Totally Intoxicated

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Totally Intoxicated Page 2

by Wanitta Praks

“She’s not my pet. She’s a pest,” Giovanni spat out, disgusted at having to even hear her name. The memory caused him to shudder.

  “And here I thought this Melena babe was a gift from your underling, Leo or something, who, may I add, might be a mole working under the Lorenzo Group,” Dawson added amusedly.

  Giovanni knew all about the Lorenzo Group. Nikolas Lorenzo, his arch-nemesis. They were one of the mafia clans that were always at odds with the Dente Group. Considering they managed different sectors, he couldn’t understand why they’d been so zealous in taking down his group. If they kept to their own territory, Chicago, then there shouldn’t be any problem, since his territories were Las Vegas and New York City.

  But what hit a nerve was the thought that maybe Dawson was right; Leo might be a mole working for the Lorenzo Group. If Leo knew the ins and outs of the Dente Group, who knew when the war between the two clans would start. He had to discuss this matter with Giuseppe.

  “You’re not worried about the Bianca Group taking over your territory?” Justin commented for the first time, his tone so cold it could freeze the room.

  Giovanni lifted his gaze to see his other close friend, Justin Valenti. Justin was one of the few who knew who he was and where he’d come from. Giovanni knew Justin didn’t become a billionaire by magically snapping his fingers and asking for all this wealth. Justin was born poor, so fucking poor it wasn’t even funny. That was what Justin had told him in the past.

  Yeah, his life was not that spectacular, either. After getting kicked out of the house by his stepfather for having a strong personality and a foul mouth, with only the clothing on his back, he lived on the streets until Giuseppe literally kicked his ass and brought him up in his clan.

  He thanked the old man. Without him, he was sure he’d be a corpse buried six feet under already. Now, though, he was the big boss, controlling hundreds of employees in the underground mafia world, and tens of thousands in the legit world.

  In fact, that was how he came to know Justin. He was in one of the fights his group had organized. He went to watch the man fight, and fuck, was it gruesome. Justin hit his opponent with no mercy, leaving the man within just an inch of his life.

  He had to admit, Justin back then looked like Thor, the Greek God of Thunder. If he hadn’t looked Italian, Giovanni would have assumed he was Thor.

  Jet-black hair tied in a ponytail and that soaring eagle tattoo on his chest... Justin looked ruthless. No surprise there, since his body was built to fight.

  History had it that he’d survived by earning money from boxing during his college years. These days, though, he managed Valenti Enterprises, a conglomerate in real estate and development.

  Justin was a mystery. Since the seven years they’d been friends, the only clue he had to his past was that ring around his middle finger. He had a glimpse of it once when he took that ring off. There was a passage engraved on the inside of the ring.

  ‘Infect me with your love.’

  What the fuck was with that slogan? Sounded sick.

  Then again, Justin’s love story was even sicker than that slogan. He’d had a college sweetheart, only to break up because Justin was too fucking poor to support her flashy lifestyle.

  Fuck! Nothing could top that.

  Imagine the pain he had to have gone through. All the times they’d fucked. All the memories they’d shared. Only to be a constant reminder of how poor he was. He couldn’t imagine going through all that trauma. At least his story with Jay wasn’t that dramatic.

  Thinking about Jay had his dick shooting up like a stick. Fuck! Got to tame himself. Now was not the time to show his manpower. He’d get to Jay soon enough. Maybe tonight he’d have her for dessert until he was sated.

  “Bianca Group?” Giovanni calmly sipped his drink, reeling his mind back to their current conversation. “Why should I worry about them? I could squeeze them between my fingers, and they’d all be fucking dead.”

  “Never underestimate them, Giovanni. They might slip through your fingers and slash your throat without you knowing.” Yeah, that comment came from Justin. Wouldn’t disagree with that since the man came out with scars from his relationship.

  “I never underestimate anyone, Justin,” he calmly said.

  “You’re not saying that because of your mother?” Julian prodded.

  Giovanni scoffed and shook his sly head. Unlike Julian, who’d sacrificed everything for the sake of his mother, even enticing a pawn into his dark revenge, he could never see himself doing such a distasteful thing.

  Julian’s mother was a goddess who cherished and protected him. The woman Giovanni once called mother was nothing but a whimsical woman, choosing to stay with her second husband, Rocco Bianca, instead of protecting her only son when he got kicked out of the house.

  Fuck, he didn’t want to be reminded of the memory. Every time his mother’s face surfaced, his mood always turned sour.

  “No. I’m not saying that because of that woman. I’m saying that because they are in debt. They borrowed twenty million from our lending company.”

  “And they didn’t know the company belongs to the kid they kicked out all those years ago?” Dawson commented.

  “Possibly not.” Giovanni twisted his lips into an evil grin. His eyes lit up brightly, as if some evil thought were running through his mind. He leaned forward, then spoke quietly. “Rumor has it my step-bastard of a brother has gambled away all their fortune; that’s why they wanted to start fresh. What a fucking loser,” he laughed, throwing back the last of his chardonnay before filling up another glass.

  “You never want to see your mother or stepbrother again?” Julian asked quietly.

  “Why would I?” he said, slamming his glass down. “That part of my life is dead. Now I’m Giovanni Dente, not Giovanni Bianca.”

  “If only Rocco knew how far you’ve come. You could take over their territory,” Dawson chimed in, shaking his head in astonishment.

  “Not interested in that swampland. Ain’t fucking making any money from that area.” Giovanni swallowed another portion of his wine.

  “So, when do we get to see this new little bunny of yours?” Dawson asked, changing the subject.

  Giovanni was only too pleased with the new topic. His foul mood dissolved in an instant. The thought of Jay and her cute smile warmed his heart. Fuck. He couldn’t wait to get home.

  “You guys want to see her?” he questioned them with a smirk.

  “Fuck, yeah.” Dawson was the first to respond. “Always interested in your pets.”

  Giovanni thought for a bit, then smirked. Justin and Dawson were heading back to their respective homes in Singapore tomorrow. Julian was already planning to do a deal with one of his clients in Singapore next week, too. And he was sure Jay’s mid-semester break was just around the corner sometime. This would make it the perfect opportunity to show Jay off to his friends. That’s right. He’d take Jay to Singapore.

  Yes! The idea was perfect. He was sure Jay would appreciate it, too. Though, he had to admit, he hadn’t been the best boyfriend lately. He’d neglected her mental health. After all, Jay was no longer his maid. She had been elevated to lover status. And a lover must be treated differently than a maid. Love and care. That’s right. Jay was his prize, a gift he’d been waiting for his entire life. What she needed from now on was love and care. Fuck! Just thinking about her had him all giddy again.

  He snapped his attention to his friends, who sat looking at him, smiling like they knew what was going through his mind. “How about we all meet up in Singapore next week? I’ll bring her along.”

  They all agreed. And their meeting came to a close.

  Giovanni stood up, dusting invisible lint off his Armani suit.

  “Gentlemen,” he said to his friends. “Have a good night. I’m off. My little bunny needs me.”

  “In that much of a hurry?” Dawson asked jokingly. “Must be a very important bunny you got there.”

  “Very important. And she’s hungry. Got
to feed her.”

  “You’re hungry, or your little bunny?” Julian asked, laughing.

  “We’re both hungry.” Giovanni smirked before walking out the door.

  Heath and Bobby were waiting in the car. It took them thirty minutes to reach their private jet. It took them another thirty minutes to land in New York City. Another forty minutes was eaten up by traffic.

  During this time, Giovanni had his laptop open, eyes fixated on the little figure on his screen.

  It was a picture of his Jay, huddled up to her neck in the luxurious bed in his bedroom. After declaring she was to be his lover, he’d demanded she stay in his bedroom. That was the privilege of being his lover. At that moment, Jay was reading a textbook the size of a concrete block.

  Shit! College students these days must have it bad. Giovanni himself didn’t go to college. He didn’t have a degree like his other friends did. No, he went through the school of hard knocks, mentored only by Giuseppe. Stuff like textbooks did his mind in. He didn’t read that crap. He only read the stuff real businessmen read.

  While Jay’s focus was on that textbook, his focus was on her.


  The more he stared at her, the more his mouth ran dry. She was turning him on, even when they were separated by hundreds of miles.

  His fingers touched the screen. He pushed one of the buttons on the keyboard, and the screen zoomed to her face.

  She was fucking beautiful. Those few freckles lightly adorning her nose and her soft brown hair scattering on the pillow made him wish he could jump through the laptop screen and be transported to his bedroom. All for the sake of wanting to caress her hair and cheeks.

  But it was the sight of her reading so peacefully and unguardedly that had his body going berserk and his cock turning hard. Fucking hell! He almost couldn’t stand it. She affected him more than any girls he’d ever fucked.

  “Step on it, Heath.” He barked out his order when the car moved to a slow halt. The car sped up again, and before too long, they arrived in front of Cory Mansion.

  Giovanni flew out even before Bobby opened the door for him. With hurried steps, he reached their bedroom, his hand turning the doorknob.

  The sight of Jay sleeping so blissfully suddenly pissed him off. He’d imagined them romping around in bed, fucking through the night. But the damned girl was sleeping like a log, her mouth open like a flytrap.

  Damn! He just didn’t have the guts to wake her up just for the sake of sating his lust.

  Then he smirked, shed his clothing, and got into the shower to wash off today’s grime. After he was done, he stood beside the bed, gazing at the girl sleeping there.

  Fucking hot! He was so damned fucking hot again just from the sight of Jay sleeping. He’d already sated himself in the shower, but that didn’t bloody do him any good. There was only one way around it.

  Giovanni lifted the bedsheet and got in bed himself, his naked body nestling against Jay’s. Skin against skin, every inch of their bodies was intimately connected.

  Giovanni gave thanks and burrowed his nose at the nape of Jay’s neck. Even if he didn’t get to have sex with her tonight, at least he got to embrace her. Although, he swore to himself that when light hit, he’d sate his appetite.

  Chapter 3

  Morning Exercise

  Whoa! Whoa! What the hell is that? I felt something long and hard touching my backside. In my blissful sleep, my innate curious nature was still at full play. So, without even opening my eyes, my hand searched for that long, hard object.

  And found it. Slightly fleshy. Slightly long. Slightly hard. It reminded me of...

  “You sure like touching my dick, Jay!” A deep growl resounded in my ear.

  Oh, gosh! Oh, crap! Oh, cappuccino crap crap!

  Boss’ banana.

  My eyes popped open faster than a soda pop.

  “Boss, you’re naked?” I screeched, when the awareness settled in.

  “Yeah. Now come here.”

  I bolted out of bed right before he grabbed me. And I almost succeeded in escaping, until my foot got tangled with the bedsheet, and I went careening over the bed, bum tumbling over backward.

  Now I lay on the floor, eyes filled with only Giovanni’s captivating face. His midnight eyes flashed across my face and body, searching for signs of injuries, and when he didn’t see any, he tossed his head to the side, smirking at me.

  “You sure pack a punch early in the morning, Jay. Now get up. Time for morning exercise.”

  “Morning exercise!” I scooted over backward, dragging the white bedsheet along with me, until Giovanni lay in nothing but his birthday suit.

  My gosh! I almost had a nosebleed. His alluring aura was too much for my young eyes.

  “I kindly decline the invitation, Boss,” I refused outright, spewing out random reasons to justify my answer. “Never been a fan of morning exercises. Plus, it’s only six in the morning. Too tired to exercise. So, if you don’t mind, I’d rather get back to—”

  I couldn’t even finish my sentence before Giovanni dragged me from the floor, tossing me onto the bed and yanking the white bedsheet off me.

  He pinned me beneath him. He roared and laughed, his black hair falling back in waves over his head. I was trapped under this alluring beast.

  At that moment, a tingling sensation settled in my belly, and I had this itchy need to feel my fingers running through his long black hair. The feeling was so strong I bit my lip and just watched him through my lashes.

  “You’ve no idea how long I’ve been holding it in?” He grinned, flashing pearly white teeth.

  “Holding what in?” I asked, feigning ignorance.

  I was smart enough to know what he was talking about. I wasn’t a prude in the world of lovemaking, even when I wasn’t a participant. It was just recently that I’d had my fair share of participating in this activity.

  Not that I’d any say in it. This mafia boss, the man I’d now agreed to be his lover, had decided all the rules. Whenever the need came for him to ravish me, he surely did it. As for me, I just went along for the ride.

  “Boss, isn’t it a bit too early to exercise?” I put in my opinion again.

  “No excuses, Jay. Exercise is good for the body. Especially this early in the morning,” he said. “Now, what do you want to do first? Stretches? Or shall we get straight to the hard-core exercise?”

  Giovanni was speaking in codes. Stretches were foreplay. Hard-core exercise was straight to sex.

  “No. No stretches.” I shook my head. And a satisfied grin spread across his face.

  Oh crap! Why did I say no stretches? I was just playing into his hands. Now he was already kissing me.

  “Okay, stretches first. Please, stretches first,” I quickly shouted before he did anything more than kissing.

  “You’ve made the right choice, Jay. I’m sure you’ll enjoy our exercise session this morning,” he remarked. “Would you like to participate?”

  “No. I’ll just be a spectator,” I mumbled, surrendering myself completely.

  “Wise choice. Watch and learn, for now. Later, I’ll ask for your cooperation.”

  And this sealed our deal. I closed my eyes and concentrated only on this feeling, this heightening, tingling feeling that refused to dissipate until Giovanni and I’d had joined. And soon, time had morphed into one long continuum. I didn’t know when one climax ended and the next one started, until I lost myself completely, lost in his ever-loving embrace.

  The room was too stuffy. I was too hot. I felt there was a massive stuffed bear enveloping me. And sure enough, as soon as my eyes fluttered open, the sight that hit me was of Giovanni’s alluring face. Of course, I shouldn’t say it was a bear. In fact, panther was the better word.

  Jet-black hair clung to his cheeks while he slept; I could take a picture of his face and stare at it all day, and still I wouldn’t get bored. Though he looked totally different when he was fully awake, with his hair sleeked back, personifying the ultimately ruthless mafia

  In this peaceful state, he looked charming and tamed. But really, this was just his disguise. In bed, he was a beast, constantly consuming me until I melted. He was tempting, alluring, to the point I couldn’t breathe.

  I inhaled fresh oxygen just to tame my heart when I thought about last night and the many times we made love. I had to count with two hands the number of times we did it, and that was only in the span of three days. Gosh, how my life had turned around.

  Three days ago, I became Giovanni’s lover. He was convinced I was his Jennifer, though inside I wasn’t so sure. I had amnesia from an accident when I was six. I couldn’t remember anyone from my past. But Giovanni was not swayed by my lack of memory.

  Then again, how could I refuse the chocolate cake I’d been dreaming about when it was offered right in front of me. Not that I was greedy or anything. When one hardly received the love from one’s parent, then one would do anything to receive love. And that was what Giovanni was to me. He’d given me this love. I would be stupid to run away from it.

  Just having him beside me was enough. Looking at him like this, staring at him while he slept, I was happy.

  Giovanni’s arms and legs suddenly became animated, folding over my body and squashing me against the mattress.

  Gosh! He really was one heavy man. I could hardly breathe in this position.

  I shoved him off, having had enough of his overbearing weight on me. But crap! His arm had a mind of its own. It slung over me and now was enveloping my belly.

  What do I do? I really needed to get out of here. Pronto! Plus, with my full bladder, I had an urgent need to pee.

  I gingerly pulled out of his embrace again. And just when I was about to break free, a hand hauled me back until I was crushed against his solid chest. A deep chuckle resonated beside my ear.

  Calm down my heart, I told myself, when I heard Giovanni growling in my ear.

  “Where do you think you’re going, my little bunny?”

  Bunny? When did I graduate from lover to a pet?

  “To the loo. Urgently need to pee.”

  He made a sour face. “Why do you need to pee so often. Be quick and come back as soon as you are done.”


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