Big Ben

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Big Ben Page 16

by Nana Malone

  I thought it would be the dark-haired guy, but it was the other one who pulled me in. He launched at me first with a quick flurry of fists. Some I managed to duck; others landed too low. My side burned and I coughed.

  But as he aimed to kick me, I swiftly turned, grabbing his foot and then delivering my own kick straight to his groin.

  His eyes went wide and then slightly crossed. He cursed at me, and I released him, rolling out of the way. Quickly, he was back on his feet.

  His mate lunged for me. He was slower. Less trained. But he was still fast enough to make me worried. It was one thing fighting with Martin, my trainer, or with Bridge and East and Drew. These guys were looking to kill. The dark-haired bloke lunged for me again. I took one to the face, but I landed a few of my own. A quick succession of two jabs and a hook.

  His friend on the ground started to make motions like he was getting up. He was reaching for something. His gun? No thank you, I wasn’t getting shot today. I landed another quick uppercut and grabbed the nearest thing to me.

  Anything to use as a weapon. In this case, it was a pipe. I was going to do whatever I had to do to survive. These wankers weren’t going to kill me on the streets of London and call it a random mugging.

  Fuck no.

  With my fingers wrapped around the pipe tight, the dark-haired one lunged at me, but I deliberately kicked, and he staggered back and fell. Before his mate could get up, I swung that pipe, hitting him on the back of the neck. The crunching sound made my stomach turn, but now wasn’t the time to get queasy. I had a feeling I wasn’t supposed to walk away from this today. Well, they were in for a surprise. I didn’t go down easy.

  The other one pulled me in, and I delivered a series of knees then a straight jab to the nose. I waited until he sagged to the ground before I let up. He was out. A quick pulse check told me he was still alive, but there would be no answers forthcoming from him. So I picked up his mate by the shirt collar and asked, “Who sent you?”

  “Fuck you.”

  “Oh, brilliant. While you’re not exactly my type, I applaud you for giving it a shot.” Jab. “Who sent you?”

  “Like I said—”

  “Yeah, yeah, yeah, I heard you the first time. Fuck you.” I hit him again, and his head just lolled back. I didn’t even bother looking at my hands. I knew they’d be covered in blood.

  I’d known when we agreed to go after the Elite this was going to be messy. I’d known it was going to get worse before it got better. But I hadn’t known that it would be an open battle in the streets.

  But now that I knew, I had the upper hand. I’d be ready. They wouldn’t catch me unaware again. I just had to warn the others and make sure that I could keep Olivia safe, because she didn’t know she had walked into a viper’s nest.


  I opted for my townhouse for our little regroup. It somehow felt more private than my suite at the hotel. After my adventure in Regent’s Park, I’d gone straight home and sent out the SOS to everyone.

  The starkness of Covington House surprised even me. Was it always this cold? And why the hell did I care? It had never bothered me before. I had loved this place so much when I first purchased the townhouses and renovated them. I’d done it for Lila. But then, while standing in the house I’d bought for her, she told me she was going to marry my father instead. She’d broken me right there by the fireplace. But I couldn’t bring myself to sell it even though she ruined me here.

  Bridge was the first one to arrive since he lived nearby, and he chuckled when he took in the sparse decor. “You’re not here much, are you?”

  I frowned at him then immediately winced when the skin above my eye protested. Those motherfuckers had gotten a few good shots. He knew I preferred staying in the loft. “Why do you say that?”

  “It’s beautiful, but there’s nothing warm about this place. No one lives here.”

  I shrugged. “You’re down the street. You can use this as your pied-à-terre. Your bachelor pad if you need it.”

  He shook his head. “I don’t need to escape Mina.”

  I ground my teeth, mostly because it helped me keep my mouth shut. He was one of my best mates. I wasn’t going to say a damn thing about his fiancée. I knew better.

  East arrived next through the kitchen entrance. He made himself a drink before heading to the living room and ran his fingers over the island in the kitchen. “Jesus Christ, you have a nicer kitchen than I have. And you don’t cook.”

  “I cook. I only said I don’t know how. But there’s no point cooking at the hotel, and I’m never here, so…”

  “Waste of a beautiful kitchen.”

  Drew showed up last. I was surprised he showed up at all if I was being perfectly honest. The moment he walked in, he whistled low. “You look like shit, mate.”

  I nodded my chin at him. But even the small motion caused my head to thump as if an elephant just kicked me at the back of my skull. “Well, mate, you look just as lovely as ever.”

  Drew grinned and rubbed his jaw. “For once, I’m prettier than you are.”

  “Fuck off, I’m still prettier.”

  It was Bridge who got to the point. “What the fuck happened?”

  “Well, I went on a run this morning to meet Blake Boynton and got jumped by a couple of professionals.”

  East’s brows furrowed at that as he glanced up at me, but he didn’t say anything.

  “They must be watching me because I took a route that I don’t run often. I took the tube to Regent’s Park. I was pushing myself pretty hard, and they knew where to find me and ambushed me.”

  Bridge cursed. “This smacks of the Elite.”

  I shrugged. “I don’t know. No one else I know wants me dead. I sent you lot pictures already. I don’t recognize them as any of the fixers on the payroll. Judging from their accents, they’re from South London.”

  East ran a hand over his face and then rubbed at the stubble on his jaw. “Okay, let’s just go through it. They know someone accessed data but have no idea who. Why would they even target us?”

  Bridge rolled his shoulders. “Unless this isn’t about us at all. Maybe it’s just about you, Ben. Van Linsted thinks you’ve gone unchecked for far too long. This might be his retaliation for the dustup at the fundraiser.”

  “What, with murder?”

  He shrugged. “Or maybe they do know we’re after them, and they’re going to pick us off one by one. Together we’re too powerful, but if they just take aim individually, make us weak, they could have a shot.”

  I scowled into my glass before draining it. “Unless it’s only certain members of the Elite.”

  Drew’s gaze ping-ponged between the three of us. “Do you lot hear yourselves? I know your focus was strategy and business, but you’re talking about murder here.”

  We all lifted our heads to glance at him. I had no idea why he was shouting. East looked perplexed. And Bridge, well, Bridge had no expression. But that was normal.

  I was the one who asked him the obvious question. “What are you talking about, Drew?”

  “Mates, you’re casually talking about how someone tried to take Ben out.” He put the ‘take Ben out’ in air quotes. “When did this become us?”

  We all continued to stare at him. My anger rose closer and closer to the surface. It was only mostly toned down because I’d used up most of my adrenaline earlier.

  “You’re kidding me, right?” East asked.

  Drew shook his head. “No, I’m not kidding you. Not at all. This is the point when we all take a moment to stop and consider our fucking families. Someone went after Ben... with a gun. I have a family. Children. I have to protect them.”

  On the one hand, Drew was a pussy. The night we made our decision to go after those responsible for Toby’s death, he’d been the last one to join in. Whenever there looked to be trouble, he was the first one to side with the Elite, and now, he was the first one to jump ship.

  I wanted to call him on his bullshit because, out of
all of us, he’d been the closest to Toby. But in this instance, when we were talking about real combat in the streets, I didn’t for a second begrudge him for the concern about his family. Because that was a very real threat. Until that point, we were going after their money. Civilized things. We’d learned to defend ourselves, but that was meant as a precaution for a very distant possibility. We’d gone after money and secrets. But who had secrets worth dying for?

  It could be anyone.

  And just what the hell was on that drive? Because clearly, we had hit the jackpot.

  I glanced over at Bridge. “Maybe he’s right. We’ve been a bit cavalier about this, but now that we’re talking real guns, maybe Drew has a point. He does have a family to protect.”

  East scowled at me. “What? You want to back down?”

  “Fuck no. I’m not backing down. But Drew should probably sit out because these lads weren’t there to fuck around. And it’s likely going to get worse before it gets better. And you should probably back off too, Bridge. Watch your backs and let East and I handle most of this.”

  The corner of Bridge’s lip turned up in a snarl. “You’re really telling me to back the fuck off?”

  I knew he wouldn’t. “I know it’s not like you. I know it’s not in your vocabulary. But mate, today could have been my time. You have Mina to think about. Drew has Angela and the kids. It’s serious. No one is playing around anymore.”

  Bridge shook his head. “Drew can do what he needs to. I get it. There are children involved.”

  Drew scowled. “Are you going to sit there and judge me, Edgerton?”

  Bridge shook his head, and his voice was like ice. “No. I’m not judging you. All I’m saying is that Toby didn’t get to have kids. He didn’t get to get married. He didn’t have any of that. Fucking Van Linsteds. They forgot him. They made us forget him. We can’t let them walk away free on this.”

  Drew chewed his bottom lip. “Look, I’ll give you all the support I can, but guns are where I draw the line. They’re coming for us.”

  I nodded. “It certainly feels that way, but I can’t stop. If they are willing to kill, there is something deep they are trying to hide. So I’m still in.”

  East shrugged. “You don’t have to ask my vote, mate.”

  Bridge clenched his jaw. “You already know how I feel.”

  Drew sighed. “So now I’m the git who doesn’t want to get vengeance for his friend?”

  “No one is calling you a git, Drew.” I was too tired for this conversation.

  Bridge shrugged. “I mean, I might call you a git.”

  I gave him an admonishing glare that said shut it. ”Drew, if you want out, then you’re out. We can pull this off with three.”

  “So what, just like that?” He frowned, but the look in his eyes said he was torn.

  “You have children to protect. We will get vengeance for Toby.”

  I just hoped I was right about that, because after the day I’d had, I couldn’t help but worry about Olivia’s safety.

  I rubbed my jaw. “We have another problem. If they’re coming after us, it stands to reason that they’re coming after Olivia Ashong too. We need to protect her.”

  Bridge nodded. “You’re right. But the real question is how is she going to take that?”

  “Oh, she’ll hate it and fight me every step.” And I was persona non grata with her after that kiss, but it couldn’t be helped.



  I didn’t remove my sunglasses until I was within the safety of my office.

  Carmen had helped me with my makeup that morning, so I looked less blotchy and my eyes didn’t look as red. But anyone who knew me well would know I’d been crying. I’d spent half the night trying to figure out where everything had gone wrong with Dex, and the other half crying about how badly I’d messed up with Ben.

  Neither one of those scenarios meant a bright eyed and bushy-tailed morning. But I was at work, and I would just go about my day and pretend that my boss hadn’t made my body hum. Hadn’t made me want—things. Hadn’t had me ready to beg.

  I could pretend, right?

  But before I could get on with my pretending and my delusions of everything being great, there was a knock at my door. I looked up to find Ben with several paper bags in tow. “Good morning. How are you feeling?”

  I tried to give him a brave smile. “I feel fine.”

  “You recognize you’re going to have to stop saying fine to me, right?”

  “That’s how I feel. Fine.”

  He laughed. “Fair enough. If that’s what you’re going with. I brought you a couple of things.”

  “What’s all this?”

  “You know, just a few things. Some eyedrops. An energy shot. I figured you didn’t sleep much. And, some beignets.”

  I grinned at him. “Beignets? Where did you find beignets in London?”

  “Well, a friend of mine used to have a restaurant in New Orleans, they were famous for them. I called him at his café and asked if he’d make some up this morning. So, here you go, beignets.”

  He felt bad for me clearly. Crazy woman who had thrown him in a trough of water, then moaned at his kisses while I had a, though absentee and rubbish, boyfriend. “You don’t have to be this nice to me. I know I’m a disaster.”

  “You’re not a disaster. Yesterday was a…long day.”

  “Yeah, tell me about.”

  He shoved his hands in his pockets, the motion highlighting his thick, toned forearms. He’d worn a gray vest today, making his eyes look stormier than usual. “And I know I should apologize. If I made you uncomfortable yesterday…” His mouth said the right things, but his eyes were focused on my lips. And that kind of direct scrutiny by him made heat pool in my core.

  That was the thing. I hadn’t been uncomfortable. I’d been a little too comfortable.

  “I just, I could have sworn I was feeling something between us, and then I acted on it. I shouldn’t have.”

  What did I say here? There was no handbook for I really enjoyed my boss kissing me. “You’re my boss.”

  He nodded slowly. “I am your boss. Technically your boss’s boss.”

  “I have no intention of being one of many women going through his revolving door. I’d rather not get sheet burns on my ass.”

  He huffed at that. “I do not have a revolving door. And I would take very good care of your arse.”

  An image flashed in my mind of just what he could do to my ass, and I flushed.

  He muttered a curse. “Jesus, I didn’t mean that how it sounded.”

  “I know. We have an unconventional working arrangement.”

  “You can say that again,” he muttered. “The point is I don’t do relationships. And as a result, I don’t generally shag anyone I’m required to see the next day.”

  It was so easy to slide into the usual banter with him. “Performance that disappointing, is it? Are you embarrassed? I promise. I wouldn’t laugh at you.”

  He opened his mouth to speak, then closed it. He tried it again, and a crack of laughter spilled out. “You’re such a pain in the arse.”

  “I know.” I snagged the bag of beignets from him. They really were best eaten hot. “Did you try one yet?”

  “A beignet? I may have had one or two.”

  “Split one with me?”

  He looked like he wanted to say no, but he nodded instead. Again, the focus of his gaze was on my lips. But he seemed to right himself and pulled out the little boxes inside then set them out on napkins.

  I picked one, dipped it in the jam and took a bite. Christ, I moaned. “That’s almost better than sex.” I spoke around a mouthful of dough, sugar and jam.

  “Then you have not been having sex with the right person. I mean these are good. These are excellent. But still, sex is sex. Even bad, it’s good.”

  I laughed. “Sex is only always good if you’re a guy. Not the same for us of the fairer sex.” I took another bite. “I don’t know. I fee
l like I could eat beignets every day for the rest of my life and be very happy.”

  “Note to self, bring you beignets every day.”

  “Oh my God, no. I mean, I go to the gym, but not enough for a beignet habit. Please.”

  He frowned as he took another beignet and sat in the seat across from me. “Why do women always do that? I think you look great.”

  “Do what?” A flush crept up my neck, and I couldn’t help but run my teeth along my bottom lip. I could still feel his lips on mine, his tongue sliding over my own. I could taste him still. I shook my head to clear it.

  “Act like they’re not already fucking perfect. I promise you, whatever imperfections you see on your body, we never notice. We’re just thrilled we’re about to shag.”

  Now I would be thinking about him shagging. Damn it. I didn’t need that visual if I ever wanted a good night’s sleep again. “Right. Um, thanks for breakfast.”

  He pushed to his feet. “Of course. There’s another thing too.”


  “We have corporate housing. And I don’t want you staying on your own or going where your boyfriend would be.”

  I noted the way he said boyfriend. “Yeah well, he’s not my boyfriend anymore. I just need to find time to tell him that.”

  “That’s good. That’s great. I still don’t want you over there. I want you safe.”

  “I have a perfectly good apartment. I just need to find him, break up with him officially, and then get my keys, change the locks, that sort of thing.” Although I had no idea which one of us would get to keep the flat if I was being honest. And Fenton knew where it was, so I didn’t exactly feel safe there.

  “Right, and all that takes a little bit of time, so in the meantime, corporate housing. I can get you on the list today. If you can stay with Telly for the time being, I’ll get you in.”

  My hands shook as I wiped away the sugar on my fingertips. Now was not the time to freak out. I could have a crisis later. When I was alone and could cry on the tube like a normal person. “I haven’t really thought much further than notify him he’s a horse’s arse. I suppose I can keep sleeping on Telly’s couch. I’ll look into the corporate housing, thank you. But I know how expensive those flats can get. I’ll start looking for a flat mate I guess too.


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