hips, muscles quivering.

  Just then Rager’s cock struck unerringly over her clit repeatedly in several fast, brutal thrusts. She turned her head and met Rager’s pale eyes. He was awake now but seemed incapable of stopping, and Blessed Mother, she didn’t want him to. His lips were curled back from his teeth as he pounded against her. His cocks were doubtlessly soaked with her essence dripping through her underwear.

  When her climax came, it swept through her like a fireball. She threw her head back and wailed as Rager thrust once more and let out a roar of pleasure. His seed splattered across her thigh and along her covered pussy before he rolled away and lay panting at the ceiling. Two similar bellows sounded beside them, and she watched as blue jets of cum arched from Kyx and Warol’s cocks. All three males lay shuddering on the ground around her as she worked to bring her breathing and heart rate back under control. Her pussy clenched with unfulfilled need, but her body thrummed from the lingering effects of her orgasm.

  Warol turned over, facing away from her as if embarrassed, and even Rager dropped his head away, his ears flattened, as if he couldn’t look at her, his still swollen cocks slipping back into his sheath. Only Kyx would meet her eye, his glinting with unmistakable satisfaction. His tongue ran over his teeth as he gave himself a few lingering pumps before releasing his cocks to slip back inside his fur.

  This was a situation she never would have anticipated. She hadn’t imagined that the males would have any sexual interest in her, and yet they had just proven her wrong. Arie let her eyes roam over them, taking in their wide jaws and short muzzles, the arc of their high and prominent cheekbones, and the fascinating way their eyes were set under a heavy brow as it tapered back to where it met with large lupine ears. For some reason, they were less alarming and different to her than they were only a day ago.

  They seemed less like monsters and she was surprised to discover she admired their appearances. Although they had some lupine features, they also had a flexibility to their faces and mouths and the flesh at the edge of their muzzles like lips that was definitely not a feature found in most animals. They seemed less threatening and more like children of some of the more animalistic gods that she was familiar with. The lord who ruled the dead was said to have the visage of a wolf. Perhaps he looked something like the Ragoru.

  The comparison immediately eased something inside Arie as she looked over the males. They dozed around her, their sculpted bodies covered in a pelt of fur that she knew now was soft and thick, their bushy tails resting against their flanks.

  Arie found her discarded pelt and eased back against Rager. He stiffened briefly, but pulled her tight against him. Ensconced once more in his warm embrace, his fur smelling of their mingled scents, and lulled by the double beat of his hearts—the deeper thump of a larger primary heart followed by the quieter beat of the secondary—she drifted back to sleep.

  Rager could not still his mind. Warol was turned away from them in humiliation. He knew the male was struggling when it came to Arie. No doubt his need to seek sexual relief at the sight of her pleasure shamed him. In comparison, Kyx was stretched out comfortably on his back with a gratified expression on his face. Rager, however, was shaken. He was unable to slip into rest with his emotions barraging him.

  The superiority he had felt when he’d discovered Warol’s lack of sexual control around the female now withered away in the face of his own extrusion. He scoffed silently at himself. No, he hadn’t merely extruded. Although there was no penetration, he went the entire distance and found sexual completion against her heat. True, it had begun in the depths of sleep, but once he woke and found himself grinding against her and her own pants of pleasure, he had been unable to stop. Although it would have marked him as a deviant in the eyes of their people, he raced to the edge of his climax with brutal efficiency.

  His ears still echoed with the gasps of her pleasure and her cry of completion. Just thinking of it made his cocks pulsate within him and engorge, threatening to spill free from his sheath. Rager groaned and settled back against Arie’s warmth. For the first time in years, his mind was muddled. He didn’t know what the right path was anymore. What’s more, he was embarrassed to have found his body responding to a female not of his own kind. The future felt uncertain, tinged with despair for a reason he couldn’t quite put a claw on.

  Sighing, Rager allowed sleep to claim him once more. It was a problem for another day. He would worry about it later.


  Three days. For three long days they were trapped inside while the storm howled and raged outside the cave. The leather bound over the entrance often flapped or pulled taut with a sudden violent gust. It did little to keep out the cold, and snow found its way into the first few feet of the cave. Arie clung to the fire like a lifeline, moving only to relieve herself in the giant rounded skull of a spotted megacat set up further down in the cave system. Judging by the size of that skull, she was in no hurry to ever run into the creature. It was far more massive than even lore had accounted for.

  Arie had loathed to use it at first, embarrassed to leave her waste out where it would be seen, but Kyx insisted that it was kept in the cavern for just such emergencies since snowstorms were common in this part of the mountains. It apparently wasn’t the first time the males had gotten stuck in this cave. Even so, the stress of being cooped up together in such a small space was starting to show.

  Tempers were fraying, and the males growled and snapped as they intruded into each other’s space. Unfortunately, that happened quite often. There was barely enough room in the main part of the cave for the three of them to comfortably lie around the fire during the day. Warol seemed to suffer the most from the confinement, snarling at every perceived slight until Rager got sick of it enough to issue what she imagined was a threat w
ith a resonant growl.

  Warol was back to pacing in a narrow space in front of the entrance, his fur standing on end with agitation. The wind had died down in the earlier hours of the morning, but the snow was still coming down too strongly for any of them to risk going outside. He bristled at a comment Kyx called out to him from where he was crouched behind her. Rager, likely sensing an imminent fight, intervened with a bark that effectively silenced the other two males. Warol went back to a more sedate pace, and Kyx huffed and leaned into her.

  To her surprise, the Ragoru took turns sitting with her. Although she had a thick fur wrapped around her to keep her warm, she inevitably ended up with one of them crouched behind her sharing his body heat. At the end of the day, however, it was Rager who slid in behind her while the other two males pushed in at either side, forming a barrier of warmth.

  Every night, it was the same routine. They ate a little of the dwindling supply of meat and settled down comfortably. No one ever instigated anything, and it was likely that everyone would have preferred to pretend that first night hadn’t happened, except it kept happening again and again. The biggest difference was that she no longer dreamed of a dashing Captain Reynolds. In his place, the Ragoru explored her in naughty ways that she would have been too embarrassed to ever admit.

  All her sexual experience was summed up in the pages of that book. Her mother had spoken to her of what went on between joined couples in the most medically precise language as possible. The books, however, gave her a glimpse of passion. That didn’t stop her imagination from conjuring up things that made her blush furiously when she thought back on it in the light of day. And every night she woke painfully aroused with Rager’s primary cock nestled between her thighs and all three males growling in the fervor of their own arousal. No one spoke of it, or even acted like it had ever happened. They did not do more than casually touch each other or her in the most platonic of ways. It was as if the night shrouded them away from reality and allowed them to enjoy small pleasures the only way they could.


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