The Trans Ultra Collection Vol 2

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The Trans Ultra Collection Vol 2 Page 16

by Ursula Lovelace

  For the first time since I’ve known her, Ms. McKay flashed a smile. “You’ll have to come to my office to find out.”

  “Right, top secret,” I replied. I knew the college had some government contracts. Some projects were probably on a need to know basis. “I can keep a secret.”

  “I’ll be in my office,” she said, writing down the time. “Does this work for you?”

  “Yeah, I’ll be free from football practice around that time,” I answered. “I’ll make sure I’m on time.”

  She adjusted her glasses. “Good, I don’t typically go around giving favors like this, Tommy.”

  “I won’t let you down,” I said taking my belongings. “Thanks you so much!”

  She called after me as I raced to the exit. “And not a minute late!”

  I had a good mood up until the following day.

  I almost forgot that I had football practice. Being the star quarterback was a double-edged sword. Everyone thought I got all the babes and the glory. Or that I didn’t have to put in a lick of effort during practice or play.

  It couldn’t be any further from the truth. The star quarterback always had a target on his back. I was constantly under pressure to perform at my best. A small slump could cause NFL scouts to have second thoughts about signing me on. It felt like living with a constant spotlight on you.

  It was a good thing the backup quarterbacks were out on injury. An academic probation would be the perfect opportunity for them to usurp my place as the quarterback. Everyone was gunning for my spot.

  This meant I had to be pitch perfect in practice. My coach was already concerned about my academic performance. I didn’t need to give him a reason to doubt my athletic performance as well.

  I was sure whatever Ms. McKay had planned for me was a cakewalk in comparison. I would probably have to do some boring paperwork. I couldn’t imagine her making me do actual research for her like some graduate.

  I never had the head for math or science. Sure, I was a genius on the football field but the classroom was something else. I was easily distracted and kept waiting for the clock to countdown to the bell.

  Perhaps, she wanted to treat me as some test subject for a science experiment. A football jock like me was probably a unique specimen to a scientific woman like her. I wouldn’t mind sitting back in a chair and answering a series of inane questions for an hour. I figured I could take it easy in an air-conditioned room after an exhausting football practice.

  That’s when I learned that her office was located on the new complex at the edge of the campus. The place had just finished construction and Ms. McKay was one of the first members of faculty to transfer. After a lengthy period of football practice, it was a long tiring walk to Ms. McKay’s office. My coach didn’t run two-a-day training sessions but it sure as hell felt like one.

  The new offices looked like they were still under construction. It was dark and it looked like the lighting wasn’t complete yet. I had heard the construction company had lagged behind the schedule by a few weeks. I guessed they wanted to funnel a few professors and teaching assistants as rooms opened up so it didn’t look things were delayed.

  Regardless, it was weird walking into an empty office of that size. The rest of the campus was bustling with activity. This place seemed like it was abandoned. If it wasn’t for the woman at front desk, I would’ve thought this was an empty office space being put up for rent.

  I expected professors or custodians walking through the hall. Instead, it was eerily quiet. I felt my footsteps echo in the empty hallways. It was a good thing that signs were up. Otherwise, I would’ve been lost wandering this mazelike building for hours.

  There was a rumor going around that Molly McKay was a vampire. It explained why she held her classes so late in the day. It was also why she was so strict. I never gave that supernatural explanation much stock but it felt like I was walking straight into the lair of a vampire.

  I turned a corner and finally ended up in the science department. It looked the area wasn’t settled in except by Ms. McKay. I guessed we would end up with a bit of privacy.

  Noticing that the light was on, I walked up to her office. The door was slightly ajar. I was about to knock on it when Ms. McKay opened it.

  “Thank you for coming, Tommy,” she said plainly. Peeking inside, I saw that her office looked utilitarian. I didn’t know whether she was in process of decorating it or that was how she preferred it. “I thought you would’ve gotten lost in the hallway. I should’ve given you a map as well!”

  “I almost did,” I chuckled, talking a seat before her desk. I saw a large black case on her desk. It was big enough to count as travel luggage on a trip. I couldn’t tell if it had anything to do with our special project. “It was a good thing I gave myself a ten minute head start.”

  She picked up the suitcase. It looked heavy but my professor carried it with ease. “Follow me, Tommy.”

  Ms. McKay wore a lengthy lab coat over her body. It had a nametag and the college’s logo. However, underneath her coat was a pair of dark stilettos over a set of pitch black stockings. I could tell that they were held up by garters. It was something a sexy college girl would wear rather than an esteemed professor. I wondered if she was heading out on a hot date after this. I decided not comment on it and risk upsetting her. She was giving me a stay of execution after all.

  Looking at her carrying case, I politely asked. “Do you need help with that?”

  She shook her head. “No, just come with me to the conference room.”

  Obeying her like she was my football coach, I walked in step with her to a nearby conference room. It was rather spacious and could hold over a dozen people. There were a few chalkboards and whiteboard for good measure. There were computer desks but no computers. I guessed the IT department hadn’t gotten around to setting up the electronics.

  It seemed like it was meant for teachers and faculty to hold a discussion. I figured we would do my extra credit project here. I asked Ms. McKay. “So… does this have anything to do with behavioral science?”

  She gave me a teasing smile as she closed and locked the door. “You’ll see.”

  Chapter 3

  I wondered what sort of project we would do here. This conference room was in need of furnishing. We didn’t have any computers. Hell, my phone wasn’t even getting a signal in this building. Whatever was in her case, we were going have to go old school in this conference room.

  I knew Ms. McKay wasn’t going to privately tutor me. She always said that what we covered in class was what we got. Her office hours were meant for clarifying topics rather than walking you through homework.

  Finally, she placed the traveling case on the conference table. She didn’t open it just yet. Then, she turned to me and asked. “Tommy, are you ready to earn some extra credit?”

  I beamed a smile at her. “Ready as I’ll ever be.”

  She gave me a stern look. “This isn’t going to some football game. It’s going to be a very involving experiment.”

  “An experiment?” I asked. I was starting to believe she really was a vampire. I wondered if I had made a deal with the devil to save my football career. “About what?”

  Ms. McKay didn’t answer. Instead, she took off her lab coat and revealed a sexy blouse and miniskirt combo. It worked well with the black garters and stockings I saw earlier. The low-cut of her blouse revealed a bit of her ample cleavage. I got an instant hard-on when I saw her getup. My professor recognized my reaction. “It looks like the test subject is excited…”

  I turned flush with embarrassment as I tried to cover my erection. My professor looked way hotter than any college girl I knew. “Yeah…”

  “But she’s been a naughty girl,” Ms. McKay chided, wagging a finger at me. She almost sounded like an upset mother. “Focusing on sports instead of her studies.”

  I did a double take. “Naughty girl?”

  Ms. McKay walked seductively towards me. I felt paralyzed as if some huge linebacker
had stopped me. I couldn’t get out of my seat even if I wanted to.

  My professor looked like a complete vixen. Her blouse revealed just the right amount of cleavage to pique my curiosity. I always thought she was cute but the woman before me was a complete knockout. However, her eyes were stoic as the Ms. McKay I remembered.

  Like some cold assassin, she unlocked her carrying case and opened it. I couldn’t quite see from my angle but I saw her take out a set of clothing. There was also a set of red heels and a makeup kit.

  Taking a closer look, I counted a girly dress with a set of silky undergarments. The bra and panties seemed to be a designer brand with the highest quality materials. Ms. McKay had a fine taste in lingerie. I wondered if she was going to strip out of her clothes and wear this new set of clothing. However, they looked a little too big for her.

  That’s when I saw what else was in the case. It started innocently enough when she took out a blonde wig. That would have been odd enough on its own. Then, a serious of sex toys followed.

  A leather collar with frills.

  A blindfold.

  A riding crop used by jockeys.

  Plugs of various sizes.

  And a strap-on dildo.

  The last item was utterly massive. The thing was pitch black with a set of leathers straps. It was even longer and thicker than mine when I was completely hardened. This situation had taken a turn from sexy to downright bizarre.

  Sensing my anxiety, Ms. McKay continued. “If this is too… complicated for you, then feel free to leave.”

  I knew that was my cue to get the hell out of here. I got up and said as politely as I could. “Thanks but-”

  “And say goodbye to that piece of extra credit,” she said sinisterly. “You won’t be able to avoid academic probation. You can kiss your dreams of playing in the NFL goodbye.”

  She had me there. My heart thundered in my chest as my blood churned sluggishly. I didn’t know what kind of experiment it was but I could tell it involved using all of those… things on me. I would be subject to those whips and collars. After all, she had called me a naughty girl for some reason.

  It felt like I had no choice at all. I could refuse, flunk the class, and get kicked out of the team. Or I could take a leap of faith and deal with whatever she had planned for me. Ms. McKay knew the same from the grin on her face. “I’m waiting for an answer.”

  I sat up straight and whimpered in defeat. “Okay…”

  She laughed and held a hand to her ear. “I can’t quite hear you!”

  This little experiment couldn’t go on forever. I would just have to bear the humiliation before getting the hell out of here. I had a gig at the NFL waiting for me. I just needed to swallow my pride and focus on that.

  Finally, I sighed and said plainly. “I’ll agree to do whatever you want.”

  I prayed I wouldn’t regret my words.

  “Good,” she said, picking up the riding crop and the collar. “Let’s set some ground rules. For the next two hours, you will be my bitch. If you attempt to leave before that, then our agreement is null and void. You will address me as ‘Madam’ at all times. If I catch you breaking this rule or disobeying me, then I will be forced to punish you. Is that understood?”

  I gulped. “Yes… Madam.”

  “We’ll need to give you a new name,” she continued. “Tommy won’t do for a naughty little schoolgirl.”

  I blinked in disbelief. “A name?”

  “How about Tara?” she asked rhetorically. I cringed at the sound of my new name. “Do you like it?”

  I decided to play along. “Yes, I like it Madam.”

  “Excellent, now strip,” she commanded. I stared back in shock. “Remove your underwear as well. Do it within the next minute or I will punish you.”

  I took off my clothes as if it were a sprint. One after another, I removed my shoes, shirt, pants, and boxers. I even took off my socks.

  I covered my crotch with my hands as Ms. McKay snickered at my show of modesty. I felt so exposed before her like I was receiving a tackle without so much a helmet. The cool air of the room nipped at my skin. I immediately regretted having this done in an air-conditioned building.

  “Tara, my pretty little doll,” Ms. McKay began, placing my clothes to the side. Indeed, I felt like some Barbie and Ken doll in front of a pervert. “Let’s fetter you first.”

  She took the frilly collar from earlier and locked it around my neck. Although it felt tight, the inside was cushioned with some soft leather. However, this was just the first step in my transformation.

  Ms. McKay slapped my hands away from my crotch and said. “Sit back down on the chair.”

  “Yes, Madam.”

  Chapter 4

  I obeyed her and sat on the chair. The cool metal of the chair felt ice-cold to my exposed skin. My cock hung low between my legs. I was afraid of risking Ms. McKay’s ire by covering it again. For better or for worse, she had a plan for my lack of clothing.

  “You’ll wear this,” she said, pointing to the set of clothing she had laid out. They were meant for me. It explained why they were a large size. I would have laughed if the situation wasn’t so tense. “Start with the panties, Tara. They’ll look cute on you.”

  I wasn’t so sure but I didn’t argue the point. I reluctantly took the panties and felt their softness. In comparison, my boxers felt as thick as a potato sack. The only part of the panties that was thick was the gusset which could hide my prick and my balls.

  When Ms. McKay began tapping her riding crop on the table, I raced to put on the pair of panties. It was easier said than done. You couldn’t just shove them on like boxers or briefs. There was a certain rhythm to it. My ‘Madam’ giggled as I struggled to put them on.

  Finally, I found the right method to put them on without crumpling it. They were surprisingly comfortable. I had expected it to ride up my crotch. Instead, it was formfitting unlike my baggy boxers. It was like I was still wearing nothing at all.

  I didn’t have time to marvel over my new panties since I was struck on the shoulder with a riding crop. “Ow!”

  As I rubbed my shoulder, Ms. McKay smiled. “Don’t dilly dally. We have a lot to do today. Now, put on that bra.”

  The brassiere had the same design and softness at the panties. The cups were padded to give the illusion of cleavage. I knew my way around bras but it was another thing to be the one putting them on.

  I slipped my arms into the straps and tried to hook them from behind. With a bit of dumb luck, I fastened it together. Ms. McKay mocked me by clapping. “Very good! Continue, Tara.”

  The bra was just as comfortable as the panties. The padded cups were warm and soft against my chest. Nonetheless, I had to continue dressing up as a schoolgirl or risk getting struck by the riding crop again.

  Ms. McKay helped me put on stockings and garter belt. She probably knew I hadn’t the slightest idea of how to put it on. Within seconds, my legs were covered by the elastic material. Even though the garters dug into my skin, it was surprisingly comfortable.

  At the same time, I felt like I was transforming into a different person with each new piece of clothing. I was enjoying the process of becoming Tara more than I would’ve liked. Next, I buttoned the plaid skirt around my waist. I loved putting on the skirt and letting the soft cloth touch my bare skin. Each new item made me feel more and more like a woman. It felt hard to consider it a costume or kinky outfit.

  The whole getup would probably raise a few eyebrows in college. This something you wore to thrill your boyfriend. Ms. McKay was certainly getting a thrill out of it.

  I continued by putting on a silky blouse. The fabric was so thin that I barely felt like I was wearing anything. In fact, you could easily see the outline of my bra. Ms. McKay buttoned me up but stopped at the top. She wanted my bra to be visible.

  Finally, it came time for the heels. It wasn’t that much different from putting on any other type of shoes. Walking in them, however, was another story. The heels shifted m
y balance and posture. My first step in the high heels made me feel like a newborn. I didn’t know how women walked in them all day long.

  Watching me stumble around, Ms. McKay teased. “Perhaps, I should teach you how to walk like a proper lady. For now, let’s focus on your makeup.”

  I nodded and sat back on the chair. Even sitting in a chair with heels felt different. “Yes, Madam!”


  I winced in pain after she struck my hand with her riding crop. “Ow!”

  “Sit up straight,” she ordered. I felt more like a workhorse than a human being. “Hands to your sides like a proper schoolgirl.”

  “Yes, Madam.”

  She pulled out a full makeup kit from the case. I wasn’t exactly an expert on women’s fashion but I saw various sets of lipstick, mascara, and eyeshadow. Ms. McKay intended to doll me up.


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