The Hunters Rage

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The Hunters Rage Page 18

by Elizabeth N Harris

  Now you have challenged the monster by telling Artemis she cannot be who she is. Which means, it’s tearing her apart, you’ve hurt Artemis by not seeing what and who she is. You have told Artemis, the man she loves, she is not good enough for you. That she is expendable.”

  “What of your own part in this? You created that monster. You helped hone it.” Ace shot back, annoyed at the accusation.

  “I did not create the monster. Those that tortured, abused and violated Artemis created that monster. I taught her to hone and control it. Artemis could have become an embittered, hateful psychopath if not for my training. I have seen it happen. Artemis would’ve possibly sunk into the dark, with no light in her life. Falcon and Nova, taught hate and without question, the amazing children they are, destroyed.” Master Hoshi denied.

  “You trained Artemis.” Ace insisted.

  “Yes, I did. Trained Artemis to survive. Trained her to ensure Artemis never became as helpless as she did that horrible day. I ensured Artemis can and will survive anything. I gave her monster a focus, real bad guys who she chased after. That kept the monster sated, and Artemis did not look to feed it elsewhere. By challenging Artemis, the monster rages out of control. I see Artemis losing her grip with each day that passes.

  You have a choice, Ace. You can continue to deny who Artemis is and you can continue to look for the girl you loved and who is dead. If you choose that, leave Artemis alone. Do not keep sending messages through Akemi. Let Artemis go because Kayleigh Mitchell died on that road, died in the operating theatre. Kayleigh is dead. Mourn lost love but let Artemis go and revel in the joy of your children.

  Your second choice is harder and much more difficult. Accept Artemis for who she is now. Love Artemis, if possible for you to do so. I find Artemis easy to love, maybe you will find the same. If you can love her, love Artemis for what and who she is, do not tell her to stop being herself. You support and celebrate the life she has with you.

  I cannot tell you more of her missions, Artemis can tell you of her missions as an Artemis operative. Artemis cannot speak of Revenge or Revenge missions. Artemis utters one word, she signs her death warrant, which will pain me greatly. I cannot make an exception for my daughter and not anyone else. I hope I’m clear. There will be aspects of Artemis’s life she cannot and will not discuss with you.” Master Hoshi rose to his feet.

  “Seen Kayleigh inside Artemis, just little bits.” Ace mumbled.

  “See parts of Akemi in you, does not make you Akemi.” Master Hoshi said, watching Ace.

  “That’s true.” Ace mused.

  “Make a choice and stick to it Ace. Let Artemis go or hold her tight. Although at the moment, Artemis is ornery as Santos escaped. While she is single-mindedly dismantling the Santos operation, Artemis and the monster are occupied. Artemis still seeks Thunder, and the man Jacked, who I understand escaped. Artemis will find her final vengeance. The question is, will you be at Artemis’s side? The man who beat his old president and sliced the patch off his bare skin and then put a bullet in his head.

  Oh yes, Ace, I watched you and this MC for many years, ensuring no threat came near to my child. I know your secrets as you now know a few of mine. An exchange of information is always acceptable, is it not? By the way, this device has killed any bugs Artemis or myself may have placed.” Master Hoshi gave Ace a shit-eating grin and then left the inner sanctum. Ace watched as Master Hoshi bowed over Phoe’s hand and then left as quietly as he came. Slate’s eyes burned into Master Hoshi as he watched him leave.


  “This is Artemis.” I said into my phone. The number wasn’t familiar, and I’d a suspicion it was Santos. For the last two weeks I’d taken apart the criminal enterprise and Santos was hurting.

  “This is Romeo Santos.” A rich voice said down the phone. I sat up and dragged my covers up with me.

  “What do you want?” I asked.

  “I want to sue for a parley. A meeting between just you and myself. Miguel, well, father overstepped, and I wish to make amends. I have three gifts for you if we can call a ceasefire. If you wish to send one of your operatives to an address, that I’ll text you, you’ll receive one of those gifts.” Romeo crooned down the phone. I wrinkled my nose.

  “A gift?”

  “Yes, an immediate one. The other two you’ll receive if you’ll agree to a ceasefire until we can arrange a meeting. Father no longer is running things.”

  “That doesn’t mean shit to me.”

  “It will when we meet up Artemis. Give you my word.” I paused for a few seconds and then agreed to meet if I liked the first gift. Romeo said goodbye and cut our connection. Seconds later, an address hit my inbox and rising from the bed, I dressed and crept from my room. Akemi waited outside, and I cocked an eyebrow and Akemi gave a small smile.

  “Heard your phone. Buzz and Angel are home, let’s go.” Akemi said in a low voice. He looked at my raised eyebrows. “What, you think I will let you walk into a potential situation without backup?” Akemi asked as his long legs began to stride away. I’d have kicked his ass for that, but instead, I meandered after him.

  Akemi drove to an abandoned house, not one of Santos’s from what we could determine. Moving quietly, we both entered searching for any traps. Finding none, we made our way through, searching for this mysterious gift. Akemi halted abruptly in front of me, gazing in a bedroom and then stepped to one side.

  “Well.” I exclaimed with a bitter laugh. “Didn’t expect that.” Akemi pulled a phone out and dialled Drake. He answered sleepily on the third ring.

  “Sending you an address. There’s something here that belongs to you.” Akemi told Drake the address and disconnected. Forty minutes later, bike pipes roared, and then a few minutes later, Drake walked towards me with Fish and Ace. Ace’s eyes flew straight to me and checked me from head to toe before Ace smiled, seeing I was fine.

  Ace confused me a little, but I turned away and gave Drake and Fish a nod before pointing into the shadows of the room.

  “Jacked.” Drake growled.

  “Jacked’s yours. I want Thunder and Santos, but Jacked’s yours.” I told Drake whose eyes glistened with anger and spite.

  “Fuck yeah, Jacked’s ours.” Drake agreed. In the shadows, Jacked’s eyes widened and then Jacked began shaking his head. Jacked began screeching against the gag in his mouth.

  “Make it hurt, make it painful and make Jacked bleed. Like I did.” I told Drake and then turned on my heel. Ace’s hand snaked out and grabbed my arm, and I tensed.

  “Need to talk. Master Hoshi paid a visit.” Ace blurted as I started to pull away. I stopped, and my own eyes widened this time. Master Hoshi can only have gone to see Ace for one reason.

  “Master Hoshi did?” I asked, looking over my shoulder at Akemi who watched me expressionlessly. Akemi knew, I realised and glared. So, Akemi and Master Hoshi were colluding behind my back. I wasn’t happy. Akemi saw my expression, and his implacable face grinned, and then Akemi walked away. Aware I resembled an angry puppy, I followed him.

  “I’ll call.” I tossed at Ace.

  “Do not start.” Akemi sniped as I got into the SUV still glaring.

  “You and Master Hoshi are interfering.” I snapped at Akemi. Anger was building slowly.

  “Yes.” Akemi said. My mouth dropped open in surprise as Akemi admitted it.

  “You’re going to admit it?”

  “Of course. I’m not hiding it, neither is father.” Akemi spun a left, and I slid across my seat a little. I pushed my way back into the middle.

  “You’ve no right. Either of you.” I snarled.

  “We’ve every right. You’re family, and you love Ace.” I opened my mouth to snap out an instant denial and then shut it. Akemi was correct on a couple of things, though admitting he was right stuck in my throat.

  We were family, we’d made that family eleven years ago. Maybe an odd family, but family didn’t mean blood. Not to me. It meant people who I let into my life and trusted and loved the
m. Thunder and Misty had taught me a hard lesson in love.

  Master Hoshi and Akemi had taught me a gentler one. They’d burrowed their way into my heart without warning, and I loved them as a brother and father. The twins were their family as they were Uncle and Grandfather. The twin’s family had grown tenfold, but I knew that Akemi and Master Hoshi would always hold their special place.

  As much as Akemi galled me, he was right as well, I loved Ace. I think deep under the hate and bitterness I always had. It was a bitter pill to swallow. I’d tried to destroy that love with hate, and yet I think I’d buried it instead. I’d honoured Ace’s heritage with the naming of Nova and Falcon.

  The twins understood a hell of a lot about their ancestors and where they’d come from. Ace’s side held a richness of legend and history. My side held nothing apart from being trailer trash, so I’d encouraged studies in their heritage. So in being brutally honest, I hadn’t wiped Ace from my life as I’d hoped.

  “You had no right to interfere.” I muttered mulishly. Akemi gave a short laugh and concentrated on getting us home.


  “Where you off to brother?” Drake asked as Ace walked towards his bike.

  “Meetin’ Artemis. At the bar.”

  “Got hope?”

  “Got somethin’, dunno what yet. She’s meetin’ me, that counts for somethin’.” Ace drawled his eyes on his bike. He glanced up towards the wall, and his gaze narrowed on two figures.

  “Ace?” Drake asked.

  “They’re back brother.” Ace tilted his head towards the figures stood in the shadows. One a boy of approximately sixteen and one in his younger teens.

  “Keep seein’ them. Fifth time they have been around lookin’ this month.” Drake agreed.

  “We got names?” Ace asked as he studied the kids.

  “Yeah, not happy with who they belong to.”

  “Hit me.” Ace wondered if he should approach the boys.

  “Rio Valden’s kids.” Ace rose his eyebrows at the name.

  “Valden, Spearfish’s best tattoo artist Valden? Egotistical asshole Valden?” Ace asked.

  “Yeah. I’ll see what they want. You get going Ace.” Drake said, watching the boys watching him.

  “Can stay.”

  “Get gone. I’ll deal with them.” Drake shoved Ace towards his bike, and with one last look over at the boys, Ace climbed on his bike and rode out. Drake cocked his finger at the kids and then pointed at his feet. The two boys discussed something furiously, and then the taller one approached.

  “What you need boys?” Drake asked.

  “Wanna join. Prospect.”


  “Jonas, brother is Zac.” Drake studied the boy.

  “How old are you lad?” Jonas straightened his shoulders.

  “Eighteen.” Drake let out a laugh. Then he gave the boy a stern glare.

  “Wanna be Rage, first rule don’t fuckin’ lie to a brother or your Prez. Wanna try that one again.” Jonas dropped his gaze and toed the forecourt.

  “Fifteen. Sixteen in seven months.” Drake’s lips pursed. He sensed the kids were in trouble.

  “Rage don’t take no prospect under the age of eighteen, boy. Need help with somethin’?” Jonas's shoulders snapped back. Fuck, this kid had pride.

  “Can take care of Zac and me.” Before Drake could ask or move, Jonas ran back to his brother, tugged him behind him, and they disappeared into the shadows. Drake cursed out loud, he’d been too slow to catch the kid. His gut told him kids were in danger. He pulled his phone and dialled Chance, Hellfire was based in Spearfish. Why the kids applied to Rage and not Hellfire, Drake didn’t know, but he’d get his cousin to keep an eye on them. He’d heard enough shit about Rio Valen.


  “So.” I said, staring across the table at Ace.

  “So?” Ace replied. I’d called him as I promised and we’d arranged to meet at the bar. The bar was busy, and the noise level hid our conversation from curious ears, I looked in Drake’s, Fish’s and Lowriders direction. Lowrider grinned and tossed back a drink.

  “What do you want Ace?”

  “You. Everything.” Ace said shortly, making me choke on the sip of water I‘d just taken. Well, Ace wasn’t beating around the bush.

  “According to you, I have to stop what I’m doing. Won’t do that, I won’t be micromanaged nor will I quit something I enjoy doing.”

  “Was wrong.” Damn that man, I thought as I choked a second time. Ace admitted he was wrong? That was new! Ace never admitted he was wrong in the past.

  “You were wrong?” I said wiping tears from my eyes.

  “Yes. Master Hoshi told me part of your history, told me part of the background that you can’t speak of. Got a better understanding. And a better understanding, of what I desire, that’s you. Not a lost love.” Ace stretched his arms above his head, making his biceps tighten and my eyes went to them of their own accord. Ace gave me a smug grin.

  “We have sex between us Ace.”

  “Oh yeah babe, we’ve sex all right. Was wrong in so many instances. When this started, I wanted revenge for Kayleigh. It blinded me. Then I found out Kayleigh didn’t die, that she lived in you.”

  “I’m not fucking Kayleigh.”

  “Let me finish.” Ace snapped back, and I nodded. “You weren’t the Kayleigh I remembered, my girl never could have done what you did. She’d have stayed at home with the kids and hung around the clubhouse. Kayleigh may have gone college or somethin’, but she’d have been happy with a simple life.

  You, you’re fire and ice and more than a fuckin’ handful. Nothing like my Kayleigh. Was tryin’ to hang onto her and realised with help from Master Hoshi that I wasn’t lettin’ her go and acceptin’ what I had in front of me. I’d a second chance and threw it away.

  When you got shot, I wasn’t happy. Reacted and tried to lay the law down, not recognising that you’re my equal. You weren’t before, you were mine to protect, and I’d never have let Kayleigh pull the shit you do now. Now Artemis, babe, you’re my equal, and you’re the better person for me.

  Kayleigh and I would’ve been happy, bent over backwards to be happy. Think there would’ve been a small part of me I’d have kept hidden from her. The ugly, the bloody part that Kayleigh couldn’t have coped with. You? Don’t need to hide the violence from you. The dark part of me revels in your dark part.” Ace stopped speaking.

  Ace was right, as Kayleigh, I couldn’t have stood the death that surrounded Rage. I would’ve clung and tried to get Ace away from Rage. That dark part was as much a part of Ace as it was me.

  “Got a monster inside me.” I told him softly.

  “So I do babe.”

  “If I don’t feed it, shit gets ugly.”

  “So feed it.” Ace told me. I blinked “Babe there’re a lot of situations out there, where you can feed your monster and rescue innocent people. Feed it. Let it rage gluttonous. Fuckin’ feed it.” Ace leaned forward and kept eye contact as he said those words. Words that rocked me to my core.

  “So you’re telling me you can handle the shit I do, the missions I go on. The killing, rescues, standing up for what I believe in.”

  “Yes. All of it baby, good and bad.”

  “I never stopped loving you.” I muttered after a few minutes. The air around us crackled, and Ace tensed. “Even when I hated you and wanted your head, I loved you. It’s why I never came after you. I couldn’t be the one who pulled the trigger.”

  “You would have this time.”

  “Yes, I would have. Everything I’d buried boiled over. The moment that scumbag forced me onto Rage, and I faced Drake, it began rising inside me. Hate and loathing. Despair and sorrow. That hurt I felt with each knife cut, with each rape, when they cut the twins from me, I raged at and wanted you to suffer.

  Yes, Ace this time I could and would’ve hurt you. If not for Master Hoshi you’d be dead by now, innocent of the crime I’d found you guilty of. I’d have destroyed myself b
y destroying you. Thunder, Misty and Bulldog, the rest of them would’ve got their final laugh.”

  “Yeah babe, they’d have won. This way, we win.”

  “Do we? Can we build something together?” I asked Ace not realising the yearning in my voice.

  “Yeah, we can, let me in woman. Trust me.” Ace wasn’t begging, he was telling me.

  “Trust is so hard Ace, trusted everyone before and look what happened. I find it so hard to trust.” Gingerly, I opened myself up a little, so Ace could see me. I didn’t know if I could trust Ace. Wanted to trust him. I’d guarded my emotions so tightly over the years, and Ace was offering me something I didn’t know how to take.

  Or did I? Master Hoshi and Akemi weren’t the only two I’d let in. Buzz, Nigel, Simone, Butch, Angel and Kris. I’d let them in. Including the twins, there were ten people I trusted around me. Could I trust one more? Was it possible for me to let Rage in again and trust them? I shook my head, trying to clear the whirlwind of thoughts.

  Ace waited patiently. I looked at Ace, his beautiful face, long hair, broad shoulders tapering to a trim waist and lean hips, muscled legs. Ace was beauty incarnate. I’d never once in the whole time we were together doubted Ace’s fidelity. Other women may have looked at Ace and wondered why he was with them. I’d never felt that.

  Ace had given me a haven, a place where I could be myself and not fear judgement. Ace hadn’t failed me, Bulldog and his band of assholes failed me. Not one of us could have foreseen what happened. It’d happened but did I allow that event, that one dreadful event to scar the rest of my life?

  Ace sat calmly but tense. Everything between led to this one moment, Ace was willing to accept me, accept what did and who I was. Ace could love my monster, love me. He was offering that. The question was, could I let Ace or was I doomed to be alone until I died? My monster poked its head up and purred. It gave me an answer I wasn’t expecting.

  I rose to my feet and looked at Ace, giving him a half-smile, the hope faded from his eyes. I pushed my chair back and walked around the table, where I grabbed his face in my hands. Grinning, I put my mouth to Ace’s and kissed him with everything I had.


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