Love's Broken Vow

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Love's Broken Vow Page 21

by Honey

  “I don’t want to talk about it.”

  “Why? Are you afraid I’m going to say ‘I told you so’?”

  Royce folded her arms across her chest and raised her chin in defiance. “It’s not your business, and I don’t give a damn what you say. I will not have this conversation with you, Z.”

  “He called it quits, didn’t he? That lowdown, dirty dog used you for his satisfaction and disposed of you like stinking garbage. Who the hell does he think he is? I will—”

  “You will do nothing, Zora. Leave it alone. It’s over. I’ll be fine.”

  “I sure hope so, but I’m worried. You have always taken pride in your physical appearance and your good health. I’ve never known you to carry extra pounds around or eat junk food. He drove you to this.”

  “I’m an adult, and I make my own decisions. No one drove me to do anything. So I’ve put on a few pounds. What’s the problem? I’ll lose the weight in no time at all. I’m a fitness expert. Remember?”

  “Well, hurry up and get yourself together, Royce. You’re still young and pretty. You’ll find another man, one who will love you and cherish you forever. As a matter of fact, there’s a very nice doctor who traveled with our group to Africa. He’s handsome and single. He lives in metro Atlanta, too. I’m going to give him a call tomorrow.”

  “You’ll do no such thing, Zora,” Eric growled as he entered the kitchen. “You’re meddling again, and I don’t like it. The car is loaded, and I’m tired. Let’s go to our house and mind our business.”

  Royce followed Eric out of the kitchen without another word to Zora. She had mentally dismissed her the moment she started trying to play matchmaker.

  Tyler was in the foyer with his backpack in tow. Royce ran her fingers through his hair and smiled. He was such a handsome kid with skin the color of cocoa just like hers and his annoying mother’s. Royce was going to miss having him around. She felt like bawling and begging Zora and Eric to let him stay. But it was time for the child to reunite with his parents. It was also time for Royce to move on with her life. She wasn’t sure what the future had in store for her, so she had to keep living to find out.

  Chapter Thirty-nine

  “So, you’re leaving the country for the rest of the summer, huh?”

  “Yes, sir. I’m going to the West Indies with my mom and dad. They’re going for another medical mission on a teeny, tiny island called Dominica. Mom says most people get it confused with the Dominican Republic.”

  “I’m familiar with the Commonwealth of Dominica. It’s near Barbados. I spent the day sightseeing there once when I was serving in the Caribbean. It’s a beautiful island. The people there are very warm and friendly.”

  “Did you know that the second and third Pirates of the Caribbean movies were filmed there?”

  “Yes, I did.”

  “Dad says we’re going on the movie location tour. It’s a popular tourist attraction. We’re going deep-sea fishing and maybe snorkeling too.”

  Father Gregory chuckled. “It sounds like you’re going on an adventure. I’m sure you’ll have lots of fun.”

  “I will, but I feel kind of guilty about leaving Auntie Royce here all alone.” Tyler leaned forward and rested his elbows on Father Gregory’s desk. He lowered his chin into the palms of his hands. “I’m going to miss her.”

  The mere mention of her name hit the priest in the stomach like a sucker punch. Last night’s dream of him and Royce holding hands walking through a botanical paradise, happy and content, took his mind prisoner. Mercy, how he loved that woman. “How is Royce?”

  “Okay, I guess. I call her every evening, but she’s always tired and sleepy. So we don’t talk very long. I just like to hear her voice every day to make sure she’s all right. She’s thinking about opening a new center in another location. I heard my dad telling my mom about it.”

  “Your aunt is a very astute businesswoman. She’s smart and quite successful. You and your family should be extremely proud of her.”

  Tyler’s eyes sparkled like a pair of brilliant chocolate diamonds. “I am proud of her. Dad, my grandparents, and cousin Andra are too. It’s just that my mom thinks . . . I mean she wants Auntie Royce to—”

  “What is it, Tyler?” Father Gregory asked. “What does your mother want your auntie to do?” He leaned in closer to the boy from across his desk, curious and concerned.

  “Mom wants Auntie Royce to find a good man, get married, and have babies. She says my auntie keeps getting her heart broken because she gets involved with losers. My mom told Dad the last guy Auntie Royce dated used her and had no intention of ever marrying her.”

  “Your mother was referring to Marlon, wasn’t she?”

  Tyler shook his head. “No, she wasn’t. It’s some other dude I’ve never heard of before. I don’t even know his name. I just heard my mom telling my dad that Auntie Royce was a fool to get involved in a secret affair with a man who couldn’t be seen with her in public. That’s why they went to Chicago together. Mom said the guy has a very important job here in Atlanta, and it’s against the rules for him to have a girlfriend. But Auntie Royce loved him so much that she dated him anyway. Now, she’s sad and embarrassed because the dude broke up with her. His job meant more to him than she did. If I ever meet that buster, I’ll punch him in his face!”

  Father Gregory was stunned and stricken to silence. He couldn’t believe that Royce had confided in her sister about their affair. It was supposed to have been their secret. No one else was ever to know. But she was hurting just like he was. Fortunately for her, she had someone she could trust and pour her heart out to. Zora had no doubt comforted her as any big sister would have. Father Gregory couldn’t blame Royce for reaching out for consolation. He wasn’t as privileged.

  “Violence is never the solution to a misunderstanding,” he finally said to Tyler.

  “I know, but he hurt Auntie Royce. I’m tired of men mistreating her. I don’t understand why she can’t meet a man who’ll love her, respect her, and treat her special.”

  She already did, Father Gregory wished he could tell the boy. He closed his eyes instead and sent a silent prayer to heaven for Royce’s wounded heart.

  “My auntie is fine and smart,” Tyler added. “Plus she owns her own businesses, and she makes globs of money. Any man would be lucky to have her, but she always ends up with a dog. From now on, I don’t want her to date anyone else.”

  A knock at the door drew their attention away from the conversation. Father Gregory thanked God for the interruption. He felt guilty and uncomfortable discussing Royce with her nephew. And the sheer thought of their breakup brought about a sharp pain in his chest that felt like someone stabbing him unmercifully with a dagger. The throbbing became more intense when Tyler described Royce as sad and embarrassed because of what he had done to her.

  After the second knock, Father Gregory called out, “Come in.” He spoke in a calm voice although a tornado of emotions was tearing him apart on the inside.

  Sister Ellen Marie entered the office, smiling as usual. “Tyler’s father is here to take him home. He’s waiting in the vestibule.”

  “Cool! Thanks, Sister Ellen Marie.”

  “You’re welcome. I will see you tomorrow, dear.”

  Tyler turned to Father Gregory after the nun left the office. “I want you to meet my dad. I’ve been telling him all about you. Come on.”

  “Um, I . . . I’m sure your father is tired after curing sick people all day. Let him hurry home to eat dinner, spend time with his family, and rest. I’ll meet him some other time.”

  “If you don’t meet him today, you won’t get another chance until after we come back from Dominica.” Tyler walked around the desk, grabbed Father Gregory’s hand, and tugged. “Come and let me introduce you to the best doctor in the world.”

  Tyler would have it no other way except his way. Father Gregory had grown accustomed to his persistent and somewhat stubborn nature. He realized he had no other choice than to meet the boy
’s father. To refuse would be rude.

  He stood and followed Tyler out of his office and down the hallway. As they walked closer to the towering male dressed in green scrubs, Father Gregory inhaled and exhaled slowly. Dr. Benson was in good shape. If he suddenly decided to punch him in the face to defend his sister-in-law’s honor, he would probably succeed. And Father Gregory would take his beating like a man out of love and respect for Royce.

  “Dr. Benson,” he called out, approaching him with his right hand extended.

  Eric turned around and smiled at Tyler, but his expression became unpleasant in a matter of seconds. Father Gregory sensed that Dr. Benson wasn’t happy to see him. If looks could kill, a homicide was definitely on the good doctor’s evening agenda. But hopefully, Tyler’s presence would serve as a buffer to spare his mentor’s life.

  “You must be Father Gregory,” Eric said after an extended and very awkward pause. He shook the priest’s hand. “I’ve heard a lot about you.”

  “I hope Tyler has said as many good things to you about me as he has to me about you and your wife.”

  “My son has spoken very highly of you. But there’s another source very close to me who knows you quite well also. I don’t suppose we need to dig into that discussion at this time.”

  “Of course not, Dr. Benson.”

  Eric smiled, seemingly satisfied that he had put the fear of God in Father Gregory. “Thank you for mentoring and counseling Tyler while my wife and I were away on a mission. I’m sure you’ve heard that we’re taking him with us to Dominica in a few days.”

  He nodded. “Tyler told me he’s going away for the duration of the summer. I’m going to miss him.”

  “You’ll have more time to spend saving souls with fewer opportunities for anything else after he leaves. I understand you spent lots of time with my son and his aunt while Zora and I were in Africa.”

  “I . . . I did,” Father Gregory stammered and shifted his weight from one foot to the other timidly.

  Eric walked closer to him and whispered sternly, “Now that Tyler will be leaving the country with us, you have no other reason to visit Wind Song Estates. Your priestly duties have been discontinued there.” He walked away in the direction of the exit door.

  “Goodbye, Father Gregory,” Tyler said, hugging his friend and mentor. “I’ll see you tomorrow. Remember the kickball tournament starts right after lunch. I can’t wait!”

  * * *

  “Mama?” Royce sat up in bed and rubbed her eyes. “Is that you, Ma?”

  “Yes, it’s your mama, baby. How are you? You’ve been on my mind lately.”

  “I’m fine. I’ve been working hard, trying to expand the business to a new location. By the time I get home most evenings, I’m dog-tired.”

  “Your father and I are very proud of all you’ve accomplished, but I worry about you sometimes.”

  Royce laughed softly. It felt good to be loved. “You sound like Tyler. He calls every day to check on me. I love that kid. I miss him so much. This house isn’t the same without my little love bug.”

  “Yeah, my grandson is worried about you too. I spoke with him an hour ago. He told me you work like a slave, eat ice cream all the time, and you go to bed before the sun goes down. I’m concerned, sweetie. Why don’t you come and visit your father and me for a few days so we can make a fuss over you?”

  “That’s not necessary. And I don’t have time to take off from work anyway.” Royce sighed. “Mama, please don’t be concerned about me. I’m doing great. I feel wonderful,” she lied smoother than silk.

  “Okay. I reckon I’ll have to take your word for it. It’s just that I remember how thirty-two years ago my daily routine sounded a lot like yours. I worked hard, ate too many sweet treats, and slept every chance I got.”

  “Wow! Really? Were you sick?”

  “No, sweetie pie, Mama wasn’t sick. She was expecting.”

  Chapter Forty

  Father Rivera’s snort-filled laughter reminded Father Gregory of a wild hog. It, mixed with Father Schmidt’s throaty chuckles and slurred speech, would’ve been entertaining any other time. But this evening it held no humor for the senior-ranking priest of the group.

  Although Father Gregory had agreed to join his housemates in the parlor to watch a comedy movie and sip cocktails, his mind was somewhere else. Thoughts of Royce, her sister, and her brother-in-law had taken him prisoner. His brief encounter with Eric Benson had been awkward, but no hostile altercation had taken place. However, Royce’s brother-in-law had confirmed that he indeed was aware of their past involvement. And he’d made it crystal clear that under no circumstances should the relationship be rekindled. Father Gregory couldn’t exactly accuse the doctor of threatening him, but he had spoken to him quite candidly out of concern for Royce.

  The two other priests suddenly howled at a funny scene in the movie. Father Gregory abandoned his thoughts of Eric Benson, the overprotective brother-in-law, to concentrate on Royce. He wondered what she was doing at that very moment. If she was as miserable as he was, she was damn near pathetic. A glass of wine and an all-star cast of talented comedians clowning through an outrageous plot couldn’t cure his ills not even for a night. Even though Father Gregory wasn’t alone, he was lonely and on the brink of tears. He didn’t want Royce’s life to be reduced to loneliness, teardrops, and sleepless nights. He loved her so much that he wanted her to be happy. He prayed that God would bless her with a wonderful husband who would love and honor her and give her the children she desired. She deserved that kind of life and so much more.

  * * *

  Tears found their way through Royce’s closed eyelids. She wiped them with the back of her hand and sniffled. She stared at the wick of the digital home pregnancy test, which guaranteed 99 percent accuracy, one more time. Its results were the same as the first three she’d taken. Royce was pregnant. It should’ve been the most joyous moment of her life, but that wasn’t the case. How could she be happy? There she was almost 32 years old, unmarried, and pregnant by a man with whom she had no future. Today was not a day of celebration. Royce was sad and ashamed. She was a registered nurse, for heaven’s sake! How had she been so irresponsible?

  Royce picked up the phone with every intention of calling her mother to tell her that her out-of-the-blue prediction had been dead on point. She was expecting. She hadn’t planned to get pregnant, but she and Father Gregory had not been as careful as they should have been on a few occasions. Royce could recall a couple of times when they’d acted like two reckless teenagers in heat. She hadn’t been overly concerned because her cycle had the tendency to be irregular from time to time. Over the years, she’d missed a period here or there without alarm. But during those times she’d either been celibate or very cautious with her partner.

  Through a heavy flow of tears, Royce noticed the time on her cell phone. It was much too late to call her mother. Andra was in Los Angeles at a television producers’ conference, and Royce had no intention of sharing her delicate situation with Zora. She needed compassion, not a lecture on stupidity and irresponsibility. Royce dialed the number of the person who had been her rock during her messy breakup with Marlon. The phone rang several times before the familiar, deep voice answered.

  “Eric, it’s me, Royce. I’m sorry I woke you, but I really need to talk to you.”

  “You didn’t wake me, little sis. Believe it or not, I just left Smitty’s Bar. I was hanging out and catching up with the fellows. I could swing by if you need me to.”

  “I’ll make a pot of tea.”

  * * *

  “Would you care for a glass of wine also, ma’am?” the petite flight attendant with a cute pixie hairstyle asked Royce and smiled.

  Eric held his breath, hoping that Zora wouldn’t make a big deal out of Royce’s beverage selection. Everyone in the family knew her to be a passionate lover of white wine. But she couldn’t drink alcohol in her condition. She had just entered her second trimester of pregnancy, according to his calculations.
It was safe for her to travel to Dominica with the family and assist the medical team with pediatric checkups, but boozing it up was totally out of the question. Eric had invited Royce along on the mission only because she was so distraught about her unexpected pregnancy. And he believed she needed a break from Atlanta, where memories of her life with Father Gregory were still fresh.

  Royce returned the flight attendant’s smile. “I would love a glass of orange juice, ma’am.”

  “What?” Zora snapped, whipping her head in her sister’s direction. “You have never refused a glass of wine since the day you turned twenty-one. What’s going on with you, Royce Dominique?”

  “You’ve been calling me fat ever since you and Eric returned from Sierra Leone. Now that I’m trying to watch my weight, you have the nerve to question me? Give me a break, Z.”

  Royce’s smart and speedy response seemed to have quieted Zora for the time being. Eric was relieved. In a few weeks, it would be virtually impossible for Royce to hide her pregnancy from his ever-meddlesome wife. If she chose outfits that made her seem more slender and laid off of the ice cream and cookies, she could possibly buy herself some more time. Regardless, Eric was determined to protect Royce and support her until she was ready to tell the family about the baby. It was a day he was not looking forward to.

  Tyler, who was sitting on the other side of Royce, removed his earplugs and smiled at his aunt. “I’m glad you decided to come with us. You and I can go swimming in the ocean, jet skiing, hiking in the mountains, and jogging on the beach. I can’t wait, Auntie Royce.”

  “Neither can I,” she told the child with a straight face.

  Royce and Eric’s eyes met. He offered her his most encouraging smile. Her baby was growing and developing fine, and Eric did want Royce to be as active as possible during the pregnancy. He would allow her to swim and jog as long as she was up to it. But there would be no jet skiing or hiking in the mountains.


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