Blood and Spice

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Blood and Spice Page 9

by Lilah E. Noir

  Laurel stared at him with bewilderment. He was tired, with huge dark circles under his eyes and looked as if someone dragged him through hell and back. Still, he didn't complain and stayed positive in that insane storm their life turned into.

  "What did I ever do to deserve you, little wolf?" She smiled and caressed his face.

  "You were the only living being who ever cared so much about me." Corwin kissed her with glowing eyes. "You had the opportunity to leave me so many times but you always stuck with me. And well... let's be honest, I... That night wasn't even half as bad for me as you may be thinking."

  "Really?" Laurel looked at him with a raised eyebrow. "How come?"

  "I... he gave me the freedom to do things to you I'd never allow myself. It was like... he had my wolf under control the whole time we were sharing you. I don't know..." He played with a tress of her hair. "I could be rough with you, taste your blood, I could give you the pain you needed, but I didn't end up ripping you apart. In a way..."

  "It's like he kept us both safe?" Her voice was skeptical.

  "Maybe..." Corwin shrugged. "It is still a mystery what happened between us that night. We might never learn. Either way, Mistress, I don't love you less because of it. I think I might even love you more. Have your feelings changed?"

  "Yes. I can't imagine living without you." Laurel pressed her forehead next to his. "We can deal with everything if we're together."

  Corwin took her hand and placed it on his chest. "One night of insanity can't destroy what we've been building together for years."

  They laid in each other's embrace for a long time and enjoyed the restored sense of peace.

  "Do you think he'll ever come back to us?" He asked.

  "Severin? Who knows... Something is telling me that won't be the last time we'll hear from him."


  Eight months later

  "Laurel, is it all right if I leave earlier? I can stay a bit longer on Monday if you want me to."

  Mark's voice startled her out of her trance. Laurel had been staring at the numbers on her Excel sheet for at least half an hour, unable to process them. She had even forgotten her young intern was still at the bookshop before he spoke. The boy stood before her counter with a raised eyebrow and a puzzled expression on his face.

  Laurel rubbed her temples to soothe the assault of the headache. That dull, constant pain had been torturing her from the moment she opened her eyes. Corwin noticed how cranky and absent-minded she was and offered to replace her at the bookshop for the day. He gave her a relaxing head massage, but it had a short-term effect. It would drive her insane to lie down and do nothing the entire day.

  Corwin, Mark and the other intern she had hired could handle Cinnamon Bookshop without her and that didn't sit well with her.

  "Yes... no problem." She forced a smile and raised the cold cup of tea to her lips. "You'll be more useful on Monday for that book signing, anyway."

  "Thank you, Laurel." He grinned. "I can come by to help over the weekend, too, so everything would be ready for Monday."

  Laurel tilted her head and smiled with as much wickedness as she could evoke. She looked at Mark from head to toe and put the tea cup back on its plate. He had changed quite a bit ever since he started working at Cinnamon Bookshop two months ago. Corwin had to show him the ropes and Mark was doing his best to imitate his confidence and subtle way of flirting. He was much more brave around girls and was stripping from his teenage shyness. Laurel suspected that the sexy books she let him read also helped.

  "Any special plans?" She smirked. "Hot date?"

  Back when he was just a customer, Laurel often teased him about how he should try to talk to girls more. Mark always blushed and denied any interest in the opposite sex. He usually said he hadn't met anyone who caught his eye. When he spoke those words, he always blushed and stared at the ground. It seemed unlikely he'd start dating anytime soon, so it shocked her when he nodded.

  "Really?" Laurel's eyes gleamed. At least that was something to distract her from her headache. "Who is she?"

  "A tourist girl." Mark grinned. "Nia. Tall, slender, long blond hair, killer smile, vanilla scent. She passed by the bookshop while you were out on errands. She was looking for some non-fiction books on perfume. That's what she does for a living, homemade perfumes and soap."

  "Oh, that's sweet." Her smile grew wider, and she pushed the already tasteless tea away. "You got a chance to shine then."

  "Yes, I impressed her." He crossed his arms over his chest with a smug expression. "She stayed for over half an hour and said she never met someone so familiar with the different fragrances. I invited her for a drink on Friday... and she said yes, obviously."

  Mark couldn't help but blush.

  "Well done, I'm proud of you. Don't stress over it too much and enjoy the evening." Laurel got up from her chair and walked past the counter to give him a big hug. "Tell her to come and introduce herself... if she's interested in us selling her products."

  "That would be nice." Mark wrapped his arms around her shoulders in a tight squeeze. "I don't plan to talk all that much about business. We've been texting a lot and... let's just say that her imagination is quite racy... for someone with such a vanilla perfume."

  He pulled away from Laurel but held her hands in his. His dark eyes were brimming with admiration and gratitude.

  "Those books you let me borrow helped me a lot." Mark admitted. He caressed her wrist and stepped back. "Thank you for everything, Laurel. I hope I learned enough to leave Nia with good memories of Crescent Moon Springs."

  She walked with him to the door and draped the red scarf around her shoulders. Headache was still there, behind her eyes, and cold crept up her skin. Laurel focused on Mark, his youth and the energy he exuded.

  It'd be easier than think of what was bothering her.

  "Will you miss her when she's gone?" Her question sounded casual but her chest tightened while she expected him to answer.

  "She's not gone yet." He rested his palm on the door handle and turned to her. "Don't get me wrong. I don't need a girlfriend. I... I'm getting to know myself right now. There are many things to try while I'm young and single. It's best to know who you are before you commit to someone, isn't that so?"

  The silver bells chimed after Mark left the bookshop. Laurel stood next to the door for a long time, staring at his retreating figure. She watched with intensity long after he was gone. A light frown creased her face. Laurel closed her eyes and withdrew in her own world, in those shameful memories of last fall. Her mind recalled how glorious it was for those two bodies to squeeze her, to feel them lavish her with attention, spoil her, make her into the center of their universe.

  Red heat chased the coldness from her veins. When she opened her eyes, she admitted the truth to herself. That truth had been choking her ever since Severin left the secret dungeon. One final night with her two lovers would be a bliss. Well, she'd never satisfy herself with only one night.

  Corwin and Severin. Her pet and her Master.

  Laurel sighed and returned to her chair. Perhaps tonight she'd close the bookshop early. Spend more time with Corwin. Make long, exhausting and violent love to him until all fantasies of threesomes died.

  She only realized she had drifted in a light, restless sleep in the chair when someone touched her shoulders. Fragrance of herbs lingered in the air. Laurel blinked, rubbed her eyes and looked up to meet Corwin's smiling face. He stroked her cheek and whispered.

  "I thought you might be here. Come on. I made you some tea for your headache. We'll go upstairs and I'll give you a very long massage until you relax. You really need to rest, Mistress."

  He hadn't even finished saying those words when the silver bells rang again. Corwin and Laurel jumped at the sound. They turned to the door with worried expressions and hearts beating with anxiety.

  Severin stood there with a wicked smile on his face.

  How hadn't they sensed him?

  "Ah, what a warm welcome. Did yo
u miss me?" He stepped inside Cinnamon Bookshop with the proud gait of an owner. His smile was cold and calculating but Laurel could read that passion in his blue eyes.

  "What do you want?" Corwin narrowed his eyes and growled. He squeezed Laurel's shoulders with a possessive grip. She sat there, silent and pale while Severin walked to them with his lazy feline gait. Was that the moment of her choice?

  "My, what a welcome, Corwin. After everything we've been through?" Severin smiled and showed off his fangs.

  "Why did you come back?" Laurel asked and stood up on her feet. She took her place by Corwin's side and took his hand with shaking fingers.

  "I haven't been too well." He shrugged. "I had some... let's call them health issues. My doctor recommended me to spend time in some quiet town... Mineral springs, peace, silence... friendly locals."

  His eyes fell on Laurel and he curved his lips in a smile.

  "I needed to find my sweet comfort zone." Severin said and turned his gaze to Corwin. She probably imagined it but his voice sounded full of longing. "I also want to invest in some new projects. I love what you two have done with this bookshop but it has a potential to be even greater. Are you interested in a partnership?"

  Corwin grabbed Laurel's hand so tight he nearly crushed her bones. Laurel pulled away and stared with worry at his darkened eyes and tense jaw. He threw her a little apologetic smile and then returned his threatening gaze to Severin.

  "What game are you playing?" Corwin hissed. Severin didn't even tremble, though a shadow of nervousness passed over his features. "If you think you can try to take her from me, you have to go through my dead body."

  "You know, for someone who loves kneeling, you're too possessive. Laurel, darling, your guard dog should learn his place..."

  "Seriously, both of you, enough." Laurel groaned out loud and shook her head. She moved away from Severin and Corwin at an equal distance and crossed her arms. "I swear, you'll be the death of me. Severin, I'm always looking for new investors but we both know you're not interested in the bookshop. If you only do that to taint my relationship with Corwin, I must ask you to leave."

  He stood there for a long time and didn't utter a word in response. The mysterious smile never left his face and he kept switching from looking at Laurel to Corwin.

  "Why do you assume that I want to break you up?" He said with such an innocent expression on his face he looked almost angelic. Save for the mocking tone of his voice. "Is the problem with me, Laurel? If you fear that a man you met might break you up with your lover, maybe your relationship was never that strong to begin with. Have you ever thought about that?"

  Corwin stepped in from behind the counter and faced Severin.

  "I have no doubt about my relationship with her. It's you I don't trust. You're the kind of creature who can enter our minds and bend them to suit his own agenda."

  Their guest laughed at that and shook his head with amusement. That made Corwin furrow his eyebrows and clench his fists. Laurel was just about to interfere when Severin raised his hands in defiance.

  "Bend your minds? I'm powerful but not that powerful, Corwin." His smile disappeared and Severin continued with a more serious tone. "Yes, I admit I can look in your minds, I can see all you two are hiding and I can use that information to my advantage. But I can't make you do something unless you desire it. I take what you hide inside your mind and enhance it. I never used hypnosis on you that night."

  Laurel paled at these words and her knees grew weak.

  "Yes, Laurel." He gazed at her. "You submitted because you wanted that. There's no point to deny it. Either way... I have no intention to break you two lovebirds up. The truth is... I missed you."

  Tonight would be full of surprises. Severin, the arrogant predator who forced them into seduction, stepped from foot to foot, nervous like a school boy.

  "Both of you." He admitted after a long, uncomfortable pause. "It was impossible to stop thinking of that night. I... I never felt such a strong pull to anyone like with you two. So, I want to see it through. What happened between us was special, don't you think so?"

  Corwin's features softened and he turned to Laurel with a conflicted expression. Severin also looked at her and swallowed while waiting for her reply.

  She felt the burden of choice on her shoulders again. Burden? No, it was something else. A new sense of power coursed through her body and erased all of her pain.

  "Well... This is an odd situation." Laurel's fantasies were already running wild, but she kept her imagination on a tight leash. "Pet... I believe that the least we can do is listen to him and what he has to say. We can discuss it over a glass of wine."

  The two men walked to her with cautious but hopeful looks on their faces. Corwin stood behind his Mistress and wrapped his big arms around her waist. Severin rested his fingers on her neck and leaned in to kiss her.

  She closed her eyes and let her lovers embrace her. For once in her life, Laurel was in peace with herself.

  Dear readers,

  Thank you for downloading my story. I hope you enjoyed Blood and Spice. It's my first attempt at writing a paranormal erotic story so I'm anxious about your feedback. If you enjoyed it, I'd really appreciate a review. Did you like the characters? Would you want to see them in a longer novel or a series? My heroine found herself surrounded by at least three men who want her so I might even push my own limits and write about her reverse harem.

  If you didn't enjoy the story or you felt it could have been handled better I'd love to hear your thoughts, either through an Amazon review or direct e-mail.

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  Until we meet again,

  Lilah E. Noir

  Unorthodox Dom (The Unorthodox Trilogy Book 0.5)

  He was a Dominant on training wheels. She was a wild masochistic kitten and more than he bargained for.

  Thomas has reached his breaking point.

  Work, studies, lust for his sexy boss, his own kinky urges are driving him insane.

  He's sick of hiding.

  In walks Kat. Sassy, creative, submissive to the bone and a hot mess of epic proportions.

  The first girl who ever craved his punishing spanking, dominant touch and rough lovemaking.

  What happens when her life begins falling apart?

  Can Thomas put it back together with strict rules and iron discipline?

  Is he strong enough to save her from herself?

  Unorthodox Dom is 30,000 words erotic romance novella featuring hot, erotic action, a Dominant new to the lifestyle, a bratty submissive in need of a firm hand and a badass Dominatrix. Not a menage, no cheating. The story takes place four years prior the events in the Unorthodox Trilogy but it can be read as a standalone. Bonus material - Chapter 1 of Unorthodox Therapy

  Unorthodox Therapy (The Unorthodox Trilogy Book 1)

  She was his boss at work and his
submissive at all times.


  I'd never noticed him before.

  He was just a lonely, scared boy when I hired him.

  I was too busy to notice the lust in his eyes.

  Now I'm at his feet begging for every bit of pleasure and pain he'll unleash on me.


  She enthralled me.

  Her body. Her mind. Her wicked laughter and unreadable eyes.

  She was out of my league yet I knew what she longed for.

  I only had two months to kill her nicotine addiction and make her crave me.

  I'd use every trick I had to claim her as mine.

  Unorthodox Chemistry (The Unorthodox Trilogy Book 1)

  He was her Master, lover and the only man who truly knew her. She was his pet, best friend and the love of his life. Sometimes that's not enough.


  He's gone.

  His absence hurts more than any whip.

  Thomas saw me for who I was.

  Strong on the outside, fractured and vulnerable on the inside.

  Every day I struggle to rebuild my life.

  I miss him. His rough passion and his affection.

  I know we'll never be together again, I even tried to move on...

  ... and then one invitation changed everything.

  Do I dare to say no to the greatest temptation?


  I had to walk away.

  Lina paid dearly for my mistakes.

  She needs to heal and all that's left for me is to wait.

  In the dark, with nothing but my demons and sins to keep me company.

  The memory of her is a bittersweet torture, one I didn't think I could ever escape...

  A year later, at the kinkiest club in town, I saw her. On the arm of another man.

  May the seduction begin.

  Unorthodox Union (The Unorthodox Trilogy Book 3)

  No other woman could understand me like you. We know all we've been through, Lina, and I remember every scar on your body and soul.


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