Love's Broken Vow

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by Honey

  Eric looked down at his high school sweetheart. He knew the first day they met as sophomores that she was the only girl for him. Over the years, Eric had seen Zora’s stubborn side more times than anyone else. Whenever she had her mind set on doing something, it was hard to hold her back. But today he was resolute to make her see that she should not make Royce’s affair with Father Gregory a family matter.

  “If you tell Mother Estelle that Royce is sleeping with her priest, it will break her heart. She’ll tell your father, and then all hell will break loose. The family will go up in flames and smoke, and Royce will be the center of everyone’s scrutiny and judgment. I guarantee you she’ll resent you. Things may never be the same between you two again. Is that what you want, Zora?”

  “I want Royce to stop sleeping with Father Gregory! That’s what I want. I can’t make her end the affair, so I need to talk to the only person who can. I prayed about it all weekend long, and I believe it’s what God wants me to do. I have to stop Royce from making a fool of herself.”

  “You prayed about it?”

  Zora folded her arms across her chest defiantly and nodded.

  “Well, I think you need to pray some more, because I don’t believe God wants you to be a busybody and destroy your sister’s life and disrupt our family.”

  “Royce is ruining her life by acting like a whore with a priest!”

  “Honey, Royce is obviously in love. If she weren’t, she wouldn’t be involved with Father Gregory. You know that better than anyone else in the world. My instincts tell me he loves her too. Why else would he be willfully breaking his celibacy vow and sneaking around to be with Royce?”

  “You’re either naïve or a typical man.” Zora laughed, but it sounded more like an evil cackle from a wicked character in a horror flick. “Just because that good-for-nothing priest is banging my sister’s brains out, it doesn’t necessarily mean he loves her!”

  “I don’t know much about Father Gregory, but I’ve known Royce since she was Tyler’s age. I consider her my little sister too. That’s why I know she wouldn’t be involved with a man unless she truly loved him and she believed he loved her back.”

  “That may be true, but Royce’s history with men isn’t all that great. What about Marlon Burrell, Eric? Royce believed he loved her. We all know how that relationship turned out. Don’t we? It was a disaster.”

  “Yeah, that loser fooled Royce and almost caused her to have a nervous breakdown. But if my memory serves me correctly, you were his number one fan,” Eric said sharply, pointing his finger at his wife. “It was under your advice that Royce decided to go out on her first date with the man. He was a professional, you said. He was established, you said. He was financially stable,” Eric mimicked with a deadly edge in his voice. “The dude was a two-timing bastard!”

  “I was wrong back then, but I’m not this time!”

  “Honey, it’s not about who’s wrong or who’s right. This situation is all about Royce’s right to make her own decisions and for you to stay out of her business. The only thing we can do is pray that she’ll be able to live with the consequences. I’ll be there for her no matter what like I’ve always been. I hope you will be too. But as for now, stay the hell out of Royce’s business.”

  Eric placed the phone on his desk. He picked up his stethoscope, hung it around his neck, and left his office.

  * * *

  Cassie stumbled into her boss’s office and closed the door. She leaned her back against the wooden slab, trembling with her hands behind her. Her eyes were stretched wide like she’d just witnessed a brutal murder.

  Royce looked up from the spreadsheet she’d been reviewing. “Did you forget to knock before entering?”

  “Yes, ma’am. I’m so sorry, but we’ve got a little situation going on in the parking lot.”

  “What kind of situation, Cassie?”

  She pushed away from the door and walked a few feet to stand directly in front of the desk, rubbing her hands together nervously. “It seems like your old friend, that doctor named Marlon Burrell, is braver than any man I know. He’s not scared of the security guards, Hard Core, or—”

  “Hard Core? You mean the gangster rapper who works out here?”

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  Royce sprang from her chair and rounded her desk. “Is Marlon on the property?”

  “Yes, ma’am. Lenny, the security guard, spotted him walking toward the building and he asked him to leave right away. I guess the good doctor didn’t appreciate being told what to do, so he started arguing with Lenny and demanded to see you. That’s when Hard Core and his crew walked up. You know how crazy that fine-ass rapper is about you. He got in Dr. Burrell’s face and shoved him.”

  “Oh, Lord! Hard Core has a criminal record!” Royce shouted, running toward the door. “I don’t want him to kill Marlon because of me and end up in prison for life. His trifling ass ain’t worth it.”

  Cassie ran out of the office behind Royce. They hurried down the main hallway of Royalty’s midtown facility and headed for the exit. Through the double glass doors, Royce saw the crowd of people on the east side of the parking lot. Lenny and two other security guards were in the center of the throng of spectators. A group of men was trying to restrain Hard Core, the award-winning rapper, but he was making it difficult. His towering height and muscular build gave him the strength of a dozen men. Marlon was lucky at the moment, but if he kept running his mouth, Hard Core was going to break free and kick his ass. Royce didn’t want a murder to go down at her place of business. The negative publicity would ruin Royalty’s reputation. Royce pushed the doors, ran outside, and shoved her way through the crowd.

  “What the hell is going on here?”

  “These play cops tried to throw me off the premises, Royce. They said I’m not welcome here because you’ve banned me from both of your facilities for life. I want to hear it from you, baby. Is it true?”

  Royce walked farther into the crowd of people in Marlon’s direction with her hands on her hips. She stopped in front of him and looked up. His eyes used to hypnotize her. Today they caused her stomach to churn. “You need to leave here immediately,” she spoke in a calm, soft voice. “This is private property, and the owner has the legal right to practice discretion. If you don’t like it, sue me.”

  “Are you serious?” Marlon smiled bitterly, obviously embarrassed. “Who the hell do you think you are, Royce? I knew you before you had anything to brag about! Now, you think you’re too high and mighty for me?”

  “Yo, Royce, let me punch this punk’s lights out!” Hard Core yelled as he tried to break free from his entourage.

  “He’s not worth it. Your CD is at the top of the charts, and you just landed a role in John Singleton’s upcoming movie. I won’t let you ruin your career for him.” Royce turned back to Marlon. “I’m about to call the police and have you arrested for trespassing. The dean of your medical school would surely frown upon your incarceration.”

  “Royce, please don’t do that. I just wanted to talk to you, but I got upset when I was told you’d banned me from your businesses. That’s all. Give me a break. I just need five minutes of your time. Please.”

  Royce looked around at the mob of onlookers. She zoomed in on Lenny, her trusted chief security guard, and waved him over.

  “Yes, ma’am, Ms. Phillips?”

  “I want you, Elroy, and Santana to disperse this crowd for me. Make sure Hard Core and his crew leave pronto. I don’t want him to make a pretzel out of Dr. Burrell.”

  “Got it.” Lenny turned around and faced the spectators. “Okay, let’s break it up! Move along! Go on about your business!”

  “Thanks, Royce. Can we go inside to your office for privacy?”

  Royce rolled her eyes to the sky. “Say whatever you need to say right here. And you have exactly five minutes.”

  “I’ve missed you.”

  “Are you serious?”

  “Yes, I’m very serious. I know I messed up, but I didn’t w
ant to lose you or my son. You and Marlon Jr. meant the world to me. There hasn’t been a day since you left me that I haven’t thought about you. I was a happy man when we were together. Please forgive me for hurting you. Let me make it up to you. Give me another chance. Give us another chance.”

  “I’ve moved on, Marlon. I’m in love with a man who knows the meaning of faithfulness. He’s committed to me and only me. I wouldn’t leave him for you or any other man.”

  “I don’t see a ring on your finger,” he pointed out, inspecting Royce’s left hand. “I’ll give you a diamond today, the biggest one money can buy. Let me spend the rest of my life making you happy, baby. I want you to be my wife and the mother of my kids. I love you, Royce.”

  “Your five minutes are up. Goodbye, Marlon.”

  Royce turned quickly and power walked toward the entrance of the building. Marlon continued shouting, telling her how much he loved her and wanted her in his life. She couldn’t return his feelings because she was in love with Father Gregory, but she did want the kind of life he’d offered her. Royce had dreamed of a fairy-tale wedding and a romantic honeymoon on a secluded island, relaxing on a white, sandy beach. She had imagined her protruding belly filled with her husband’s child, too. A devoted husband, adorable children, and family holidays in Thomasville had been important components of her life plan. It seemed funny to her how her priorities had changed in a few months. Love made strange things happen for those who dared to dive in.

  Chapter Thirty

  “I want you to file for a restraining order against him in the morning. I’m serious, Royce.”

  “That won’t be necessary, honey. Marlon is no fool. His job and reputation mean a lot to him. He’s not going to risk losing everything for stalking me.”

  Father Gregory dropped his fork on his nearly empty plate. It landed hard, making a loud crashing sound. “He was brave and determined enough to challenge your security guards and a gangster rapper just so he could talk to you today. He seems like a man on a mission to me. Tell me again why you agreed to speak with him privately.”

  “He begged me for a few minutes of my time, Nicholas. And I was curious.”

  “So, you gave your ex-lover an opportunity to declare his love for you and ask for your hand in marriage because you were curious? The man deceived you and broke your heart, Royce! Why on earth would you want to listen to anything he had to say?” he shouted and banged his fist on the table once with force.

  Royce flinched and closed her eyes, startled by his anger. “I . . . I don’t know. I guess I thought if I allowed him to say his piece, he would leave me alone once and for all. Maybe I was a bit naïve.”

  “Yes, you were.”

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to upset you, Nicholas. Please forgive me.”

  The remaining moments of dinner went by slowly and in uncomfortable silence. Royce felt terrible about the Marlon situation, but she wasn’t certain why. She hadn’t done anything wrong. In her opinion, she had handled the problem quite well. Marlon’s marriage proposal had been rejected, and he now knew that Royce was in love with another man and had moved on with her life. He was also aware that he’d been banned from both of her fitness facilities. How much more did Father Gregory think she should’ve done?

  Royce cleared the dinner table, washed the dishes, and put the leftover food away while her obviously disgruntled lover remained in his chair. She felt his eyes all over her as she moved about the kitchen, sweeping the floor. His anger toward her was unsettling and unjustified. There was no reason for him to feel threatened by Marlon or any other man because her heart belonged to him. Their relationship was anything but normal, and its future was uncertain. But Royce loved Father Gregory limitlessly, and she was totally committed to him. Whatever insecurities he had about their relationship had nothing to do with Marlon Burrell. Apparently, he was dealing with some personal issues that he didn’t care to share with her.

  “Would you like a glass of wine or a cup of tea?”

  Father Gregory folded his arms across his chest and shook his head.

  “I’m going upstairs to relax. Are you coming?”

  “No. I’m going to sleep at the parsonage tonight.” He stood from his chair and walked over to Royce. “I’ll call you later.”

  “Nicholas, please talk to me. Why are you so upset?”

  “Not now, Royce. I’ll call you.”

  Confused and disappointed, Royce watched Father Gregory exit the kitchen. She stood in place with tears threatening to spill from her eyes, but she refused to cry. Their first serious disagreement as a couple was very painful. Royce was willing to do anything to mend things between them. She loved him so much, and she wanted to make him happy again.

  “Damn you, Marlon!”

  * * *

  “He’s home early this evening.”

  “Yes, he is. And he seems to be in a very unpleasant mood. He barely said two words to me when I asked him about his day.”

  Father Schmidt moved his chess piece to another position on the game board. “There must be trouble in paradise. There is no trace of the vanilla scent on his body, he appears upset, and he’s here. Yes, he and his lover are definitely quarreling.”

  “Maybe he caught her with another man.” Father Rivera snorted.

  “That’s possible. Or maybe she wants him to marry her, and he has refused to do so.”

  “He can’t marry her. He’s a priest.”

  “I know he’s a priest, you idiot!” Father Schmidt snapped. “But he’s also a man who is obviously involved with a woman. He spends lots of time with her, too. I’m certain that he loves her. Why else would he put his soul and the priesthood in jeopardy?”

  “I suppose you’re right. I am ignorant of such things. But you once lived a worldly life before your transformation. You’re familiar with the ways of women.” Father Rivera paused and looked at the older German priest. “Father, what is it like? Being with a woman, I mean.”

  “If God has created anything more satisfying, He must’ve kept it only for Himself.”

  * * *

  Father Gregory didn’t call Royce the previous night as he’d told her he would, and she had lost lots of rest because of it. All kinds of crazy thoughts had kept her awake until the wee hours of the morning. Now, as she sat in a meeting with her marketing team, she was finding it extremely hard to stay awake. She blinked her weary eyes several times and stifled a yawn with the back of her hand. Warren, her chief marketing executive, was addressing the group about the new membership drive, but all Royce could think about was leaving work early so she could hurry home to retire to her bed.

  All of a sudden, everyone in the meeting turned to watch Cassie as she tiptoed into the conference room carrying a gorgeous crystal vase filled with red roses. She walked directly to the head of the huge conference table and handed them along with a card to her boss.

  “These were just delivered for you,” she whispered through a bright smile.

  “Thank you, Cassie. Could you please bring me a cup of black coffee? I need a boost.”

  Cassie nodded and left the room quietly as Warren continued with his presentation. Royce admired the beautiful roses. Deep in her heart, she knew they were from Father Gregory. They were a peace offering. She tore into the card with her pulse racing with anticipation.

  My love,

  I’m sorry. I had no right to take my insecurities and frustration out on you. You handled Marlon like a champion. I should’ve let it go, but I acted like a jealous fool instead. Please forgive me. I love you with all my heart. I’ll see you this evening.


  Royce wanted to be angry with her sweetheart for the way he’d behaved yesterday and for causing her to lose sleep last night. But the deep and unconditional love she had for him softened her heart. They’d made it through their first lovers’ spat, and she couldn’t have been happier. Tonight was going to be extra special. Royce would make sure of it. After the meeting, she would leave and go straight
to the international market to buy two huge lobster tails and a pair of premium-cut T-bone steaks. Of course, she would pick up a bottle of wine as well. Father Gregory was about to learn how to make up with his woman after a fight.

  * * *

  “Do you miss me?”

  “Of course I miss you, sweetie. You’re my favorite nephew.”

  “Auntie Royce, I’m your only nephew.” The boy’s giggle filled the vehicle through the dashboard communication system. “Have you seen Father Gregory?”

  Royce’s hands tightened around the steering wheel and she bit down on her bottom lip. Her stomach muscles contracted as she envisioned her fine-ass man. “I didn’t go to church Sunday.”

  “So, you haven’t seen him?”

  “Tyler, where else would I see him besides church?”

  “I don’t know. Father Gregory does love your cooking. I thought maybe he stopped by for a meal or two.”

  “The parsonage has a cook who prepares meals daily for him and the other priests there. Father Gregory doesn’t need me to feed him.”

  “I guess not. I’m going to call him this evening to check on him. I miss him. I wonder if he misses me.”

  “Ask him when you call him.”

  “I will. I’ve got to go now. Grandpa and I are going to the lodge to shoot pool and eat junk food. I’ll see you Saturday. I love you, Auntie Royce.”

  “I love you too.”

  Royce was a bit shaken by Tyler’s question about her seeing Father Gregory. Did the boy know something was going on between her and the priest?

  “Ain’t no way,” she mumbled, shaking her head. “It’s impossible. No one knows our secret except us.”

  Waterloo, Sierra Leone

  West Africa

  “I’ve decided to call Royce and tell her what I know about her and Father Gregory. You were right. Telling my mother would’ve caused major problems in the family. Thank you for talking me out of it. I should’ve known better. Royce is the person I need to have a conversation with.”


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