To Be Unbroken

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To Be Unbroken Page 6

by Stein Willard

  Claire giggled again. “You will have to come home, honey. Maxima’s down in the game room with the kids.”

  Andra looked at her watch. It was past eight. She wondered what made Maxima leave the gallery so early. Sara worked late a lot and Maxima’s absence would raise unwanted questions.

  “I will make a quick stop at the gallery first to see if Sara’s there. With Maxima gone she might be in a state.”

  “No need. When Maxima came over earlier I asked her about it. Apparently Sara hasn’t been in for the past few days.”

  Andra frowned. “Did she say where Sara went?”

  “No. Maybe you should ask her. She wasn’t very talkative when she arrived.”

  Andra grabbed her purse. “I’m on my way.”

  Marisa jumped in her chair when Andra rushed up to her desk. “Marisa, please make my excuses to the guys. Something has come up and I need to go home. Tell Greg to e-mail the presentations to me. I will go through them and get back to him if I need clarification.”

  Marisa came to her feet. “Is everything okay at home?”

  “Everything is fine, Marisa.” Andra smiled at her. “Thank you for asking.”


  Sara took deep draughts from her beer, reveling in the feeling of the cool brew washing down her parched throat. When she placed the glass back on the table, she caught the eye of the waiter who was grinning at her. She smiled back briefly and nodded. He quickly approached her table and Sara ordered a chicken souvlaki salad and a glass of wine. She finished her beer and indulged in people watching while she waited for her food. The evening was hot, but a little bit cooler than during the day. She remembered getting off the plane a week ago and being hit by a heat wave that almost took her breath away. The moment she reached her hotel, she made sure it had air conditioning.

  The waiter appeared at her table with a glass of white wine and Sara thanked him as she took the glass. Her eyes travelled over the patrons of the bistro. All the tables were filled as groups of Greeks settled in for a night of gaiety to welcome the weekend.

  Since she arrived in Greece, she’d trekked from one museum to the other. Every day she returned to her hotel room, deflated. No one, anywhere in Athens, had ever heard about Mackenzie Bells. Seeing her mood deflate at the news, they were quick to encourage her to not give up hope and instead to widen her search to the digs beyond Athens. She had spent the afternoon acquiring a map of all the dig sites in the country. She wasn’t going to return home without Mac.

  She picked up the wine glass and took a sip. Mac had been constantly on her mind after they had kissed, On top of that, not a day had gone by that the hallucination, vision or whatever it was, replayed in her mind. She had hoped that Mac would make contact again to help her make sense of what had happened after the kiss. She also wanted to apologize and set things straight about Caroline. When after a week there was no word from Mac, she remembered Andra mentioning that Mac was to return Athens. Her cellphone rang suddenly, startling her. She reached for it and looking at the caller ID, and saw it registered as an unknown number. She wondered who it could be.


  There was a short silence on the other side of the line. “Sara?”

  “Yes. Who’s speaking?”

  There was another moment of silence. “Mac.”

  Sara sat up straight as her eyes widened. “Mac? How? Where did you get my number?” She almost slapped her forehead at the stupid question. Where else would she get my number? Andra must’ve given it to her.

  “I got it from the gallery.”

  Sara smiled softly. She called. It could mean only one thing. Mac felt it too. But she wanted the woman to say it out loud. “Why?”

  The silence stretched longer this time. “I need to see you.”

  “I’ve been looking for you,” Sara blushed, horrified that she had let that slip. Now I sound like some desperate, horny schoolgirl. .

  “I have been looking for you too.”

  Sara grinned as she felt the tension seep out of her body. “I would say you’ve found me then.”

  Mac’s deep chuckle caused Sara’s stomach to do a flip flop. “Where are you, Sara? No one knows where you are.”

  Sara blushed again. Coming to Greece had been an impulsive decision on her part. Maybe she should’ve contacted Andra first before storming off and maybe she shouldn’t have. All she knew was that she couldn’t for the life of her regret her decision. Somehow it was as if something inside was urging her to go in search of Mac. It seemed important for some reason. She took a quick sip of her wine. “I’m in Greece. I came here looking for you.”

  There was a stunned silence on the other side of the line.

  “Mac? Are you still there?”

  “Yes, I am still here.” There was a short silence. “I cannot believe that you went over there looking for me. Why?”

  This time Sara drained the glass. “I needed to see you again. Where are you?” She bit her lower lip waiting to hear Mac’s reply. Even though she didn’t regret her decision to come here, it would be nice to know her trip wasn’t completely in vain.

  “I am still in Boston. When will you be back?”

  Not exactly what she wanted to hear, but it wasn’t bad either. Since she had a slight upper hand, maybe she could pump Mac for a more intimate confession.

  “Mac, I need to know why you really called me. Why are you looking for me?”

  A soft sigh carried over the line. “I have been looking for you for so long, Sara. Now that I have found you I cannot let you go.”

  Giddy with happiness, Sara giggled. “That’s really nice to hear, Mac. Thank you.”

  “You are welcome. When will you be back in the States?”

  Sara glanced at her watch. “As soon as we hang up, I will call the airline to see if there are any flights out tonight or early tomorrow morning.” Feeling suddenly very flirty, which she blamed on the wine, she asked. “Will that be soon enough for you?”

  That deep chuckle sounded again and Sara let out a soundless moan. “Yes. Say goodbye and call the airline. I will be waiting for you.”

  “Will you call me again…later? I mean will you call me if I don’t get a flight out tonight?”

  “I will call you. Please hurry and call the airline.”

  Sara smiled broadly as she hung up. She signaled for the bill.


  Maxima looked at the phone in her hand. She took a moment to get her emotions under control before a slow smile formed on her lips. She went looking for me!


  She stiffened at the sound of Claire’s voice. She had completely forgotten about the other woman. She cleared her throat and turned to look at the blonde. She was once again struck by how much Claire resembled Sara. But Sara was thousands of miles away and Maxima ached for her desperately. She tapped the phone in her palm as she looked at Claire.

  “She went looking for me in Greece.”

  Claire blinked and Maxima grinned.

  “I don’t believe it.” The next moment Claire was in her arms, her slender arms wrapped around Maxima’s neck. “That is so romantic.”

  Maxima brushed her lips over Claire’s hair. “I thought so too.”

  “You two need a room?” Andra’s voice floated from the doorway. Claire quickly loosened herself from Maxima and rushed over to her wife. Maxima smiled indulgently as the two shared a deep kiss. “I guess the two of us should probably get a room,” Andra murmured against Claire’s lips.

  “Not yet, honey. We managed to track down Sara.” Maxima grinned when the blonde began to do a funny little dance around her wife, who was blinking at her in wonder. “She went to Greece to look for Maxima. Isn’t that romantic?”

  Maxima chuckled when Claire’s dance continued all the way out the door. “She is strange.”

  “You only just now notice?” Andra teased as she walked over to the decanter to pour herself a drink. The pale eyes were warm as Andra walked over to her. “So, Sara is
really Anima?”

  Maxima nodded and watched as Andra took a sip. She abhorred the taste of whiskey. It was too strong for her and the smell made her eyes water. How could anyone drink that stuff?

  “I’m happy for you.” Andra stepped closer and placed a soft kiss on Maxima’s cheek. “How did you find her?”

  “Claire called the gallery. They did not know where she was, but they gave us her number.”

  Andra smiled. “You could have gotten the number from me, you know.”

  “I know. Claire thought you were taking too long getting home.”

  Andra shook her head. “Impatient woman, that one. So, tell me something.”

  Maxima stroked the phone. “What do you want to know?”

  Andra drained her glass and went for a refill. “Shall we sit?”

  They were in the study and Maxima quickly walked over and took the leather seat behind the gleaming desk. She loved sitting in this chair. Andra always looked so powerful seated behind the big desk. In her time only women of noble birth or those carrying weapons could exude the same confident power as Andra when she was seated behind this desk. She rubbed over the gleaming oak desk and looked up to find Andra looking at her with an amused smile.

  “You look quite intimidating behind that desk, Commander.” She took a sip of her drink, a thoughtful look on her face. “Maybe I understand now why Claire has the tendency to seduce me whenever she walks into my study.”

  Maxima laughed at that. She had come across the couple making love in the study on numerous occasions. “You wanted to ask me something?”

  Andra nodded as she took a seat at one of the chairs on the other side of the desk. “How did you know that Sara was the One?”

  Maxima leaned back in the chair. “The kiss.”

  “The kiss?”

  “When I kissed her I had a flashback.” Maxima closed her eyes as she remembered the kiss. Sara’s taste was intoxicating and she was eager to taste those lips again. She became aware of Andra’s eyes on her and opened her eyes. Andra was looking at her with anticipation. “We were in the garden at my villa. We always liked to sit outside when the weather was nice and cool. No one else but Anima knew of our secret spot.”

  Andra shook her head, wonder on her face. “What will happen now? Will you still turn into a statue during the day?”

  “Until I get her to fall in love with me, yes,” Maxima murmured. She had been worried about Sara’s feelings for her not knowing if it was lust or love. But when Sara told her that she had gone to Greece looking for her, Maxima was overwhelmed. For the first time in a very long time she had felt like laughing out loud in pure joy. What were the odds of finding Anima’s soul and have the woman like her already?

  “I don’t think that will be a problem. Flying halfway around the world to find someone you haven’t known for longer than a few hours should say something.”

  Maxima smiled broadly. “I would like to think so too.”

  Andra lifted the glass in salute. “Good for you. Now all we need to do is find a way to break the news about you being Maxima. We don’t want to scare her off.”

  A frisson of fear trickled down Maxima’s spine. She prayed that whatever it was that has urged Sara to go look for her in Greece, was strong enough to survive the lies.


  Andra sighed softly as stubby arms wrapped around her neck, pulling her downwards.

  “Lie down,” came the short command and Andra obediently stretched herself out next to her four-year-old daughter. “Sleep now, mama.”

  Andra brushed a kiss over the soft cheek. She was tired and any other night she would’ve taken her little angel up on the offer, but tonight she had plans. Plans, which involved her wife and very little, if any, clothing. She kissed her daughter’s cheek.

  “Next time, honey. I promise we can have a sleepover, you, Mommy, and me. Would you like that?”

  The brilliant blue eyes flashed with pleasure. Chuckling softly, Andra brushed a kiss over the dark head. “Now which story would you like for me to read to you tonight?”

  Half an hour later, Andra carefully crawled out of the small bed and stretched. She was tired as hell, but she craved Claire’s touch. Even if she could just lie in her arms. She covered up her daughter and quietly left the room to check on her son. She pushed Bruce’s door open and smiled. Maxima was curled around the slumbering boy, her eyes wide awake.

  She winked at the warrior and pulled the door closed. Bruce was in good hands tonight. Andra rolled her shoulders as she made her way to the main bedroom. The shower was running and she grinned slyly as a sudden surge of energy coursed through her body. She might just be able to keep her promise to Claire. She undressed quickly and started for the bathroom. On silent feet, she slipped into the steamy interior and took a moment to study her wife’s silhouette through the steamed up shower doors. Her fatigue dissipated as a familiar tingle began in the pit of her stomach.

  Claire yelped in surprise as the doors opened. The green eyes were wide as they stared at her.

  “You almost gave me a heart attack,” Claire gasped, clutching her heart.

  “Sorry.” Andra watched as Claire’s eyes travelled from her face down her body and up again. When their eyes met again, the green ones were blazing with desire.

  “You look so tired, honey. Sure you’re up for this?”

  Andra grinned as she took the slippery, wet body in her arms. Her head lowered and she captured the soft lips in a hungry kiss. There was no better way of voicing her intention. Lucky for her, Claire was quite fluent in non-verbal conversations.

  Their coupling was urgent and hot, leaving Andra in a boneless heap on the floor of the shower. Claire slowly slid down the tiles until she sat with her back against the cool tiles and Andra crept closer to rest her head on her wife’s lap.

  “I don’t think I’ll ever be able to move again,” she mumbled. Claire gave a breathy giggle before she caressed Andra’s cheek.

  “You just have to make it to the bed. I doubt I’ll be able to lift you by myself.”

  Andra grinned. “Just give me a few more minutes to regain my strength. You really drained me this time.” Andra moved her head so she could look into Claire’s eyes. “You’re amazing, darling.”

  “Oh yeah?”

  “Yeah,” Andra drawled.


  With a tired sigh, Sara dropped her bag and leaned against the door of her apartment. She had managed the almost impossible. Using her family’s endless connections, she’d been able to get some rich Greek tycoon to loan her his private jet. She glanced at her watch. It was three in the morning, but she was back home and on the same continent as Mac.

  She pushed away from the door and searched her jacket pocket for her cell phone. Throughout the long flight, she’d been debating whether she should call Mac and tell her she was on her way. She bit her lower lip. Maybe she would sound too desperate if she called her now. Mac was showing a definite interest in her, but the last thing she wanted was for the woman to think she was easy. She blew out a long breath and pursing her lips, threw the phone on the hallway table. She made her way to the bedroom, stripping as she went. She’d rather be in Mac’s arms, but a warm shower and a bed would be a great second option.

  She sat on the bed and lifted her foot to unclasp her pump. Her hands stilled when the doorbell chimed. Frowning, she lifted her head. Who would come calling this time of the morning? Her face pulled in a sneer as she thought who it could be. She would really kick Caroline’s ass this time if she tried to pull a stunt like the last time.

  She shrugged back into her shirt before she tiredly climbed to her feet, buttoning up the shirt as she went to answer the door. Reaching the door, she peered through the peephole. With a soft gasp, she pulled away again, her eyes wide. She gave herself a quick once over, took a deep breath and opened the door. Mac looked absolutely gorgeous.

  Dressed in tight black jeans, a black turtle neck and a tan leather jacket, the woman was a feast for
the eyes. Her short dark hair was slightly unkempt and those amazing pale blue eyes were gentle as they studied her.

  “You made it.”

  At the sound of the low, husky voice, Sara smiled brightly. It would be absolutely divine if she could wake up to that voice every morning for the rest of her life.

  “I borrowed a ride from a Greek shipping tycoon.” She gave Mac another once over, not believing that her dream woman was actually standing before her. “You want to come in?”

  Her mood fled at the uncertainty she saw the pale blue eyes. “I would love to, but…”

  Sara swallowed her disappointment. “I understand it’s rather late. Maybe some other time then?”

  Mac took a step closer. “What I wanted to say is that I want to but I cannot stay very long. I just wanted to see if you were alright.”

  Sara’s heart soared at hearing that. Mac came over to her place at three in the morning to check up on her. Wow! That definitely means something. Sara stepped aside.

  “Come in. You want some coffee?”

  “No, thank you. I would like something else though.”

  Sara closed the door after Mac had entered and turned slowly to face the woman. Her eyes softened as she watched the large woman wringing her hands. “You seem nervous. What can I get you?”

  Mac stepped closer, a sheepish look on her face “I was hoping to hold you for a while…I mean…maybe just until you fall asleep.”

  Green eyes shone bright with pleasure as Sara took Mac’s large hand in hers. “I would really like that.” To hell with trying to play hard to get. She pulled Mac down the hallway and into her bedroom. “Give me a few minutes to get ready, okay?”

  At Mac’s nod, she walked over to the dresser. With a pair of pajamas in her hand she disappeared into the bathroom.


  Maxima looked at her hands. They were trembling slightly. She was nervous, excited, and aroused—all at the same time. She listened for sounds from the bathroom and heard the tap running. She couldn’t believe that she was but a few feet away from Anima. After all this time of searching for her mate, she was finally going to hold her in her arms again and if she was really lucky, get to kiss her again.


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