The Trans Ultra Collection Vol 2

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The Trans Ultra Collection Vol 2 Page 5

by Ursula Lovelace

  With the deadline looming, someone had to sign up before it was too late. “Thanks for having me, Mr. Chambers. I hope a woman runs for office.”

  He smiled. “That makes two of us.”

  On the way back home, I ruminated what I had learned. Adam Grayson was vulnerable but he needed the right candidate to run against him. It would take a woman to bring him down. Unfortunately, no women had appeared as either a primary challenger or as a third-party candidate.

  That’s when I got an idea.

  As a former records clerk, I still had access to the state’s registration database. They hadn’t locked me out of the system just yet. As one of the systems administers for the records, I had the ability to manipulate the records as I saw fit. With the ongoing scandal, no one would notice a small addition to the records.

  If I couldn’t find a savior, then I could create one.

  It was risky if not outright illegal idea. It was an outright felony. I could land myself in prison for doing this. However, I had my back to the wall and I was out of ideas.

  Nevertheless, if I was careful and covered my tracks, I could manipulate records and create a woman out of thin air. She would have a social security number, a birth certificate, and everything else needed to run.

  Thus, Robin Smith was born.

  She had everything needed to challenge Adam Grayson. Robin was a young woman campaigning on change. She would hold the feet of the corrupt officials to the fire until they changed their act. A split ticket would have Grayson sweating bullets.

  I just needed someone to be her. Robin Smith was nothing without flesh and blood. She needed to be on the campaign trail so she could meet with voters. It wasn’t enough to be a record in a computer database. Someone had to give her life.

  Initially, I had thought about hiring a woman to run as Robin Smith. I immediately saw a few holes in this plan. Whoever I hired would have to agree to my idea. I would have to coach her to be the face of the campaign.

  Of course, she could easily refuse to get involved in my scheme. It was illegal and could land her in some hot water. Worse, she could report me to the police or blackmail me. I needed as few conspirators as possible.

  So I had to be Robin Smith.

  Chapter 3

  I had always been told that I looked like a woman. I naturally had a lean, girlish build. I barely had any body hair and I couldn’t grow a beard if my life depended on it. My voice was shriller than I would’ve liked. It was why I liked my job in the records office where I could be alone.

  It was still a crazy idea. It was one thing to look effeminate. It was another to cross-dress as a woman and run for office. My face would be all over the news and the internet. Someone could easily link Robin Smith to Robert Brown.

  I was ready to abandon the plan until I watched the evening news one day. A group of woman were protesting Grayson. The polls showed that his once healthy margin had been reduced significantly. The man was vulnerable with a capital V!

  I knew these women needed a savior to rally around. With the registration deadline fast approaching, someone needed to channel their anger and work towards a cause. However, no one had stepped up to the plate.

  Someone like Robin Smith would be just what they needed. Her lack of political experience meant she had no baggage. More importantly, she was young and new in a district that wanted change.

  It was a great risk but I needed to be their champion. I knew some actresses could completely transform themselves with the right clothes and makeup. Perhaps, I could do a full makeover and emerge as a believable enough woman.

  I bit the bullet and registered for the election.

  Robin Smith, head of the new formed Justice Party, was in the race.

  With little time to get the show on the road, I transformed myself into the perfect candidate. I ordered makeup, clothes, and a wig. A part of me wondered if I could write it off as a campaign expense.

  Regardless, I still had an uphill battle. Adam Grayson didn’t get to where he was by resting on his laurels. He could bury me with the money he had flowing into his coffers. Likewise, the Republican candidate, Tom Jenkins, could also pose a threat. Being a woman wasn’t enough to secure victory.

  I was more concerned with being a credible threat to the other candidates rather than winning. Hell, I wasn’t sure what I would do if I won. I just wanted to show Grayson who was boss.

  Like a real candidate, I had to prepare for anything. The media would field questions and I would have to answer them like any other politician. As for me, I needed to get my story straight. People could easily pick up apart any discrepancy since I was a novice to the political game.

  When I created Robin Smith in the database, I had listed her as a resident who lived on the edge of the district. It would explain why no one had seen her before. She was a relative newcomer who had fallen in love with her new town.

  I also worked on creating her persona. She was intelligent while still being approachable. I had never been a confident man but I discovered newfound bravery as Robin Smith. Her voice was similar to mine but with an edge to it. The woman was fierce and determined in a way I wasn’t.

  I created a website for her and her policies. It wasn’t live just yet. I needed to finalize my look before I upload some photos. That would be the most important part of my plan.

  After my clothes and accessories arrived in the mail, I began the final phase of my plan. Seeing the clothes, makeup, and wig in one place really put into perspective as to what I was doing. If this part of the plan failed, then everything else would fall apart.

  It took a lot more effort than I had initially thought. Putting on makeup was a new experience to me. I had to watch a number of Youtube videos before I got the hang of it.

  The wig was much easier to deal with. My hair was naturally long so it could be interwoven with the wig. In the future, I could even let my hair grow and go without one.

  The clothes were even simpler. To my surprise, I found the business skirts and blouses to be soft and comfortable. Even the undergarments fit snuggly against my groin. A padded bra finished the look.

  To get used to my new clothing, I wore them day in and day out. Whenever I didn’t have to go out and shop, I waltzed around my apartment in a skirt. I had to admit I enjoyed my new feminine attire. It beat wearing my old office clothes. There was so much to wear. As a man, I wore a shirt and a pair of pants didn’t think too much beyond that.

  On the other hand, Robin was spoiled for choice. Her clothes had various shapes and cuts. No two skirts were the same.

  I loved all of it. It didn’t matter if they were stockings or a power suit. Robin Smith knew how to dress in style. She would be meeting with voters and hearing their issues. The woman needed to look well-dressed, especially compared to her opponents.

  Although I was in love with my new look in the mirror, it needed to be battle-tested. The media would be all over Robin Smith. She needed to look her best when answering questions about her policies. Of course, there was more to a campaign than looking pretty and reading off my policies.

  I needed money.

  Political campaigns were expensive. Advertisements would set me back tens of thousands of dollars. Polling alone would cost a fortune. I had eaten a good chunk of my severance pay already. I couldn’t pay the rent without a job. For that matter, I couldn’t work and be on the campaign trail at the same time.

  This race would be even more costly. Political analysts predicted that Grayson would be spending more than five million dollars to secure the race. There was no way I could match that on my own. I needed donations to help fund my war effort.

  I was certain I could get people to donate to my cause. Women and the youth were angry with Grayson. However, I wouldn’t be able to raise anything comparable to my rivals. Political candidates often spent years trying to scrounge up funds for a run. Instead, I would need to talk to a big investor to make up for lost time.

  What better way to test my new look than t
o talk to some big time donors. I didn’t just need their money. These powerful people had connections and support that I was in short supply of. I needed someone who could support me financially and politically.

  Someone like Derek Chambers.

  It was risky to go see a man I had met earlier as Robert Brown. However, I knew that Chambers was looking to back someone other than Grayson. If I could win his support, then I had a shot in this race.

  Better yet, winning him over would mean that Grayson would lose one of his biggest backers. It would be a sign that Grayson was no longer the heavy favorite. It could be the first domino that would bring that corrupt bastard down.

  Taking a deep breath, I dialed his office’s number. His secretary patched me through to him once I explained that I was a candidate. “Mr. Chambers?”

  There was a pause.

  “What can I help you with, miss?”

  I nearly sighed in relief. He had bought my voice. “Let me start from the beginning, Mr. Chambers.”

  I told him I was the head of the newly minted Justice Party. I was running for the contested Representative spot in our district. I asked if he was interested in investing in my political campaign.

  “We’re talking about millions of dollars,” he replied, not committing one way or the other. “Why don’t we meet at my home and discuss the details?”

  My heart thundered at the thought of meeting him face to face. It was do or die for Robin Smith. I didn’t know anyone else who would back me so late in the game. “I’d love to see you in person.”

  The morning before the meeting, I made sure I looked flawless. My outfit was a professional blouse and skirt combination with a bit of sex appeal. I wanted to look as different from Robert Brown as possible. That meant I had to have a confidence in myself I never had before.

  I probably enjoyed dressing more than I should’ve had. I loved putting on thigh high socks or stockings. Nonetheless, an understated business blouse and skirt added some respectability to my look. I needed Chambers to be my sponsor, not my boyfriend.

  It was strange meeting with Chambers in his private home rather than his office. I guessed it was a good sign. He was more likely to deny me upfront if I had scheduled a meeting in his office.

  It was also a bit weird taking a cab to Chambers’ house. I didn’t want to take my car in case someone linked it to Robert Brown. Anyone with two brain cells to rub together would link the two of us together.

  Although I was scared at first, I found that my taxi driver completely and utterly believed I was a woman. He didn’t give me strange looks or ask questions. Instead, he made small talk. “What’s a pretty girl like you do for a living?”

  I giggled nervously. If I didn’t know any better, he was flirting with me. “Politics.”

  Finally, I arrived at Derek Chambers’ house. Well, it was more of a three story high mansion. It was no wonder he could easily fund multiple candidates. It looked like he even had a small farm in the back with livestock.

  When I approached the door, a man opened the door and greeted me. “Miss Smith? Please come in, Mr. Chambers is expecting you.”

  I felt like royalty as the man led me to into a waiting room. I took a moment to go over my appearance. Derek Chambers had met me before. He would be able to see through my disguise if I wasn’t perfect. I used a hand mirror to touch myself up. He needed to believe I was the real deal.

  Finally, Derek Chambers entered the room and said. “Miss, Smith, a pleasure to meet you. I’m glad we could talk in person.”

  I smiled as took the bait. “These things are better done face to face, Mr. Chambers.”

  “Let’s get down to business,” he said, guiding me into his home office. The Chambers I met before felt like a cynic. This man here was more of a gentleman. I took as a seat and he continued. “I didn’t expect any more gladiators in the arena, especially with the registration deadline days away.”

  “Like a lot of other people, I was angry about Adam Grayson,” I explained. “When no one stepped up to fight him, I knew I had to.”

  Chambers wore a poker face. “I know every politician who has ever stepped foot in this state. I would’ve heard of you if you had a bill or policy. I take if you have no political experience?”

  I shook my head. I didn’t have a single piece of legislation I could tie myself to. “I’m new to the game but the people are upset with Grayson. I know I have a chance against him.”

  “Grayson is a known factor,” he replied. “He always pays his debts. On the other hand, you just have policies and promises. I’m going to need a little more than that to back you over him.”

  He had me there. I had very little to bring to the table. Sure, Adam Grayson was vulnerable but I needed more than the anger and resentment of voters. “What would you need in order to back me?”

  I expected him to ask for a political favor in case I won office. I wasn’t entirely comfortable with the idea. It’s probably why men like Grayson became corrupt over the years. Chambers could have me on speed dial while I was passing laws.

  However, he replied with a smirk. “I need to know that I’ll have your full support, Miss Smith.”

  I took it as a good sign that he was interested. The man eyed me from head to toe. I knew he was mentally undressing me. I didn’t know whether to get up and leave or not. “What do you have in mind?”

  I sensed that he wanted a sexual favor instead of a political one. I wanted to reject him. I was actually a man after all. However, I couldn’t risk arousing his suspicion. He could delve deeper into the background of Robin Smith. More than anything else, I needed his financial support.

  Derek Chambers reached down to his crotch and unzipped his pants. “Like this.”

  My heart skipped a beat as he revealed his erection. I didn’t have any other options. I needed Chambers’ support if I wanted to compete. There were no other men with as much power and money as him. I was in too deep to back away now. Worse, he would keep backing Grayson unless I won him over to my side.

  Strange as it was, I didn’t mind the prospect of sucking his cock. Robin Smith felt like a completely different person onto myself. She wasn’t afraid to do whatever it took to win. If she needed money, then she would suck cock for it.

  I wasn’t some unemployed records clerk. I was a political candidate doing whatever it took to win. I was a beautiful diva who could seduce any man she wanted.

  Without a word, I got between his legs and got down on my knees. Chambers watched me reach for his groin with bated breath. I pulled out his erection and felt it pulsate in my hand. It felt strange staring directly at another man’s prick.

  I began by stroking Derek’s erection. It wasn’t that different from touching mine. I knew where all the sweet spots were. When he was hard enough, I brought it to my lips and swallowed its head. It had a salty tang that I liked more than I should have.

  As strange as it was for me, Derek seemed to be having the time of his life. I heard him moan as I suckled the tip of his shaft. He pushed his way deeper into my mouth by placing his hands on the back of my head. Soon, my saliva coated every inch of his stiff cock. The man groaned and made me swallow more and more of him. “Oh God!”

  He wasn’t the only one getting hard from all this sucking. My cock felt trapped under my panties. If it grew any harder, then it would poke a hole through the gusset of my undergarments. My balls tightened from my impending orgasm. Thankfully, Derek was too busy enjoying his blowjob to notice.

  Between my disguise the debauchery, I had never been so aroused before. I wanted to reach down and stroke myself but I thought better of it. I didn’t need to touch myself in order to come.

  With Derek’s cock still in my mouth, I came hard into my panties. I was thankful for my skirt hiding the sight of my soaked undergarments. My moaning passed as a vibration onto his groin. He was nearing his orgasm as well.

  My lips clamped down on his prick as he came hard into my mouth. It almost felt like swallowing a shotgu
n blast. I swallowed his wet, sticky load without a second thought.

  Finally, I let go of his shaft and gathered my breath. Derek looked like he had just gotten off a rollercoaster ride. He took a lungful of air and groaned. “Damn, you earned that donation.”

  “I’m kind of in-between banks,” I said sheepishly. I hadn’t gotten around to setting up a bank account for Robin Smith. A fake identity and address made it more complicated than usual. “Could I have it in cash?”

  My new benefactor smiled as he went to his safe. “For you? Anything.”

  I was in the game.

  Chapter 4

  I couldn’t be happier. I had pulled off my disguise in front of a man I had met before. It filled me with a much needed shot of courage. I knew I could convince others I was a woman. More importantly, I could convince them I was the candidate they should vote for.


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