The Trans Ultra Collection Vol 2

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The Trans Ultra Collection Vol 2 Page 12

by Ursula Lovelace

A part of me wanted to turn tail and run. However, I knew I couldn’t out run a pair of men the size of linebackers, especially in high heels. Without a word I let them escort me into the casino’s elevator.

  I knew better than to fight back. I had seen my fair share of card counters getting cuffed or pepper sprayed. I was thankful for the fact the guards didn’t pat me down for any hidden weapons. They probably would’ve discovered my padded bra.

  I didn’t know where they were taking me but I knew it wasn’t going to be pleasant. I also didn’t know how they had caught me in this disguise. I had been careful every step of the way. My voice had never cracked when I spoke. I had avoided any casino I had hit in the past six months.

  Perhaps, it was my performance rather than my disguise. I had tried to keep as low of a profile as I could while enjoying a hot streak. I cashed out rather than go for another round.

  Nevertheless, competing casinos talked to each other about players beating the house. It was just how the industry worked. I heard of a guy who got kicked out of a casino and found himself barred from every other casino on the same street.

  Regardless, I felt like it was all over. I had my chips and earnings but the casino could take it as evidence. I could wind up penniless and in prison. Pulling a stunt like this could land you in the big house. I couldn’t exactly afford a lawyer if they took my earnings.

  If there was a silver lining, then I would be able to play blackjack in prison. Maybe I could teach the other prisoners to count cards. Hopefully, it would stop them from beating me up.

  The elevator doors opened and revealed a series of executive offices. I was at the apex of the casino and I didn’t know why they had brought me all the way up to the top. Most offenders were corralled into a special holding area on the ground floor. Some casinos even had cells for violent gamblers. They would keep you caged up until the cops arrived.

  The guards led me into an office in the corner. Wherever they taking me, these men were in a hurry. I wasn’t looking forward to reaching my destination. Nevertheless, a guard opened the door and revealed an opulent office.

  A handsome man sat in the center of the office. I immediately recognized the eagle-eyed man. I knew him as well as any card counter in the business.

  It was Roger Smith.

  Chapter 5

  My arch nemesis ordered the guards. “Leave us. I’d like to be alone for this.”

  The guards nodded and left without a word. I didn’t like being alone with my arch-rival. In all my years of gambling, I never felt so vulnerable. Worse, Roger had caught me cross-dressing as a woman. Talk about adding insult to injury!

  “You’ve had a very good night,” Roger said, looking straight at me. I didn’t know why I hadn’t been arrested after being caught red-handed. Perhaps, he didn’t know that I was Aaron West just yet. I was just some transvestite to him. “Do you know who I am?”

  “You’re Roger Smith,” I blurted out. It was a bit of a mistake. A casual gambler wouldn’t care who this guy was. On the other hand, every card counter worth his weight knew this security consultant. “I keep seeing you on casino pamphlet. Are you famous or something?”

  He seemed to buy my excuse and smiled. “Yes, the casino industry is closely knit here, Miss Wells. Please sit down, a lady shouldn’t be kept standing.”

  I nearly did a double-take before I sat. Roger seemed to actually believe I was a woman. It begged the question why I had been brought here. “Is there a reason you’ve brought me to your office?”

  “Casinos gossip like housewives,” he chuckled. I didn’t know what he was exactly after. He could easily have me detained and arrested. “Someone who hops between casinos with your level of earnings catches our eye. Especially so if it’s a young and beautiful woman like yourself.”

  “I’ve done nothing wrong,” I protested. It seemed that the only mistake I had made was getting too lucky. “I’ve just had a lucky night. Whatever I won here in this casino is not much. I’ve seen people cash out more.”

  “And those modest earnings have multiplied into a tidy sum,” he said gesturing to my handbag and the chip tray. “I’ve been in this business for years. Not too many people have a night like this, Miss Wells.”

  Strangely enough, Roger looked at me with complete and utter desire. Over the night, I had learned what a man looked like when he was mentally undressing you. I decided to take advantage of his interest in me. I replied in a sultry tone. “Like I said, I was lucky at the blackjack table. Is that a crime?”

  “No, on the contrary you did quite well,” he sincerely praised. I wondered if a bit of charm could convince him to let me go. It had served me well throughout the night. “You must have an innate knack for the game.”

  The Roger I knew was a relentless hunter. The man here was warm and frisky. I decided to butter him up a bit. “Thank you. I’m sure you could teach me how to play other games.”

  “I can teach you more than that,” he replied with a pause. His eyes roamed over my body. “However, I’ll have to investigate you first. It’s my job to address in peculiarities in the casino scene. Not too many women have a hot streak like yours.”

  I flashed a smile at him. “Lady Luck’s on my side. That’s all.”

  He folded his arms and scanned my face. “I’ve been reviewing the tapes. You have the uncanny ability to bet at just the right time. If I didn’t know better, I’d say you were counting cards.”

  “Card counting?” I lied with a giggle. My lips curled into a pout. “I can barely keep track of my grocery list! Look is there anything I can do to make this thing blow over? I just want to retire for the night.”

  I was even willing to give up my winnings if it got me out of here. However, Roger was interested in something else. “Anything I want?”

  I knew that look on his face. With a deep breath, I answered. “Anything.”

  With a devious smile on his face, the man got up from his chair and sat right next to me. He placed a hand on my cheek before touching my breasts. It was a good thing my bra felt like the real thing. Roger seemed pleased with what I had. “Why don’t you share some of that luck with me, Erin?”

  I didn’t want him to dig deeper and uncover the truth. I needed to take his lust-crazed mind somewhere else. With my heart pounding within my ribcage, I put on a seductive face and looked at his groin. “Why don’t I polish you off?”

  He stood up and began unbuckling his pants. “Think you can back that up?”

  “These hands do more than play with cards,” I said, almost believing my words. I couldn’t show the slightest hesitation. “These lips are made for more than just talking.”

  Roger looked down and smiled. “Show me.”

  When this day began, I hadn’t planned on blowing a casino security expert. Regardless, I needed to keep Roger happy if I wanted to get out of here. The only real issue was that I had never done it before.

  Relying on pure instinct, I pulled his erection from beneath his unbuckled pants. It was utterly massive. In fact, it was bigger than mine.

  I touched it with my fingertips and got used to its girth. It was warm as if I was touching heated leather. Despite my inexperience, I at least knew where all the soft spots. I had touched my cock plenty of times. I figured it would be the same for Roger.

  I started by slowly stroking the length of his erection. Any thoughts about blackjack and card counting were firmly in the back of my mind. I felt a strange urge to please him beyond avoiding jail time. Indeed, Roger loved my stroking as he groaned. “Oh God… that’s it baby!”

  I shifted to using both hands. I could feel the veins pulsate in his hard shaft. It was a new experience for me but I seemed to be pleasing him. Likewise, I was enjoying this more than I thought I ever would.

  I was surprised at how happy I was over pleasing Roger like this. I felt complete dominance over my arch nemesis. The man was like putty in my hands. Aaron might’ve been afraid of him but Erin had him by the balls.


  Gripping the base of his shaft, I bent over to swallow his prick. Roger grunted as I began suckling his throbbing erection. The man had become utterly enthralled by me. I was beginning to enjoy this just as much as did counting cards.

  I couldn’t believe how easy it was to suck him. He went deep inside of my throat that I nearly gagged. The man grew longer than thicker inside my mouth. Roger looked like he was having the time as his life. He gripped my head and murmured. “Damn, you’re fucking amazing!”

  I licked him from his balls to the tip of his shaft. What I lacked in experience, I made up with natural skill. Roger was hard and wet as polished steel. I reached down to squeeze his balls before clamping down on his prick with my lips.

  That set him off. The man took his erection out of my mouth and pleaded. “Erin… Oh God! Let’s fuck and I’ll let you keep every damn chip!”

  As a generous of an offer as it was, I didn’t have a pussy for him to fuck. I had to get inventive if I wanted this charade to go on without a hitch. Turning around, I told him. “Fuck my ass!”

  It was brazen but I needed to be bold to pull this off. It was easier than I had ever imagined. I enjoyed having control over Roger. For the first time, I felt like the house instead of a player. Like the saying went, the house always wins.

  Roger was on autopilot as he got behind me and bent me over the desk. I saw him hike up my skirt and eye my panties with desire. The man was completely in lust with me.

  Taking the initiative, I pulled down my panties just enough to cover my balls while revealing my asshole. “Roger, please fuck me!”

  His cock was still slick with my saliva. I felt its tip touch the tight rosebud of my ass. I didn’t know how it would feel.

  I found out soon enough.

  Roger slowly thrust into me. My ass clamped down hard on his prick as I gasped for air. While the pain lingered, it was slowly replaced with pulsing pleasure. I calmed down enough for Roger to go deeper into me.

  I felt his erection throb deep within me. Roger grumbled how tight I was as he inched his way inside my virgin ass. To my surprise, I was beginning to enjoy this. I moved with him as he pumped in and out of me. Eventually, I took the man’s cock to its hilt.

  I forgot about blackjack and card counting. It felt like my very purpose was to be fucked by this man. Likewise, Roger had closed his eyes as he focused on thrusting inside of me. He didn’t look like he would stop anytime soon.

  The man was no stranger to this. I couldn’t imagine the surprise he would feel if he ever realized a man’s ass was giving him this much pleasure. I was certainly surprised at how blissful I was feeling.

  Most gamblers felt a buzz whenever they played. I never experienced anything like that. I always knew to quit when I was ahead. However, getting fucked by Roger was pushing all the right buttons. I groaned as my body shook with each trust. “Yes, that’s it! Fuck me harder!”

  That lit a fire in the man. He slammed hard against me and sent my body into convulsion. I moaned deliriously as he broke out into a set of frenzied thrusts. He wasn’t the only one getting hard.

  In my panties, I felt my balls tighten and my cock grow hard. My prick threatened to poke a hole through it. I started coming hard inside the gusset of my panties. I couldn’t remember the last time I had such a mind-blowing orgasm.

  Roger seemed to be having the same earth-shattering experience. Buried deep inside of me, his cock spurted out its seed. I felt it coat the depths of my ass. The man kept coming and coming like a machine.

  When it was finally over, Roger extracted his cock and fell beside on the desk. It looked he had ran a marathon. He took a deep breath and said. “What a fuck…”

  After a moment of rest and redressing, Roger gave me my chips and earnings. “Thank you.”

  “I’m always in town if you need to see me, Erin,” he replied with a smile. He gave me one of his business cards. “Show this if you ever find yourself in trouble.”

  I kissed him on the cheek. “I’ll keep that in mind.”

  Finally, I was a free man. I had more than enough money to pay my debts to Sergei. This crazy week was over.

  Funny as it was, I’d prefer if I was a free woman. I enjoyed being Erin Wells as both a person and as a blackjack player. She could disarm any dealer with casual ease. Even the casino security went easy on her. She was a much more successful card counter than Aaron West.

  I decided to make the switch.

  I called up Sergei. “Ah, is that you, Aaron? Thank you for paying off your debts. The transfer was successful. We value loyalty in our organization. Some of us thought you would try to leave without paying.”

  I laughed. “I’d never take that risk! But I do plan on skipping town for a while.”

  “You’re leaving?”

  “It’s been pretty hot in Las Vegas for the past few months,” I said. It wasn’t exactly a lie. Roger Smith was still out on high alert for Aaron West. “I figured I’ll wait for things to cool off now that the debt has been squared up.”

  “That’s unfortunate, Aaron. I was looking to working with you again.”

  I smiled. “Don’t worry. I’ll find a way to keep myself busy. See you around, Sergei.”

  The heat was on Aaron but Erin was just getting started. No one expected a young woman like her to be a professional blackjack player. Between her card counting skills and natural charms, no casino stood a chance.

  Over the next week, I dressed up as Erin and repeated my strategy. It was like taking candy from a baby. Whenever things got a bit heated, I showed them Roger’s business card. That got everyone to back down. No one could stop me.

  Lady Luck was going to take Las Vegas for a ride!

  Chapter 1

  “It’s suicide, Frank!”

  In the safety of a United Nations medical tent, I sighed as we watched armed soldiers corral women and children behind a barbed fence. “It’s my only shot of making a name for myself, Steve.”

  Women entered with children in hand as soldiers ushered them in. Any men who tried to enter were beaten back. Earlier in the day, the soldiers had made an example of one man trying to sneak his way in by shooting him point blank. Men like him were trapped between a rock and a hard place. They couldn’t enter the city so they had to fend for themselves out in the wild.

  I gripped my camera to take a photo of the grim scene but I thought better of it. These soldiers might think I was some sort of spy. I had heard they had executed a photographer by strangling him with the strap of his camera.

  “A name? There are better places to do that than in Syria, Frank,” he replied. Steve had been my friend and rival ever since we graduated from the same college. We were both journalists for competing newspapers. He was more of a writer while I preferred to do my own photography. “I’ve been to warzones before. This place is worse than anything I’ve ever seen. Bashar Hallaq’s done a number on this place.”

  As much as I hated to admit it, he was right. Bashar, a local warlord, had begun walling off the nearby city. The madman saw himself as a self-appointed king of his newly formed fiefdom. The area was so secluded that he could avoid conflict with any larger factions.

  Nonetheless, Bashar was paranoid that the big players in the conflict were sending spies to infiltrate his stronghold. Furthermore, there were various rebel groups working against him. Any trespassers were shot on sight by Bashar’s men.

  For example, they had executed a man earlier for trying to jump the fence. He simply wanted medicine from the city so that he could help treat his ill wife. Unfortunately, he was killed by a firing squad and his wife died from sickness soon after.

  “No one’s ever gotten a good look at the man,” I replied, gripping my camera. Everyone was dying to have a photograph of the warlord. Some publications had even put out a bounty for a good picture of Bashar. I knew my boss was gunning for his mug. Unfortunately, Bashar was gunning for scalps. Like I said, people were dying to see him. “Most of the photos we have of the man are decades
old. If I can just get a good shot of him, then I can finally make a name for myself.”

  My friend wasn’t as convinced. “How do you plan on getting close to Bashar? Even since the rebels started showing up here, the man has been paranoid about assassins.”

  I sighed. “Look, I speak the local language. I can blend in.”

  My language skills were why I was given this assignment. However, Steve chuckled. “Then you can scream in their native tongue when Bashar’s men torture you! Believe me, this men are ruthless. They see that camera, they’ll think you’re a spy working for America.”

  I couldn’t argue with the facts. Bashar had locked himself up tight in the city. Worse, the conflict with the rebels was getting closer and closer to us. In a place like this, a humanitarian aid camp was fair game. Steve and I wouldn’t be safe here in a few days. It wasn’t like people like us could seek refuge in Bashar’s city. The make-shift medical tents we were in wouldn’t withstand artillery fire.


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