Faith's Crossing

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Faith's Crossing Page 4

by Carrie Carr

  Laughing out loud, Lex gave Amanda a strong squeeze. “You’re kidding, right?” She released her hold and moved over to a small table, where the attaché case from the bank had been placed earlier. After a short search, Lex pulled out an envelope and handed Amanda a piece of paper. “Read the balance on the statement.”

  Once her eyes scanned the page, Amanda couldn’t help but echo Lex’s words. “You’re kidding, right?” According to what she’d read, the woman standing before her had more money than both her parents combined.

  Lex shook her head. “Nope. My mother’s family did okay for themselves, and with the investments I’ve made in the past few years, it’s safe to say that I won’t be trying to clean out your bank accounts in the middle of the night.”

  “Not that I ever had any worries in that regard, Lex. I don’t use my parent’s money. Which has caused its own share of arguments.” Amanda stepped into Lex’s arms. “I don’t care if you were just a poor ranch hand, I’d still be in love with you.”

  “I know. And you should know that I fell in love with you the moment I pulled you out of the creek. I had no idea who you were, but there was just something about you I couldn’t resist.” Lex pulled Amanda closer and then kissed her on the temple. “So, are you going to help me read all these damn reports? Maybe you can figure out where all the money is going.”

  Amanda allowed herself to be led back to the desk, where she sat on a nearby chair. “Sure. I help with the bookwork at the office all the time. I love numbers.”

  Happy with the answer, Lex handed her a pile of papers. “Maybe I should hire you to do my paperwork at the ranch? I hate sitting in an office when I can be outside doing something instead.”

  “I’d love to.” Amanda started to sort the papers into some semblance of order. Not able to resist tweaking her friend, she couldn’t help but ask, “What are you willing to pay?”

  Lex gave her a sexy look. “I think we could work something out.” After getting the expected blush from Amanda, she also started dividing the papers she had into neat little piles.

  They worked quietly for almost two hours, each woman studying the papers before her. Amanda finally found a pattern to the losses. She handed a paper to Lex, pointing out her find. “Look. This is the third time I’ve seen this.”

  “Now that you mentioned it, I’ve seen it a couple of times myself.” Lex dug through a pile, then jumped to her feet. “That sonofabitch!” She threw the papers down and began to stomp through the room. “I’ll kill him!”

  “Lex, wait!” Amanda jumped up from her chair and caught the enraged woman before she could reach the door. Latching onto a strong arm, she forced Lex to turn and face her.

  Spinning around, Lex was about to sling off the annoyance when a quiet voice cut through the red haze of her fury.

  “Lex?” Amanda spoke quietly, hoping to calm the angry woman as one would a wild animal. “Hey, come back in here and sit down, please?” She thought at first Lex was just going to brush her aside and continue out the door, but the eyes burning with rage softened, and she allowed herself to be guided to the sofa.

  Leaning back, Lex closed her eyes and took a shaky breath. “I’m sorry.” She felt the anger ebb away, leaving only weariness in its place.

  Amanda sat next to her, feeling her own heart slowly return to its normal rhythm. She watched as Lex finally calmed down, seeing the tense lines on her face gradually soften. Picking up the hand clinched into a tight fist, she coaxed it open, entwining their fingers together. “Shhh. There’s nothing to be sorry about.”

  Lex pulled their joined hands up until they were against her chest. Bending her face down, she placed a very light kiss on Amanda’s knuckles. “I’m sorry you had to witness that.” Opening her eyes, Lex looked down at their hands, still unable to bring herself to meet her lover’s gaze. “But better you know now how I can be, I guess.”

  “Look at me.”

  The quiet demand was something Lex couldn’t refuse. She took a deep breath and slowly raised her eyes, expecting to see fear or disgust for her lack of control. Lex was surprised at the amount of love and understanding she saw through the shining eyes across from her. Opening her mouth to speak, she found her lips gently covered with a soft fingertip.

  “If that’s the best you can do to scare me off, you’re in big trouble.” Seeing Lex take a breath to speak, Amanda shook her head. “No, wait. I know you have a temper. But if you ask anyone in my family, they’ll tell you I have a pretty short fuse myself.” Taking her hand away from Lex’s mouth, she used it instead to caress her lover’s cheek. “So, between the two of us, everyone else had better watch out.” When she saw that Lex’s eyes were turning watery, Amanda threaded her fingers behind her partner’s neck and pulled her head forward. She gave Lex a gentle kiss, then leaned back. “Would it help you to talk about it?”

  Lex bent forward again until their foreheads were touching. “It’s kind of hard to explain.” Her voice dropped to a hoarse whisper and her eyes involuntarily closed. “It’s about the missing money.” When her hand was released, she felt a heavy weight descend onto her chest, until strong arms wrapped themselves around her body. Pulling Amanda into her lap, Lex snuggled close. “It’s not the amount of money that bothers me, honestly.”

  Amanda stroked the dark head tenderly. “Shhh. I know that honey.” Even though they’d only known each other a short while, Amanda could say without a doubt that money was the last thing Lex ever thought about. She felt the body under hers tremble slightly.

  “My own brother.” Lex sniffed, trying to control her emotions. The feeling of betrayal hurt almost as bad as the knowledge of who was behind the loss of money. “How can my own brother be embezzling money from the ranch?”

  No wonder she’s so upset. Amanda could feel the quiet shuddering that told her of Lex’s hurt. She had never seen Lex cry, at least not like this. “Maybe there’s another explanation.”

  Lex pulled herself together and reclined slightly so she could look into Amanda’s face. “I could probably handle the fact that he’s taking money from the ranch, since he really never got over the fact that Dad signed it over to me.” She gave Amanda a weak smile, as delicate fingertips wiped the tears from her face. “But the way he’s done it. I really never thought the slimy bastard was that smart.”

  “He can’t be too smart, since you’ve caught him at it,” Amanda remarked, relieved to see her companion was feeling more like herself.

  “That’s just it, Amanda. Looking at the statements and receipts, we haven’t caught him.” She helped Amanda get off her lap, then picked up several papers from the desk. She showed her partner a signature on the withdrawal slip. “Look right here.” It read Lexington M. Walters. “We’ve caught me.”

  Chapter Three

  LATER THAT EVENING, Amanda convinced Lex to tell her grandparents what was going on, since each of them had been running their own businesses for years. She was hoping their different perspectives would help them find an easier solution, one that didn’t include Lex having to testify against her only living sibling, and possibly sending him to prison. I think she’d feel more guilt than anything else, not to mention the embarrassment of dragging all of this out in public, Amanda reasoned.

  “So, he’s been withdrawing money by signing your name to the slips for the last few months?” Anna Leigh asked, while she looked at the receipts from the bank. “And since all the statements had been sent to him, you’re just now finding out about it?”

  Lex sat in a nearby chair with her head propped in her hands. “I know. It was totally irresponsible of me not to have copies of the statements sent to the ranch every month.” She was feeling more and more foolish by the minute.

  Amanda, who was perched on the arm of Lex’s chair, rubbed her lover’s back to try and comfort her. “I think what Gramma is wondering is why the bank hadn’t figured out that anything unusual was happening.” She looked at her grandmother, who nodded in agreement.

dness, Lexington. I never meant for you to think I was questioning your business sense.” She waited until Lex looked up at her. “It’s just that the only time I can see you’ve withdrawn money without using a check is when your brother has done it. And then, it was for fairly large amounts. I just can’t believe they actually allowed this to happen without some sort of authorization.”

  Jacob looked up from the stack of papers he studied. “She’s right. Those idiots at the bank should have realized something was wrong a long time ago. Unless someone there is in on it, too.”

  Lex closed her eyes as a sudden wave of exhaustion washed over her. “I’ve already called Mr. Collins and told him not to allow any more withdrawals from this account without verifying that the person that's doing them is authorized.” She leaned her head back against the chair. “I’m going to take your advice and go down tomorrow to open a new account, so Hubert won’t have access to the ranch funds anymore.”

  Anna Leigh and Jacob both eyed the rancher with concern.

  Amanda gazed down, seeing that Lex had closed her eyes. “Lex?” She ran a hand gently through the dark hair. “I believe you’ve done all you can today.” She waited for her lover to look up at her. “It’s getting pretty late, so why don’t we head upstairs to bed?”

  “Yeah, I think you’re right. I’m beat.” Lex slowly stood up and looked self-consciously at her feet, addressing the couple at the desk. “I really appreciate all your help today. I don’t know what I would have done without you.” She raised her head and rubbed her eyes. “I was just so shocked when I found out who was behind all of this, I couldn’t think straight.”

  Anna Leigh moved around the desk so she could wrap her arms around Lex. “Oh, dearest, you’re part of the family. We’ll always be here for you.”

  Jacob stood beside them, giving Lex’s shoulder a gentle squeeze. “That’s right, Lex. Now get yourself upstairs and get some rest.”

  Lex stepped back and gave them both a heartfelt look. “Thank you. I wish I had known my own grandparents. But I have a feeling they couldn’t have held a candle to you two.” She then allowed Amanda to steer her out of the office and up the stairs.

  When her lover placed an arm around her shoulders, Amanda quickly became worried. “Lex, are you all right?”

  “Yeah, I’m fine. Just enjoying the company.” The answering swat on her rear elicited a small chuckle from Lex. “And I am a little tired. It’s been one hell of a long day.” Weary, she let Amanda guide her to the bed, where she sat down and enjoyed the attention she received.

  Amanda unbuttoned Lex’s shirt. “Have you taken your medicine this evening, Lex?” Not waiting for an answer, she efficiently stripped her partner and then reached into their suitcase and picked up a clean nightshirt for Lex to wear. “Here, put this on.” Once again she dressed Lex as if she were a child. Before Amanda could finish buttoning the shirt, she felt her hands gently captured.

  “Amanda.” Lex spoke quietly, so as not to send the wrong message to the woman she loved. “Please stop fussing so much. You’re going to wear yourself out.” She brought Amanda’s hands to her lips and placed a soft kiss on the delicate knuckles. “Why don’t you get undressed and join me?”

  Amanda blinked, suddenly self-conscious about what she had been doing. “Oh. I didn’t even realize—” She pulled away and grabbed her own nightshirt from a nearby dresser. Stripping efficiently, Amanda didn’t notice the appreciative eyes watching her until she had slipped the long tee shirt over her head. “What?”

  “Have I ever told you how beautiful you are?” Lex asked, in a reverent tone. “Just looking at you makes my heart beat faster.”

  “Oh, come on. I think that medication you’re on is affecting your eyes.” Amanda thought it was funny, until she noticed the expression on Lex’s face. She moved over to the bed to join Lex. “You really think so?”

  Lex pulled her close, then rolled over onto her back and tucked Amanda against her left side. “Oh, yeah. Most definitely.”

  Amanda felt an unexpected surge of happiness flow through her with that thought. Wow. “Thank you,” she murmured, absorbing the feeling with joy.

  “You’re welcome.” Lex pulled her even closer, if that were possible. “Love you.” She managed to say before sleep claimed her.

  “I love you, too,” Amanda whispered, then she kissed the shoulder underneath her cheek and closed her eyes to join Lex in slumber.

  THE EARLY MORNING sun burst brightly through the windows, causing Amanda to open her eyes and groan. In an attempt to ward off the impending day, she buried her face back into her pillow. Feeling the pillow move, she reopened one eye and realized the surface her head was propped up on was actually breathing. Amazing. I actually woke up first. Reaching up with one hand, Amanda touched Lex’s forehead. No fever. That’s a good sign. She thought about getting up, but Lex had her arm wrapped possessively around her shoulder, and Amanda really didn’t have the heart to disturb her. So I guess I’ll just suffer here in bed. What a hardship. Amanda wrapped her arms tightly around the firm body beneath her and drifted back to sleep.

  Lex awoke sometime later, pleased to note that the fuzzy feeling from the medication was gone, and the wound in her side didn’t hurt at all. Amanda was still sprawled against her with her head snuggled up under Lex’s chin. Looking out the window, Lex could see the late morning sun streaming in. I can’t believe I slept so late. She peered fondly at her companion. She’s not gonna let me live this down for a while, I’ll bet. Pulling her friend close, Lex kissed the top of her head. “Amanda.” She felt one arm squeeze her tighter. “Come on, sweetheart, time to get up. We can’t lounge around in bed all day.”

  “Mmm, no,” Amanda grumbled. “Don’t wanna.” She buried her head deeper into Lex’s shoulder.

  Desperate times call for desperate measures. Lex slowly edged a hand under Amanda’s nightshirt and tickled her ribs.

  “Hey,” Amanda squealed, moving back quickly. “That’s not nice.” Sitting up, she rearranged her shirt. “You act like you’re feeling better today.”

  Lex rolled over onto her left side and propped her head up with one hand. “Yep, good as new.”

  Amanda mirrored her posture. “I wouldn’t go that far. You still need to take it easy for a few days. Doctor’s orders.” Seeing the decidedly evil grin that broke out across Lex’s face, Amanda quickly rolled out of bed and started for the bathroom. I don’t know what she’s thinking, but I’ll bet I won’t like it. “Don’t give me that look,” she warned, not even bothering to turn around. She was almost to the doorway when she was caught from behind. Quick hands reached under her shirt and began tracing a gentle pattern on her stomach, revving up Amanda's libido.

  “Want me to scrub your back?”

  Amanda felt her legs weaken as Lex’s lips started a tender assault on her neck. “Umm.” She lifted her arms back over her head to tangle her hands in the Lex’s hair. The searching hands began to drift upward, then took a firm grasp on responsive flesh. “Oh, yeah. Sharing is good,” Amanda murmured, then allowed Lex to guide her into the bathroom.

  By the time they made it downstairs, the kitchen was strangely quiet. Amanda steered Lex to a chair at the table. “Looks like I finally get to cook your breakfast.” She brought over a mug of coffee and placed it in front of her lover. “Here, you can start with this.”

  Lex took a sip of the brew and watched as Amanda turned on the griddle at the stove to heat. “Thanks. You really don’t have to wait on me hand and foot, or cook my breakfast. We can always stop and get some doughnuts or something.”

  “No way. Those things will kill you. Besides, I like taking care of you, and I’ve never had anyone to pamper before. So get used to it.” Amanda shook a finger at her, indicating that no more arguments would be heard, then turned and started to pull items out of the refrigerator.

  Anna Leigh walked into the kitchen to refill her coffee cup. “Good morning, girls.” She gave Amanda a hug, then kissed Lex on top of the head
as she joined her at the table. She missed the startled look on the rancher’s face, which turned into a relaxed smile. “What kind of trouble are the two of you planning on getting into today?”

  Amanda turned away from the counter where she was stirring pancake batter. “Funny you should ask, Gramma. I was going to talk to you about that.”

  “Really? Well, here I am, so ask away. Do you need me to do something for you?”

  Even though the conversation was serious to her, Amanda kept her concentration on her cooking. She poured the batter onto the griddle using a gravy ladle, so that the pancakes would all be the same size. “Actually, I was hoping it was something I could do for you.” Keeping one eye on the griddle, she partially turned to look at her grandmother. “Since I’ve decided to live here in Somerville on a more permanent basis, I was wondering—”

  Her sentence was cut short as Anna Leigh leaped to her feet, rushed to the stove, and wrapped Amanda in an exuberant hug. “You’re staying? That’s wonderful, Mandy!” She leaned back to look her granddaughter in the eye. “Does this also mean I have a new office manager? Two people have called in the past week to give notice because of Rick.” Anna Leigh felt bad that things had gotten this much out of hand, but her thoughts had been focused on Jacob’s health. The real estate office had been on the bottom of her priority list after her husband’s accident.

  Giving her grandmother a squeeze, Amanda returned her attention to the pancakes. “If you still want me to, then yes.” Flipping them over, she turned to Anna Leigh. “But,” Amanda pointed the spatula, “only if you think I’d be the best person for the job.”

  “Absolutely. When can you start?” Anna Leigh clapped her hands and then resumed her place at the table across from Lex. “Would you two mind meeting me at the office this afternoon? I can’t wait to get rid of that sorry excuse for a human being.” Although normally fearless in business, Anna would rather have as many witnesses as possible when she dismissed the hulking Rick Thompson, just in case he took his termination in a bad way.


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