Ivanhoe: A Romance

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Ivanhoe: A Romance Page 13

by Walter Scott


  1st Outlaw: Stand, sir, and throw us that you have about you; If not, we'll make you sit, and rifle you. Speed: Sir, we are undone! these are the villains That all the travellers do fear so much. Val: My friends,-- 1st Out: That's not so, sir, we are your enemies. 2d Out: Peace! we'll hear him. 3d Out: Ay, by my beard, will we; For he's a proper man. --Two Gentlemen of Verona

  The nocturnal adventures of Gurth were not yet concluded; indeed hehimself became partly of that mind, when, after passing one or twostraggling houses which stood in the outskirts of the village, he foundhimself in a deep lane, running between two banks overgrown with hazeland holly, while here and there a dwarf oak flung its arms altogetheracross the path. The lane was moreover much rutted and broken up by thecarriages which had recently transported articles of various kinds tothe tournament; and it was dark, for the banks and bushes interceptedthe light of the harvest moon.

  From the village were heard the distant sounds of revelry, mixedoccasionally with loud laughter, sometimes broken by screams, andsometimes by wild strains of distant music. All these sounds, intimatingthe disorderly state of the town, crowded with military nobles andtheir dissolute attendants, gave Gurth some uneasiness. "The Jewess wasright," he said to himself. "By heaven and St Dunstan, I would I weresafe at my journey's end with all this treasure! Here are such numbers,I will not say of arrant thieves, but of errant knights and errantsquires, errant monks and errant minstrels, errant jugglers and errantjesters, that a man with a single merk would be in danger, much more apoor swineherd with a whole bagful of zecchins. Would I were out ofthe shade of these infernal bushes, that I might at least see any of StNicholas's clerks before they spring on my shoulders."

  Gurth accordingly hastened his pace, in order to gain the open commonto which the lane led, but was not so fortunate as to accomplish hisobject. Just as he had attained the upper end of the lane, where theunderwood was thickest, four men sprung upon him, even as his fearsanticipated, two from each side of the road, and seized him so fast,that resistance, if at first practicable, would have been now toolate.--"Surrender your charge," said one of them; "we are the deliverersof the commonwealth, who ease every man of his burden."

  "You should not ease me of mine so lightly," muttered Gurth, whosesurly honesty could not be tamed even by the pressure of immediateviolence,--"had I it but in my power to give three strokes in itsdefence."

  "We shall see that presently," said the robber; and, speaking to hiscompanions, he added, "bring along the knave. I see he would have hishead broken, as well as his purse cut, and so be let blood in two veinsat once."

  Gurth was hurried along agreeably to this mandate, and having beendragged somewhat roughly over the bank, on the left-hand side of thelane, found himself in a straggling thicket, which lay betwixt it andthe open common. He was compelled to follow his rough conductors intothe very depth of this cover, where they stopt unexpectedly in anirregular open space, free in a great measure from trees, and on which,therefore, the beams of the moon fell without much interruption fromboughs and leaves. Here his captors were joined by two other persons,apparently belonging to the gang. They had short swords by their sides,and quarter-staves in their hands, and Gurth could now observe thatall six wore visors, which rendered their occupation a matter of noquestion, even had their former proceedings left it in doubt.

  "What money hast thou, churl?" said one of the thieves.

  "Thirty zecchins of my own property," answered Gurth, doggedly.

  "A forfeit--a forfeit," shouted the robbers; "a Saxon hath thirtyzecchins, and returns sober from a village! An undeniable andunredeemable forfeit of all he hath about him."

  "I hoarded it to purchase my freedom," said Gurth.

  "Thou art an ass," replied one of the thieves "three quarts of doubleale had rendered thee as free as thy master, ay, and freer too, if he bea Saxon like thyself."

  "A sad truth," replied Gurth; "but if these same thirty zecchins willbuy my freedom from you, unloose my hands, and I will pay them to you."

  "Hold," said one who seemed to exercise some authority over the others;"this bag which thou bearest, as I can feel through thy cloak, containsmore coin than thou hast told us of."

  "It is the good knight my master's," answered Gurth, "of which,assuredly, I would not have spoken a word, had you been satisfied withworking your will upon mine own property."

  "Thou art an honest fellow," replied the robber, "I warrant thee; and weworship not St Nicholas so devoutly but what thy thirty zecchins may yetescape, if thou deal uprightly with us. Meantime render up thy trustfor a time." So saying, he took from Gurth's breast the large leathernpouch, in which the purse given him by Rebecca was enclosed, as well asthe rest of the zecchins, and then continued his interrogation.--"Who isthy master?"

  "The Disinherited Knight," said Gurth.

  "Whose good lance," replied the robber, "won the prize in to-day'stourney? What is his name and lineage?"

  "It is his pleasure," answered Gurth, "that they be concealed; and fromme, assuredly, you will learn nought of them."

  "What is thine own name and lineage?"

  "To tell that," said Gurth, "might reveal my master's."

  "Thou art a saucy groom," said the robber, "but of that anon. How comesthy master by this gold? is it of his inheritance, or by what means hathit accrued to him?"

  "By his good lance," answered Gurth.--"These bags contain the ransom offour good horses, and four good suits of armour."

  "How much is there?" demanded the robber.

  "Two hundred zecchins."

  "Only two hundred zecchins!" said the bandit; "your master hath dealtliberally by the vanquished, and put them to a cheap ransom. Name thosewho paid the gold."

  Gurth did so.

  "The armour and horse of the Templar Brian de Bois-Guilbert, at whatransom were they held?--Thou seest thou canst not deceive me."

  "My master," replied Gurth, "will take nought from the Templar savehis life's-blood. They are on terms of mortal defiance, and cannot holdcourteous intercourse together."

  "Indeed!"--repeated the robber, and paused after he had said theword. "And what wert thou now doing at Ashby with such a charge in thycustody?"

  "I went thither to render to Isaac the Jew of York," replied Gurth,"the price of a suit of armour with which he fitted my master for thistournament."

  "And how much didst thou pay to Isaac?--Methinks, to judge by weight,there is still two hundred zecchins in this pouch."

  "I paid to Isaac," said the Saxon, "eighty zecchins, and he restored mea hundred in lieu thereof."

  "How! what!" exclaimed all the robbers at once; "darest thou trifle withus, that thou tellest such improbable lies?"

  "What I tell you," said Gurth, "is as true as the moon is in heaven. Youwill find the just sum in a silken purse within the leathern pouch, andseparate from the rest of the gold."

  "Bethink thee, man," said the Captain, "thou speakest of a Jew--of anIsraelite,--as unapt to restore gold, as the dry sand of his deserts toreturn the cup of water which the pilgrim spills upon them."

  "There is no more mercy in them," said another of the banditti, "than inan unbribed sheriffs officer."

  "It is, however, as I say," said Gurth.

  "Strike a light instantly," said the Captain; "I will examine this saidpurse; and if it be as this fellow says, the Jew's bounty is littleless miraculous than the stream which relieved his fathers in thewilderness."

  A light was procured accordingly, and the robber proceeded to examinethe purse. The others crowded around him, and even two who had hold ofGurth relaxed their grasp while they stretched their necks to see theissue of the search. Availing himself of their negligence, by a suddenexertion of strength and activity, Gurth shook himself free of theirhold, and might have escaped, could he have resolved to leave hismaster's property behind him. But such was no part of his intention.He wrenched a quarter-staff from one of the fellows, struck down theCaptain, who w
as altogether unaware of his purpose, and had well-nighrepossessed himself of the pouch and treasure. The thieves, however,were too nimble for him, and again secured both the bag and the trustyGurth.

  "Knave!" said the Captain, getting up, "thou hast broken my head;and with other men of our sort thou wouldst fare the worse for thyinsolence. But thou shalt know thy fate instantly. First let us speak ofthy master; the knight's matters must go before the squire's, accordingto the due order of chivalry. Stand thou fast in the meantime--ifthou stir again, thou shalt have that will make thee quiet for thylife--Comrades!" he then said, addressing his gang, "this purse isembroidered with Hebrew characters, and I well believe the yeoman's taleis true. The errant knight, his master, must needs pass us toll-free. Heis too like ourselves for us to make booty of him, since dogs should notworry dogs where wolves and foxes are to be found in abundance."

  "Like us?" answered one of the gang; "I should like to hear how that ismade good."

  "Why, thou fool," answered the Captain, "is he not poor and disinheritedas we are?--Doth he not win his substance at the sword's point as wedo?--Hath he not beaten Front-de-Boeuf and Malvoisin, even as we wouldbeat them if we could? Is he not the enemy to life and death of Briande Bois-Guilbert, whom we have so much reason to fear? And were allthis otherwise, wouldst thou have us show a worse conscience than anunbeliever, a Hebrew Jew?"

  "Nay, that were a shame," muttered the other fellow; "and yet, when Iserved in the band of stout old Gandelyn, we had no such scruples ofconscience. And this insolent peasant,--he too, I warrant me, is to bedismissed scatheless?"

  "Not if THOU canst scathe him," replied the Captain.--"Here, fellow,"continued he, addressing Gurth, "canst thou use the staff, that thoustarts to it so readily?"

  "I think," said Gurth, "thou shouldst be best able to reply to thatquestion."

  "Nay, by my troth, thou gavest me a round knock," replied the Captain;"do as much for this fellow, and thou shalt pass scot-free; and if thoudost not--why, by my faith, as thou art such a sturdy knave, I thinkI must pay thy ransom myself.--Take thy staff, Miller," he added, "andkeep thy head; and do you others let the fellow go, and give him astaff--there is light enough to lay on load by."

  The two champions being alike armed with quarter-staves, stepped forwardinto the centre of the open space, in order to have the full benefit ofthe moonlight; the thieves in the meantime laughing, and crying to theircomrade, "Miller! beware thy toll-dish." The Miller, on the other hand,holding his quarter-staff by the middle, and making it flourish roundhis head after the fashion which the French call "faire le moulinet",exclaimed boastfully, "Come on, churl, an thou darest: thou shalt feelthe strength of a miller's thumb!"

  "If thou be'st a miller," answered Gurth, undauntedly, making his weaponplay around his head with equal dexterity, "thou art doubly a thief, andI, as a true man, bid thee defiance."

  So saying, the two champions closed together, and for a few minutes theydisplayed great equality in strength, courage, and skill, interceptingand returning the blows of their adversary with the most rapiddexterity, while, from the continued clatter of their weapons, a personat a distance might have supposed that there were at least six personsengaged on each side. Less obstinate, and even less dangerous combats,have been described in good heroic verse; but that of Gurth and theMiller must remain unsung, for want of a sacred poet to do justice toits eventful progress. Yet, though quarter-staff play be out of date,what we can in prose we will do for these bold champions.

  Long they fought equally, until the Miller began to lose temper atfinding himself so stoutly opposed, and at hearing the laughter of hiscompanions, who, as usual in such cases, enjoyed his vexation. This wasnot a state of mind favourable to the noble game of quarter-staff, inwhich, as in ordinary cudgel-playing, the utmost coolness is requisite;and it gave Gurth, whose temper was steady, though surly, theopportunity of acquiring a decided advantage, in availing himself ofwhich he displayed great mastery.

  The Miller pressed furiously forward, dealing blows with either end ofhis weapon alternately, and striving to come to half-staff distance,while Gurth defended himself against the attack, keeping his hands abouta yard asunder, and covering himself by shifting his weapon with greatcelerity, so as to protect his head and body. Thus did he maintainthe defensive, making his eye, foot, and hand keep true time, until,observing his antagonist to lose wind, he darted the staff at his facewith his left hand; and, as the Miller endeavoured to parry the thrust,he slid his right hand down to his left, and with the full swing of theweapon struck his opponent on the left side of the head, who instantlymeasured his length upon the green sward.

  "Well and yeomanly done!" shouted the robbers; "fair play and OldEngland for ever! The Saxon hath saved both his purse and his hide, andthe Miller has met his match."

  "Thou mayst go thy ways, my friend," said the Captain, addressing Gurth,in special confirmation of the general voice, "and I will cause two ofmy comrades to guide thee by the best way to thy master's pavilion, andto guard thee from night-walkers that might have less tender consciencesthan ours; for there is many one of them upon the amble in such a nightas this. Take heed, however," he added sternly; "remember thou hastrefused to tell thy name--ask not after ours, nor endeavour to discoverwho or what we are; for, if thou makest such an attempt, thou wilt comeby worse fortune than has yet befallen thee."

  Gurth thanked the Captain for his courtesy, and promised to attend tohis recommendation. Two of the outlaws, taking up their quarter-staves,and desiring Gurth to follow close in the rear, walked roundly forwardalong a by-path, which traversed the thicket and the broken groundadjacent to it. On the very verge of the thicket two men spoke to hisconductors, and receiving an answer in a whisper, withdrew into thewood, and suffered them to pass unmolested. This circumstance inducedGurth to believe both that the gang was strong in numbers, and that theykept regular guards around their place of rendezvous.

  When they arrived on the open heath, where Gurth might have had sometrouble in finding his road, the thieves guided him straight forward tothe top of a little eminence, whence he could see, spread beneath himin the moonlight, the palisades of the lists, the glimmering pavilionspitched at either end, with the pennons which adorned them flutteringin the moonbeams, and from which could be heard the hum of the song withwhich the sentinels were beguiling their night-watch.

  Here the thieves stopt.

  "We go with you no farther," said they; "it were not safe that we shoulddo so.--Remember the warning you have received--keep secret what hasthis night befallen you, and you will have no room to repent it--neglectwhat is now told you, and the Tower of London shall not protect youagainst our revenge."

  "Good night to you, kind sirs," said Gurth; "I shall remember yourorders, and trust that there is no offence in wishing you a safer and anhonester trade."

  Thus they parted, the outlaws returning in the direction from whencethey had come, and Gurth proceeding to the tent of his master, to whom,notwithstanding the injunction he had received, he communicated thewhole adventures of the evening.

  The Disinherited Knight was filled with astonishment, no less at thegenerosity of Rebecca, by which, however, he resolved he would notprofit, than that of the robbers, to whose profession such a qualityseemed totally foreign. His course of reflections upon these singularcircumstances was, however, interrupted by the necessity for takingrepose, which the fatigue of the preceding day, and the proprietyof refreshing himself for the morrow's encounter, rendered alikeindispensable.

  The knight, therefore, stretched himself for repose upon a rich couchwith which the tent was provided; and the faithful Gurth, extendinghis hardy limbs upon a bear-skin which formed a sort of carpet to thepavilion, laid himself across the opening of the tent, so that no onecould enter without awakening him.


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