by D A Stein
Lyon had already started contacting our security company remotely as well as any clan members. In state and outside. The whole damned country.
“You need to get her to connect with her dragon,” I told Darius. He needed to make a decide and he needed to now. “I don’t care how you do it. We’re going to need every available dragon there is. Your feelings. Her feelings. They don’t matter. What matters is this clan and making sure it survives. Your ancestors started it and I am going to make damn sure this generation doesn’t end it.”
My steely eyes settled hard on my oldest to show him I meant business. He might have been an alpha man, but he could see what I said was true and lowered his eyes before mine in submission. Inwardly, I sighed in relief. I did not think he would actually submit.
We looked about the room, trying to decide what would need to be moved to fit a dragon inside. Her being a royal would help us even if the males were after her. The royals had better communication with their beasts. We only needed to get her to talk to her dragon. She would hopefully be able to get them to back down, with us behind her.
Placing my hands on my hips, I lifted my upper body and my back until my joints cracked to release some of my tension.
We had moved all the furniture against the walls. I hoped that would be enough room or she wouldn’t freak out. “Alright. Go find her and get her to change. Where did that girl get too? She can’t have been that far behind us. I don’t know how far those males have followed her and how soon they’ll be here,” I sighed out.
“Mother. This time I’ll follow your directions because I agree with them, but don’t try to order me around again. You won’t like the consequences.” Darius left after assuring me with his set face what those consequences might be.
Staring out a large, double plated window, I let the warm early evening sunlight wash over me. These windows had never opened and right now I wish they did.
Tilting my head upward, I considered how dangerous it would be to go to my garden on the roof. The opportunity disappeared when I noticed Darius and the girl enter. He gripped her hand tightly in his.
I was going to have my work cut for me, I could see. “Come on, come on. Get her to change,” I said briskly.
Darius gave me a dirty look and stood Amelia into the middle of the room. She glanced around confused. “Amelia,” he began explaining. “You need to change. There will be a fight for you. If, like you said, there were male dragons chasing you here from Europe, then they might still be looking. Lyon’s checking on the fact that you might have alerted them. Might. Would have. We need you to get your memory back and connecting with your dragon might do that. So, change now!” This last was said in such a firm voice I could see her skin rippling. He stood toe to toe with her. His fingers gripped her chin tightly as he stared into her light eyes, willing her to become a dragon.
Amelia threw her head back, her face contorting as she fought the change. Don’t fight it. Don’t fight it, I chanted to myself. It’ll only hurt more.
I wanted to tell her that, but I didn’t want to upset the control Darius had over her dragon. Finally, she couldn’t fight it anymore, and where Amelia had been now stood a beautiful, gleaming, golden dragon stood, crouching. The large room barely contained her new body. The double doors were open so her long, spiked tail had room to escape.
Each dragon’s configuration was different in some way, whether just in coloring, size or where their spikes were placed. Hers were cradled around her head with two large dagger sized ones on the back of her head. The rest were about her head with spikes to her shoulders and four sword-like ones on her tail.
She stretched her neck out to it’s full length after opening her mouth in intimation of a smile, her teeth blinding white and sharp. Amelia shook her head, her feather-like spikes fluttering about her.
Darius was grinning like a fool, his eyes closed as he stood next to her, his hand stroking her armor- plated shoulder, muttering soothing words I couldn’t hear.
His father and I were not a love match. Our marriage was two strong families coming together. That was it. That was the way it should be. So why did I have a pang of jealousy in my heart?
Our phones began blaring the alarm. Darius’ eyes snapped open as the alarms in the penthouse began blaring in here and through the whole building, I hoped as planned. We had never had to have them go off before.
He whispered one word to Amelia and she changed to a human again. This time not a shivering whimp, I could see.
I raced with the others up to the roof, the battle already loud and fierce. I wasn’t sure how humans wouldn’t know what we were after this. My dragon burst from my skin faster than he ever had before. There were so many fighting it was impossible to tell who friend or foe was.
I launched myself upward and headed straight for the battle, my fire drawing from my belly, hot and fierce. I sprayed the enemy from below at their susceptible bellies. I flew a zig zagging pattern, weaving in and out amongst the enemy. I tried to attack the dragons that were after ones I knew.
Screams filled the air as dragons fought with fire. If they were ice dragons, freezing air erupted from their mouth.
Suddenly, as I began another sweep a large, golden dragon flew in my direction, flaming a male that I had missed. How the hell had I missed a large, flying body in front of me. I twisted my neck to get a good look at who had saved me, and discovered it was Amelia. How had she grown so large?
The thin, membrane of the wing of the male she had flamed was badly scorched. He screamed, his long neck stretched and twisted sideways as he dropped out of the night sky.
Amelia turned her head and glanced my way. One slitted, ice- blue eye winked at me. Then she disappeared, swooping and flitting in and out amongst the enemy males.
I flew straight up, my wings tucked tight against my sides. Making a quick about turn, my body headed downward, straight as an arrow. I watched close as I headed straight for an unsuspecting group of young males trying to overtake Amelia. They were trying a silent swoop and attack approach. As I lined myself at them, my roar alerted Amelia about her danger. It also alerted the assholes.
Without looking in any other direction but the one she was traveling, she swerved in a steep bank that sent her in the opposite direction of the group of males. Except, one males wing claw swiped against her diamond hard scales. The screech that sounded was ear piercing. The wing was snatched away but not before I saw the missing talon. The male rose sharply, his wings beating fast and hard until he hovered above us. I watched him, intent upon his actions.
Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Amelia rise as well until she caught an updraft. She made lazy sweeps as she checked for more of the enemy. We studied the wreckage around us. Dragons and men screamed and moaned out their pain. The ones that were alive.
That was when I saw five males had swarmed Darius. They flew a tight circle. They moved in and out. Trading places. Never gave him one dragon for more than a second. Darius’ head weaved back and forth studying the pattern of their movements.
I attacked Darius. Now was my chance. If he hadn’t been born first, I could be prince. With him gone, it would be my chance.
My wings beat strong as I appeared to help him fight off the males. Amelia went to help another female in trouble. Now was my chance.
The flames stoked hot inside of me and I opened my mouth to release my hottest flame yet. As I flew along, the five males a long, scale burning flame hit all five. Our fire was hot enough to burn our diamond hard scales. Also, our undersides were vulnerable. These were not scaled.
I flew, almost on my side, veering underneath them I burned, and they screamed as their tender skin bubbled and flayed off.
Darius assumed I was helping him. And not using the five as the scape goats they had become. He used the ball of spikes at the end of his tail to eviscerate one of the males. After he dropped off, I stoked my flame hotter again and turned it on Darius. With him gone, it would finally be my
He did not see me coming as I darted underneath him, my flame at full force. He screamed in betrayal and pain. His blackened skin began peeling away as the heat roasted his skin. I ignored the spike that stabbed at my heart as I betrayed my brother.
A loud roar assaulted my ears that made me stop my flaming. My head turned just in time to feel Amelia hit me hard in the side. My wing twisted underneath me and a bone broke. Searing pain swept over my body as I tried to stay aloft. My mangled wing hung useless as I still tried to use it. The agony was unimaginable.
Tumbling fast, hearing the woosh of air as I fell from a great height, I now knew what it would be like falling from an airplane without a parachute. My damaged wing flapped futilely, trying to slow my descent. Knowing I was going to hit the ground hard, I closed my eyes and tried to set my legs underneath me and my wings out of the way.
After I slammed down, the ground trembled visibly. Dust rose up and spread out. Every bone in my body felt broken.
As I changed back to human, I groaned my pain out. We healed faster than humans, but it would still take a couple days for my broken arm to heal. Three bones at least ground together as I tried to hold the injured appendage against my chest gingerly.
Graceful as ever, Amelia landed, changing to human as she touched down. Her memory obviously returned. She glared at me, her face twisted into an ugly snarl.
A thud made me turn in the direction of the sound, to see Darius land with the help of two dragons. His body was black and beginning to flake off in places already.
Darius groaned making Amelia rush over to him. She tried to pick up his head, but it was too large.
Maybe this was my chance to get away clean while everyone was fussing over their prince. I edged myself away from the commotion around him, my light steps barely making a sound. Chuckling to myself at my clean getaway, I backed into a hard body. I twisted my head behind me to see three large men surrounding me, preventing me from leaving.
I wouldn’t have believed Lyon had that amount of deviousness in him to attack Darius like he did. I wouldn’t want to think that. I’m not evil. Devious? Yes. Committed to family and the clan? Yes.
I stayed in Darius’ apartments as he healed. The burns were serious, but they all healed over the next few days.
I had heard Lyon healed as well. I hadn’t been to see him in his guarded apartments. Everything I heard, was only rumors. I had to stay with Darius. I couldn’t show I cared about what happened to my youngest. With what Lyon did to Darius—I couldn’t. I would try to keep him from getting a death penalty.
Now we were all gathered in the board room of the building. It was large enough to hold all the clan members and more, as well as the prisoners for sentencing.
The doors opened, and six men walked in I had never seen before. They were older men with the regal bearing of royalty. I narrowed my gaze with interest at them.
The opposite doors opened with Darius and Amelia entering with their guards. The two of them walked to the head of the long table with them sitting side by side.
Amelia glanced around at everyone finally finding their seats to sit. Her gaze settled on one of the unknown men her lips mouthing, Daddy.
She jumped up so fast she startled both Darius and the guards running to the men with outstretched arms. He saw her at that moment shouting, “Amelia!”
Amelia thrust her arms around the older man that said her name. He was an attractive, tall man with silver streaks in his espresso dark hair and a still well-built body. That suit he wore to perfection looked good, if I said so myself.
The huge grin on her face told its own story. Darius slowly made his way over, one finger rubbing at an eyebrow before running his fingers through his hair.
Amelia hopped over to him, one arm looping through his as she dragged him to her father. My poor son. The dreaded meeting the father moment. I was hard pressed to keep a smile suppressed.
“Daddy. This is Darius, prince of the North American dragons. Darius, my father. Richard, King of European dragons.” He grinned, lifting his chin.
Her father glared at Darius a sharp expression on his face as he studied the man with his daughter. Darius thrust his hand out to Richard, who stared at it before placing his own in Darius’.
The clasped hands were gripped tight between the two men. Neither daring to let go. I was just going to step in because this was getting ridiculous.
Amelia saved me. “Come on. This is so beyond stupid.”
“I’m going to marry this girl, sir.” Darius said, his chest puffed out, a grin spreading his lips apart.
Amelia raised her eyebrows, while tapping a finger against her chin, as she cocked her head. “Hmmm. I don’t remember being asked by anybody.” She glanced around as if looking for the person who had asked.
Darius’ face fell and turned bright red as he realized he had acted stupid. People held hands in front of their faces trying to hold back their smiles.
He must have decided he needed to fix this, because he fell to one knee, grabbing Amelia’s left hand into his. I rolled my eyes at this display. So obvious. I must have missed some of this with my musings, because as if by magic, Darius pulled a ring box out of his pocket. Opening it to show Amelia, I craned my neck to see an ostentatious rose diamond with tiny rubies sprinkled about the large stone like little red stars. Damn. I wanted that ring.
She clapped her hands as she jumped up and down. She threw herself at Darius who, even with shifter strength, staggered to his feet, Amelia in his arms. They kissed passionately, and I made a rude noise. I never did common things. I knew my place.
Amelia’s father turned his head in my direction, obviously having heard my noise, and with a slight smile nodded his head at me.
One of the guards leaned to Darius, interrupting their moment, whispered in his ear. He pulled himself reluctantly away from Amelia, leaning his forehead against hers momentarily. He straightened and wrapped his arm around her shoulders, pulling her tightly to his side.
Leading her back to the head of the table, they both stood at the head again, where he nodded to the guards. He waved his arm for the foreign men, and everyone else, to take their seats. It didn’t take long for the prisoners to arrive. They must have been just outside the double doors.
I could see Lyon at the back of the group of young men. He was the youngest. Maybe that would be in his favor. The others were from at least twenty-four to thirty years old. Lyon wasn’t even twenty-one yet. Just a kid.
They were all handcuffed together attached to a long chain. Ten was all that was left, eleven if you counted Lyon. There were special properties to the handcuffs and chain so they couldn’t break free with their strength.
The eleven of them stood in a line at the foot of the table and were made to kneel, showing their worthlessness to us for the damage they had done to our clan. It hurt my heart. Yes I had one of those. It hurt my heart to see Lyon in that position. He was a prince as well. All the dragon males were high up in the royalty hierarchy. But this was my son and brother to the future king of North American Dragons.
Darius thudded his hands down hard as he leaned his whole upper body weight into it. His face was hard, his mouth set tight at this solemn moment.
He glanced at each of the men skipping over Lyon. What was happening?
Anxious now, I waited to hear what was going to happen to them, and if Lyon would be included.
“Alright now. Listen up. On the matter of the European males, we have decided they will stay here, imprisoned until we deem them rehabilitated. If we only send them home, there will be no reparations,” Darius stated simply with a flat voice. The uproar from the European young males and the delegates was instantaneous, shouting, fists being raised.
Amelia’s father raised his hands motioning them downward to shush everyone up that was yelling. He was the type of man that didn’t need to raise his voice. Darius was becoming that kind of man.
/> Slowly, the yelling toned down and then stopped. “I agree with young Darius. One day he will make a great king. Not just because he is marrying my daughter, but that will help. He has fairness in him. He could have had those males put to death for what they have done. He hasn’t. Sending them home would be unfair to him. For all the damage they have done, reparations need to happen. That is fair.” With a solid nod of his head he sat down.
“Thank you, Richard.” Darius finally addressed Lyon sadly, “Brother. You do realize for what you have done I can have you put to death.”
“Darius. It was them. Not me. I was trying to save you.” Lyon tried to deflect the attack away from him.
“Lyon, we were there.” Darius hissed deep. “I was aware of what they were doing and how you attacked them, seeming to help me and then attacking me. I could have died, and you think you could have been king? No. You would be a poor king. You would ruin this kingdom with your selfishness.” He leaned forward his voice getting louder, his face becoming red. “But you are my younger brother. I cannot put you to death myself.”
I could see Lyon give a great sigh of relief, but by Darius’ expression, I knew he wasn’t finished yet. A punishment needed to be decided.
“You will go to Europe. If they will have you. Hopefully, they will train you to be a better man. Since Richard will now be my father-in-law, maybe he can take you and show you how a royal should act. And how to be a man. Obviously, I went wrong somehow. Richard, will you help me?” Darius pleaded with his father-in-law-to-be.
Richard looked at the four of us. Me, last. I had no idea why I was included, but there must be interest there.
Richard sighed deeply, shaking his head at the same time. “Alright. Since our young men started this disaster, I will train him. None of you can contact him at any time. It will be harsh. He won’t live in luxury like he’s used to.”