Deal Takers

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Deal Takers Page 14

by Laura Lee

  “Drew is out back and the other three are upstairs. We’re fine.”

  “Didn’t you get enough last night?”

  He palms my ass and pulls me into his hard-on. “Does it feel like I’ve had enough? I don’t think it’s possible to get my fill where you’re concerned.”

  I lose my will to protest any longer when he starts kissing a trail down my neck. I moan when he palms my breast and takes my mouth again. Our hands are roaming everywhere while our tongues are tangled. God, what is it about this man? We’ve had sex seven times in the past two days and I want him again.

  Brody pulls back and presses his forehead against mine. “We need to find an excuse to get out of here.”

  I resume rubbing him through his jeans. “I can’t wait that long. Bathroom?”

  He groans as he presses his crotch into my palm. “Fuck, Rainey. You’re killing me.”

  I place a light kiss on his full lower lip. “You know you love it.”

  He digs his fingers into my hips. “Honey, you know I do. You can touch my dick any time you’d like.”

  I guide his hand back to my breast. “Mmm. I like that idea.”

  His blue eyes sparkle as he dives down for another kiss.

  “Hi guys.”

  Brody and I fly apart the second we hear Devyn’s voice. She’s standing next to the island with more than a little shock on her face. Shit!

  “Devyn!” I shout nervously. “What are you doing here?”

  She leans against the island and gives me an are you kidding me look. “It’s my kitchen. What are you doing in here?”


  Brody opens the fridge door, practically ripping it off the hinges. “ We came to get beer. Right, Rainey?”

  Devyn gives me a knowing smirk. “It takes two of you, huh?”

  Brody looks nervously between Devyn and me, and starts inching away. “Uh...I gotta go...somewhere other than here.” He quickly makes his way to the French doors and steps out onto the patio. Chickenshit.

  I try following but Devyn blocks me. “Lorraine, what did I just walk in on?”

  My face heats. “Depends. How long have you been standing there?”

  She crosses her arms over her chest. “Long enough.”

  Okaaay, the nonchalant approach it is.

  Breezily, I roll my eyes. “It’s nothing. We’re just having a good time.”

  “You and Brody? How long has this been going on?”

  I shrug. “I don’t know...not long. Please don’t say anything, Dev. We don’t want to make a big deal out of nothing. We’re just scratching an itch. That’s all.”

  She narrows her eyes. “Rainey, that’s doesn’t sound like—”

  “Hey, sis,” Drew interrupts, “can I fire up the grill now? I’m fucking starving.”

  Oh, thank Jesus, I could kiss him right now! I give him a friendly pat on the back instead. “Great idea, Drew! I’ll help!”

  “Sweet! You get started on the corn and I’ll take care of the ribs.”

  I start digging through the refrigerator. “I’m on it.”

  “Rainey,” Devyn scolds in her best mom voice.

  I hold my hand up to stop her lecture. “Not now, Dev. Drew and I have to feed the natives before they get restless. We’ll talk later.”

  She crosses her arms over her chest. “This conversation isn’t over.”

  “Trust me; I know I’m not that lucky.”

  The six of us eat, drink, and share plenty of laughter for the next few hours. Brody and I stay about as far away from each other as possible without looking suspicious. He sends me a text as he gets into his car, telling me to meet him at his place since we took separate cars for obvious reasons. I try not looking too anxious as I make my way to the door.

  Devyn walks me to the front stoop. “I mean it, Lorraine. We’re having a long talk tomorrow.”

  “Yes, mother,” I deadpan. “Goodnight.”

  Now I just need to figure out what the hell I’m going to say to her before then.

  Chapter Forty


  “Spill,” Devyn commands.

  You didn’t really think she’d let it slide, did you? I wasn’t surprised in the least when I found her waiting inside my apartment when I got home from work. Thank God I was alone.

  “I don’t understand what the big deal is,” I say. “It’s completely casual and temporary.”

  She rolls her eyes. “I’m going to call bullshit on that.”

  I raise my eyebrows. Here’s the thing: Devyn rarely swears. And when I say rarely, I mean almost never. If she’s busting out the four-letter-words, you know she means business.

  “Can I at least shower and change before we have this conversation?”

  “Go right ahead. Riley and Nate are having a daddy/son night so I have plenty of time to wait.”

  “Yay!” I cheer mockingly.

  I get cleaned up and put on my proverbial big girl panties before joining her on the couch. As I sit, the light reflects off the shiny rock on her left hand.

  I grab it. “What the hell? When did this happen?”

  Her face morphs into a smile. “Last night after everyone left.”

  “Oh, honey, I’m so happy for you.”

  She points a stern finger at me. “A, thank you. B, you’re going to be my maid-of-honor whether you like it or not, and C, don’t think you’re getting out of this conversation about Brody.”

  “I’d love to be your maid-of-honor, Dev.”

  “Lorraine, quit stalling.”

  Damn it.

  I sigh. “What do you want to know?”

  “When did this happen? How did it happen?”

  “We kind of made an agreement that night he walked me home from Kelly’s.”

  “What kind of agreement?” she asks.

  “Like a friends-with-benefits type of thing. No feelings, no complications, and no telling anyone else about it.”

  Devyn smirks. “Well, that rule’s out the window.”

  “You can’t say anything to anyone, Dev,” I plead. “Not even Riley.”

  “Rainey...I can’t lie to him.”

  “You don’t need to lie,” I insist. “Just don’t bring it up. Please, Devyn.”

  Her face softens. “Fine. For now. But you need to give me an honest answer in return.”

  “An answer to what?”

  “Do you really think you can do this without feelings? Or complications for that matter?”

  “I don’t know,” I admit. “But I’m trying. I had a few casual relationships in college that worked out just fine.”

  Her eyes are screaming, are you stupid? “This isn’t the same and you know that, Lorraine. You’ve known Brody for years. And he’s Drew’s and Riley’s best friend.”

  “What’s your point?”

  “My point is that I know you understand how complicated this can get; therefore, you wouldn’t jump into something like this blindly. If you only wanted sex, you would’ve found someone else. Anyone else. You can say ‘no feelings’ all you want, but we both know Brody’s already had some feelings brewing for a long time. I don’t want to see either one of you get hurt.”

  “Brody and I are both consenting adults,” I say. “If things start getting too intense, we’ll call it off and pretend like it never happened.”


  I hold up my hand to cut her off. “No, Devyn, really. I know what I’m doing. Just please let it go. Not everyone is destined for a happily-ever-after like you and Rye.”

  She smiles at the mention of his name. “Just promise me one thing.”


  “If you do need to talk to someone, please come to me.”

  I pull her into a side hug. “I promise.”

  “Okay, then I just have one more question.” I motion for her to continue. “How’s the sex?”

  My body temperature rises just thinking about it. “Incredible. I’ve never been with someone that makes me feel so
wanton and wanted. And holy shit, the man has skills, Devyn. Major. Skills.”

  She grins from ear to ear and holds her arms up in a touchdown pose. “I knew it!”

  “You knew what?”

  “That you and Brody would be hot in bed.”

  I laugh. “You’ve given this some thought, huh?”

  “Not in a creepy way,” she says. “But c’mon, Lorraine, the way he looks at you...the way he’s always looked at can just tell it would be explosive once he finally got his hands on you.”

  “Explosive is a good word for it.” I know I’m blushing and I can’t do a damn thing to stop it. “Now, enough about my sex life. Since the boys are doing their thing, do you want to grab some dinner?”

  There’s a knock on the door before she can answer.

  “You expecting anyone, Rainey?”

  “No.” I make my way across the open space and peek through the peephole. “Of course,” I mutter as I open the door.

  Brody’s leaning on the door frame. “Hi there.”

  I pull the door closed a bit. “Hi. What are you doing here? Did we have plans that I forgot about?”

  He’s staring over my shoulder. “Did I interrupt something?”

  “Um...yeah, I’m kind of tied up at the moment.”

  He narrows his eyes. “Who’s in your apartment, Rainey?”

  “Why does it matter, Brody?”

  He reaches over my head, pushes the door open, and steps inside.

  “Hey!” I shout.

  I quickly follow after him until he reaches the center of the main living area. The relief on his face is palpable when he sees the woman on the couch.

  “Hey, Devyn,” he says.

  “Hi, Brody. Fancy meeting you here.”

  I roll my eyes.

  Devyn rises from the couch. “I was just leaving. You two kids have fun.”

  “Dev, wait,” I say.

  “I need to get going, Lorraine. Have an incredible night.”

  Okay, I love that woman to death but I kind of want to smack the smug smile off her face right now.

  Chapter Forty-One


  I close the door after Devyn leaves and spin around to face the feisty redhead. “What was that about? Why did Devyn have such a shit-eating grin on her face?”

  She smacks my bicep. Hard.

  “Brody! You can’t keep showing up unannounced. What if someone other than Devyn was here? It’s too risky.”

  “Relax, Rainey. Friends can hang out at each other’s place.”

  “We are not those kind of friends. We are friends that meet on neutral territory. With other people present. What if Riley was here with Devyn?”

  I shrug. “I don’t really see the problem.”

  She looks like she wants to knee me in the balls. “What the hell, Brody? You can’t possibly be that forgetful. We agreed to keep this between us and only us.”

  I hold my hands up like I’m dealing with a frightened animal. “Calm down, honey. Devyn obviously knows after catching us while your hand was on my dick.”

  She crosses her arms over her chest, pushing her tits up for my viewing pleasure. Damn, those babies are gorgeous. I can’t wait to play with them later.

  “Brody! Eyes up here!” she shrieks.

  Oops. Rainey squirms when I pull her into me but she quickly stills when I kiss that spot on her neck that really gets her going.

  “You can’t use sex to win an argument,” she insists.

  “No?” I graze her perky nipple through her V-neck shirt. “You’d be a lot more convincing if you weren’t unbuttoning my pants right now.”

  She looks down in surprise, like she didn’t realize she was doing it. “I’m serious, Brody. We’re not finished with this conversation.”

  Do you see that? Not only has she not stopped, but she’s moved on to releasing the beast from its denim cage. I lift her shirt, exposing the light pink bra holding my favorite set of twins. Rainey grips Thor in her silky palm as I pull the right cup down and seal my lips over that tight, rosy bud. Does this look like she wants to keep talking? Yeah, I don’t think so either.

  She moans when I bite down lightly. “You still want to talk, baby?”

  Without warning, Rainey jumps up and locks her legs around me. Her nails bite into my shoulders as she says, “After. We can talk after.”

  I squeeze her ass and head toward the bedroom. “Sure, honey. After.”

  I think we can all see where this is going, but indulge me, if you will.

  I pull her jeans and panties down in one fell swoop the second she hits the mattress. Rainey peels off her shirt and bra while I remove my own clothing like they’re covered in fire ants. As soon as I’m naked, I launch myself onto the bed, caging her in, taking care not to smush her. She welcomes me, her legs falling open naturally, and she licks her pouty lips as I settle in. I cradle her face in my hands and gaze into her chocolate eyes. Neither one of us says a word. We just stare. My dick is raring to go, and I can feel her wet heat beneath me, but that doesn’t seem to matter.

  Did you catch the significance of this moment? I’m lying on top of a naked woman, with a raging hard-on that’s digging into her stomach, and I’m more interested in looking into her eyes than taking her to Pound Town. I think this may actually qualify as a mental break, but I give zero fucks about that right now.

  I somehow manage to break the spell and kiss my way down her neck, to her collarbone, over to her perfect breasts. She moans my name as I flick my tongue over her nipple, alternating between licking and sucking it into my mouth. Rainey’s one of those awesome women that has really sensitive breasts. Sucking on her nipples gets damn near the same reaction as pulling on her clit. She’s so raw, so primal, I could happily spend hours giving these ladies the attention they deserve.

  By the time I make my way down to her navel, she’s thrusting her hips and writhing against me, trying to gain friction in any way that she can. It’s shameless and wild and fucking breathtaking. She’s so goddamn responsive to every little touch, she makes me feel like the luckiest bastard on Earth.

  Come to think of it, maybe I am. I can’t imagine anything better than having this woman spread willingly beneath me.

  Rainey props herself up on her elbows to get a better view when I hover over her pussy, blowing my hot breath onto her lips. Ladies, take note: dudes love it when you watch. It doesn’t matter what we’re doing—fingering you, eating you out, pumping inside of you, hell, even getting ourselves off—you name it, we’re going to think it’s sexy-as-fuck if you’re watching it happen. It’s like asking us to watch porn with you. Hot.

  I lick and suck and plunge my tongue all over, lapping up her sweet cream like a newborn kitten. Normally I’d take my time teasing her, but any control I might’ve had flew out the window the moment I saw the naked desire in her eyes. My tongue moves faster, in time with the fingers that I’ve added, never breaking eye contact for even a second. Watching her climb and come apart is pure fucking ecstasy.

  “Oh God, Brody...fuck...God, oh God!”

  Hearing her scream, knowing she’s so close, launches me into full throttle. I devour her with more focus than I’ve ever had before, until her head falls back and her muscles clench around my fingers.

  Damn, I don’t know which one of us enjoyed that more.

  I slow my pace, letting her ride it out, before kissing a path back up her body. Rainey hooks her hand around my neck and jerks me down to her mouth, kissing me hard.

  She pulls away, gulping for air. “Holy hell, Brody. Why does it get better every time?”

  I grin. “It does, doesn’t it?”

  I straighten my arms, and run my dick through her slit, teasing her, making her squirm. We both release a puff of air when the crown slips inside. Testing the waters, I inch in a little bit further and pull out again, smiling like a loon when I see her arousal coating my shaft. I’ve never gone bareback in my life, and I’ve never wanted it more than in this moment.
  “Do you want me to grab a condom?” I ask.

  Please say no. Please say no.

  She moans as I move in and out one more time. Right before I pull out completely because she hasn’t responded, she locks her ankles behind my back and brings me back in, down to the root.

  “I’m on the pill. If you tell me you’re safe, then I trust you, Brody.”

  I groan as her inner walls grip me. Jesus. Everything is so fucking more without a condom.’s like I’m back in my mother’s womb. Wait a second...scratch that. That’s the last thing I want to be thinking about right now.

  Moving on...

  “I’m so fucking safe, baby.”

  She smiles. “Then start moving.”

  Thank fuck.

  I rest my forehead against hers as I set a slow, steady rhythm. Our breaths are intertwined, our moans of pleasure echo throughout the room. Her lips are so close I can’t resist any longer so I seal my mouth over hers, delivering a kiss that will erase any that she’s had in the past. Rainey’s wrapped around me in every way—from the arms encircling my neck, to the cunt squeezing my cock, to the shapely legs locked behind my back. It’s the most magnificent vice known to man. I’m buried to the hilt yet I still feel the need to go deeper. I want to fuse my body to hers forever, never letting anyone or anything sever this connection.

  Our hands find each other and I bring them up over her head, still linked, while pulling away from her lips. Her hips lift, drawing me impossibly closer, and move in perfect sync with mine. My pelvis creates friction against Rainey’s clit with each thrust, eliciting little whimpers from her gorgeous mouth.

  “Christ, Rainey.”

  “I know,” she pants.

  When she comes, I sink into oblivion. A current runs through my entire body as she convulses around me, causing me to follow mere seconds later. As I spill inside of her, I want to fucking weep from the intensity of it. And when our bodies eventually still, I have a startling realization.

  I’m in love with this woman. Soul-crushingly, unconditionally, in love with her.

  I lift my head from where it was resting on her shoulder and cup her face in my hands. I should be freaking out right now. I should be running for the nearest exit, but I can’t.


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