Equilibrium of Terror: Part 2

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Equilibrium of Terror: Part 2 Page 59

by Eddie R. Hicks

  “Is there a problem?” Avearan said while she watched Phylarlie check Jazz’s vitals.

  “Him,” Phylarlie said, pointing to him. “His suit is keeping him alive, but barely. You still got some of Ella’s medical knowledge, right?”

  “A bit of it.”

  “Let’s get all these humans back to the Dark Star. And see what you can do for him.”


  ESV Winston Churchill, Earth orbit, Sol system

  Three weeks had passed since the battle of Barnard’s Star and the containment of the wraith threat. As it turned out Chloe’s suspicion of the package she found turned out to be right. Odelea had discovered a cure and had attempted to have someone deliver it to Oyuri only for them to be forced to flee. At least that’s what was in the telepathic communication Ella received from Avearan who met up with Odelea in the Morutrin system in the aftermath. It took scientists on their end a few days, but eventually they managed to reproduce Odelea’s cure and revert all those infected back to their normal selves, as well as inoculate those to prevent the wraith virus from spreading.

  Chloe stood next to Captain Xavier as he sat at his desk in his office. The end of Chloe’s final report was on the display of his computer while he asked her. “What of Johnson?”

  “He’s probably dead,” Chloe said, though she had no way to know for sure, just that she didn’t find his body and the entire fortress had been obliterated. “It’s all in my report, sir.”

  “Just wanted to hear what you really had to say about things,” he said. “What we went through was nothing more than pure madness.”

  The two stood and looked at Earth through his window and the rising sun in the distance. Once again, she did it. She played a role in protecting by far the greatest planet in the galaxy as far as she was concerned.

  “How long do you think?” Xavier asked her. “Before we have to protect this lovely sight again.”

  “I want to say this is it, we’ll never be threatened again.”

  “Oh paper, yes we should be good. Kroshka wants to start peace talks, both the empire and the union have begun to capture or kill the last remaining Celestial Order members. And best part of all Earth will remain an independent nation and stay out of bad blood between the empire and union.”

  Chloe looked away from the blue planet and back toward Xavier. “You’re right sir,” she said. “There is something I didn’t include in my report.”

  “Ha! Let’s have it, Major.”

  “When I was in aether space, my thoughts were one with Vaishea. She spoke to the Radiance gods. They referred to the goddesses as Lyonria and talked about other Lyonria existing in aether space. The gods and goddesses, they all had a beginning, a physical start just like us. Then someone or something made them into what they are, in which they had the power to create and influence the minds of people here. I’m not afraid for the safety of Earth, sir, I’m afraid of what else is going on out there in the galaxy . . . in the universe that we don’t know of.”

  “Radiance did say Earth existed on the edge of an unexplored region of space.”

  “An unexplored region we plan to tame and colonize in the future.”

  “Let’s allow the smart people with university degrees and PhDs figure out a solution to that,” Xavier said as he walked toward the rear of his office. “We got more pressing matters to deal with.”

  “Right, the reason you called me up here.”

  Xavier reached into a duffel bag, and pulled out a soccer ball. “Ever watched a football game in person, Major?”

  Chloe resisted the urge to smile warmly, something Xavier didn’t do. “Sir?”

  “Aura scored some tickets to a game.” Xavier threw the ball toward her, she caught it and couldn’t hold back along longer, smiling while she looked down at the ball. “And you’re coming with us to watch.”

  “That an order sir?”

  “You damn right it is!”

  Surrey, Earth, Sol system

  Here goes, Eupiar thought as she stood outside of her family’s home. She marched through the fresh rain puddles and toward the front door and wondered what the response would be as she entered. Would her mother and half-brother be upset she upped and left them for so long? Proud that she helped save the galaxy? The answers to her questions were about to be revealed.

  She let herself in and walked toward the living room couch in the same manner she did when she got home from school. She heard her mother Pernoy drop something on the floor, a spoon by the sound of it, and by the smell of the wonderful aroma from the kitchen, Eupiar was just in time for diner.

  “Eupiar?” Pernoy shouted to her from behind.

  “Hey mom,” she said as she began to unload her laptop out from her bag. “Long time no see—”

  Pernoy quickly ran toward Eupiar and hugged her from behind. “Eupiar, Eupiar, I thought I lost you . . .” If Hashmedai were capable of crying, Pernoy would be in tears. “What were you thinking?”

  “I was thinking I should save the galaxy, or something.”

  “Lyir, come down for dinner!” Pernoy yelled to Eupiar’s brother. “We have an unexpected guest.”

  Pernoy returned to the kitchen to finish up as Eupiar booted her laptop up. She had access to Earth internet once again, and quickly began the daunting task of flipping through nearly three months of unread Facebook newsfeeds, before dinner was served.

  Imperial execution grounds, Paryo, Uemaesce system

  Fahia and Eeladen were brought out of the cells by the strong grips of Hashmedai guards by the command of Empress Kroshka. She stood wearing all black. Her dress, veil, shoes, and her long hair, even her makeup was black.

  Both Fahia and Eeladen were forced to their knees as Kroshka approached them and said. “You two have been accused of the following crimes, religious practices, assisting in the Celestial Order’s operations, conspiracy.” She stopped and looked directly at Eeladen. “Failure to protect a member of the imperial family.” She walked away from them with her hands placed behind her back as she looked to the daytime skies. “Do you regret your actions? Do you wish you had given me your loyalty and total devotion?”

  There was no reply, she spun around to face them, and gave the executioner the nod to proceed. Eeladen’s head came off first via the swift swathing cut of the plasma blade. Kroshka didn’t look away at the sight of his head’s removal or the fountain of blood that gushed out from the stump on his neck. Fahia’s turn was next, and her head landed next to Eeladen’s head.

  “Bring forth the next group,” Kroshka said.

  Hashmedai loyal to the Celestial Order or accepted work for them were removed from their cells and forced to kneel before Kroshka. Their last acts in life before their heads were added to the growing collection on the bloody ground.

  Imperial Palace, Paryo, Uemaesce system

  Kroshka sat on her throne later in the evening, after two hundred beheadings she had enough for one day. She spent the rest of the evening reviewing reports from the empire, ship deployment, news from the knowledge network and the status of the repairing the Leviathan. It was brought back to Paryo in the aftermath of the battle of Oyuri.

  It took a bit to convince the UNE to hand it over, but in the end a deal was made, though it resulted in her ordering the removal of the MRF, after she had the technology carefully analyzed of course. The empire would one day make their own versions of that technology after careful study and analysis of it.

  Kroshka completed her final task for the evening, approving of Veloshira’s standing with the empire to triple. She hoped it would be a pleasant surprise for her to discover after she departs from the transport she took to pay her vacationing family a surprise visit.

  Onatiasha, Kroshka’s newly appointed personal guardian, left for the night as Danyal stepped out of the elevator and made his way to her. Kroshka smiled at her nephew; he was a splitting image of her brother Akeia. She pushed away the holographic screen she had been reading and walked toward him.

/>   “I honestly got used to the idea of never seeing this place again,” he said.

  “You are a member of the imperial family. You will always be welcomed as long as I rule.”

  “What happens when you’re no longer the ruler?”

  “Things will be different, permanently.”

  “Peace with the humans?”

  “Possibly Radiance as well, we’re at a cease-fire,” she said. “We shall see. Are you enjoying your stay here so far?”

  “It’s fine, just wanted to know what else I can get since I’m officially being recognized as a prince.”

  “Whatever you want Danyal, you are all the family I have left now.”

  “How about a ship?”

  Kroshka grimaced, she knew where this was going to lead. “You still wish to find Rana?”

  “If movies taught me anything, if there’s no body, then that person isn’t dead,” he said. “I know she’s out there, the question is where.”

  It was time for her to change the subject, as much as she admired his determination such a task should be left for mercenaries and riffraff from the Morutrin system. “Have you copulated with any women yet?”

  Danyal’s face flushed while Kroshka face erupted with laughter. “Wow, really?”

  “Phylarlie is available.”

  “Yeah, I’m a bit young for her,” Danyal said, trying to hold back a smirk. “But you know there was that one cute servant I saw during dinner yesterday.”

  “I shall arrange for her to be there tonight.”

  Hasiv’s manor, Muro, Taxah, Uelcovis system

  Phylarlie entered the bedroom that once belonged to Hasiv. She couldn’t believe it; she was back in the home she lived in before running away to travel the stars. She placed her daggers on the cabinet top as she walked through. She wore an immaculate red dress and allowed her hair to hang loose as various jewels adorned it.

  Hasiv was the lord of Taxah, a lord that had no biological heirs, not that it mattered, as everyone that was living in the manor had been killed by the Celestial Order. The closest to a partner Hasiv had been her mother Iolysta, but she’s dead. And so the line of succession fell to Iolysta’s first born, Phylarlie, the new lord of Taxah.

  Repair crews worked for hours restoring the manor to its former glory, the bedroom being the first room to be fixed. The second was Phylarlie’s and Noylarlie’s old bedrooms when they were younger. Phylarlie even went as far as to have it laid out the same way she last remembered it.

  Phylarlie’s lips twisted as she walked past Noylarlie’s restored bedroom, she heard movement inside. Phylarlie moved toward the entrance, and out came Noylarlie. It was almost as if she traveled back in time to a moment when they lived there together. The two long lost sisters looked at each with marvel. They came so close to meeting each over the last year, but it never happened. Until now.

  “I can’t believe it,” Phylarlie said.

  “That’s all you have to say?” Noylarlie said, crossing her arms.

  “Sorry I’m going through some strange emotions.” Phylarlie had heard about the executions, Kroshka spared nobody that had connections to the order. Even those that turned against it were later rounded up. Noylarlie was one of those.

  “Assassins aren’t supposed to have any emotions.”

  “As you can see I’m not one anymore.”

  “The place suits you, I’m happy for you I really am.”

  “You are welcome to stay the night.”

  “Maybe once the repairs are finished,” Noylarlie said, and began to walk away. Suddenly she stopped and added. “By the way, is it true you worked with Radiance to cure the wraith problem?”

  “Depends, is it true you had an Aryile on your ship?”

  “There’s no Aryile on my ship,” Noylarlie said with a smirk. “Someone killed him.”

  Noylarlie walked away out of sight, hopefully not forever this time. Di’aria approached Phylarlie from behind as Noylarlie left. “Does she know?” Di’aria asked.

  “She doesn’t need to know,” Phylarlie said.

  “The offer is still available,” Di’aria said as they walked away from ears that didn’t need to hear what they had to say.

  “I found what you needed,” Phylarlie said. “Treason however isn’t something I want to be a part of during my first year as a lord.”

  “I understand.”

  “Besides Kroshka said things will be different, including treatment of psionics.”

  “I’ll believe it when it happens. Until then—”

  “Until then, wait. There’s a new empress and a new hope for Hashmedai psionics. If Kroshka turns out to be like her mother . . . well then.”

  Rome, Earth, Sol system

  Six months had passed since the battle of Barnard’s Star and Destiny’s short-lived detainment by UNE forces. Destiny sat in a decently packed restaurant patio. She enjoyed the warm, light, sunshine on her skin, while the winds blew through her hair, now cut short. She sipped her tea and adjusted her sunglasses, those that looked at her saw her as a tourist staying the night in the city. None of them knew she was a wanted woman on the run. Tetsuya Ishihara sat next to her, one of her best officers during their days as HLF terrorist. His hair was styled nicely, spiky on the top, while the sides of his head shaved.

  A third person joined them at their table, a woman who wore a white summer dress with long brown hair tied into a pony tail. The look on Tetsuya’s face was priceless as he saw her. From his point of view it was none other than Major Vaughan. But Destiny knew better, there was no way the Major would have grown her hair back that fast, unless of course it was a wig. If that was the case they were fucked. Royally.

  “Nice to meet you all at last,” she said to Destiny and Tetsuya.

  “Vaish I presume?”

  “Perhaps,” she said with a smirk.

  “You were the one that, uh.” Tetsuya stopped to pick his next words. “Helped us out?”

  “The Whisper did that,” Vaish said. “They got me out too. I’m one of them after all they weren’t going to let EISS keep me forever.”

  “Why did we get released then?” Destiny said.

  “I need your help,” Vaish said. “I want you to help me find my husband’s killer.”

  Port Shala, Morutrin Prime, Morutrin system

  “Home sweet fucking home!” Jazz yelled victoriously as he stepped into his apartment.

  He tossed his gear and belongings from the Silver Raven in the corner and collapsed on the couch. And damn did he miss that couch, and the bed, and the entertainment systems, even the heavier gravitation pull of the planet. This was home now, not Earth, he was a dead man according to them, and he’d rather keep it as that.

  Humans were at least twenty-one years from arriving in the Morutrin system that was assuming they were allowed passage through the space bridge in Epsilon Eridani. Otherwise it would be a longer voyage. Jazz hoped to be far under the radar when that happened. Unless someone invented a faster way of space travel, which wasn’t outside of the realm of possibility. Wormholes and jump drives. They were all very real and proven to work, not widespread, but a reality nonetheless.

  Jazz avoided thinking about Chloe and Vaishea and what had became of them during the last few months of his recovery. Vaishea was another reminder of a another person he failed to protect in life, a reminder that he had to stop punishing himself and move forward in life.

  On his way back to Port Shala, Jazz took the time to purchase a new data pad. He still couldn’t figure out what had become of his old one. He connected to his personal account and began to browse through the knowledge network and messages left to him during his absence. There was one message that caught his attention, it was recent too.

  He opened, and was treated to a photo of Kroshka sitting on the imperial throne. There was a caption written in Hashmedai below the picture.

  “Welcome back.”

  Well so much for living under the radar.

  About the Author

>   Eddie R. Hicks is a Canadian author known as a man of many talents, and for good reason. He’s educated in media arts, journalism, and culinary arts, and now he writes dark and sexy science-fiction thrillers such as the Splintered Galaxy series.

  If he’s not working with skilled chefs in the restaurant industry, baking an epic red velvet cake for the hell of it, or playing video games, then he’s in front of his computer doing what he always dreamed of doing since he was a kid: storytelling.


  Thanks for sticking around to the end of the story arc! But as you might have guessed with the last chapter and epilogue it’s not over just yet, there will be more to the Splinter Galaxy universe told from spin off series I plan to write so be on the lookout for those as they get released. The first will be The Siege of Sirius which will explain the link between the Sirius system and the Lyonria civilization which was discovered in book 3, but never explained. The stories that follow afterward will help bridge the gap between arc 1 and arc 2.

  Enjoyed this book or the series? Please leave a review, I’d loved to read your feedback.

  As always thanks for reading!

  Alisha’s apartment, Courelia city, Rasi, Barnard’s Star system

  Fortunately for Alisha, the neighborhood she had lived in was one of the few areas that was only mildly damaged during the wraith outbreak. She kneeled next to her bed, and began to chant words in the Radiance language, a prayer to the three gods, before she retired for the night. One of many nights she had to endure knowing that her daughter Hannah was gone forever.


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