The Clock Runs Down 2

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The Clock Runs Down 2 Page 37

by Joe Kelly

  The gate was swaying wildly now, the sound of gun fire and the sight of the living driving the undead mad, it seemed like for every one of the undead that Jared shot two more replaced, it was an unending tide of the dead.. “One minute” Ronny shouted.

  “Make it a fast minute” Ori yelled backing towards the plane.

  “If I live thru this Ronny I’m kicking your ass for this idea” Jared shouted.

  The gate came down with a crash and zombies poured thru the hole, bearing down on the humans. “Done!” Ronny shouted as he pulled the fuel line free and dropped it. By the time he got the pump shut off there was a huge puddle on the ground. Jared was firing steadily into the crowd, dropping the leading zombies. He heard the big motor of the air craft cough once then twice as he started in on his fourth Magazine. Then suddenly the plane roared to life.

  Ori closer to the plane ran for the hatch and scrambled inside. Jared moved backwards, “Ori tell him to start taxiing, I can run and catch up, he has to get distance between the plane and those things”

  “Gotcha brother start running now.” The plane picked up speed as it moved across the apron then rolled onto the taxiway where Ronny stopped it to wait for Jared. he had placed it halfway between both groups of zombies.

  As soon as the plane was moving, Jared ran sixty feet then turned and knelt. He sighted quickly; as the mob of zombies flowed past the fuel truck he fired into the fuel tank.

  The shock wave blew him backwards, even as a fireball swallowed the closest group of undead. “Jared, Jared get your damned ass up.” Ori shouted in his ear. Jared shook his head and sat up groggily confused when he didn’t see Ori. It was the ear bud. Yep that was it.

  “Jared, If I have to get out of this plane I will kick your butt” Ori shouted again. Zombies, Jared thought, his brain not really working. Lots of zombies he thought as he saw the flames leaping up into the air. he got to his feet and looked towards the terminal. Those zombies were a lot closer now. He must have been out for a minute or so.

  He got himself into an unsteady run, as Ronny fed more power to the motor and stood on the brakes. Behind him several flaming zombies emerged from the fire. They only managed a few steps before the heat destroyed their brains and then fell dead. Ori reached out of the hatch and grasped Jared’s hands and pulled him inside the plane kicking the wall to let Ronny know Jared was aboard. Jared fell into the small seat, as the plane jerked forward.

  “I’m going to kill him” Jared muttered as he felt his stomach tighten as the plane turned and then began to pick up speed. I will not throw up, I will not throw up, he silently chanted.

  “Take a number” Ori replied.

  Ronny got them on the runway and saw the undead at the far end. He eyed the distance between the plane, the undead and what he needed to take off and did a quick calculation then fed the plane more power, eyes scanning the instruments. The distance dropped steadily, One Hundred feet, seventy feet, Fifty feet. The undead filled the runway in front of the plane, Ronny slammed the throttle to the stops and pulled the stick back at fifty feet, pitching the nose up. The plane struggled to get into the air. He heard a thump on the planes belly, and then they were clear.

  “I’d like to thank you for flying Duck airways, today we will be cruising at one hundred fifty-five miles an hour at five thousand feet. The no smoking light is now out” he said over the radio.

  Chapter 16

  “…not sure I believe in all these dreams” Kyle commented to Clay as they stood guard outside the Center.

  “Right, when y0u have one you will believe.” Clay stated.

  “I dreamed of Selma Hyack last night, do you think that means I’ll end up dating her.” Kyle said half grinning.

  “No because I might have to kill you if she shows up here.” Clay replied.

  “you know what they say, once you go black…”

  “what’s that?” Clay said interrupting Kyle. “Hear it.”

  Kyle cocked his head listening, there was something, far out but getting louder as it got closer.

  They both looked around and finally looked up. Despite knowing what Jared and Ronny had set out to do, seeing the reality soaring towards them was almost unreal.

  Kyle, felt something like unrestrained joy as he saw the plane fly overhead and heard the rumble of its motor. It was like something almost legendary, a sign that the world wasn’t completely dead. Clay stared upwards tears in his eyes as he followed the plane.

  “its,”he started his voice catching “It’s stupid I know but that is the most beautiful sight I’ve seen in a long while” Clay said softly.

  As the plane came around lining up for a landing, all work on the farm ceased as everyone gathered to watch an old world miracle.

  “so still hate flying?” Ronny called back to Jared as he reduced airspeed and trimmed flaps.

  “I hate you more than flying” Jared said through clenched teeth.

  Ronny chuckled, just then the wheels touched down and he was too busy to get in another jab. He stopped the plane at the roadside entrance to the Camp. He switched off the engine and the silence was almost deafening. “thank you for flying, we hope that you returned your flight attendants and seat back trays to their upright position.”

  Jared ignored him opening the hatch, he slid out and stopped in surprise as the crowd of people erupted into cheers. Ronny grinning broadly climbed out of the cockpit and leaped to the ground taking a bow. I am going to kill him, I really am, Jared vowed. Before he could even start towards the camp, Jill burst out of the crowd and hugged him fiercely.

  ✽ ✽ ✽

  “ever thought that your friends were trying to get you killed?” Jared asked Jill who sat beside him on a bench, more accurately she was leaning against him. The not so impromptu party that had arisen on the arrival of the plane was in full swing.

  “I have to say that my old friends were not the killing kind. The worst one of them might have done was spit in a plate of food and cuss me in Spanish.” Jill replied.

  “lucky you.” Jared said then gave a grin, a real grin not the grimace he had been using since Billy’s death. “the next time Ronny has a bright idea, that involves planes, airports and undead I’m just going to save time and shoot him right then.”

  “It worked out and that’s all that matters” Jill replied, “and I think that plane means more to these folks than I would have thought” she said. People were standing around the plane, talking excitedly as they gently touched it. Almost like awe struck worshipers who were touching a sacred idol.

  “are you two going to just sit there for the rest of the day” John Graham asked. He and several others had arrived from Cherokee after hearing the planes arrival.

  “Planning on it.” Jared said.

  “Well hate to spoil the long, and I mean long moment, but Sharon needs to speak to Jill” John said catching Jill’s eyes, he tilted his head towards the center.

  “thanks, I’ll be right back” she told Jared then kissed him on the cheek.

  “So, you’re really leaving?” John asked as he sat down.

  “what gave it away, the packed vehicles?” Jared said almost but not quite smiling. “Tomorrow morning, early.”

  “I got used to you being around white man, its going to be boring around here.” John said with a quick smile. “I guess you won’t be coming back.”

  “I’m planning on it. But never know what can happen.” Jared said. Now that, John Graham thought, was the truth. “and trust me boring is good.”

  “All joking aside, I was asked to extend an invitation to you and your people that if you people ever find your way back you’re more than welcome to stay with us.” John said.

  “I appreciate that, and I know my people do as well.” It still felt strange to say ‘My people’ but they were.

  “Hey John” Lloyd said coming over to the bench, a small crowd came with him. “Glad to see you could make it.”

  Jared cocked a eyebrow in question then sighed. He should have
known that Lloyd would have planned a going away party. “and miss seeing that plane, not a chance” John said rising and shaking Lloyds hand. Jared rose from the bench, only half paying attention to the conversations around him. It had been a long and stressful day, and now that he was back he couldn’t stop thinking about the people who had died here, especially Billy.

  He managed to slip away from the crowd without being noticed.

  Jill walked slowly through the collection of cabins, this was the last time she would see this place. Lanterns hung from wrought iron arms on every porch and swung gently in the breeze. Handmade and modern chairs had been placed on the porches as the weather improved so that people could sit on the porch and enjoy the mornings, or evenings. She would enjoy sitting there watching the sun come up with Jared beside her. But she strongly suspected that she and Jared were not destined to have a normal life.

  This place was special, Possibly the last piece of civilization and she wanted to remember it. The sun was low in the sky and the party was getting into full swing at the Center.

  Finally, she emerged from the cluster of cabins and saw Jared in the new cemetery. He stood beside Billy’s grave gazing out across the pasture looking out over the river swollen with runoff at the distant tree covered peaks and ridges, the sun setting the sky ablaze silhouetting the mountains.

  He said nothing as she came to stand beside him, her eyes resting on the grave. Jill slipped an arm around his waist and leaned her head against his shoulder. “worried?” she asked.

  “I am, by lunch tomorrow we will be on the outskirts of Asheville, and Im scared spit less” he said. “it’s worse out there than I remembered, you should have seen Sevierville.”

  “we can deal with it. but for tonight let’s enjoy. This might be the last chance we have to relax in peace for a long time.” Jill said suggestively, determined to keep Jared from falling deeper into guilt and depression.

  “I just wanted to say goodbye, he made it this far. I hate he will be left here alone” Jared said. Jill slipped a hand into his. “I—” He paused and took a breath then tried again. “I was going to adopt him. I waited too long.”

  “I know Jared, and he knew too.” She paused then forced herself to go on. “He told me once that you were his second Daddy. He loved you a lot.” She squeezed his hand, I wanted to make him feel better, but he needs to hear this. “He was happy here, I think he would have liked to stay. When this is all over we can come back and visit him.” she said gently. Jared nodded slowly in agreement, then took her in his arms. “I Love you Jill.” He whispered then kissed her gently. Finally, the words were said and if the dark didn’t like it, it could kiss his ass.

  She looked up at him, tears glimmering in those luminous blue eyes. “I love you too.” They embraced for a long moment then Jared gently disengaged. “I guess we need to get back to the party.” He said softly, casting one last look at the grave. They headed back to the party holding hands leaving little Billy Thornton alone in the deepening shadows.

  Chapter 17

  “Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world,

  The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere

  The ceremony of innocence is drowned;”


  The forest lay silent under the misty mountain peaks; here and there patches of snow still clung to the ground in the shadows where it was protected so far from the suns warmth. A cool breeze, carrying the scent of spring, blew down the road channeled by ridges and the mountains themselves.

  The line of vehicles snaked slowly thru the mountains, stopping occasionally to pull wrecks that blocked the road out of the way using the winch on Steve’s truck. The town of Cherokee and the Farm were miles and an hour behind them.

  “I miss the days where 15 miles on a highway took ten minutes to drive” Jill said as she watched a zombie that was stumbling down the side of the road. Jared lined up on the zombie who had once been a State trooper, and ran it down. He hated doing that, but he was learning to not think about who or what the undead might have been before, they were threats now, and it was far safer to use a vehicle as a weapon than to get out on the ground, where a few hundred could appear seemingly out of nowhere to drag you down.

  “I miss the days where you could drive down the road and not see a zombie” Jared replied as he used the mirror to look behind them at the line of vehicles that followed behind him. Many of the RVs were pulling secondary vehicles. The only thing that bothered him about that was the fact the added weight caused the Rv’s to use more fuel.

  They rolled down the state highway, the thick forest before the dead had risen, had been cleared back ten feet from the road. Wooded ridges and mountains towered around them, it was a beautiful crisp cool day. Spring was just around the corner, he thought. Trees were starting to put out new leaves a few hardy flowers were starting to bloom. Rounding a bend in the road, two bucks, followed by several does darted across the road. A hawk circled lazily overhead. It was the most wildlife they had seen in a long while.

  “There’s a gas station up here.” Ori said over the radio, he was riding in his new Land rover while Beth drove their RV.

  “Copy, lets fill everyone up if we can.” Jared replied. The large country store and gas station, with its tourist gift shop for Smoky mountain visitors sat off the road in a large parking lot that was surrounded by forest on three sides. Only a handful of vehicles were parked out front, mostly covered in old wet leaves.

  Jared pulled into the lot parking besides Steve’s truck and Ori’s Land Rover in front of the doors to the convenience store. Chris drove up and joined them a moment later. The line of big vehicles came to a stop on the road idling while waiting for what Jared thought of as Team one, swept the area around the store. They found one zombie in the back-parking area. Legless it dragged itself towards the team, its one eye fixed on Logan. Jared strode forward steeling himself and put it down with his tomahawk.

  They peered into the forest behind the store and to either side but saw nothing. with that done they returned to the front of the store.

  “Chris, you and Jason, stick the tanks, if there is anything in them set up the pumps and start filling up vehicles.” Jared said. While Chris retrieved the measuring, stick stored on a Deuce Jared and his team started for the store while Team two took up guard positions.

  Jared pushed open the glass doors his weapon at high ready. signs announcing sales, decorated the walls, the dark Budweiser clock over the cooler doors had stopped at twelve thirty. Someone had knocked over and scattered the shelves across the pale green tiled floor. Bloody handprints could be seen on the cooler doors and the back wall near the employee’s door.

  “Always liked the bud girls” Ronny said admiring a cardboard cutout of an attractive woman in a short skintight dress holding up a can of beer.

  “you like anything that breaths and doesn’t say no.” Ori muttered.

  “never said I was picky” Ronny replied.

  “Focus people” Jared cut in as he moved to the counter and looked behind it. “Clear, let’s move to the back”

  “someone got attacked” Ori commented seeing the bloody hand prints smeared across the Employee door. Jared knocked on the door then whistled. After a couple of minutes of nothing happening. Jared made sure his people were stacked at the door, then stepped to one side and opened the door.

  The team swept into the hallway, flashlight beams probing ahead of them. moving quickly, they secured the Managers office and the Bathroom then turned their attention to the door at the end. “it’s back there” Ori said point his light at the floor. A trail of blood smeared on the floor led to the closed door.

  He knocked on the door, waited a few minutes then hearing nothing he grasped the knob, “ready” Jared asked, waiting till everyone nodded agreement. He stepped to the side and opened the door.

  “Clear right” Steve called out, “Clear left” Ronny said as Jared move in.

  In the glare of the tac lights, they could see rows of s
helves, some still held boxes.

  “spread out and look for crawlers” Jared said walking forward. Their footfalls sounded loud in the silence of the dark room. Jared halfway down the aisle spotted a boot. It was covered in dried blood, a rotted lower leg jutting up out of it. Nearby was another boot laying in a pool of dried blood. The rest of the room was empty.

  “Guess this is where the zombie out back came from.” Jared said looking around at the mostly empty stock room.

  “How did he get out? The doors were shut.” Jill asked, eager to get out of the dark stock room.

  “They were shut when we got here, doesn’t mean they have been closed since June of last year.” Jared said then shrugged it off. “Let’s see what’s left and get what we need and want.”

  Half the vehicles were fueled up by the time they got back outside with boxes of goodies. There were also six new corpses on the road. “I still say I should get the bag of hot and spicy pig skins.” Steve protested. “I do have a woman who is pregnant.” He pointed out.


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