Wicked Little Things

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Wicked Little Things Page 11

by Emma Dean

  “They can self-duplicate,” Hunter told her. “It’s not common, but a coyote can make it look like there are more of them than there are.”

  Something to consider.

  Mika sipped her coffee and then nodded once to herself. “Okay. Kenzie, I need everything you have on the Council. Anything and everything they don’t want me to know about. I’m meeting with them after we talk to Jess. Emily…I need to know about the other eyries – where they stand, how many fighters there are, and what they think about Azrael. As for everyone else, I need you to keep your eyes and ears peeled. I refuse to let those more powerful than us use us as pawns.”

  Even family.

  There was something Lucifer and Jess weren’t telling her. She hadn’t spoken to the Morrigan or Aine lately either since she’d asked Aine to help search for Azrael.

  Then there was Morgana who could go anywhere, including the bottom of the ocean.

  “My exact favor though, is I want everyone to consider what they’re willing to do. Where is the line where you walk? Because I’m tired of being surprised and I refuse to make a plan that will fall apart.”

  Ben considered her for a moment before nodding.

  “Tomorrow at midnight, we’ll meet on the ground,” Mika murmured, draining her coffee. “And go from there.”

  Malachi stabbed a sausage and grinned before biting into it. “This is going to be fun.”

  Kenzie shared a look with Mika, and she knew the void would talk to Selene.

  The only person she had left to talk to was Eisheth.


  “No words of caution this time?” Mika asked the Commander.

  He gave her a look like she was being purposefully difficult. “The coyotes are allies, but they’re always dangerous to deal with.”

  Mika glanced over her shoulder at Corbin, Dagon, and Malachi. She wished that Lucien and Ethan were back already, but it couldn’t be helped she supposed. Hopefully they found something good in the den’s library.

  The raccoons and Emily were slightly behind her and to her left. Kenzie and the chaos were to her right, parallel to the raccoons. All the Heads stood with her and the Commander while they waited in the clearing that was specifically for peacefully meeting with the coyotes.

  Behind them all were more ravens, and even more hiding in the trees and patrolling the skies. Apparently, despite a longstanding alliance, they didn’t trust the coyotes.

  Mika gritted her teeth. Nothing was ever easy anymore.

  Then she heard it.

  She cocked her head and listened, shifting on an exhale before they came any closer. Mika ignored the way people murmured in surprise behind her. Shapeshifting wasn’t a gift they were aware she had, and she’d kept it a secret for as long as possible.

  Soon everyone would know, and Mika would lose the element of that surprise, but meeting the coyotes as one of them seemed like the best move considering everything going on.

  Taking a few steps toward their familiar presence, she waited in front. If the coyotes tried anything, she’d activate the magic she’d already set into place.

  In her animal form she couldn’t cast, but she could set up blood magic that would work the moment her blood dropped onto the runes or crystals. It wasn’t as powerful as she’d like, but it was better than nothing until she found another way. But knowing how gifts worked, she might never be able to do more in her animal form as a way to balance her powers.

  They were so close now.

  Mika felt them hesitate at the edge of the clearing when her scent reached their noses. Per Emily and Corbin, the coyotes were very much like wolves in that they mated to one person, and they lived in packs.

  But it was very rare that a pack of coyotes could hold a territory against the wolves, so their packs tended to be small, and their territory in the strange in-between places.

  She eyed their coloring, interested to see most of them were various tan and grey combinations whereas her fur was just as white as it was when she was a wolf.

  The Alpha came forward then, alone.

  Mika could sense his power and the strength he had. Her coyote was impressed, but he wasn’t more dominant than she. Mika held his gaze and took one more step forward.

  You’re the one.

  It was unsettling to hear another voice in her head, but Mika was a coyote at the moment, and shifters had strange magic.

  I am.

  The Alpha lowered his head slightly, eyes glowing a bright blue instead of the silver she’d seen on the wolves. You smell like a witch.

  I am a witch. Mika couldn’t help her laugh, tongue lolling. This power is a gift.

  You called, and we came. What is it you want from us?

  Mika didn’t glance behind her to see if anyone else was getting any of the conversation or not. Looking away from another predator before dominance was established wasn’t a good idea, Hunter had advised.

  I wanted to introduce myself as this eyrie’s new Morrigan. Mika took another step forward, scenting the others behind the Alpha, and somehow, she was able to count how many based on the senses this form processed. And warn you about the danger you could be in due to your proximity to the eyrie.

  In the blink of an eye the coyote shifted, and the tall man stared down at her, hands in his pockets. She guessed he had access to the same magic the ravens did then. Ten coyotes came forward, but she didn’t look away from the Alpha.

  “We’ve been allies to this eyrie for as long as this eyrie has existed. The relationship has benefited both pack and Collective. Tell me what it is you want from us, and don’t lie. I can smell it.”

  Mika inhaled and adjusted her coat. Shifting was easier than breathing now that she knew how to simply…let go. “There will be conflict between the Collectives,” she told him. “Because of me.”

  They stared each other down, and finally the Alpha shifted his gaze from Mika to Torin.

  Some of the tension in her body eased. She’d won that small battle.

  “I take it you want our help in defending the blood witch?”

  “No,” Mika said, before Torin could respond. “I want your help defending this eyrie.”

  The Alpha’s gaze flicked from Torin back to her, eyes glowing that ice blue. “Why?”

  “They are mine.” She bared her teeth at him.

  Hunter had told her what words to use, what would get through to the coyotes and what wouldn’t. They were a different breed – more feral than foxes and wolves. Instead of hating witches though, they hated humans.

  “Then protect them yourself,” the Alpha told her.

  Mika grinned, letting her canines lengthen just like Hunter had taught her how to do. “I will, but I can only do so much against a fallen angel and his demons. If he comes for us, he could come for you. If you fight with us…then I will fight for you too.”

  The coyote’s blue flashed and then dimmed into a more human blue. He grinned down at her, just as massive as any wolf shifter she’d ever seen. “I like your teeth.”

  “I’m glad they left an impression. How did that bite heal by the way?” Mika held her breath, hoping Hunter hadn’t steered her wrong.

  “You recognize me.” The Alpha laughed at that, a loud cackle that sent a shiver down her spine. Somehow, he bristled with violence even when he was amused. “I have to say, it’s been a long time since someone got the best of me on a midnight run.”

  “I was trained by foxes,” she murmured, bowing her head slightly so he knew she recognized his rank as well.

  “Ah, that explains it.” The Alpha’s grin widened. “I’m Gunner, and you are?”

  “Mika.” She studied him, wondering what he thought of all this. “The Angel of Death is hunting down the Morrigan’s children. He has twenty thousand demons and the ability to create portals.”

  Tricksters liked truths.

  “From everything I’ve gathered, it seems like he’s trying to bring hell on earth to start an apocalypse.” Mika studied the coyotes behind him, wo
ndering if they could even fight, and if they could, how would they hold up against demons?

  She needed more witches on her side.

  Gunner considered her, tilting his head slightly. “So, you’re gathering all the scavengers. Why not the apex predators?”

  “The only one I could ask is on the Council.” Mika would have to ask Selene if she could talk to Samuel for her. “And they live in a different world than we do.”

  The Alpha coyote grinned at her then, his canines sharp. “That they do. Well, Mika. I can’t say I’m not intrigued. But if we were to join you and the ravens.” His eyes flicked back to the others behind her. “As well as the foxes and raccoons…what would be in it for us?”

  She’d known her protection wouldn’t be enough, but dammit. Why wasn’t anything ever easy?

  “I guess that depends.” Mika clasped her hands behind her back. “What do you want?”

  “Nothing you could give me.” Gunner shrugged. “But I’ll consider your offer. After all, I’ve always loved a good fight.”

  “Then you should come up to the eyrie,” Torin suggested, coming forward until he was shoulder to shoulder with Mika. “I’ll fill you in on the latest from the Enclave and the current threat.”

  Dagon came forward, hellfire shining in his eyes. “I can take three at a time.”

  For the first time Gunner’s smile dropped. “And what exactly are you?”

  “A hellhound,” Mika murmured, feeling the shift in the air. “Is that a problem?”

  “No, just…intriguing.” The Alpha made a small gesture with his fingers and three coyotes came forward, shifting seamlessly as they walked. “It’s been a long time since we talked, Torin.”

  “Things have been…busy.” The Commander and the Alpha studied each other long enough it made Mika uncomfortable.

  Everyone was tense as they waited for the go ahead.


  Mika heard it the same time the shifters did.

  Everyone with shifter hearing cocked their ears, trying to scent or sense what was in the forest along with them.

  “One of yours?” Torin murmured.

  “Don’t insult me.” Gunner growled slightly, eyes blazing blue. “You know we’d never be so sloppy.”

  Mika summoned Excalibur and five blood beasts, gritting her teeth.

  Whatever it was, it wasn’t a raven or a coyote which meant it could be anything.

  “Oh, I apologize. Did I interrupt something?”

  Mika almost dropped her sword as that voice reverberated through her entire body.

  Then he stepped out of the shadows and Mika started trembling.

  “I apologize. I’m just here for my sister.”

  No one moved as they looked from her to her brother.

  Her blood brother.

  For some reason Jacob was here, in this forest, right when she was on the ground meeting with the coyotes.

  “What are you doing here?” Her words were barely more than a whisper. She could hardly get air in her lungs, let alone enough breath to speak.

  Corbin and Malachi didn’t waste any time. They slipped out of the shadow realm, on either side of Jacob, and gripped his arms. Malachi kicked him to his knees, but Jacob just laughed as he hung from their hands.

  Something was very, very wrong.

  “What do you want us to do with him, Mika?” Corbin asked.

  Dagon was at her back, heat radiating off of him. There were ravens and coyotes hidden in the forest. They had raccoons and foxes and witches.

  So how the fuck had her brother gotten past them all without them noticing?

  “Mika, aren’t you going to greet your beloved brother? It’s been so long.” Jacob grinned at her, his white-blond hair twin to her own, but his eyes were a deeper blue. They’d always been cerulean instead of icy like her own.

  “Mika?” Corbin asked.

  “I heard you killed our sister. Honestly, I didn’t think you had it in you.”

  Everyone was waiting for her to respond, for her to do something. But staring at Jacob, Mika couldn’t move.

  She couldn’t process.

  There were so many things that didn’t make sense. It brought back her old life like a slap to the face. Every single time she’d wondered if it had been all their father, or if her brother had secretly hated her as much as Claire had.

  Jacob had always been so gentle, so kind.

  But, so had she.


  “We’ll take him in for questioning,” Torin stated, jerking his chin at Dagon. “Take him to the eyrie.”

  “Mika,” Emily snapped, suddenly right there. “Pull yourself together.”

  “This is the Mika I know and love,” Jacob chuckled as Corbin and Malachi hauled him to his feet. “Weak and useless.”

  Her blood beasts snarled, and still she couldn’t snap out of it. Mika was frozen by a thousand questions she wanted to ask.

  Including why he was even here.

  Dagon stalked forward, reaching out for Jacob, and Mika watched as everyone started to move, scouring the forest, taking to the skies. They all knew what she did. If he’d been able to sneak up on them…

  What else was out there?

  And then everyone froze.

  Mika took a step back, not sure what exactly was going on.

  Then Jacob shook off a paralyzed Corbin and Malachi. He adjusted his tie and brushed off invisible dust from his immaculate suit and still she couldn’t do anything but stare at him in horror.

  Her brother had magic.

  “I always knew there was something you were hiding,” Jacob told her, eyeing Corbin with a sneer on his face. “But it wasn’t until Claire’s death we found out what it was.”

  Then Jacob lifted up his hand, palm up and her heart skipped a beat. “The High Priestess took my magic, but Azrael gave me something so much better. You’re not the only one who’s been gifted by a god.”

  Ravens began to fall from the skies and Mika jerked into motion, concentrating on the blood in their body as they fell.

  They came closer and closer and it was all she could do to slow down their descent. Mika knew this was only a distraction, but if she didn’t save them…

  A scream pierced the air and Mika sheathed Excalibur, sweating as she concentrated on thirty different bodies. Using her other hand, she sent a blast of power at her brother, but he batted it away like it was nothing.

  His return attack slammed into her chest and Mika lost her concentration.

  Bodies hit the ground too fast and she prayed to the Morrigan they could survive this.

  It only took her a few seconds to brush off his magic and stand, but by the time she was up and running…he’d disappeared again.

  Mika froze when she felt someone’s breath on the back of her neck. But when she turned around there was no one there.

  “I may not be a blood witch,” he whispered from everywhere at once. “But I wield more power than you could ever imagine.”

  And then he was there, across the clearing and sketching runes into the air.

  Mika ran at him as fast as she could. Everyone was still frozen, and she had no idea how to undo the spell. She sliced her nail across her arm, letting her blood hit the ground as she ran.

  A shield slammed up around them, cutting them off from any potential allies, but also keeping her brother and whatever was in here with them trapped as well. Mika slashed one of her knives across Jacob’s back, moving when he moved.

  Whatever power Azrael had given him, it gave him wicked speed too.

  Jacob’s arms wrapped around her body as he seemed to teleport from one place to another. “What other gifts were you given?” he demanded.

  Mika struggled against him, trying not to panic when she realized he was just as strong as she was. “Why are you doing this, Jacob?”

  Fingers gripped her chin hard enough she winced, and he forced her to look at what he’d done. The runes he’d drawn opened wider and wider until a portal tore a hole in
the universe.

  “You have no idea how exhausting it is, being a male witch.” Jacob’s grip on her face tightened.

  Mika elbowed him in the ribs as hard as she could, unsheathing a knife as she spun. Then she whispered the words that would break his spell…if she were strong enough. Her blood was the sacrifice. The power she could feel around everyone she cared about, around her allies wrapped around them like a noose.

  Her power speared through Jacob’s and Mika sank her knife into his chest before he could react, combining her attacks.

  “You’re as good as Azrael said.” Jacob chuckled. “But you’re too late.”

  Mika watched in horror as demons stepped through that portal just as her dissolvement spell ripped through Jacob’s power, freeing everyone.

  Corbin managed to block a demon before he could run the raven through. Her body convulsed as gunshots ripped through the clearing. Bullets buried into the demons as they kept coming, but Mika knew all it would do was slow them down.

  How were they supposed to take out demons? Was there a way to kill them with what they had?

  The sounds of limbs being ripped from a body made her flinch as Dagon tore through the demons. A snap of a whip made her turn and she saw Emily with a cat o’nine tails that was on fire. It wrapped around a demon’s neck and when she yanked his head came off his body.

  Audrey shielded Malachi – working together as a team to disarm as many demons as they could. It was all Mika could do to keep herself from trying to help everyone, but that wasn’t what they needed.

  She twisted Jacob’s wrist, striking at the same time. His elbow cracked and hyper-extended. Jacob’s scream of pain made her grit her teeth in grim satisfaction. So, her brother wasn’t invincible.

  Slicing down with one knife, she summoned Excalibur, moving faster than she’d ever gone before. But every move she made her brother evaded. Had someone trained him? Had Azrael?

  Coyotes and ravens were cut down when the demons refused to fall. When they did fall, it was only to get back up again, completely healed.

  Mika released her circle, hoping they would make it back to the eyrie in time – that more ravens would guard the retreat while Dagon did what he could for the coyotes who’d trusted her enough to meet.


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